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Newspaper and News Sources: Finding newspapers

Newspapers and news sources

Searching for newspapers?

image of newspaper with glasses, public domain imageThe Stanford Libraries has 9,000 + catalog records for access to local, national and international newspaper titles in print, online and in microfilm formats.

To find titles: 

  • Use the "Advanced" search option in SearchWorks
  • Limit by "research type" -- then select "newspaper"
  • Include other search terms (such as, the city or country of publication).

Online access to news databases

For online access to other news and newspapers:

For the Wall Street Journal & Washington Post (Stanford-wide Access):

Print Newspapers & Microfilm

Active subscriptions to print newspapers can be found in the Lower Level of Green East.  Historical runs of newspapers titles are also stored at our Stanford Auxiliary Library (SAL) facilities. Microfilm collections are located in the Lower Lever of Green East, in the Media Microtext Center.  Use Searchworks for detailed information about the location, date ranges and the title(s) you are looking for.