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Handbooks - start here
- The Oxford handbook of nanoscience and technology by A.V. Narlikar, Y.Y. Fu, EditorsPublication Date: 2010"Volume 1: Basic Aspects consolidates some of the major scientific and technological achievements in different aspects of the field of nanoscience and technology. Volume 2: Materials: Structures, Properties and Characterization Techniques presents important developments in the field of nanoscience and technology, focusing on the advances made with a host of nanomaterials including DNA and protein-based nanostructures. Volume 3: Applications highlights engineering and related developments in the field of nanoscience and technology, with a focus on frontal application areas like silicon nanotechnologies, spintronics, quantum dots, carbon nanotubes, and protein-based devices as well as various biomolecular, clinical and medical applications." (publisher's description)
Handbook of Nanomaterials Properties by Bharat Bhushan, Scott R. Schricker, Stefan Zauscher, Dan Luo, Wolfgang Sigmund, Editors
Publication Date: 2014"Nanomaterials attract tremendous attention in recent researches. Although extensive research has been done in this field it still lacks a comprehensive reference work that presents data on properties of different Nanomaterials. This Handbook of Nanomaterials Properties will be the first single reference work that brings together the various properties with wide breadth and scope." (publisher's description)Handbook of Nanoscience, Engineering, and Technology by William A. Goddard III, Donald Brenner, Sergey Edward Lyshevski, Gerald J. Iafrate, Editors
ISBN: 9781315217178Publication Date: 2018"In his 1959 address, "There is Plenty of Room at the Bottom," Richard P. Feynman speculated about manipulating materials atom by atom and challenged the technical community "to find ways of manipulating and controlling things on a small scale." This visionary challenge has now become a reality, with recent advances enabling atomistic-level tailoring and control of materials. Exemplifying Feynman's vision, Handbook of Nanoscience, Engineering, and Technology, Third Edition continues to explore innovative nanoscience, engineering, and technology areas. Along with updating all chapters, this third edition extends the coverage of emerging nano areas even further. Two entirely new sections on energy and biology cover nanomaterials for energy storage devices, photovoltaics, DNA devices and assembly, digital microfluidic lab-on-a-chip, and much more. This edition also includes new chapters on nanomagnet logic, quantum transport at the nanoscale, terahertz emission from Bloch oscillator systems, molecular logic, electronic optics in graphene, and electromagnetic metamaterials." (publisher's description)What Is What in the Nanoworld : a handbook on nanoscience and nanotechnology, 3rd edition by Victor E. Borisenko; Stefano Ossicini
Publication Date: 2012"The third edition of this introductory reference summarizes more than 2,200 terms and definitions, most important phenomena, and regulations occurring in the physics, chemistry, technology, and application of nanostructures. A representative collection of fundamental terms and definitions from quantum physics and chemistry, special mathematics, organic and inorganic chemistry, solid state physics, material science and technology accompanies recommended secondary sources for an extended study of any given subject." (publisher's description)
Handbooks in specialized or focused areas
Graphene Science Handbook by Cengiz S. Ozkan, Stanislaw Mitura, Juana L. Gervasoni, Mahmood Aliofkhazraei, Nasar Ali, William I. Milne, Editors
ISBN: 9781466591370Publication Date: 2016"Examines the Low Resistivity, High Mobility, and Zero Bandgap of Graphene The Graphene Science Handbook is a six-volume set that describes graphene's special structural, electrical, and chemical properties. The book considers how these properties can be used in different applications (including the development of batteries, fuel cells, photovoltaic cells, and supercapacitors based on graphene) and produced on a massive and global scale." (publisher's description)Handbook of Nanofabrication by Gary Wiederrecht (Editor-In-Chief)
Publication Date: 2009"Many of the devices and systems used in modern industry are becoming progressively smaller and have reached the nanoscale domain. Nanofabrication aims at building nanoscale structures, which can act as components, devices, or systems, in large quantities at potentially low cost. Nanofabrication is vital to all nanotechnology fields, especially for the realization of nanotechnology that involves the traditional areas across engineering and science." (publisher's description)Handbook of Nanomaterials in Analytical Chemistry by Chaudhery Mustansar Hussain (Editor)
Publication Date: 2019"Handbook of Nanomaterials in Analytical Chemistry: Modern Trends in Analysis explores the recent advancements in a variety of analytical chemistry techniques due to nanotechnology. It also devotes several chapters to the analytical techniques that have proven useful for the analysis of nanomaterials. As conventional analytical chemistry methods become insufficient in terms of accuracy, selectivity, sensitivity, reproducibility, and speed, recent advances have opened up new horizons for chemical analysis and detection methods. Chapters are authored by experts in their respective fields and include up-to-date reference materials, such as websites of interest and suggested reading lists on the latest research." (publisher's description)Handbook of Nanomaterials for Cancer Theranostics by Joao Conde (Editor)
Publication Date: 2018"Handbook of Nanomaterials for Cancer Theranostics focuses on recent developments in advanced theranostic nanomedicines from a chemical and biological perspective where the advantages of theranostics are achieved by combining multiple components. The authors explore the pros and cons of theranostic nanomaterials developed in cancer research in the last 15 years, with the different strategies compared and scrutinized. In addition, the book explores how nanomaterials may overcome the regulatory hurdles facing theranostic nanomedicines. This is an important research reference for postgraduates and researchers in nanomedicine and cancer research who want to learn more on how nanomaterials can help create more effective cancer treatments." (publisher's description)Handbook of Nanophysics by Klaus D. Sattler (Editor)
Publication Date: 2010"Breakthroughs in nanotechnology require a firm grounding in the principles of nanophysics. Providing the framework to achieve these advances, Handbook of Nanophysics is the first comprehensive reference to cover both fundamental and applied aspects of physics at the nanoscale. Pioneering scientists from preeminent academic institutions, R&D companies, and research laboratories pave the way for new innovations in nanotechnology. This seven-volume set offers a sound introduction to established fundamentals in the field as well as a summary of the most significant developments in research. After discussing the theoretical principles and measurements of nanoscale systems, the organization of the set generally follows the historical development of nanoscience. Each peer-reviewed chapter presents a didactic treatment of the physics underlying the nanoscale materials and applications along with detailed experimental results. " (publisher's description)Handbook of Nanosafety : measurement, exposure and toxicology by Ulla Vogel, Kai Savolainen, Qinglan Wu, Martie van Tongeren, Derk Brouwer, Markus Berges, Editors
ISBN: 9780124166042Publication Date: 2014"Handbook of Nanosafety: Measurement, Exposure and Toxicology provides a comprehensive understanding of engineered nanomaterials (ENM), current international nanosafety regulation, and how ENM can be safely handled in the workplace. Increasingly, the importance of safety needs to be considered when promoting the use of novel technologies like ENM. With its use of case studies and exposure scenarios, Handbook of Nanosafety demonstrates techniques to assess exposure and risks and how these assessments can be applied to improve workers' safety. Topics covered include the effects of ENM on human health, characterization of ENM, aerosol dynamics and measurement, exposure and risk assessment, and safe handling of ENM. Based on outcomes from the NANODEVICE initiative, this is an essential resource for those who need to apply current nanotoxicological thinking in the workplace and anyone who advises on nanosafety, such as professionals in toxicology, occupational safety and risk assessment." (publisher's description)Nanomaterials Handbook by Yury Gogotsi (Editor)
ISBN: 9781498703062Publication Date: 2017"Since publication of the first edition over a decade ago, the field of nanomaterials has grown substantially and has seen many novel developments, such as the discovery of new 2D materials, advancement of photonic crystals, graphene, inorganic nanotubes, and broad utilization of nanoparticles in electronics, medicine, and the food industry. Taking into account these tremendous advances in the field, the Second Edition of the Nanomaterials Handbook has been fully updated and extended to include the latest and emerging materials and technologies. It includes 11 chapters new to this edition, including topics such as graphene, biomedical applications, mechanics, nanoceramics, 2D metal carbides and carbonitrides, and safety of nanomaterials, among others. The Handbook continues its highly successful comprehensive approach covering fundamentals to applications and materials basics to tailored design, with 22 chapters authored by leading international experts."Springer Handbook of Nanomaterials by Robert Vajtai (Editor)
Publication Date: 2013"The Springer Handbook of Nanomaterials covers the description of materials which have dimension on the "nanoscale". The description of the nanomaterials in this Handbook follows the thorough but concise explanation of the synergy of structure, properties, processing and applications of the given material. The Handbook mainly describes materials in their solid phase; exceptions might be e.g. small sized liquid aerosols or gas bubbles in liquids. The materials are organized by their dimensionality. Zero dimensional structures collect clusters, nanoparticles and quantum dots, one dimensional are nanowires and nanotubes, while two dimensional are represented by thin films and surfaces. The chapters in these larger topics are written on a specific materials and dimensionality combination, e.g. ceramic nanowires. Chapters are authored by well-established and well-known scientists of the particular field." (publisher's description)Springer Handbook of Nanotechnology, 3rd edition by Bharat Bhushan (Editor)
Publication Date: 2010"The Springer Handbook of Nanotechnology, third edition, integrates the knowledge from nanofabrication, nanodevices, nanomechanics, nanotribology, materials science, and reliability engineering in just one volume. Beside the presentation of nanostructures, micro/nanofabrication, and micro/nanodevices, special emphasis is on scanning probe microscopy, nanotribology and nanomechanics, molecularly thick films, industrial applications and microdevice reliability, and on social aspects. In its 3rd edition, the book now includes a part with chapters on biomimetics. More information is added to such fields as bionanotechnology, nanorobotics, and (bio)MEMS/NEMS, bio/nanotribology and bio/nanomechanics." (publisher's description)
Encyclopedias and major reference works
Comprehensive Nanoscience and Nanotechnology by David Andrews, Thomas Nann, Robert H. Lipson, Editors-In-Chief
Publication Date: 2019Comprehensive Nanoscience and Technology, Second Edition allows researchers to navigate a very diverse, interdisciplinary and rapidly-changing field with up-to-date, comprehensive and authoritative coverage of every aspect of modern nanoscience and nanotechnology.CRC Concise Encyclopedia of Nanotechnology by Oxana Vasilievna Kharissova, Ubaldo Ortiz-Mendez, Boris ildusovich Kharisov, Editors
Publication Date: 2015"The CRC Concise Encyclopedia of Nanotechnology examines the design, application, and utilization of devices, techniques, and technologies critical to research at the atomic, molecular, and macromolecular levels ranging from 1 to 100 nanometers. More than three dozen specific topics are examined, including nanomaterials, nanocatalysts, nanoceramics, nanocrystals, carbon nanotubes, drug delivery, nanopolymers, nanoparticles, nanocoatings, and nanomedicine. The material is presented in a concise manner and has been updated to reflect the latest applications and research findings. Entries are organized alphabetically, making information easy to find. While coverage is comprehensive, each topic is presented concisely with a wealth of illustrative material and an accompanying eBook providing full-color figures and images.” (publisher’s description)Dekker Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology by Sergey Edward Lyshevski (Editor)
ISBN: 9781439891346Publication Date: 2011"The Dekker Encyclopedia Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 3rd edition, is a seven volume set that crosses disciplines to examine fundamental nano principles, theories, and methodologies, as well is the latest information on nano-relevant properties. It also covers advances in nanoscale engineering, newly developed simulation tools, and emerging computational methods." (publisher's description)Encyclopedia of Nanotechnology, 2nd edition by Bharat Bhushan (Editor)
Publication Date: 2016"The second edition of this exhaustive work provides a genuinely international, comprehensive and multi-disciplinary reference encompassing the many diverse topics surrounding the field of nanotechnology. Each entry in the 6-volume set offers a short, self-contained review of the subject matter, written at a level suitable for graduate students, researchers, and practitioners." (publisher's description)Nanotechnologies for the Life Sciences by Challa Kumar
Publication Date: 2007"This complete series of 10 volumes provides an excellent, in-depth overview of all nanoscale technologies and fabrication methods in materials engineering towards the life sciences. Each volume is dedicated to a specific topic that is covered in detail by experts from that particular field, reviewing existing technologies as well as current developments and the directions they are taking. The result is a cross-disciplinary, major reference work, bringing together the pertinent knowledge that was hitherto widely spread among many different sources." (publisher's description)
Review series & book series
Frontiers of Nanoscience
Publication Date: 2009-"Published by Elsevier, this series covers frontier research topics across the broad spectrum of the flourishing and interdisciplinary field of Nanoscale Science and Technology. The books are written at a level accessible to post graduate students (PhD and Masters) and final year undergraduates as well as experienced readers seeking to enter or master aspects of the field. Focusing on both the basic science and applications of nanostructures and nanosystems, each book is edited by one or more Volume Editors commissioned by the Series Editor. A key feature of each book in the Series is the tutorial introduction to the topic by the Volume Editors. Topics covered range from nanoscale physics through nanoscale chemistry, nanomaterials, nanoabrication and nanoengineering to nanomanufacturing, nanobiotechnology and nanoenvironmental research." (publisher's description)Micro & Nano Technologies
Publication Date: 2000-"Published by Elsevier, The Micro & Nano Technologies Series covers all major topic areas within the multidisciplinary field of micro & nano-scale science and technologies, including materials, technologies, applications, methods and tools as well as health and safety and environmental and regulatory aspects. The Series is aimed at Scientists and Engineers; in addition to full-length books the series includes short publications on fast-moving topics." (publisher's description)Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
Publication Date: 1998-"Published by Springer, the series NanoScience and Technology is focused on the fascinating nano-world, mesoscopic physics, analysis with atomic resolution, nano and quantum-effect devices, nanomechanics and atomic-scale processes. All the basic aspects and technology-oriented developments in this emerging discipline are covered by comprehensive and timely books. The series constitutes a survey of the relevant special topics, which are presented by leading experts in the field. These books will appeal to researchers, engineers, and advanced students." (publisher's description)RSC Nanoscience & Nanotechnology Series
Publication Date: 2005-"The possible uses of nanotechnology span many fields from health, environment to energy; as a result there is a wealth of scientific nanoscience research taking place all over the world. When there is so much information available on the topic, it can be difficult to get a complete overview of the latest developments. The Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Series provides a comprehensive resource of books covering key topics such as the synthesis, characterisation, performance and properties of nanostructured materials and technologies and their applications. With contributions from leading experts in nanoscale research, the books are suitable for graduate student level and above in chemistry, physics, biology, materials science, engineering and medicine wanting to know more about nanoscience." (publisher's description)World Scientific Series in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
Publication Date: 2010-"The Series aims to cover the new and evolving fields that cover nanoscience and nanotechnology. Each volume will cover completely a subfield, which will span materials, applications, and devices." (publisher's description)World Scientific Series on Carbon Nanoscience
Publication Date: 2011-"The goal of this book series is to publish selected handbooks, graduate texts and stand-alone review monographs with specific themes, focusing on modern topics and new developments in experimental and theoretical physical chemistry and chemical physics. In review chapters, the authors are encouraged to provide a section on future developments and needs. The thematic coherence and depth of each volume in this series are what distinguish it from the several other book series already existing in physical chemistry. As such, this series should be especially useful to instructors of graduate-level courses and to graduate students." (publisher's description)
Featured website:
-" is an open and free platform for computational research, education, and collaboration in nanotechnology, materials science, and related fields. This site hosts a rapidly growing collection of simulation tools that run in the cloud and are accessible through a web browser. In addition, nanoHUB provides online presentations, nanoHUB-U short courses, animations, teaching materials, and more. These resources instruct users about simulation tools as well as general nanoelectronics, materials science, photonics, data science, and other topics. A good starting page for those new to nanoHUB is the Education page." (website description)
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Tags: chemical engineering, chemistry, Science