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Newspaper and News Sources: International news

Newspapers and news sources

International News Sources

Library consortium:

This is an image of the Earth from NASA

Continent of Africa

Stanford has a large collection of African newspapers printed and published on the continent. Some of these collections are in microfilm format. To search for them in Searchworks, follow these steps: 

1. In Searchworks, from the left Menu, select Resource / Newspaper. 

2. In the top search bar, enter the country name. Example: Senegal

For additional assistance, please review the guide pages by Karen Fung, the Curator of the African Collections.

Use the Global tab under International News for additional sources.

Stacks of newspapers. Photo by Wherda Arsianto from UnsplachThe East Asia Library collects and subscribes to newspaper collections and databases in Chinese, Japanese, Korean and western languages. This guide includes a South Asian news database covering India, Pakistan & Sri Lanka. For print and microfilm newspaper titles, search also in Searchworks, advanced search: limit format by "Newspaper" then search by entering a country or city. For additional assistance please contact the subject specialist curator or librarian. 

  Japanese Newspapers

Some Japanese news sites and databases: 

  • Asahi Kikuzo II Visual
  • Yomidasu Rekishikan ヨミダス歴史観
  • Nikkei Telecom 21 日経テレコン21
  • Maisaku 毎索 (Mainichi Shinbun Online Database)
  • Keijō Nippō 京城日報
  • Newspaper Clippings Collection - Made available by Kobe University Library.
  • The Japan Times
  • Asahi Shimbun: Asia & Japan Watch
  • Asahi Shimbun's English-language newspaper.

•  Korean Newspapers

The Korean Studies Librarian, Kyungmi Chun, has put together a Korean newspaper guide as part of the Korean e-Resources guide. It includes links to the following:

  • Naver 뉴스 라이브러리
  • 대한민국신문아카이브, 국립중앙도서관
  • 조선일보 아카이브
  • 한국근현대신문자료, 국사편찬위원회
  • KPM 조선언론정보기지
  • 京城新報. 朝鮮日報. 京城日日新聞. 京城藥報
  • 京城日報

Use the Global tab under International News for additional sources.

Outdoor newspaper and magazine stand

For newspapers from Europe and Eastern Europe the following resources are starting points. If you need additional assistance please contact the subject curator or librarian.  For print and microfilm newspaper titles, search also in Searchworks, advanced search: limit format by "Newspaper" then search by entering a country or city.  

Use the Global tab for many of Eastern & Western European news sources.

German Studies - Newspaper guide 

ACRL (Association of College & Research Libraries) guide page. Scholarly resources in German Studies, including all German-speaking countries. The resources organized here are all freely available and have undergone a selection and evaluation process by ACRL members.

Newspaper illustration with the word "Noticias", public domain image

For more information on Latin American information sources, please browse the Latin American Studies guide page. The Curator for Latin American, Iberian & Mexican American Collections is Adan Greigo.

Use the Global tab under International News for additional sources.

Turkish Daily Newspaper (online for Stanford affiliates)

Cumhuriyet, which is among the oldest and most influential newspapers in the country. Our subscription also gives users access to the paper’s digitized archive, which includes all issues dating back to January 1930. Users can search the database by date or by keyword.

Use the Global tab under International News for additional sources. If you need additional assistance please contact the subject curator or librarian