Chemistry and Chemical Engineering: Physical chemistry
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Physical chemistry: Key resources for researchers
Physicist's Desk Reference by E. Richard Cohen, David R. Lide, George L. Trigg, Editors
Publication Date: 2000"he book is a concise compilation of the most frequently used physics data and formulae with their derivations. This revision has six more chapters than the second edition, outdated chapters dropped, and new chapters added on atmospheric physics, electricity and magnetism, elementary particle physics, fluid dynamics, geophysics, nonlinear physics, particle accelerators, polymer physics, and quantum theory.There is a new last chapter on practical laboratory data. The references and bibliographies have been updated. This book is an indispensable tool for the researcher, professional and student in physics as well as other scientists who use physics data." (publisher's description)Handbook of High-Resolution Spectroscopy by Martin Quack, Frederic Merkt, Editors
Publication Date: 2011“Combining the knowledge of spectroscopy, laser technology, chemical computation, and experiments, Handbook of High-Resolution Spectroscopy provides an overview of rotational, vibration, electronic and photoelectron spectroscopy. This essential handbook for advanced research students, graduate students, and researchers takes the reader through the range of wavelengths, covering all possible techniques such as Microwave Spectroscopy, Infrared Spectroscopy, Raman Spectroscopy, VIS, UV and VUV.” (publisher’s description)Handbook of Molecular Physics and Quantum Chemistry, 3 Volume Set by Stephen Wilson (Editor-In-Chief); Peter F. Bernath (Associate Editor); Roy McWeeny (Associate Editor)
Publication Date: 2003"Published in three volumes, this comprehensive reference work brings together in a single source for the first time, a detailed presentation of the most important theoretical concepts and methods for the study of molecules and molecular systems. Includes: Fundamentals, Molecular Electronic Structure, and Molecules in the Physico-Chemical Environment." (Publisher's description)Handbook of Physics by John W. Harris, Horst Stöcker, Walter Benenson, Holger Lutz, Editors
Publication Date: 2006"Handbook of Physics is a veritable toolbox for rapid access to a wealth of physics information for everyday use in problem solving, homework, and examinations. This complete reference includes not only the fundamental formulas of physics but also experimental methods used in practice." (publisher's description)Handbook of Surface and Interface Analysis by Sverre Myhra, John C. Riviere, Editors
Publication Date: 2009The "Handbook of Surface and Interface Analysis: Methods for Problem-Solving" describes the physical basis and technical implementation of the most commonly used techniques for materials characterization. Providing an overview of the benefits and limitations for each methodology, this second edition features five brand new chapters that address surface and interface analysis by HRTEM and XTEM, synchrotron-based techniques, scanning tunneling microscopy, biocompatible materials, and nano-structured materials. This volume combines the expertise from a distinguished group of scientists into a comprehensive, integrated source of information on the characterization methods considered crucial in this field.
(source: Nielsen Book Data)Methods in Physical Chemistry, 2 Volume Set by Rolf Schäfer, Peter C. Schmidt, Editors
Publication Date: 2012Meeting the needs of the scientific community, these two must-have volumes are the only work to provide a thorough overview of all the important methods currently used in physical chemistry. The work bridges the gap between standard textbooks and review articles, covering a large number of methods, as well as the motivation behind their use. The first volume deals with the gas and condensed phase, while volume two looks at interfaces and biomolecules and materials. A uniform approach is adopted throughout, while the critical comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of each method makes this a valuable reference for physical chemists and other scientists working with these techniques. (Publisher's description)Springer Handbook of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics by Gordon W. F. Drake (Editor)
Publication Date: 2007"This Handbook comprises a comprehensive reference source that unifies the entire fields of atomic, molecular, and optical (AMO) physics, assembling the principal ideas, techniques and results of the field from atomic spectroscopy to applications in comets. Its 92 chapters are written by over 100 authors, all leaders in their respective disciplines. It is carefully edited to ensure a uniform coverage and style and with extensive cross references, together with a guide to the primary research literature, it is both a source of information and an inspiration for graduate students and other researchers new to the field. All chapters offer diagrams of apparatus, graphs, and tables of data." (publisher's description)
Encyclopedias and major reference works
- Digital Encyclopedia of Applied Physics by George L. Trigg, Editor-in-ChiefPublication Date: 2002“This online reference work discusses the basic principles and provides in-depth coverage of all technically relevant areas of physics, coupled with technological applications from real life. Key subject areas covered in the Encyclopedia include: Optics and Laser Physics, Solid State and Semiconductor Physics, Atom and Nuclear Physics, Geophysics, Biophysics, Energy and Environmental Physics, and Measurement Science. With a clearly structured organization, this reference work enables quick access to targeted information using keywords or topics, held within the 700+ individual articles. The Encyclopedia is regularly updated with new and revised contributions.” (publisher’s description)
Encyclopedia of Chemical Physics and Physical Chemistry - 3 Volume Set by John H. Moore (Editor); Nicholas D. Spencer (Editor)
Publication Date: 2001“For the practicing physicist or chemist, the Encyclopedia of Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics is the place to start when confronted with a new problem or when the techniques of an unfamiliar area might be exploited. This three-volume encyclopedia gives a synopsis of the basics and an overview of the range of activities in which physical principles are applied to chemical problems. It also provides salient points gives pointers as to where to read about the topic in more detail. Particular attention has been paid to symbols and abbreviations to make this a user-friendly encyclopedia. Care has been taken to ensure that the reading level is suitable for the trained chemist or physicist.” (publisher’s description)Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics by Jean-Pierre Françoise, Gregory L. Naber, Tsou Sheung Tsun, Editors
Publication Date: 2004“The Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics contains information that has been distilled, organized and presented as a complete reference tool to users and as a landmark to the body of knowledge that has accumulated in this domain. It also is a stimulus for new researchers working in mathematical physics or in areas using the methods originating from work in mathematical physics by providing them with focused, high quality background information." (publisher's description)Comprehensive Biophysics by Edward Egelman (Editor-In-Chief)
Publication Date: 2012"Biophysics encompasses many disciplines, including physics, chemistry, mathematics, biology, biochemistry, medicine, pharmacology, physiology, and neuroscience, and it is essential that scientists working in these varied fields are able to understand each other's research. This work will help bridge that communication gap by providing definitive introductions to a broad array of topics, uniting different areas of biophysics research - from the physical techniques for studying macromolecular structure to protein folding, muscle and molecular motors, cell biophysics, bioenergetics and more. The work will be a valuable tool for helping researchers come to grips quickly with material from related biophysics fields outside their areas of expertise, and for reinforcing their existing knowledge." (publisher's description)Comprehensive Supramolecular Chemistry II by George W. Gokel, Len Barbour, Editors; Jerry L. Atwood (Editor-In-Chief)
Publication Date: 2017"Comprehensive Supramolecular Chemistry II, Second Edition is a 'one-stop shop' that covers supramolecular chemistry, a field that originated from the work of researchers in organic, inorganic and physical chemistry, with some biological influence. The original edition was structured to reflect, in part, the origin of the field. However, in the past two decades, the field has changed a great deal as reflected in this new work that covers the general principles of supramolecular chemistry and molecular recognition, experimental and computational methods in supramolecular chemistry, supramolecular receptors, dynamic supramolecular chemistry, supramolecular engineering, crystallographic (engineered) assemblies, sensors, imaging agents, devices and the latest in nanotechnology. Each section begins with an introduction by an expert in the field, who offers an initial perspective on the development of the field. Each article begins with outlining basic concepts before moving on to more advanced material." (publisher's description)
- ReaxysReaxys Xcelerate is a fully integrated electronic chemistry database that contains organic, inorganic and organometallic substance, property, and reaction data for small molecules housed previously in the Beilstein, Gmelin, and Chemistry Patent databases, as well as Reaxys medicinal chemistry. Includes coverage from 1771-present for 400 journals. Coverage also includes English language-only patents from the major chemistry patent classes of the U.S., European, and World Patent Offices. Reaxys Xcelerate is a premium version of Reaxys that allows faster analysis of results using visualization tools, automates synthesis planning, and uses flexible reporting outputs for sharing their results and annotations with colleagues.
- SpringerMaterials Providing access to numerical and graphical data on the properties of materials from the Landolt-Börnstein New Series, the Linus Pauling Files and other integrated resourcesSpringerMaterials at is a comprehensive database for identifying materials properties and covers data from materials science, physics, physical and inorganic chemistry, engineering and other related fields. SpringerMaterials was designed with a research focus on materials science, physics, chemistry, and engineering, and is supporting research and development in corporate organizations in the fields of bulk and fine chemical manufacturing, petroleum and petrochemicals, semiconductors and electronic materials, optical metals, ceramics, polymer synthesis and processing, and materials for fuels and energy application.
Review series
Advances in chemical physics
"Advances in Chemical Physics is an international forum for the review and critical evaluation of the science that has propelled every area of the discipline. Each volume contains discussions of aspects of the state of diverse subjects in chemical physics and related fields, with chapters written by top researchers in the field from around the world. The series now comprises more than 150 volumes covering the period from the mid 1960’s to the present. Collectively, they represent the history of modern chemical physics. Discussions of all areas of chemical physics, with extensions to biophysics and soft matter physics can be found in these volumes." (publisher's description)
- Springer Series in Chemical Physics"The Springer Series in Chemical Physics consists of research monographs in basic and applied chemical physics and related analytical methods. The volumes of this series are written by leading researchers of their fields and communicate in a comprehensive way both the basics and cutting-edge new developments. This series aims to serve all research scientists, engineers and graduate students who seek up-to-date reference books." (publisher's description)
- Structure and Bonding"Structure and Bonding is a publication which uniquely bridges the journal and book format. Organized into topical volumes, the series publishes in depth and critical reviews on all topics concerning structure and bonding. Topics addressed in the series now include the design and engineering of molecular solids such as molecular machines, surfaces, two dimensional materials, metal clusters and supramolecular species based either on complementary hydrogen bonding networks or metal coordination centers in metal-organic framework materials (MOFs). Also of interest is the study of reaction coordinates of organometallic transformations and catalytic processes, and the electronic properties of metal ions involved in important biochemical enzymatic reactions. Volumes on physical and spectroscopic techniques used to provide insights into structural and bonding problems, as well as experimental studies associated with the development of bonding models, reactivity pathways and rates of chemical processes are also relevant for the series." (publisher's description)
Foundational texts
Atkins' Physical Chemistry 11e by Peter Atkins; Julio de Paula; James Keeler
Publication Date: 2018"Atkins' Physical Chemistry is a popular textbook for studying physical chemistry. The eleventh edition has been enhanced with additional learning features and math support, and reorganized into discrete topics, to make the text more flexible for teachers and more readable for students.Elements of Quantum Mechanics by Michael D. Fayer
Publication Date: 2001"Elements of Quantum Mechanics provides a solid grounding in the fundamentals of quantum theory and is designed for a first semester graduate or advanced undergraduate course in quantum mechanics for chemistry, chemical engineering, materials science, and physics students. The text includes full development of quantum theory. It begins with the most basic concepts of quantum theory, assuming only that students have some familiarity with such ideas as the uncertainty principle and quantized energy levels. Fayer's accessible approach presents balanced coverage of various quantum theory formalisms, such as the Schrodinger representation, raising and lowering operator techniques, the matrix representation, and density matrix methods. He includes a more extensive consideration of time dependent problems than is usually found in an introductory graduate course. Throughout the book, sufficient mathematical detail and classical mechanics background are provided to enable students to follow the quantum mechanical developments and analysis of physical phenomena. Fayer provides many examples and problems with fully detailed analytical solutions." (publisher's description)Multiconfigurational Quantum Chemistry by Per Ake Malmqvist; Roland Lindh; Valera Veryazov; Per-Olof Widmark; Bjorn O. Roos
Publication Date: 2016"The first book to aid in the understanding of multiconfigurational quantum chemistry, Multiconfigurational Quantum Chemistry demystifies a subject that has historically been considered difficult to learn. Accessible to any reader with a background in quantum mechanics and quantum chemistry, the book contains illustrative examples showing how these methods can be used in various areas of chemistry, such as chemical reactions in ground and excited states, transition metal and other heavy element systems. The authors detail the drawbacks and limitations of DFT and coupled-cluster based methods and offer alternative, wavefunction-based methods more suitable for smaller molecules." (publisher's description)The Physical Chemist's Toolbox by Robert M. Metzger
Publication Date: 2012""This book is an indispensible guide for those in the fields of physics, chemistry, and materials science, addressing the relevant equations, theories, and tools used for research in these fields. Topics addressed are mechanics, special relativity, electricity and magnetism, quantum chemistry, thermodynamics, electrochemistry, statistical mechanics, symmetry, solid state physics and electronics. The book also addresses all possible energy and electrical sources, detectors, and algorithms, as well as all presently available major and minor instrumentation. There are also worked-out problems and suggested fill-in problems interspersed throughout." (publisher's description)Relativistic Quantum Chemistry by Markus Reiher; Alexander Wolf
Publication Date: 2014Einstein proposed his theory of special relativity in 1905. For a long time it was believed that this theory has no significant impact on chemistry. This view changed in the 1970s when it was realized that (nonrelativistic) Schrodinger quantum mechanics yields results on molecular properties that depart significantly from experimental results. Especially when heavy elements are involved, these quantitative deviations can be so large that qualitative chemical reasoning and understanding is affected. For this to grasp the appropriate many-electron theory has rapidly evolved. Nowadays relativistic approaches are routinely implemented and applied in standard quantum chemical software packages. As it is essential for chemists and physicists to understand relativistic effects in molecules, the first edition of this book had set out to provide a concise, comprehensive, and complete presentation of this theory. The second edition expands on some of the latest developments in this fascinating field. The text retains its clear and consistent style, allowing for a readily accessible overview of the complex topic. It is also self-contained, building on the fundamental equations and providing the mathematical background necessary.” (publisher’s description)Survival Guide for Physical Chemistry by Michelle Francl
Publication Date: 2001"In writing this book, I've aimed to give students a portable and readable compendium of information needed in physical chemistry. The approach taken throughout this book emphasizes mechanics at the expense of theory. Examples of techniques discussed are provided, along with heavily annotated solutions. This is meant to be a reference, not an additional text book." (author's description)
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Subjects: Chemical engineering, Chemistry, Science and engineering
Tags: chemical engineering, chemistry, Science