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Software Licensed by the Science Library: Features and Tools

The Robin Li and Melissa Ma Science Library has purchased campus-wide site licenses for several products. Access to all of these products is limited to current Stanford students, faculty, and staff.

Components of ChemOffice + Cloud

 ChemDraw Professional 

Used by scientists around the world to quickly and effectively to draw molecules and reactions for use in documents and electronic lab notebooks. Includes 1H and 13C NMR predictions, Name-to-Structure and Structure-to-Name functions. Integrates with GoogleScholar, Reaxys, and SciFinder, for quick and seamless access to important scientific literature databases.

ChemDraw for Excel 

ChemDraw integrates with all Microsoft Office programs. The add-on for Excel gives chemical intelligence to spreadsheets, harnessing Excel’s analysis, sorting and organization capabilities to further manipulate and enrich sets of compounds or data and to explore structure-activity relationships.

ChemDraw Cloud

Brings structure drawing and access to ChemDraw files into any web browser. Collaborate with colleagues, no matter where they are.

Mnova ChemDraw Edition

Load, process and analyze 1D NMR and LC/GC/MS data directly on your desktop with data coming from all NMR and many MS vendors.

Note: This "lite" version of included software is not recommended because Stanford has a site license to the full version of Mnova.


Generates 3D models to assess shape and properties and to maximize activity or specificity. GAMESS and interfaces to other computational tools including Gaussian, MOPAC, Conflex and Autodock.


A chemically-intelligent personal database system that scientists use to organize their compounds and to search for and correlate structures with properties and to transform data into easy-to-understand visualizations, cluster maps and profiles to easily discern structure-activity relationships.

 ChemFinder for Office 

Scans files and directories for chemical structures and can be used to search documents by structure to locate compounds of interest.



A scripting language that exposes the underlying chemical structure processing power of ChemOffice to developers who want to manipulate structures and automate processes.

 Signals E-Notebook

Document, store, retrieve and share experimental records in a modern, web-based Scientific collaboration platform.

We have a campus-wide site license for the Signals ChemDraw that includes all current students, faculty, postdocs and staff at Stanford.  This agreement includes the desktop version of ChemOffice Professional (PC) and ChemDraw Professional (Mac).  Our agreement includes the Signals Notebook Standard Edition, a cloud-based electronic notebook, and ChemDraw+.

ChemDraw now has several new add-ins for

  • Google Scholar/Patents 
  • PubChem Safety 
  • ChemACX Explorer
  • Centralized HELM Monomer Libraries
  • SciFinder-n Integration
  • Reaxys Integration
  • Millipore Sigma Synthia Integration

See a complete list of features here