For "Incentive resources," please request registration information from the Science Library (see Request License Keys page for details). After filling out an online registration form, you will be sent a personalized link by email for accessing "incentive" content.
We have two accounts to the incentive area, one for each license agreement: (1) license expires December 31, 2024, and (2) license expires December 31, 2021. AxPyMOL software is only available in the incentive area that expires in 2021. Please see the Request license key page for instructions on how to register and get access to "incentive" content.
Creating a Molecular Dynamics Movie in PyMOL (4:28 minutes, posted by SchrödingerTV on YouTube, November 18, 2020).
SARS-CoV-2 Structure (COVID-19 Coronavirus) (12:00 minutes, posted by Molecular Memory on YouTube, April 3, 2020.)
Description: "A structural exploration of the proteins produced by SARS-CoV-2."
PyMOL Tutorial: Modeling the SARS-CoV-2 RBD Interactions with ACE (COVID-19 Coronavirus Proteins). (25:01 minutes, posted by Molecular Memory on YouTube, April 21, 2020.)
Description: "A follow up PyMOL tutorial for my SARS-CoV-2 Structure. How I modeled the polar interactions between the spike protein RBD and ACE before the paper was published (and a follow up interaction now that the paper is published!)."