Chemistry and Chemical Engineering: Thermochemistry
Covers key library resources for chemists and chemical engineers who want to search bibliographic terms, chemical structures, chemical reactions, and physical properties or numeric data. Also includes software and collaborative tools as well as methods t
Thermochemistry resources
ThermoML data standard
- ThermoMLThermoML is an XML-based IUPAC standard for storage and exchange of experimental thermophysical and thermochemical property data.
Thermochemical & thermophysical databases
- NIST chemistry webbookProvides thermochemical, thermophysical, and ion energetics data compiled by NIST under the Standard Reference Data Program.
- KnovelKnovel provides access to reference materials in the fields of engineering and applied sciences. Subject areas covered include: chemistry and chemical engineering, plastics and rubbers, semiconductors, advanced materials, and safety, health and hygiene.
- AccessEngineering : authoritative content, immediate solutionsFeatures content from a broad range of must-have McGraw-Hill engineering publications, including the latest editions of classics such as Marks' Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers, Perry's Chemical Engineers Handbook, Standard Handbook for Electrical Engineers, Roark's Formulas for Stress and Strain, and Schaum's Outlines. Includes online tutorials and curriculum maps.
- CINDASCollection of materials properties databases for thermal, mechanical, electrical, physical and other properties of various materials including aerospace alloys. The Microelectronics Packaging Materials Database (MPMD) contains data on thermal, mechanical, electrical and physical properties of electronics packaging materials. The Thermophysical properties of matter database (TPMD), contains thermophysical properties of over 5,000 materials with approximately 50,000 data curves). AHAD ( Aerospace and High Performance Alloys Database) is a combination of ASMD (Aerospace Structural Metals Database) and HPAD (High Performance Alloys Database) contains curves on alloys used in the aerospace and other industries.
- ReaxysReaxys Xcelerate is a fully integrated electronic chemistry database that contains organic, inorganic and organometallic substance, property, and reaction data for small molecules housed previously in the Beilstein, Gmelin, and Chemistry Patent databases, as well as Reaxys medicinal chemistry. Includes coverage from 1771-present for 400 journals. Coverage also includes English language-only patents from the major chemistry patent classes of the U.S., European, and World Patent Offices. Reaxys Xcelerate is a premium version of Reaxys that allows faster analysis of results using visualization tools, automates synthesis planning, and uses flexible reporting outputs for sharing their results and annotations with colleagues.
- SpringerMaterials Providing access to numerical and graphical data on the properties of materials from the Landolt-Börnstein New Series, the Linus Pauling Files and other integrated resourcesSpringerMaterials at is a comprehensive database for identifying materials properties and covers data from materials science, physics, physical and inorganic chemistry, engineering and other related fields. SpringerMaterials was designed with a research focus on materials science, physics, chemistry, and engineering, and is supporting research and development in corporate organizations in the fields of bulk and fine chemical manufacturing, petroleum and petrochemicals, semiconductors and electronic materials, optical metals, ceramics, polymer synthesis and processing, and materials for fuels and energy application.
- Thermodynamics of enzyme-catalyzed reactions by Robert N. Goldberg, Yadu B. Tewari, and Michael TungPublication Date: 2016"This NIST Standard Reference Database (#74) contains thermodynamic data for enzyme-catalyzed reactions that are searchable via a novel rule and root based algorithmic method. (publisher's description)
Key handbooks
- NIST-JANAF thermochemical tables, 4th ed.Publication Date: 1998"The 4th edition of the NIST-JANAF Thermochemical Tables gathers in one resource new and meticulously revised key temperature-dependent thermochemical properties including heat capacity, enthalpy, entropy, Gibbs' energy function, enthalpy of formation, Gibbs' (free) energy of formation, transition data, fusion data, vaporization data, sublimation data, and the logarithm of the equilibrium constant of formation for over 46 elements and their associated compounds. These 1800+ tables cover the crystal, liquid, or ideal gas states for single and multi-phases of many inorganic substances and organic substances with one or two carbon atoms." (publisher's description) ONLINE ACCESS: The 3rd edition, 1986 is available as a web searchable database that is called the NIST-JANAF Thermochemical Tables. Only a PDF version of the 4th edition is available (as of Jan 2017).
Matheson gas data book, 7th ed. by Carl L. Yaws
Publication Date: 2001"This book has profiles of 80 Gases. Each profiles include Physical Properties; Description; Specifications; Uses; Toxicity; First Aid; Precautions in Handling and Storage; Leak Detection and Control; Disposal of Leaking Cylinders; Analytical Detection; Fire Prevention and Control; Materials of Construction; Cylinder and Valve Description; Safety Devices; Recommended Controls (Automatic Pressure Regulators; Flowmeters; Electronic Mass Flow Controllers); Shipping Regulations; Commercial Preparations; Chemical Properties; Thermodynamic and Detailed Physical Data (Molecular Structure; Infrared Spectrum; Vapor Pressure; Thermodynamic Properties of the Saturated Solid and Vapor; Thermodynamic properties of Superheated Acetylene; Vapor Pressure Vs Temperature; Full Cylinder Pressure Vs Temperature." (publisher's description)Property tables for thermal fluids engineering : SI and U.S. customary units by Stephen R. Turns, David R. Kraige.
Publication Date: 2007This book is an ideal supplement for any course in thermodynamics or the thermal fluid sciences and a handy reference for the practicing engineer. The tables complement and extend the property tables in the appendices to Stephen Turn's textbook Thermodynamics: Concepts and Applications and Thermal-Fluid Sciences: An Integrated Approach. In addition to duplicating the SI tables in this book it extends the tables to cover US customary units as well. The book also contains property data for the refrigerant R-134a and properties of the atmosphere at high altitudes.Thermochemical data of elements and compounds, 2nd rev. and extended ed. by M. Binnewies, E. Milke.
Publication Date: 2002"This book contains selected values of the thermochemical properties of well over 3000 mostly inorganic substances. Values are given for enthalpy of formation and entropy at 298 K. Using the compiled fixed Cp values or the Cp/T functions in the form of a polynomial, the enthalpy, entropy, and Gibbs free energy values at other temperatures can be calculated. In many cases special equilibrium constants, e. g., for evaporation or decomposition reactions, are also given." (publisher's description)Thermochemical data of pure substances, 3rd ed. by Ishan Barin ; in collaboration with Gregor Platzki.
Publication Date: 1995"This text discusses the thermodynamics of the processing of ores, coal, waste and residues. Approximately 3300 pure substances in different phases, including 230 organic compounds, are considered in this compilation of thermodynamic data. It combines well-established tabulations with a broad range of more recent tabulations and also considers substances previously untreated in similar tables. Many thermodynamic functions are presented which include heat capacity, entropy, Gibb's energy function, enthalpy of formation and the equilibrium constant of formation. The values of these functions are tabulated at intervals of 100K, starting at 100K and going up to 5000K. In addition, the text introduces the relations of chemical thermodynamics which have been expanded." (publisher's description)Thermodynamic properties of individual substances, 4th ed. by editors, L.V. Gurvich and I.V. Veyts, C.B. Alcock.
Publication Date: 1989-1994"Updated and expanded from the Russian edition, this book provides data on the thermodynamic properties of ten elements (boron, aluminium, gallium, indium, thallium, beryllium, magnesium, calcium, strontium and barium) and their compounds with oxygen, hydrogen, halogen, sulphur, nitrogen and carbon." (publisher's description)Thermophysical properties of chemicals and hydrocarbons, 2nd ed. by Carl L. Yaws.
Publication Date: 2014"Compiled by an expert in the field, the book provides an engineer with data they can trust. Spanning gases, liquids, and solids, all critical properties (including viscosity, thermal conductivity, and diffusion coefficient) are covered. From C1 to C100 organics and Ac to Zr inorganics, the data in this handbook is a perfect quick reference for field, lab or classroom usage." (publisher's description)
ThermoDex: A finding aid
- ThermoDexThermoDex contains ~300 annotated bibliographic records that describe printed (hardcopy) compilations of thermodynamic and physical property data for chemical compounds and other substances. ThermoDex is a "finding aid" designed to save you time in searching through numerous handbooks you might have in your library. It enables you to enter both a type of compound and a property, and it returns a list of handbooks that might contain these data. Most of the books indexed are in the Chemistry reference collection at the University of Texas. Both well-known and obscure sources of all ages are included, and they represent a wide selection of property and compound-type information. Created and compiled by David Flaxbart, Chemistry Librarian at UT-Austin.
- Key library links
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- Data & properties
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- Subjects: analytical, physical & theoretical chemistry resourcesToggle Dropdown
- Subjects: biological, inorganic & organic chemistry resourcesToggle Dropdown
- Subjects: energy, environment, & materials chemistry resourcesToggle Dropdown
- Last Updated: Dec 20, 2024 3:59 PM
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Subjects: Chemical engineering, Chemistry, Science and engineering
Tags: chemical engineering, chemistry, Science