Lab safety: Safety videos
Provides chemical safety information resources and search strategies for students, faculty, and staff working in a lab.
Working alone in the lab. What if?
Safety video collections
JoVE science education. Lab safety.
"This collection provides safety guidelines to be followed when working with hazardous materials and equipment. It covers universal topics such as PPE, electrical safety, and general emergency guidelines, as well as some specific safety procedures for chemistry and biology laboratories."
- Dow Lab Safety Academy"Our goal at the Dow Lab Safety Academy is to enhance the awareness of safe practices in academic research laboratories and to promote a safety-first mindset in the future workforce of the chemical industry."
Videos in the Dow Lab Safety Academy (on 2020-09-07):
- Safety Orientation & Training: Office Ergonomics; PPE Basics; Waste Handling; Housekeeping; Basic Electrical Safety; Fire Extinguisher Basics; Fall, Slip & Trip Prevention; Lone Worker; and Laboratory Ergonomics.
- Specialized Topics: Fume Hood Basics, Gas Cylinder User, Glassware Handling, Mechanical Integrity, Vacuum Equipment, Biological Hazards, Nanoparticle Safety, Cryogenics, and Pyrophorics.
- Sustainable Safety Culture: Making Safety Personal, Inspections, Interventions, Recognition, Mentoring, Near Miss Reporting, Learning Experiences, Effective Safety Communications, Sustainability, and Leadership Engagement.
- Plan, Evaluate & Execute: Lab Hazard/Management of Change, Lab Hazard Assessment/Trigger Grid Inspections, Safe Operation Card, Reactive Chemicals, Energy Calculations, Interpreting Material Safety Data Sheets, Chemical Labeling, Sample Transportation & Shipping, and Line of Fire.
- UC Center for Laboratory Safety - Safety video library"The UC Center for Laboratory Safety (UCCLS) was created to improve laboratory safety by conducting research to provide evidence-based best safety practices in the laboratory. UCCLS operates under the oversight of the UC Center for Laboratory Safety Advisory Board with technical support from the UCLA Office of Environment, Health and Safety." (website description)
The Safety Video Library includes videos from multiple institutions. Videos are grouped by these broad topics: Accidents, Animal Biosafety, Autoclave Safety, Biosafety, Biosafety Cabinet, Bunsen Burner Safety, Chemical Fume Hood, Chemical Safety, Compressed Gas Safety, Cryogenic Safety, Emergency Response, Glassware Safety, High School Safety, Lab Ergonomics, Lab Safety, Physical Hazards, PPE, Radiation Safety, and Risk Assessment. - Safety mindset video playlist"This ACS video series was produced for high school students and is also a useful introduction / refresher for university students. Learn about the elements of safety and the importance of the safety mindset in the chemistry lab." (website description)
- Last Updated: Oct 16, 2024 12:21 PM
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