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ACS Guide to Scholarly Communication by Banik, G. M., Baysinger, G., Kamat, P. V., Pienta, N. J., Eds.
Publication Date: American Chemical Society, 2020"The ACS Guide to Scholarly Communication covers everything from classic journal authoring topics (now completely modernized) such as Organization of Your Article and Peer Review, to styling conventions needed for all scholarly communication, such as Chemical Nomenclature and Effective Writing and Word Usage, to emerging areas of interest in scholarly communication, including Open Access & Open Science, Sharing Data, Communicating Safety Information, and Preprints."--Provided by publisherBow Ties in Risk Management by CCPS (Center for Chemical Process Safety)
ISBN: 9781119490340Publication Date: 2018"From a collaborative effort of the Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS) and the Energy Institute (EI) comes an invaluable book that puts the focus on a specific qualitative risk management methodology - bow tie barrier analysis. The book contains practical advice for conducting an effective bow tie analysis and offers guidance for creating bow tie diagrams for process safety and risk management. Bow Ties in Risk Management clearly shows how bow tie analysis and diagrams fit into an overall process safety and risk management framework. Implementing the methods outlined in this book will improve the quality of bow tie analysis and bow tie diagrams across an organization and the industry. The missions of both the CCPS and EI include developing and disseminating knowledge, skills, and good practices to protect people, property and the environment by bringing the best knowledge and practices to industry, academia, governments and the public around the world through collective wisdom, tools, training and expertise." (publisher's description)Handbook of Occupational Safety and Health by S. Z. Mansdorf (Editor)
ISBN: 9781118947265Publication Date: 2019"This new and completely revised edition of the popular Handbook is an ideal, go-to resource for those who need to anticipate, recognize, evaluate, and control conditions that can cause injury or illness to employees in the workplace. Devised as a “how-to” guide, it offers a mix of theory and practice while adding new and timely topics to its core chapters, including prevention by design, product stewardship, statistics for safety and health, safety and health management systems, safety and health management of international operations, and EHS auditing." (publisher's description)Risk Management and Education by Thierry Meyer; Genserik Reniers; Valerio Cozzani
ISBN: 9783110344578Publication Date: 2019"Risk and Safety Management are crucial aspects in chemical industry and academic laboratories. From their rich experience in academic education and industrial practice, the authors present options for professional training addressing engineers and scientists at different career levels. The book informs about existing norms (OHSAS, ISO, etc.) and discusses examples from several countries." (publisher's description)
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Guide for Making Acute Risk Decisions by CCPS (Center for Chemical Process Safety)
ISBN: 9781118930212Publication Date: 2019"This book presents a guidance on a large range of decision aids for risk analysts and decision makers in industry so that vital decisions can be made in a more consistent, logical, and rigorous manner. It provide good industry practices on how risk decision making is conducted in the chemical industry from many risk information sources as well as all the elements that need to be addressed to ensure good decisions are being made. Topics Include: Identifying Risk Decisions, A Risk Decision Strategy for Process Safety, Case Studies in Risk Decision Making Failures, Guidance on Selecting Decision Aids, Templates for Decision Making in Risk-Based Process Safety, Understanding Process Hazards & Worst Possible Consequences, Management of Change as an Exercise in Risk Identification, Inherently Safer Design as an Exercise in Risk Tradeoff Analysis, Using LOPA and Risk Matrices in Risk Decisions, Using CPQRA and Safety Risk Criteria in Risk Decisions, Group Decision Making, Avoiding Decision Traps, Documentation of Process Safety Risk Decisions." (publisher's description)Nanotechnology Environmental Health and Safety : risks, regulation, and management, 3rd edition by Matthew Hull, Diana Bowman, Editors
ISBN: 9780128135884Publication Date: 2018"Nanotechnology Environmental Health and Safety tackles - in depth and in breadth - the complex and evolving issues pertaining to nanotechnology's environmental health and safety (EHS). The chapters are authored by leaders in their respective fields, providing thorough analysis of their research areas. The diverse spectrum of topics include nanotechnology EHS issues, financial implications, foreseeable risks including exposure, dosage and hazards, and the implications of occupational hygiene precautions and consumer protections. The book includes real-world case studies, wherever practical, to illustrate specific issues and scenarios encountered by stakeholders positioned on the front-lines of nanotechnology-enabled industries. These case studies will appeal to, and resonate with, laboratory scientists, business leaders, regulators, service providers, and postgraduate researchers."
(source: Nielsen Book Data)A Practical Guide to Toxicology and Human Health Risk Assessment by Laura Robinson
ISBN: 9781118881880Publication Date: 2018"Providing a practical and accessible guide, A Practical Guide to Toxicology and Human Health Risk Assessment enables readers to quickly build up knowledge and understanding of toxicology and its use in hazard identification, which is a fundamental part of chemical risk assessment. The book also covers current toxicological testing strategies and the use of physicochemical test data in hazard identification and exposure assessment. Examples are provided throughout the book to highlight important issues along with a summary of the key points that have been covered in each of the respective chapters. The book concludes with a listing of online resources on toxicology and risk assessment." (publisher's description)Risk Management of Complex Inorganic Materials : a practical guide by Violaine Verougstraete (Editor)
ISBN: 9780128110645Publication Date: 2017"Risk Management of Complex Inorganic Materials: A Practical Guide facilitates the risk assessment and management of complex inorganic materials around the world by providing accessible and specific guidance on their assessment. Inorganic complex materials, such as ores and concentrates, metal containing- glasses, ceramic and inorganic pigments, alloys, and UVCBs produced during the manufacturing of metals present specificities not addressed by most guidance documents. This book explains the main characteristics of inorganic complex materials affecting their hazard and risk assessment and management, including their source and main uses, also covering hazard and exposure assessment, risk characterization and risk management. It is an essential reference for regulators involved in risk assessment and risk management, industry experts charged of compliance with chemical management program requirements, consultants preparing chemicals management files for companies and regulators, and academics involved in research on complex inorganic materials. Focuses on key information required to globally manage the risk of inorganic complex material Includes user-friendly descriptions of methodologies and tools that facilitate chemicals management of such materials Provides key messages to assist communication on risk assessment and risk management to audiences like regulators, workers and communities living around industrial sites." (publisher's description)History of Risk Assessment in Toxicology by Sol Bobst (Editor)
ISBN: 9780128095324Publication Date: 2017"History of Risk Assessment in Toxicology guides the reader through the historical narrative of the evolution of risk assessment thinking in human and environmental practices. Risk assessment concepts are used in many different professional practice areas. In the health and environmental practices of risk assessment, the critical issue is often what chemical concentration in air, water, food, or a solid substance is acceptable, or considered not to result in any adverse effect. The book reviews examples from early scientific and health studies to showcase the foundations of risk assessment. The book also explores the development of risk assessment as practiced by major regulatory bodies such as the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA), and the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to reveal how risk assessment has evolved in the 20th and 21st centuries. Modern technology has created opportunities in silicon in vitro, computational modeling, omics, and big data techniques to assess the toxicity of chemicals, while traditional approaches to risk assessment are being challenged with new and innovative approaches. Finally, current issues being debated and tested in risk assessment are outlined with possible future avenues suggested." (publisher's description)
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