Chemistry and Chemical Engineering: Article & patent databases
Covers key library resources for chemists and chemical engineers who want to search bibliographic terms, chemical structures, chemical reactions, and physical properties or numeric data. Also includes software and collaborative tools as well as methods t
Chemistry and chemical engineering databases
Databases index the primary literature to help you distill the information you want to browse from all the other sources out there. Some databases index sources that others do not, which is why you should explore multiple areas to gather a wholistic perspective of the topic.
Core chemistry and chemical engineering databases
- SciFinderSciFinder is the most comprehensive database for coverage of chemistry & chemical engineering. It has the world's largest collection of organic and inorganic substance information. The web version of SciFinder provides integrated access to CAPlus, CAS Registry, CASREACT, CHEMLIST, and CHEMCATS which are produced by Chemical Abstracts Service, and to MEDLINE which is produced by the U.S. National Library of Medicine. Sources covered in SciFinder include 10,000 journals, patents from 61 patent authorities, book chapters, conference proceedings, dissertations, evaluated reference works, technical reports, as well as book reviews and biographical information.
- ReaxysReaxys Xcelerate is a fully integrated electronic chemistry database that contains organic, inorganic and organometallic substance, property, and reaction data for small molecules housed previously in the Beilstein, Gmelin, and Chemistry Patent databases, as well as Reaxys medicinal chemistry. Includes coverage from 1771-present for 400 journals. Coverage also includes English language-only patents from the major chemistry patent classes of the U.S., European, and World Patent Offices. Reaxys Xcelerate is a premium version of Reaxys that allows faster analysis of results using visualization tools, automates synthesis planning, and uses flexible reporting outputs for sharing their results and annotations with colleagues.
- Engineering villageEngineering Village is an information discovery platform that includes access to Compendex (Computerized Engineering Index), the most comprehensive bibliographic database of scientific and technical engineering research available, covering all engineering disciplines. It includes millions of bibliographic citations and abstracts from thousands of engineering journals and conference proceedings. When combined with the Engineering Index Backfile (1884-1969), Compendex covers well over 120 years of core engineering literature. Users can also search and locate Knovel e-book, journal and conference proceedings on Engineering Village and link through to Knovel for full-text access.
Focused chemistry and chemical engineering databases
- Analytical abstracts"Items in Analytical Abstracts fall into three main categories: Journal articles, technical reports, and books. More than 250 key international journals are scanned regularly by the Analytical Abstracts editorial team. Over 75% of the original material is published in English, with other major languages being French and German, Russian and other eastern European languages, Chinese, and Japanese. Abstracting from non-English-language sources is performed by a panel of chemists with language skills. A small number of other secondary sources are scanned, in order to find items published in more obscure journals or in the non-chemistry literature, for example, environmental, pharmaceutical or geological publications." Inclusive dates: 1980-present.
- Chemical hazards in industryCovers health and safety issues for all sectors of the chemical industries. The scientific and trade literature are scanned for information on safety and health hazards surrounding chemicals encountered in the chemical and related industries, with over 250 items published online every month. Coverage includes: health and safety; chemical and biological hazards; disposal, storage and transportation; industrial hazards; waste management; plant safety and best practice; legislation; emergency planning; and protective equipment. Searchable by chemical name or bibliographic data
- Laboratory hazards bulletinThis online database provides key information on hazards encountered by laboratory workers in all fields including R&D, analytical and hospital laboratories, scanned from the primary scientific and trade literature worldwide. Coverage includes: chemical and biological hazards; leaks, spills and unplanned releases; hazardous waste management; fires and explosions; safety legislation; precautions and safe practices; occupational health and hygiene monitoring; and protective equipment
- Natural product updatesProvides graphical abstracts of new developments in natural product chemistry, selected from dozens of key primary journals. Coverage includes: isolation studies, biosynthesis, new natural products, known compounds from new sources, structure determinations, and new properties and biological activities. Over 200 graphical abstracts are contained in each monthly bulletin, including structure diagrams, trivial and taxonomic names, molecular formulae, physical and biological properties. Subscribers to the monthly print bulletin also have free access to Natural Product Updates Online, the fully searchable web database which allows users to search across all items published in NPU to date. This service provides full text search capability on a variety of terms. An email alerting service is also available, allowing users to sign up for an email message every time a new monthly bulletin is published online.
- Synthetic reaction updates"Synthetic Reaction Updates is a literature updating service keeping you up to date with recent developments in synthetic organic chemistry. Covering a wide range of primary sources, Synthetic Reaction Updates includes the most important reactions published in the recent scientific literature, presented as easy to read reaction schemes that are searchable by topic and reaction type."--Site Web Editor.
- Key library links
- Reference shelf / softwareToggle Dropdown
- Article & patent databases
- Syntheses & reactionsToggle Dropdown
- Data & propertiesToggle Dropdown
- Lab safetyToggle Dropdown
- Subjects: analytical, physical & theoretical chemistry resourcesToggle Dropdown
- Subjects: biological, inorganic & organic chemistry resourcesToggle Dropdown
- Subjects: energy, environment, & materials chemistry resourcesToggle Dropdown
- Last Updated: Dec 20, 2024 3:59 PM
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Subjects: Chemical engineering, Chemistry, Science and engineering
Tags: chemical engineering, chemistry, Science