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Software Licensed by the Science Library: CrystalMaker

The Robin Li and Melissa Ma Science Library has purchased campus-wide site licenses for several products. Access to all of these products is limited to current Stanford students, faculty, and staff.

General Overview of CrystalMaker

CrystalMaker Software is used in chemistry, solid-state physics, materials science, mineralogy, and crystallography to:

  • Build, display, and manipulate molecular structures.
  • Design new materials and relax their structures.
  • Animate structural behavior and generate videos.
  • 3D print models; create rotatable 3D models.
  • Simulate powder and single crystal diffraction properties.

What's available: We have a campus-wide site license for the CrystalMaker package that includes three software programs:


Licensing: Renewed in February

Eligible users: Stanford students, faculty, and staff

Runs on: Macintosh, Windows

Where to get on campus: Download to personal computers and laptops