Newspaper and News Sources: News databases
Newspapers and news sources
News databases (see also: International News) tab
These databases represent library subscriptions to aggregated news sources. Stanford-wide access to individual online newspapers is very rare. Factiva is a good source for the New York Times and other Down Jones titles. The Los Angeles Times can be found in Global Newstream; however, the most current day is embargoed. Access World News (Newsbank) has many local and international news sources.
- Access world news the ultimate news archiveAccess World News from NewsBank provides current full-text news coverage from over 4500 national, state, local, and international sources. Date coverage varies by individual newspaper, some sources begin as early as the early 1980’s. Broadcast transcripts, newswires, video clips, and news blogs are also included.
- Indigenous newspapers in North AmericaIndigenous Newspapers in North America presents the publications of a range of communities, with an extensive list of periodicals produced in the United States and Canada, including Alaska, Arizona, British Columbia, California, Nevada and Oklahoma, from 1828 to 2016. Representing a huge variety in style, production and audience, the newspapers include national periodicals as well as local community news and student publications. This digital collection provides exciting research opportunities into a range of subjects from an Indigenous perspective, including the civil rights era and American Indian Movement (AIM), education, environmentalism, land rights and cultural representation. This resource has been developed with, and has only been made possible by, the permission and contribution of the newspaper publishers and Tribal Councils concerned.
- Associated Press collections onlineAssociated Press Collections Online includes decades' worth of access to an array of internal AP publications and records from select AP bureaus. Contents provided by Associated Press Corporate Archives, AP Images, and AP Archive.
- FactivaAccess to current global news and business information, including local newspapers, same-day newswires, company reports, and media programs. Includes same-day news feed from the following major news sources: Dow Jones Newswires (Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, French, Japanese, Portugues, Russian, and Spanish), Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Barron’s, Washington Post, Boston Globe, Investor’s Business Daily , American Banker, Forbes and the The Times of London. Coverage dates vary by individual newspaper, some sources begin as early as the mid-1980’s.
- Global newsstreamSearch the most recent global news content, with archives that stretch back into the 1980s from over 2,500 news sources including newspapers, newswires, news journals, television and radio transcripts, blogs, podcasts, and digital-only websites in full-text format. Provides one of the largest collections of news from the U.S., Canada, Europe, Africa, Asia, Latin America, and Australia.
- Newspaper ArchiveNewspaper Archive is a database which contains tens of millions of newspaper pages from 1607 to present.
- Nexis UniAn interdisciplinary, full-text database of over 18,000 sources including newspapers, journals, wire services, newsletters, company reports and SEC filings, case law, government documents, transcripts of broadcasts, and selected reference works.
- ProQuest news & newspapersA database of articles from newspapers. This includes general databases, such as Alt-Press Watch, Ethnic NewsWatch, GenderWatch, US Hispanic Newsstand, as well as individual titles, both Historical Newspapers, and the current (and historical) Los Angeles Times.
Political & policy news
- News, policy & politics magazine archiveNews, Policy & Politics Magazine Archive offers digital access to the archival runs of 15 major 20th/21st-century consumer magazines covering such fields as the history of politics, current events, public policy, and international relations. The earliest content dates from 1918 onward. Central to this collection is the archive of Newsweek. Additionally the collection includes In These Times, Europe, New Internationalist, and NATO Review.
- PoliticoProA comprehensive database providing U.S. legislative and regulatory insights, data tools and resources for policy research. Includes graphic visualizations. The Document Drawer repository offers primary source documentation related to investigative reports.
- ProPublica data storeThe ProPublica Data Store provides access to the data behind ProPublica reporting and investigative reporting. ProPublica provides free access to the raw data behind their work, as well as premium data products. This is a database of ProPublica's data used for investigative journalism in the public interest as well as API's. Topics include Health, Criminal Justice, Education, Politics, Business, Transportation, and Military.
- Last Updated: Feb 14, 2025 12:14 PM
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Subjects: Communication and journalism
Tags: Investigative reporting, Journalism, News, Newspapers