Middle Eastern Studies: Religions
Alevi and Shiite studies
Journal of Alevism-Bektashism Studies endeavors to enrich academic literature with publications on the Alevi Bektashi belief system within different scientific fields. It publishes original research papers, compilations, translations, reviews, and similar publications concerning Alevi Bektashi communities in the Middle East.
Shii Studies Review provides a scholarly forum for researchers specializing in all fields of Shii studies. The journal publishes peer-reviewed original studies, critical editions of classical and pre-modern texts, and book reviews on Shii theology, law & jurisprudence, mysticism and philosophy, hadith, Quranic studies and exegesis, ritual & practices, literature and other aspects of the history of Shiism. It is dedicated to the study of Imami, Ismaili, Zaydi, and other trends in Shii thought throughout history up to 1900 CE.
Journal of Shi'ite Islamic Studies is a refereed academic journal published quarterly by ICAS Press for the Islamic College in London. The journal provides an international forum for scholars through the publication of research articles in all fields of Shi‘a studies, from the historical to the contemporary and from the theological to the philosophical.
Bahá’í studies
Jeff and Jane Rhodes Baháʼí Collection consists of 693 print volumes, two special collections items, 76 sound and music recordings, 64 videos, and 23 periodicals donated as gift to Stanford Libraries.
Jack H. Lee and Arden T. Lee Bahá’í Collection consists of more than 700 print volumes, more than 200 sound and music recordings, 60 videos, one archival item, and 12 serial imprints donated as gift to Stanford Libraries.
The Association for Bahá’í Studies, North America, promotes inquiry within the sciences and humanities to advance thought and practice that address the needs of contemporary society. The activities of the Association are open to all, with a particular focus on those engaged in academic, scholarly, and professional discourse.
Star of the West was a US Bahá'í newsletter published between 1910 and 1935. It was one of the only ways for the western friends to receive Tablets and news about the Bahá’í Faith at that time and contains many translations of Tablets and communications which have to date not been published elsewhere. The first volume of Star of the West was published under the title of Bahá’í News.
Bahá'í Works is a digitization project that provides access to serial imprints and pamphlets related to the Bahá'í Faith and its history in English and German. The titles made available online include periodicals Star of the West (1910-1935), Bahá’í News (1924-1990), World Order Magazine (1935-2008), and The Bahá’í World (1925-2006) plus a handful of booklets and pamphlets and a few audio and video transcripts of talks given by notable Bahá’ís.
Safīnah-i ʿIrfān contains studies in Persian on principal beliefs and sacred texts of the Bahá’í Faith presented at Irfán Colloquium in Darmstadt, Germany.
Dialogue Magazine, published in Los Angeles between 1986 and 1988, was a quarterly journal exploring the implications of the Bahá’í Faith for our time.
The Journal of Bahá’í Studies / Revue des Études Bahá’íes publishes articles offering the perspectives of scholars from diverse academic disciplines, correlating the teachings of the Bahá’í Faith to the needs of humanity. Peer review and editorial standards that aspire to foster excellence make it the central outlet for Bahá’í scholarship in North America.
Islamic studies
A Bibliography of Islamic Criminal Law offers the most extensive bibliography on Islamic criminal law ever compiled. Drawing on a multitude of sources online and offline, A Bibliography of Islamic Criminal Law covers, in its thematic section, not only the classical crime categories of hudud, qisas and ta’zir but also a large number of newly emerging and related fields. In a second section dedicated to countries and eras, it comprehensively covers the historical and modern application of Islamic criminal law in all its forms. Unlocking the richness of this sub-field of Islamic law with the help of two detailed indices, this innovative reference work is highly relevant for all those researching Islamic law in general and the application of Islamic criminal law over time in particular.
The Oxford Handbook of Islamic Law is a landmark study of the most significant topics in field. OHIL is the first of its kind to offer a systemically sustained critical interrogation of the study of Islamic law to date. With entries from leading scholars, this volume delivers a historiographical examination of Islamic law, familiarizing readers with some of the most important names and ideas in the field.
The New Cambridge History of Islam offers a comprehensive history of Islamic civilization, tracing its development from its beginnings in seventh-century Arabia to its wide and varied presence in the globalized world of today and focusing on the cultural, social and religious diversity of the peoples of the Muslim world.
The Halal Food Handbook providing a set of good practice standards for both producers and consumers of Halal food, this accessible, authoritative book covers all aspects of Halal from its origins through to how we expect Halal to develop in the coming years. It explains what Halal is, where it came from, how it is practiced, and by whom. In addition to putting Halal in a religious and cultural context, the book provides practical standards for those working in the Halal trade.
The Cambridge History of Islam is a most comprehensive and ambitious collaborative survey of Islamic history and civilization. On publication it was welcomed as a work useful both for reference and reading, for the general reader, student, and specialist alike.
The Cambridge Companion to American Islam offers a scholarly overview of the state of research on American Muslims and American Islam.
Handbook of Contemporary Islam and Muslim Lives provides a general yet detailed discussion of contemporary Islam and various aspects of Muslim lives. Each chapter provides the reader with the necessary general view and detailed ethnographic examples.
The Oxford Bibliographies: Islamic Studies offers peer-reviewed annotated bibliographies on the range of lived experiences and textual traditions of Muslims as they are articulated in various countries and regions throughout the world. Bibliographies are browsable by subject area and keyword searchable.
The Oxford Handbook of European Islam is the first collection to present a comprehensive approach to the multiple and changing ways Islam has been studied across European countries. The Handbook attempts to balance cutting edge assessment with the knowledge that the content itself will eventually be superseded by events. Featuring eighteen newly commissioned essays by noted scholars in the field, this volume will provide an excellent resource for students and scholars interested in European Studies, immigration, Islamic studies, and the sociology of religion.
The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Islamic World is a comprehensive resource covering all aspects of religion, politics, and culture in Muslim societies throughout the world. It covers a wide range of topics, including the Islamic state, pilgrimage, law, marriage, social and political movements, women, Muslim minorities, human rights, Islam in the West, interreligious affairs, and foreign relations. Every entry is accompanied by an up-to-date bibliography.
Journal of Islamic Studies is a multi-disciplinary publication dedicated to the scholarly study of all aspects of Islam and of the Islamic world. Particular attention is paid to works dealing with history, geography, political science, economics, anthropology, sociology, law, literature, religion, philosophy, international relations, environmental and developmental issues, and ethical questions related to scientific research.
Handbook of Islamic Sects and Movements offers a multinational study of Islam, its variants, influences, and neighboring movements, from a multidisciplinary range of scholars. It highlights the diversity of Islam, especially in its contemporary manifestations, as a religion of many communities, theologies, and ideologies. Over five sections-on Sunni, Shia, Sufi, fundamentalist, and fringe Islamic movements-the authors provide historical overviews, analyses, and in-depth studies of large and small Islamic and related groups from all around the world. The contents of this volume will be of interest to both newcomers to the study of Islam and established scholars of religion who wish to engage with the dynamic label of Islam and the many impactful movements of the Islamic world.
The Oxford Handbook of Islamic Theology provides a comprehensive and authoritative survey of the current state of the field. It provides a variegated picture of the state of the art and at the same time suggests new directions for future research.
The Oxford Bibliographies: Islamic Studies offers peer-reviewed annotated bibliographies on the range of lived experiences and textual traditions of Muslims as they are articulated in various countries and regions throughout the world. Bibliographies are browseable by subject area and keyword searchable. Contains a "My OBO" function that allows users to create personalized bibliographies of individual citations from different bibliographies.
Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations promotes the scholarly study of Islam as a religious and intellectual tradition, and its relations with Christianity and other religions.
The Cambridge History of Islam is a most comprehensive and ambitious collaborative survey of Islamic history and civilization. On publication it was welcomed as a work useful both for reference and reading, for the general reader, student and specialist alike.
The New Cambridge History of Islam offers a comprehensive history of Islamic civilization, tracing its development from its beginnings in seventh-century Arabia to its wide and varied presence in the globalized world of today and focusing on the cultural, social and religious diversity of the peoples of the Muslim world.
Online companion to Mālik's Muwaṭṭaʼ enables readers to explore the Muwaṭṭaʼ in greater detail, along with its place in Islamic legal history and the history of the medieval scholars who helped preserve it and transmit it to later generations. First and foremost, this Online Companion serves as a resource for introducing interested readers to the translation of this core work of Islamic law's founding period by including an online introduction to the print translation of the Royal Moroccan Edition of the Muwaṭṭaʼ, excerpts of the the English translation itself, and supplemental materials that will provide further biographical and historical background to the people, events, and ideas that inform the legal texts. In time, this Companion will also feature a searchable online version of the Arabic text of the Royal Moroccan Edition (drawn from multiple manuscripts and edited by a team of Moroccan scholars).
Journal of Islamic Studies is a multi-disciplinary publication dedicated to the scholarly study of all aspects of Islam and of the Islamic world. Particular attention is paid to works dealing with history, geography, political science, economics, anthropology, sociology, law, literature, religion, philosophy, international relations, environmental and developmental issues, as well as ethical questions related to scientific research.
Studia Islamica was created in 1953 by Robert Brunschvig and Joseph Schacht. Brill publishes this journal from 2013 on. Studia Islamica offers to the learned public, and not to Islamic scholars only, papers written by qualified specialists on subjects from all sections of the vast field of Islamic studies. Special attention is paid to discussions of method to comprehensive views, and to new conclusions.
Der Islam provides a forum for the study of the history and culture of the Middle East before the age of modernisation in the 19th century, from the Iberian Peninsula to Central Asia. Articles present the latest research in the humanities and social sciences based on literary traditions, and archival, material, as well as archaeological evidence.
Cambridge Companion to Classical Islamic Theology provides critical reflections on the evolution and major themes of pre-modern Muslim theology. The series begins with the revelation of the Koran, and extends to the beginnings of modernity in the eighteenth century. The significance of Islamic theology reflects the immense importance of Islam in the history of monotheism, to which it has brought a unique approach and style, and a range of solutions which are of abiding interest. Devoting especial attention to questions of rationality, scriptural fidelity, and the construction of 'orthodoxy', this volume introduces key Muslim theories of revelation, creation, ethics, scriptural interpretation, law, mysticism, and eschatology. Throughout the treatment is firmly set in the historical, social and political context in which Islam's distinctive understanding of God evolved. Despite its importance, Islamic theology has been neglected in recent scholarship, and this book provides a unique, scholarly but accessible introduction.
Cambridge Companion to Muḥammad provides ritical reflections on the evolution and major themes of pre-modern Muslim theology begins with the revelation of the Koran, and extends to the beginnings of modernity in the eighteenth century. The significance of Islamic theology reflects the immense importance of Islam in the history of monotheism, to which it has brought a unique approach and style, and a range of solutions which are of abiding interest. Devoting especial attention to questions of rationality, scriptural fidelity, and the construction of 'orthodoxy', this volume introduces key Muslim theories of revelation, creation, ethics, scriptural interpretation, law, mysticism, and eschatology. Throughout the treatment is firmly set in the historical, social and political context in which Islam's distinctive understanding of God evolved. Despite its importance, Islamic theology has been neglected in recent scholarship, and this book provides a unique, scholarly but accessible introduction.
Cambridge Companion to American Islam offers a scholarly overview of the state of research on American Muslims and American Islam. The book presents the reader with a comprehensive discussion of the debates, challenges and opportunities that American Muslims have faced through centuries of American history. This volume also covers the creative ways in which American Muslims have responded to the myriad serious challenges that they have faced and continue to face in constructing a religious praxis and complex identities that are grounded in both a universal tradition and the particularities of their local contexts. The book introduces the reader to some of the many facets of the lives of American Muslims that can only be understood in their interactions with Islam's entanglement in the American experiment.
Islamic Law and Society provides a forum for research in the field of classical and modern Islamic law, in Muslim and non-Muslim countries. The Islamic Law and Society has established itself as an invaluable resource for the subject both in the private collections of scholars and practitioners as well as in the major research libraries of the world. The Islamic Law and Society encourages discussion on all branches of Islamic law, with a view to promoting an understanding of Islamic law, in both theory and practice, from its emergence until modern times and from juridical, historical and social-scientific perspectives. The Islamic Law and Society offers you an easy way to stay on top of your discipline.
Die Welt des Islams focuses on the history, religion and culture of Muslim societies across the world from the eighteenth century to the present. The peer-reviewed journal welcomes contributions in English, French and German from all relevant academic disciplines. Research articles and extensive book reviews offer a broad scholarly view of the field of Islam; in-depth thematic issues are devoted to relevant historical and contemporary problems.
Quran studies
Encyclopaedia of the Quran combines alphabetically arranged articles about the contents of the Quran. It is an encyclopedic dictionary of Qur'anic terms, concepts, personalities, place names, cultural history and exegesis extended with essays on the most important themes and subjects within quranic studies. With nearly 1000 entries in 5 volumes, the EQ is the first comprehensive, multi-volume reference work on the Quran to appear in a Western language.
Al-Bayan: Journal of Qur'ān and Hadith Studies is a rigorously peer-reviewed academic journal on Qurʾān and Ḥadīth studies. It was founded in 2003 at the prestigious Universiti Malaya in Kuala Lumpur, the oldest and highest-ranking Malaysian institution of higher education, and continues to be edited and hosted there. Firmly rooted in Malaysia, the journal has a highly international editorial board.
Blackwell Companion to the Qur'an is a reader's guide, a true companion for anyone who wishes to read and understand the Qur'an as a text and as a vital piece of Muslim life. * Comprises over 30 original essays by leading scholars * Provides exceptionally broad coverage - considering the structure, content and rhetoric of the Qur'an; how Muslims have interpreted the text and how they interact with it; and the Qur'an's place in Islam * Features notes, an extensive bibliography, indexes of names, Qur'an citations, topics, and technical terms.
Noble Qur'an was founded in 1995. The website aims to make it easy for anyone to read, study, and learn the Quran. The project is open source and is built as a collaboration between core team members and the Tarteel team.
Cambridge Companion to the Qur'an seeks to remedy that situation. In a discerning summation of the field, Jane McAuliffe brings together an international team of scholars to explain its complexities. Comprising fourteen chapters, each devoted to a topic of central importance, the book is rich in historical, linguistic and literary detail, while also reflecting the influence of other disciplines. For both the university student and the general reader, The Cambridge Companion to the Qur'an provides a fascinating entree to a text that has shaped the lives of millions for centuries.
Sufi studies, Intellectual studies, and Islamic philosophy
The Oxford Handbook of Islamic Philosophy gives both the advanced student and active scholar in Islamic philosophy, theology, and intellectual history, a strong sense of what a work in Islamic philosophy looks like and a deep view of the issues, concepts, and arguments that are at stake. Most importantly, it provides an up-to-date portrait of contemporary scholarship on Islamic philosophy.
Journal of Sufi Studies furnishes an international scholarly forum for research on Sufism. Taking an expansive view of the subject, the journal brings together all disciplinary perspectives. It publishes peer-reviewed articles and book reviews on the historical, cultural, social, philosophical, political, anthropological, literary, artistic and other aspects of Sufism in all times and places. By promoting an understanding of the richly variegated Sufi tradition in both thought and practice and in its cultural and social contexts, the Journal of Sufi Studies makes a distinctive contribution to current scholarship on Sufism and its integration into the broader field of Islamic studies.
Princeton Encyclopedia of Islamic Political Thought provides the context needed for understanding contemporary politics in the Islamic world and beyond. With more than 400 alphabetically arranged entries written by an international team of specialists, the volume focuses on the origins and evolution of Islamic political ideas and related subjects, covering central terms, concepts, personalities, movements, places, and schools of thought across Islamic history. Fifteen major entries provide a synthetic treatment of key topics, such as Muhammad, jihad, authority, gender, culture, minorities, fundamentalism, and pluralism. Incorporating the latest scholarship, this is an indispensable resource for students, researchers, journalists, and anyone else seeking an informed perspective on the complex intersection of Islam and politics.
Blackwell Companion to Contemporary Islamic Thought reflects the variety of trends, voices, and opinions in the contemporary Muslim intellectual scene. This work: challenges Western misconceptions about the modern Muslim world in general and the Arab world in particular; consists of 36 important essays written by contemporary Muslim thinkers and scholars; covers issues such as Islamic tradition, modernity, globalization, feminism, the West, the USA, reform, and secularism; and, helps readers to situate Islamic intellectual history in the context of Western intellectual trends.
Intellectual History of the Islamicate World is a forum for research that systematically crosses the boundaries between three major disciplines of academia and research, viz. Islamic Studies, Jewish Studies and the study of Eastern Christianity. It encourages discussion among representatives of these and related disciplines, with a view to promoting a new understanding of intellectual history in all its facets throughout the Islamicate World, from its emergence until modern times and from different methodological perspectives. The Intellectual History of the Islamicate World covers such themes as philosophy, theology, exegesis, law and legal methodology, sciences and medicine.
Sociology of Islam provides an international scholarly forum for research related to the religion and culture of Islam, Muslim societies, and social issues related to Muslims in socio-political context. Decidedly rooted in the sociological perspective, SOI takes an expansive and global view of this broad subject matter. The SOI publishes multiple issues per year containing original peer-reviewed articles and book reviews on the sociological, political, anthropological, historical and other aspects of Islam and Muslim societies across all times and places. By promoting an academic understanding of the richly variegated and complex nature of both majority Muslim societies and of the issues related to the minority status of Muslims in other social contexts, in both thought and practice, Sociology of Islam makes a distinctive contribution to current scholarship in the field of sociology.
- Last Updated: Nov 28, 2023 11:44 AM
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