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Higher education teaching: Journals
This guide is for those interested in the teaching in higher education, both research and practice. Developed in collaboration with Stanford's Center for Teaching and Learning.
"Computers & Education aims to increase knowledge and understanding of ways in which digital technology can enhance education, through the publication of high-quality research, which extends theory and practice."
"Our mission is to serve all of higher education - individuals, institutions, corporations and non-profits - so they can do their jobs better, transforming their lives and those of the students they serve."
"Journal of Diversity in Higher Education largely publishes empirical research focused on issues related to issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion in post-secondary environments."
"Research in Higher Education publishes studies that examine issues pertaining to postsecondary education. The journal is open to studies using a wide range of methods, but has particular interest in studies that apply advanced quantitative research methods to issues in postsecondary education or address postsecondary education policy issues."