Colonial states and African societies: Missionary Sources
Missionary Sources
Index to archival finding aids derived from major archival libraries and sources in the United States and the United Kingdom. Many sources from World Catalog.
Church Missionary Society archive
Database licensed from the Adam Matthew company. Online records of the below Church Missionary Society microform records. Now digitized and online.
Church Missionary Society Archive (microfilm at U.C. Berkeley)
- Church Missionary Society Archive [microform]. Section IV: Africa Missions
- 505 reels total (Africa plus other world areas) at U.C. Berkeley. See their online catalog.
- Section IV Africa Missions: pt. 1. West Africa Mission (Sierra Leone), 1803-1880. pt. 2. West Africa Mission (Sierra Leone), 1820-1880. pt 3. Nigeria-Yoruba Mission, 1844-1880. pt. 4. Nigeria-Yoruba Mission, 1844-1880. pt. 5. West Africa Mission (Sierra Leone), 1820-1880. pt. 6. Nigeria - Niger Mission, 1857-1882. pt. 7. Sudan Mission, 1905-1949, Northern Sudan Mission, 1931-1949, Upper Nile Mission, 1926-1949. pt. 8. Nigeria-Yoruba, 1880-1934. pt. 9. Nigeria-Yoruba, 1880-1934. pt. 10. Nigeria-Niger, 1880-1934. pt. 11. Nigeria-Niger, 1880-1934 and Nigeria--Northern Nigeria, 1900-1934. pt. 12. West Africa (Sierra Leone), 1881-1934. pt. 13. West Africa (Sierra Leone), 1935-1949 and Nigeria Missions, 1935-1949. pt. 14. Africa (Egypt), 1889-1934. pt. 15. Africa (Egypt). 1889-1949.
- Section IV. pt. 16. South Africa Mission, 1836-1843, Kenya Mission 1841-1888, and Nyanza Mission, 1876-1882. pts. 17-18. Mission, 1880-1934. pt. 19. Tanganyika, Nyanza and Rwanda Miss 1880-1934. pt. 20. Uganda Mission, 1898-1904. pt. 21. Kenya Mission 1935-1949. pt. 22. Uganda Mission, 1898-1934. pt. 23. Uganda, Tanganyika and Rwanda Missions, 1935-1949. cont'd. pt. 24. Mauritius, Madgascar and the Seychelles Missions, 1856-1929;
- U.C. Berkeley Library's catalog lists their holdings.
- The publisher, Adam Matthew Publications, has web information on the contents of each microfilm reel and a 14 page essay about the collection.
Missionary Studies - Adam Matthew
Database includes African missions, Congon mission archives, women missionaries, etc.
Nineteenth Century collections online
See Europe and Africa: Commerce, Christianity, Civilization
Online documents licensed by Stanford. Pub. by [Farmington Hills, Mich.] : Gale Cengage Learning.
African Mail
African World
Annales de l'Extreme Orient et de l'Afrique
Bulletins du Comite de l'Afrique francaise
Colonial Africa Newspapers from the British Library
Despatches from U.S. Consuls in Bathurst, Gambia, British Africa, 1857-1889
Despatches from U.S. Consuls in Boma, Congo, 1888-1895
Despatches from U.S. Consuls in Cape Town, Cape Colony, 1800-1906
Despatches from U.S. Consuls in Gaboon, 1856-1888
Despatches from U.S. Consuls in Goree Dakar, French Africa, 1883-1906
Despatches from U.S. Consuls in Grand Bassa, Liberia, 1868-1882
Despatches from U.S. Consuls in Lourenco Marques, Mozambique, Portuguese Africa, 1854-1906
Despatches from U.S. Consuls in Pretoria, The Transvaal, 1898-1906
Despatches from U.S. Consuls in Santiago, Cape Verde Islands, 1818-1898
Despatches from U.S. Consuls in Sierra Leone, British Africa, 1858-1906
Despatches from U.S. Consuls in St. Helena, British West Africa, 1831-1906
Despatches from U.S. Consuls in St. Paul de Loanda, Portuguese Africa, 1854-1893
Despatches from U.S. Consuls in Tamatave, Madagascar, 1853-1906
Despatches from U.S. Consuls in Zanzibar, British Africa, 1836-1906
Deutsche Kolonialzeitung
Exploration and Colonization of Africa
German Colonialism in Africa: Selections from the Kolonialbibliothek (Colonial Library) Collection
International Population Census, Africa
Joseph Chamberlain Papers Relating to Africa
Methodist Episcopal Church Missionary Correspondence, 1846-1912: Africa
Personal Narratives and Reminiscences of the Exploration of Africa
Publications of the Cape Colony
Publications of the Natal Colony
Report of the Boundary Survey between British Bechuanaland and German Southwest Africa of 1898-1903
Selected Africa Collections from the Bodleian Library
Selected Cabinet Papers on Africa
Selected Colonial Office Files on Africa
Selected Dominions Office Files on Africa
Selected Foreign Office Files on Africa
Selected India Office Records on Colonial Africa
Selected Maps and Plans Files on Africa
Selected Narratives and Reminiscences on Colonial Africa
Selected War Office Files on Africa
Yale Divinity School Periodicals on Africa
- The Gambia-Pongas News
- Heart of Africa Mission
- The Livingstonia News
- Madagascar Mission Magazine
- The New Africa
- On Trek South Africa General Mission
- The South African Church Weekly Newspaper
- The South African Pioneer
- Transvaal & Southern-Rhodesia
Antananarivo Annual and Madagascar Magazine
Antananarivo, Printed at the Press of the London Missionary Society.
Green Library Media & Microtext Center
Library has: 1-24, 1875-1900// on microfilm
MFILM N.S. 1489
Hathi Trust has many issues free online.
Some issues are also free online from Google Books.
Ghana in records from colonial missionaries, 1886-1951
East Ardsley, Wakefield, United Kingdom : Microform Academic Publishers
Database of documents from the Archives of the United Society for the Propagation of the Gospel. The original Archives are housed at the Bodleian Library, Oxford University. "As outlined in the short history entitled The beginning of Africanisation : the dawn of the missionary motive in Gold Coast education by F.L. Bartels, the SPG's mission was originally established at Cape Coast Castle in 1752 by Rev. Thomas Thompson, who was succeeded by Rev. Philip Quaque, the first African to be ordained a priest of the Church of England."
South Africa in records from colonial missionaries, 1819-1900
East Ardsley, Wakefield, United Kingdom : Microform Academic Publishers, [2013]
Database of handwritten documents from the Archives of the United Society for the Propagation of the Gospel. The original Archives are housed at the Bodleian Library, Oxford University.
East African Life-Writing and Colonial History: New Perspectives from EAP Tanzanian Church Records
Swahili-language essays, written in 1913 by young men at a German-led teacher training school. Records of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tanzania about early experiences of German colonial rule, reasons for conversion, and the impact of missionary activities on indigenous communities. From the British Library, Jan. 7, 2022.
German Colonialism in the British Library Collections has a link to the account in German, Reisen in Ost-Afrika, ausgeführt in dem Jahren 1837-55, etc. by Johann Ludwig Krapf,,a German missionary in East Africa between 1837 and 1855. See his book in English in the library and the full text in Hathi Trust Also from New York Public Library. - digitized illustrations from the book .
Records of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tanzania in Moshi, Tanzania (EAP099)
In German and Kiswahili. Leipzig Mission Records from 1895 to mainly 1930, some up to 1950s.. 5 dioceses: Northern, Pare, Arusha, Meru and Central.
church registers (births, baptisms, communion, catechists, marriages, funerals)
mission council records
education records
files on individual missionaries, notably Bruno Gutmann, and on African teachers, pastors and evangelists
first prints of hymnals and portions of the Bible in African languages.
- African Continent Resources
- Colonial History
- Belgium Colonial History - Burundi, Congo, Rwanda
- British Colonial History - General
- British Colonial History - Central AfricaToggle Dropdown
- British Colonial History - East AfricaToggle Dropdown
- British Colonial History -West AfricaToggle Dropdown
- French Colonial History
- German Colonial History
- South Africa
- Last Updated: Feb 12, 2025 9:49 AM
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