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Colonial states and African societies: Center for Research Libraries

Resources for the study of African colonial history including Belgian, British, and French colonial history.

Center for Research Libraries

The Center for Research Libraries (includes CAMP, Cooperative African Materials Project) has a  wealth of books, newspapers, journals, archival collections, dissertations, government publications on microfilm and microfiche.  All are available on interlibrary loan to Stanford users. CRL is adding some online digital content. 

Digital Delivery: CRL members may request digitization of existing CRL holdings in print or microform.  Estimated turnaround time is 5-10 days if digitized from microfilm; patrons will be updated whenever there is a COVID-induced delay.   


The Center for Research Libraries has microflim of government gazettes, annual reports, Command papers, etc. from several countries. One example is -
Government publications relating to Southern Rhodesia, 1890-1963, and to the
Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, 1953-1963 [
electronic resource] /
introduction by Andrew Roberts
11 pages Finding aid for a huge microform collection at the Center for Research Libraries.
Includes British South African Company documents, the Government Gazettes,
Annual reports, Command papers, Official yearbooks, trade annuals.


The Center for Research Libraries also has digitized selected African gazettes from Sub-Saharan Africa and North Africa.