Chemistry and Chemical Engineering: Syntheses & reactions
Covers key library resources for chemists and chemical engineers who want to search bibliographic terms, chemical structures, chemical reactions, and physical properties or numeric data. Also includes software and collaborative tools as well as methods t
Syntheses and reactions databases
Large synthesis and reaction databases
- Science of synthesis Houben-Weyl methods of molecular transformations"Science of Synthesis (SoS) provides a critical review of synthetic methodology developed to-date in the fields of organic and organometallic chemistry. Features include: Selection of molecular transformations by world-renowned experts with elaboration on scope and limitations; Full-text descriptions of synthetic methods with practical experimental procedures immediately applicable in the lab; Community of over 1,000 experts involved in the review and updating of methods; Logical organization of the synthetic methods for each functional group; and Intuitive search functions to allow rapid lead generation and route optimization."
- SciFinderSciFinder is the most comprehensive database for coverage of chemistry & chemical engineering. It has the world's largest collection of organic and inorganic substance information. The web version of SciFinder provides integrated access to CAPlus, CAS Registry, CASREACT, CHEMLIST, and CHEMCATS which are produced by Chemical Abstracts Service, and to MEDLINE which is produced by the U.S. National Library of Medicine. Sources covered in SciFinder include 10,000 journals, patents from 61 patent authorities, book chapters, conference proceedings, dissertations, evaluated reference works, technical reports, as well as book reviews and biographical information.
- ReaxysReaxys Xcelerate is a fully integrated electronic chemistry database that contains organic, inorganic and organometallic substance, property, and reaction data for small molecules housed previously in the Beilstein, Gmelin, and Chemistry Patent databases, as well as Reaxys medicinal chemistry. Includes coverage from 1771-present for 400 journals. Coverage also includes English language-only patents from the major chemistry patent classes of the U.S., European, and World Patent Offices. Reaxys Xcelerate is a premium version of Reaxys that allows faster analysis of results using visualization tools, automates synthesis planning, and uses flexible reporting outputs for sharing their results and annotations with colleagues.
Structure searching in the Web of Science and Derwent Innovations Index
- Web of science core collection"Web of Science Core Collection provides access to the world's leading citation databases. Authoritative, multidisciplinary content covers journals worldwide, including Open Access journals and conference proceedings. Includes current and retrospective coverage in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities, with coverage to 1900." (publisher's description) After signing in on the Web of Science platform, it is possible to do structure searches and view structures and reactions in search results. "Under the hood," two databases are being searched: Current Chemical Reactions (CCR) and Index Chemicus (IC). *CCR contains single- and multi-step new synthetic methods. *IC is a vital source of new information on biologically active compounds and natural products
- Derwent innovations indexIndex opens the power of patent searching to all levels of an organisation. It offers an unrivalled breadth of coverage by combining value-added patent records from Derwent World Patents Index with patent citation information from Patents Citation Index. This unique merged data set, comprising 14.3 million inventions from 41 worldwide patent-issuing authorities, is accessed through an intuitive web interface. You can browse easily between patent records without using a complicated search language, and explore related ideas using citation links.
Smaller but important sources of organic chemistry syntheses and reactions
- Organic syntheses : an annual publication of satisfactory methods for the preparation of organic chemicals .."Organic Syntheses describes checked and edited experimental procedures, spanning a broad range of synthetic methodologies, and provides chemists with a compendium of new or little known experimental procedures which lead to useful compounds or that illustrate important new developments in methodology. For every procedure, safety warnings are presented along with detailed descriptions for the preparation, purification, and identification of the compound in question. Additionally, special reaction conditions are detailed, along with the source of reagents, helpful waste disposal guidelines, discussions of results, references to the primary literature, and an appendix of nomenclature and registry numbers."--Publisher's website.
- Organic reactionsOnline resource for synthetic organic chemists which provides information about the most important and useful synthetic reactions, organized primarily by reaction type. Each major component contains a critical discussion of the featured type of reaction as well as a step-by-step guide to performing it. The online version of Organic Reactions has been a regularly updated online database since 2003 and is available as either an electronic major reference work (eMRW), or a fully-featured database product with a set of advanced tools for structure/sub-structure and reaction searching.
- Synthetic reaction updates"Synthetic Reaction Updates is a literature updating service keeping you up to date with recent developments in synthetic organic chemistry. Covering a wide range of primary sources, Synthetic Reaction Updates includes the most important reactions published in the recent scientific literature, presented as easy to read reaction schemes that are searchable by topic and reaction type."--Site Web Editor.
Smaller but important sources of inorganic chemistry syntheses and reactions
Inorganic syntheses
Publication Date: 1939-"For anyone working in inorganic chemistry, The Inorganic Syntheses series is the complete and up-to-date review of the area, providing the detailed foolproof information needed by lab chemists on procedures for the preparation of important and timely inorganic compounds. With recent volumes covering the latest hot topics and developing areas such as organometallic chemistry, main group chemistry and ligands, co-ordination chemistry and applications in material science, this series is also of use to organic and organometallic chemists, biochemists and materials scientists." (publisher's descriptinInorganic Reactions and Methods by J. J. Zuckerman (Editor)
Publication Date: 1986-1999"Inorganic Reactions and Methods systemizes the discipline of modern inorganic chemistry according to a plan constructed by a council of editorial advisors and consults that include three Nobel laureates (E.O. Fischer, H. Taube, and G. Wilkinson). Rather than producing a collection of unrelated review articles, this series creates a framework that reflects the creative potential of this scientific discipline. In a clear, concise, and highly organized manner, it provides an in-depth treatment of bond formation reactions categorized by element type. The series covers all areas of inorganic chemistry including chemistry of the elements, coordination compounds, donor-acceptor adducts, organometallic, polymer and solid-state material, and compounds relevant to bioinorganic chemistry. A unique index system provides users with several fast options for accessing information on forming any bond type, compound, or reaction. Coverage of both classical chemistry and the frontiers of today's research make this series a valuable reference for years to come." (publisher's description)Synthetic Methods of Organometallic and Inorganic Chemistry by W. A. Herrmann (Editor)
Publication Date: 1996"The Synthetic Methods of Organometallic and Inorganic Chemistry series contains experimental procedures which are organized according to the periodic table. The series is designed as a benchtop tool for all those involved in preparative organometallic, inorganic and organoelement chemistry, whether in laboratory courses, research or industrial applications. The procedures have been submitted by experts throughout the world. For each group of the periodic table, an international specialist has selected the most useful and reliable procedures, which are accompanied by a text giving an overview of the area in questions." (publisher's description)
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- Syntheses & reactions
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- Last Updated: Dec 20, 2024 3:59 PM
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Subjects: Chemical engineering, Chemistry, Science and engineering
Tags: chemical engineering, chemistry, Science