Chemistry and Chemical Engineering: Solubility data
Covers key library resources for chemists and chemical engineers who want to search bibliographic terms, chemical structures, chemical reactions, and physical properties or numeric data. Also includes software and collaborative tools as well as methods t
Solubility databases and handbooks
- IUPAC-NIST solubility databaseThese solubilities are compiled from 18 volumes of the International Union for Pure and Applied Chemistry(IUPAC)-NIST Solubility Data Series. The database includes liquid-liquid, solid-liquid, and gas-liquid systems. Typical solvents and solutes include water, seawater, heavy water, inorganic compounds, and a variety of organic compounds such as hydrocarbons, halogenated hydrocarbons, alcohols, acids, esters and nitrogen compounds. There are over 67,500 solubility measurements and over 1800 references.
National Toxicology Program's Chemical Solubility Compendium by Lawrence H. Keith, Douglas B. Walters
Publication Date: 2019"This book is a compilation of experimentally determined solubility ranges of over 1,700 compounds in the National Toxicology Program's Chemical Repository. Each compound's solubility was determined in a consistent manner in one to six solvents. Solvents chosen were those most commonly used for toxicology studies, spill cleanups, and chemical synthesis or chemical reaction experiments. These solvents include acetone, 95% ethanol, water, dimethyl sulfoxide, methanol, and toluene. Data for many of the research and industrial chemicals featured in this volume do not exist anywhere else. If you are a toxicologist, safety professional, industrial hygienist, or chemist, this book is a valuable reference tool you'll find yourself using every day." (publisher's description)Solubilities of inorganic and organic compounds by H. Stephen and T. Stephen
Contents: v. 1, pt. 1-2. Binary systems.--v. 2, pt. 1-2. Ternary and multicomponent systems.--v. 3, pt. 1-3. Ternary and multicomponent systems of inorganic substance. Some volumes available online: v. 1 pt.1:; v.1 pt.2:; v.2 pt.1:; v.2 pt.2:
- Key library links
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- Data & properties
- Lab safetyToggle Dropdown
- Subjects: analytical, physical & theoretical chemistry resourcesToggle Dropdown
- Subjects: biological, inorganic & organic chemistry resourcesToggle Dropdown
- Subjects: energy, environment, & materials chemistry resourcesToggle Dropdown
- Last Updated: Dec 20, 2024 3:59 PM
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Subjects: Chemical engineering, Chemistry, Science and engineering
Tags: chemical engineering, chemistry, Science