Newspaper and News Sources: International news
International News Sources
- Access world news the ultimate news archiveNewsBank news database covering 700 International news sources in addition to U.S. news sources.
- FactivaThe Stanford GSB Library provides access to the Dow Jones Factiva database of worldwide full text coverage of local and regional newspapers, trade publications, business newswires, press release wires, media transcripts, news photos, business-rich Web sites, investment analyst reports, market research reports, country and regional profiles, company profiles, historical market data. Includes U.K. publications like the Daily Mail, Financial Times, and The Guardian
- Global newsstreamProQuest database of news from 1980s covering the U.S., Canada, Europe, Africa, Asia, Latin America, and Australia. Content includes newspapers, newswires, news journals, television and radio transcripts, blogs, podcasts, and digital-only websites in full-text format
- Keesing's world news archivesProvides verified summaries of news worldwide.
- Nexis UniAn interdisciplinary, full-text database of over 18,000 sources including newspapers, journals, wire services, newsletters, company reports and SEC filings, case law, government documents, transcripts of broadcasts, and selected reference works.
- EastView universal databasesThis database provides full text in-depth information from Russia and the former Soviet Union. Resources include newspapers, newswires, popular and scholarly periodicals, and governmentdocuments.
- RetroNews (France)RetroNews, the official news site of the Bibliothèque nationale de France, offers 400 titles of the French press published from 1631 to 1950 plus editorial contents highlighting press archives and advanced research tools.
To log in, click “se connecter” at the top, scroll down to “Se connecter avec son institution” and select Stanford University from the list.
- World news connectionEast View Information Services WNC database is a successor to the Daily reports from the Foreign Broadcasting Information Service (FBIS) and the Joint Publications Research Service (JPRS) reports previously provided through the National Technical Information Service.
Library consortium:
- Center for Research LibrariesThe Center for Research Libraries is an international consortium of university, college, and independent research libraries which also share access to microfilm and digital newspaper collections from around the globe. Stanford University is a member. Scholars and researchers from CRL member institutions have free and unlimited use of the CRL collections through interlibrary loan.
Stanford has a large collection of African newspapers printed and published on the continent. Some of these collections are in microfilm format. To search for them in Searchworks, follow these steps:
1. In Searchworks, from the left Menu, select Resource / Newspaper.
2. In the top search bar, enter the country name. Example: Senegal
For additional assistance, please review the guide pages by Karen Fung, the Curator of the African Collections.
- AllAfrica.comSearchable archive of news from African countries.
- Africa South of the Sahara: News by country guide pagesAfrica South of the Sahara News by Country is a guide page put together by Karen Fung, Curator of the African Collections at Stanford Libraries.
Use the Global tab under International News for additional sources.
The East Asia Library collects and subscribes to newspaper collections and databases in Chinese, Japanese, Korean and western languages. This guide includes a South Asian news database covering India, Pakistan & Sri Lanka. For print and microfilm newspaper titles, search also in Searchworks, advanced search: limit format by "Newspaper" then search by entering a country or city. For additional assistance please contact the subject specialist curator or librarian.
- Chinese NewsThis links to a topic guide for Chinese news resources that are available for Stanford users only. Created by Zhaohui Xue, Chinese Studies Librarian.
- East & Southeast Asia newspapers in Western languagesPrimary sources for South East Asian newspapers in western languages created by Josh Capitanio
Some Japanese news sites and databases:
- Asahi Kikuzo II Visual
- Yomidasu Rekishikan ヨミダス歴史観
- Nikkei Telecom 21 日経テレコン21
- Maisaku 毎索 (Mainichi Shinbun Online Database)
- Keijō Nippō 京城日報
- Newspaper Clippings Collection - Made available by Kobe University Library.
- The Japan Times
- Asahi Shimbun: Asia & Japan Watch
- Asahi Shimbun's English-language newspaper.
The Korean Studies Librarian, Kyungmi Chun, has put together a Korean newspaper guide as part of the Korean e-Resources guide. It includes links to the following:
- Naver 뉴스 라이브러리
- 대한민국신문아카이브, 국립중앙도서관
- 조선일보 아카이브
- 한국근현대신문자료, 국사편찬위원회
- KPM 조선언론정보기지
- 京城新報. 朝鮮日報. 京城日日新聞. 京城藥報
- 京城日報
- South Asian newspapersHistorical South Asian Newspapers features titles published in India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. Languages include English, Bengali, Gujarati, and others. Titles include: Amrita Bazar Patrika (Calcutta), Bankura Darpana (Bankura, India), Madras Mail (Madras), Tribune (Lahore, Pakistan) and the Ceylon Observer (Sri Lanka) ... The collection covers date ranges from 1864 to 1922.
Use the Global tab under International News for additional sources.
For newspapers from Europe and Eastern Europe the following resources are starting points. If you need additional assistance please contact the subject curator or librarian. For print and microfilm newspaper titles, search also in Searchworks, advanced search: limit format by "Newspaper" then search by entering a country or city.
Use the Global tab for many of Eastern & Western European news sources.
• German Studies - Newspaper guide
ACRL (Association of College & Research Libraries) guide page. Scholarly resources in German Studies, including all German-speaking countries. The resources organized here are all freely available and have undergone a selection and evaluation process by ACRL members.
- Gallica la bibliothèque numériqueGallica is a digital library of French and francophone culture maintained by the Bibliothèque nationale de France. Contains books, journals, images, maps, animation, and sound files of French in all disciplines.
- Greece - Newspaper CollectionHistorical newspaper collections -- Greece.
- International Herald Tribune (historical)The newspaper was originally set up as the European edition of the New York Herald, a newspaper that was closed down in 1966, at which point the European paper changed its name to the International Herald Tribune.
- Italian Newspaper CollectionsHistorical newspapers
- MediapartParis (France). On-campus access & limited to 5 simultaneous users.
- Le MondeAccess if via "Global Newsstream" and Newsbank "Access World News"
- Neues DeutschlandNeues Deutschland began in 1946 as the official party newspaper of the former East Germany; it continues today as a democratic socialist newspaper.
- RetroNews (France)RetroNews, the official news site of the Bibliothèque nationale de France, offers 400 titles of the French press published from 1631 to 1950 plus editorial contents highlighting press archives and advanced research tools. To log in, click “se connecter” at the top, scroll down to “Se connecter avec son institution” and select Stanford University from the list. Users should then create a personal account to gain full access to this resource
- Universal databases. Central Asia and CaucasusThis database includes a number of authoritative periodicals published in the Newly Independent States of the former Soviet Union. The sources are mostly in Russian and English and cover various issues of domestic and international importance.
- Universal databases. Central newspapersFull-text electronic versions of major Russian and many NIS periodicals on the same day they are published. The Universal database includes archives of back issues of newspapers and journals, (some go back as far as 1996), and is a source for information on business, economics, domestic and foreign policy and important political events in Russia and the former Soviet Union.
- Universal databases. Regional newspapersFull-text electronic versions of regional Russian newspapers. This database provides access to a variety of local news from the 54 regions of the Russian Federation, as well as depicting local reactions to national and international events.
For more information on Latin American information sources, please browse the Latin American Studies guide page. The Curator for Latin American, Iberian & Mexican American Collections is Adan Greigo.
- Latin American news digestBeginning in 2013, Latin American News Digest aggregates the news of the Latin American media. Latin American News Digest is a U.S. based publication that is dedicated to expanding the reach of news coverage and analysis produced by Latin American media.
- Latin American newspapersSearchable collection of over 280 historical Latin American newspapers, 1805-1922, offering unprecedented coverage of the people, issues and events that shaped this vital region during the 19th and early 20th centuries. Featuring titles from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Cuba, Guatemala, Mexico, Peru, Venezuela, and a dozen other countries, these resources provide a wide range of viewpoints from diverse Latin American cultures.
- Latin American newsstreamProQuest Latin American Newsstand provides full-text information in Spanish and Portuguese from 37 newspapers from Puerto Rico and 11 Latin American countries, including Mexico, Argentina, and Brazil.
- US Hispanic newsstreamFull text of major Hispanic newspapers published in the United States and representing diverse regions of the country. Includes Spanish and English language publications focusing on the Hispanic community.
Use the Global tab under International News for additional sources.
- Al-Ahram digital archiveFounded in 1876, Al-Ahram ("The Pyramids") is one of the longest-running newspapers in the Middle East. It has long been regarded as Egypt's most authoritative and influential newspaper, and one of the most important newspapers in the Arab world, with a circulation of over 1 million.
- EastView universal databasesThis database provides full text in-depth information from Russia and the former Soviet Union. Resources include newspapers, newswires, popular and scholarly periodicals, and governmentdocuments.
- offers a daily email newsletter of concise, translated briefs covering some of the key political, cultural, economic and opinion pieces appearing via the print, radio and television media of the 22 Arab countries, Iran and the Arab Diaspora.
• Turkish Daily Newspaper (online for Stanford affiliates)
Cumhuriyet, which is among the oldest and most influential newspapers in the country. Our subscription also gives users access to the paper’s digitized archive, which includes all issues dating back to January 1930. Users can search the database by date or by keyword.
Use the Global tab under International News for additional sources. If you need additional assistance please contact the subject curator or librarian.
- Last Updated: Feb 14, 2025 12:14 PM
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