Software Licensed by the Science Library: Access and Downloads
Product Agreement and Download Instructions
Access to CSD Enterprise software is limited to current students, faculty, and staff at Stanford.
This does not include visiting scholars or sponsored SUNet IDs.
The Cambridge Structural Database (CSD) Enterprise is a proprietary product in which the rights are held by the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC) located at 12, Union Road, Cambridge, CB2 1EZ. UK.
- The CSD and the CSD system shall not be used in conjunction with any consulting or joint project with any non-academic organization without prior written permission of the CCDC.
- The CSD and the CSD System (including downloaded data, manuals, results, and printed products) shall be used exclusively for the purpose of scientific teaching and research, which may include research such as, for example, into drug development or drug modifications capable of commercial exploitation. The results of such research may be published through the normal academic channels, subject to the inclusion of a proper acknowledgement to the CCDC.
- The organization shall take every reasonable precaution to ensure that data held in the CSD or information derived or obtained from, or by the use of, the CSD or the CSD System is not (whether separately or in combination with other material) distributed or otherwise exploited (except through the product of scientific research as stated above) on a commercial or for-profit basis whether in printed, photographic, computer-readable or other form, without prior written permission from the CCDC. This restriction applies in particular, but not exclusively, to data compilations, educational aids, fragment libraries and software systems.
- The organization may develop for its own use, software systems based on the CSD or the CSD System or subfiles derived thereof. External distribution of such systems requires prior written permissions of the CCDC.
- The products will be referenced and acknowledged by the Licensee in any publications which arise from their use. Please see Product Reference.
I accept and want to download CSD Software from the CCDC website.
You must have the activation key and the license customer ID before you are able to download the software.
Be sure to remove the old version of CSD before installing the new version. Please note that CSD software must be deleted when users graduate or are no longer affiliated with Stanford.
Step 1: Obtain the Key and ID
Please send a request to the Science Library using your @Stanford email address.
Step 2: Remove old versions; download and install the software package.
Download software from the CSD website by entering in the license information provided by the Science Library.
Next, you will receive an email from CSD containing a list of links for components of CSD Enterprise. Begin with the CSD Portfolio Online Installer (recommended), as this will install the most useful components of the platform. You may refer back to this list of links for additional software add-ons. The installation process will take 90+ minutes to complete.
- At a glance
- Cambridge Structural Database
- ChemDraw Office, Signals Notebook, + CloudToggle Dropdown
- CrystalMakerToggle Dropdown
- MnovaToggle Dropdown
- OriginProToggle Dropdown
- PyMOL and AxPyMOLToggle Dropdown
- Schrödinger [unformatted]Toggle Dropdown

- Last Updated: Feb 27, 2025 2:22 PM
- URL:
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