Higher education teaching: Recent e-books
This guide is for those interested in the teaching in higher education, both research and practice. Developed in collaboration with Stanford's Center for Teaching and Learning.
Recent e-books
Practitioner research in college-based education by M. Mahruf C. Shohel, (Ed.); Alex Mortby (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024This innovative book offers a roadmap for academic scholars, providing insights into practitioner-led research across the global landscape of college-based education. This book is more than a collection of theoretical frameworks; it is a solution-oriented guide that illuminates the intricacies of research practices, methodologies, and their real-world applications within the context of academic institutions. By uniting educators, researchers, policymakers, and practitioners, this book creates a powerful platform for sharing experiences and collaborative efforts to enhance teaching and learning.Promoting equitable classroom practices in higher education: approaches beyond curriculum by Heidi L. Hallman (Ed.); Valerie Mendoza (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024This edited volume seeks to put theory into practice by inviting contributions by scholars who aim to transform the higher education classroom through equitable classroom practices premised on culturally sustaining pedagogy. Contributors to the edited volume are faculty in higher education who depict change in instruction that fosters a more inclusive and equitable learning environment.A pedagogy of kindness by Catherine J. Denial
Publication Date: 2024Academia is not, by and large, a kind place. Individualism and competition are what count. But without kindness at its core, Catherine Denial suggests, higher education fails students and instructors--and its mission--in critical ways. Part manifesto, part teaching memoir, part how-to guide, A Pedagogy of Kindness urges higher education to get aggressive about instituting kindness, which Denial distinguishes from niceness.Learning on location: place-based approaches for diverse learners in higher education by Ashley J. Holmes
Publication Date: 2024This book offers an innovative framework and set of pedagogical pathways for deepening college student learning through critical engagement with place. Though the what and how of teaching and learning rightly take center stage in research of best practices, this book argues that the where of education deserves increased attention. Drawing from interviews and case studies with college and university educators in the United States and Canada, Learning on Location highlights pedagogies-in-action and identifies programmatic models for embedding location-based learning within specific courses, majors, curricula, and campus-wide initiatives.Great college teaching: where it happens and how to foster it everywhere by Corbin M. Campbell; Jonathan Gyurko (Foreword)
Publication Date: 2023Great College Teaching highlights where and how exemplary teaching is practiced in U.S. higher education and charts a course for cultivating teaching improvement throughout all types of institutions.Online, open, and equitable education by Nancy Turner (Ed.); Nick Baker (Ed.); David J. Hornsby (Ed.); Aline Germain-Rutherford (Ed.); David Graham (Ed.); Brad Wuetherick (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024In response to the COVID-19 global pandemic, higher education systems and institutions around the world rapidly moved significant portions of their learning to a variety of remote learning models. These shifts to online learning impacted how institutions support equitable student access and success and intersected with other key initiatives to support the transition to open and agile educational approaches. Questions of equity and openness have pervaded higher education systems worldwide for decades, and this volume seeks to document, analyze, and share pedagogical practices adopted in response to the global pandemic, providing new frameworks and advancing the conversation around online, open, and equitable educational practices.Becoming a SoTL scholar by Janice Miller-Young (Ed.); Nancy L. Chick (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024"The scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL), a multidisciplinary field that focuses on systematic investigation in teaching and learning, is now over 30 years old. No longer just a grassroots movement of individual faculty committed to taking teaching and learning seriously, SoTL has become professionalized. Becoming a SoTL Scholar maps out what it looks like to be a SoTL scholar and how to get there by design."Enhancing inclusive instruction: student perspectives and practical approaches for advancing equity in higher education by Tracie Marcella Addy; Derek Dube; Khadijah A. Mitchell
Publication Date: 2024The book centers the voices of students of diverse backgrounds to explore how instructors can approach equitable, inclusive teaching. Modeling the importance of continuous growth, it provides the knowledge and skills to further any college instructor's inclusive teaching journey.Innovative approaches to teaching and assessing teamwork in higher education: setting priorities, using evidence-informed practices, and avoiding pitfalls by Cynthia G. Campbell; Iryna Babik; R. Eric Landrum
Publication Date: 2024* offers a persuasive argument for the importance of teamwork in college courses. * presents innovative techniques grounded in the science of teamwork, along with multifaceted contemporary teamwork assessment methods for advancing and assessing teamwork skills in all disciplines.Faculty learning communities: working towards a more equitable, just, and antiracist future in higher education by Kristin N. Rainville (Ed.); David G. Title (Ed.); Cynthia G. Desrochers (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024"This edited book on Faculty Learning Communities (FLCs) provides and explores powerful examples of FLCs as a impactful form of professional learning for faculty in higher education. The chapters describe faculty learning community initiatives focused on diversity, equity, and belonging in higher education. "Delivering promise: equity-driven educational change and innovation in community and technical colleges by Xueli Wang
Publication Date: 2024In Delivering Promise, award-winning scholar of higher education Xueli Wang tells a story of educational change and innovation that has and continues to occur at countless campuses of community and technical colleges. Wang weaves together a careful account of how faculty, staff, administrators, institutional researchers, and college leaders rapidly adjusted to crisis during the COVID-19 pandemic, while grappling with a new or renewed commitment to centering equity in their work.Teaching and confronting racial neoliberalism in higher education: autoethnographic explorations of the race studies classroom by Michelle D. Byng
Publication Date: 2024"This book examines the way in which professors must confront the social implications of racial neoliberalism. Drawing on autoethnographic research from the authors combined 100 years of teaching experience, it recognizes the need for faculty to negotiate their own experiences with race, as well as those of their students. It focuses on the experiential nature of teaching, supplementing the fields focus on pedagogy, and recognizes that professors must in fact highlight, rather than downplay, the realities of racial inequalities of the past and present."Instructional moves for powerful teaching in higher education by Jeremy T. Murphy; Meira Levinson
Publication Date: 2023Based on work conducted through the Instructional Moves project at Harvard University, Instructional Moves for Powerful Teaching in Higher Education outlines the many ways in which good college and graduate school teaching is rooted in deliberate pedagogical choices that support active learning. Jeremy T. Murphy and Meira Levinson distill good instruction to its essential components, analyzing the careful steps successful instructors take to create learning spaces that encourage all students to do ambitious work.The right to learn: resisting the right-wing attack on academic freedom by Jennifer Ruth (Ed.); Valerie C. Johnson (Ed.); Ellen Schrecker (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024The Right to Learn speaks out fearlessly against the far right's decades-long war against intellectual freedom. This essential anthology outlines and contextualizes the culture wars' demonization of critical race theory, Ron DeSantis's "Don't Say Gay" law, and other hot-button issues. With an introduction that places the current crisis within the broader context of the ongoing attacks on American democracy, The Right to Learn features the testimony and analysis of activists, scholars, and attorneys with firsthand experience in the struggle against well-funded conservative groups' assaults on academic freedom.Promoting meaningful student-faculty experiences in graduate education by Eugene T. Parker, III (Ed.); Teniell L. Trolian (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Covers three salient and critical topics associated with student-faculty engagement for graduate and professional students: a) curriculum and teaching, b) identity and experiences, and c) graduate and professional student mentoring.
Brain research and learning theory: implications to improve student learning and engagement by Perry R. Rettig; Toni M. Bailey
Publication Date: 2024Virtually anyone who has attended college can attest to poor teaching approaches by very bright professors. Professors simply are not trained or taught how to best teach their content. They are not aware of learning theories, brain research, pedagogy and andragogy. They teach the way they were taught--their mimetic isomorphism.Not only will this book share insights from all these areas, but it will also help professors prepare syllabi, create curriculum, prepare lesson plans, create assignments, and develop assessments with these concepts in mind.Creating space for ourselves as minoritized and marginalized faculty: narratives that humanize the academy by edited by Claudia García-Louis, Sonja Ardoin, Tricia R. Shalka, Keon M. McGuire, and Eugene T. Parker III
Publication Date: 2024Creating Space for Ourselves as Minoritized and Marginalized Faculty moves away from conventional faculty success books by providing early career faculty with innovative perspectives about successfully navigating the professoriate, while humanizing their lived experiences and naming the unspoken. Through the use of interdisciplinary methods, such as creative artistic expression, testimonios, and personal narratives, chapter authors share experiences learned about surviving, thriving, navigating, and succeeding as early career underrepresented and marginalized faculty.Designing personalized learning experiences: a framework for higher education and workforce training by Helen Fake; Nada Dabbagh
Publication Date: 2024This book offers practical strategies on how to design and implement effective personalized learning interventions, advance learning and engagement, encourage ownership over the learning process, and decrease attrition. Professionals in instructional design, learning and development, organizational development, consultancies, and beyond will be emboldened by the work to leverage a mix of technology-enabled social and content interactions.The development of personal learning environments in higher education: promoting culturally responsive teaching and learner autonomy by edited by Yilin Sun and Xiaoshu Xu
Publication Date: 2024This book offers forward-thinking insights into the variety of student-centered learning interactions, particularly culturally and linguistically responsive pedagogies, that can be integrated into PLEs. Attending to quality assessment rubrics, the nuances of stakeholders’ needs, and theoretically sound frameworks, these cross-cultural, interdisciplinary chapters explore how leaders, instructors, technologists, and learners can form a precise yet flexible ecosystem to fully realize PLEs in which co-created, intercultural narratives yield rich, relevant digital learning experiences.Innovative instructional design methods and tools for improved teaching by Mohamed Khaldi (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Innovative Instructional Design Methods and Tools for Improved Teaching is meticulously crafted to address the pressing issues faced by academic scholars today. This book transcends the conventional boundaries of educational discourse, offering a roadmap for designing learning activities beyond routine exercises. It unveils a comprehensive approach, integrating pedagogical strategies and innovative teaching practices, providing educators with the tools they need to revolutionize their approach to instruction.Pedagogies of quiet: silence and social justice in the classroom by Monica Edwards
Publication Date: 2024Pedagogies of Quiet: Silence and Social Justice in the Classroom started with one teacher's frustration with a room full of quiet students and shifted into exploring why and how teachers can incorporate a quiet praxis into their classrooms. Mindful of students who have been historically silenced or ignored-LGBTQ students and introverted students-this book dives into the historical and theoretical forces that shape classroom participation.Trends in assessment: ideas, opportunities, and issues for higher education by Stephen P. Hundley (Ed.); Caleb J. Keith (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Informed by sessions at the Assessment Institute in Indianapolis, the oldest and largest U.S. event focused on assessing and improving higher education, this second edition of Trends in Assessment is intended to encapsulate lessons learned from the recent past, reflect the current state, and inspire future directions for higher education assessment.
Artificial intelligence and learning futures: critical narratives of technology and imagination in higher education by Stefan Popenici
Publication Date: 2023As AI becomes integral to both pedagogy and profitability in today's colleges and universities, a critical discourse on these systems and algorithms is urgently needed to push back against their potential to enable surveillance, control, and oppression. This book examines the development, risks, and opportunities inherent to AI in education and curriculum design, the problematic ideological assumptions of intelligence and technology, and the evidence base and ethical imagination required to responsibly implement these learning technologies in a way that ensures quality and sustainability.Assessment by design: a practical approach to improve student learning by Sheri H. Barrett
Publication Date: 2023Written with faculty in mind, Assessment by Design is a practical resource that will also be useful to student affairs staff and administrators dedicated to using assessment to improve learning in curricular and co-curricular settings. This book presents the Cycle of Assessment as a framework that supports assessment in service of improving student learning. The framework consists of the following stages: Developing Your Assessment Question; Planning Decisions to Consider; Collecting and Scoring the Data; Analyzing and Discussing Assessment Data; and Report and Act on Assessment Findings.Autonomy-supportive teaching in higher education: a practical guide for college professors by Patrick M. Whitehead
Publication Date: 2023Using everyday language, Autonomy-Supportive Teaching in Higher Education: A Practical Guide for College Professors synthesizes the mountain of research conducted using autonomy-supportive teaching (AST) in the classroom. This book summaries the state-of-the-art motivation psychology for the classroom, provides eight workshops demonstrating evidence-based and classroom tested strategies for applying AST, and explores faculty and student reflections on the strengths and weaknesses of AST.Black feminist epistemology, research, and praxis: narratives in and through the academy by Christa J. Porter; V. Thandi Sulé; Natasha N. Croom
Publication Date: 2023"While there has been an increase of Black women faculty in higher education institutions, the academy writ large continues to exploit, discriminate, and uphold institutionalized gendered racism through its policies and practices. Black women have navigated, negotiated, and learned how to thrive from their respective standpoint and epistemologies, traversing the academy in ways that counter typical narratives of success and advancement. This edited volume bridges together foundational and contemporary intergenerational, interdisciplinary voices to elucidate Black feminist epistemologies and praxis."Challenging antisemitism: lessons from literacy classrooms by Mara Lee Grayson (Ed.); Judith Chriqui Benchimol (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2023Challenging Antisemitism: Lessons from Literacy Classrooms provides theoretical framing and historical context for understanding contemporary antisemitism and offers teachers curricular ideas and practical strategies to address antisemitism and amplify Jewish voices in secondary and post-secondary literacy classrooms.The essentials of college teaching: a guide for new and adjunct college instructors by Constance Jones
Publication Date: 2023The target audience for The Essentials of College Teaching: A Guide for New and Adjunct College Instructors are adjunct (non tenure-track) instructors. Adjuncts now constitute 76.4 % of U.S. faculty across all institutional types, with a staggering 80% at two-year institutions. Although teaching a heavy load, adjuncts are not typically included in on-campus professional development opportunities to improve their teaching skills. This book would be particularly helpful for first time or relatively novice college-level instructors, including doctoral graduate students teaching their first sections, new community college instructors, and new four-year college and university instructors.How learning works : 8 research-based principles for smart teaching by Marie K. Norman; Marsha C. Lovett; Michael W. Bridges; Michele DiPietro; Susan A. Ambrose
Publication Date: 2023As educators in the ever-evolving landscape of higher education, we are continuously challenged to keep our courses effective, engaging, relevant, and inclusive. The updated and expanded second edition of How Learning Works can help! It incorporates the latest research, provides a wider range of strategies, and adds a new principle to your toolkit.How to engage in difficult conversations on identity, race, and politics in higher education: a practical guide for faculty by Tammy Hodo; Jacques Whitfield; Brian Van Brunt; Poppy Fitch
Publication Date: 2023* Each chapter in Part II provides multiple activities, discussion questions, and cases studies to encourage engagement on challenging issues. * Includes FAQ with sample responses that can be used in real conversations. * Covers some of the most contentious issues in America today, including immigration, white supremacy in academia, women's rights, Black Lives Matter movement, Trans Rights, among many others.Inclusive college classrooms: teaching methods for diverse learners by Lauren S. Cardon; Anne-Marie Womack
Publication Date: 2023"Inclusive College Classrooms provides instructors with research-based practices and tools to create an effective and inclusive classroom environment. This important book responds to the current obstacles facing higher education institutions by filling a visible gap in pedagogical training books, as well as in graduate pedagogy courses and new faculty pedagogy orientations, to help instructors improve the methods they are already using, identify new methods that could enhance their courses, and become more confident overall as they develop a discourse for talking about teaching."Leading innovation and creativity in university teaching: implementing change at the programme level by Sam Nolan (Ed.); Steve Hutchinson (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2023Providing practical tips and guidance to support those designing or redesigning higher education curricula, this book highlights approaches and solutions to leading change in learning and teaching. Covering all areas from an overview of external pressures, through to developing a vision and strategy for a programme, to classroom practice and sustainability, leading thinkers in the field of university learning and teaching share their experiences of driving and sustaining change in departmental practice.Teaching at its best: a research-based resource for college instructors by Todd D. Zakrajsek; Linda B. Nilson
Publication Date: 2023This higher education playbook provides a wealth of research-backed practices for nearly every aspect of effective teaching throughout higher education. It is filled with practical guidance and proven techniques designed to help you improve student learning, both face-to-face and online.
Co-creating equitable teaching and learning: structuring student voice into higher education by Alison Cook-Sather
Publication Date: 2022Co-Creating Equitable Teaching and Learning invites readers to help forge a more inclusive and accessible college education by incorporating student voices via pedagogical partnerships.Contemplative practices and anti-oppressive pedagogies for higher education: bridging the disciplines by Greta Claire Gaard; Bengü Ergüner-Tekinalp
Publication Date: 2022This volume explores mindfulness and other contemplative approaches as strategic tools for cultivating anti-oppressive pedagogies in higher education. Research confirms that simply providing students with evidence and narratives of economic, social, and environmental injustices proves insufficient in developing awareness and eliciting responses of empathy, solidarity, and a desire to act for change. From the environmental humanities to the environmental sciences, legal studies, psychology, and counseling, educators from a range of geographical and disciplinary standpoints describe their research-based mindfulness pedagogies.Creating inclusive online communities: practices that support and engage diverse students by Sharla Berry; Kathryn E. Linder (Foreword)
Publication Date: 2022Sharla Berry offers faculty practical strategies for building asynchronous, synchronous, and blended online courses and programs that are inclusive and engaging for diverse learners. Recognizing that community is a complex, contextual and constantly shifting concept, Sharla Berry opens this book by addressing how to develop an inclusive approach to online teaching that takes into account the experiences and needs of historically marginalized and underrepresented students.Digital distractions in the college classroom by Abraham Edward Flanigan (Ed.); Jackie HeeYoung Kim (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022Digital Distractions in the College Classroom explores the challenges that arise from student digital distraction along with potential solutions, including how mobile technology can be leveraged to improve student motivation, self-regulation of learning, and achievement, addressing topics such as academic motivation and instructional design.Education reform in the aftermath of the COVID-19 Pandemic by Oluwunmi Ariyo (Ed.); Ansa Reams-Johnson (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022Education Reform in the Aftermath of the COVID-19 Pandemic educates individuals regarding the impact of COVID-19 on higher education institutions internally and externally and considers the lessons learned as well as what could be next. The book also presents solutions to the challenges that the COVID-19 pandemic wrought on universities and colleges and looks toward using those solutions for future applications.An evidence-based guide to college and university teaching: developing the model teacher by Aaron S. Richmond; Guy A. Boysen; Regan A. R. Gurung
Publication Date: 2022An Evidence-based Guide to College and University Teaching outlines a definition of model teaching based on research evidence and accepted best practices in high education. Teachers at all levels of skill and experience can benefit from clear, objective guidelines for defining and measuring quality teaching.Guide to integrating problem-based learning programs in higher education classrooms: design, implementation, and evaluation by Pam Epler; Jodee Jacobs; Cristie McClendon
Publication Date: 2022Guide to Integrating Problem-Based Learning Programs in Higher Education Classrooms: Design, Implementation, and Evaluation provides college and university faculty with ways to establish, use, and evaluate a successful problem-based undergraduate or graduate program. Covering key topics such as peer tutors, evaluation, technology, and project-based learning...Inclusive teaching: strategies for promoting equity in the college classroom by Kelly A. Hogan; Viji Sathy
Publication Date: 2022In a book written by and for college teachers, Kelly Hogan and Viji Sathy provide tips and advice on how to make all students feel welcome and included. They begin with a framework describing why explicit attention to structure enhances inclusiveness in both course design and interactions with and between students.Instructor social presence: an essential tool for online student engagement and persistence in higher education by Catheryn Reardon
Publication Date: 2022In Instructor Social Presence: An Essential Tool for Online Student Engagement and Persistence in Higher Education, Catheryn Reardon argues that the social presence of the instructor plays a critical role in online student engagement and persistence in higher education. Although the results presented in this study were inconclusive, the findings revealed some important areas for future research including the role that empathy plays in a virtual environment.Linguistic justice on campus: pedagogy and advocacy for multilingual students by Brooke R. Schreiber (Ed.); Eunjeong Lee (Ed.); Jennifer T. Johnson (Ed.); Norah Fahim (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022This book supports writing educators on college campuses to work towards linguistic equity and social justice for multilingual students. It demonstrates how recent advances in theories on language, literacy, and race can be translated into pedagogical and administrative practice in a variety of contexts within US higher educational institutions.Maybe teaching is a bad idea: why faculty should focus on learning by Larry D. Spence; Maryellen Weimer
Publication Date: 2022This book proposes a radical restructuring of teaching so that it conforms to how people learn. Spence maintains that teaching cannot and should not be aimed at transferring knowledge from teacher brains into student brains. In his words: "Decades of experience have made perfectly clear that this approach frustrates teachers, bores students, and results in minimal learning."The new college classroom: a practical guide to the future of college teaching by Cathy N. Davidson; Christina Katopodis
Publication Date: 2022College instruction is stuck in the past. If a time traveler from a century ago arrived on today's campuses, they would recognize only too well the listlessness of the lecture hall and the awkward silence of the seminar room. Yet we know how to do better. Cathy N. Davidson and Christina Katopodis, two of the world's foremost innovators in higher education, turn to the latest research and methods to show how teachers at every kind of institution can help students become independent, creative, and active learners.Poison ivy: how elite colleges divide us by Evan Mandery
Publication Date: 2022An eye-opening look at how America's elite colleges and suburbs help keep the rich rich--making it harder than ever to fight the inequality dividing us today The front-page news and the trials that followed Operation Varsity Blues were just the tip of the iceberg. Poison Ivy tells the bigger, seedier story of how elite colleges create paths to admission available only to the wealthy, despite rhetoric to the contrary. Evan Mandery reveals how tacit agreements between exclusive "Ivy-plus" schools and white affluent suburbs create widespread de facto segregation.Remembering and forgetting in the age of technology: teaching, learning, and the science of memory in a wired world by Michelle D. Miller
Publication Date: 2022What does memory mean for learning in an age of smartphones and search engines? Human minds are made of memories, and today those memories have competition. Biological memory capacities are being supplanted, or at least supplemented, by digital ones, as we rely on recording-phone cameras, digital video, speech-to-text-to capture information we'll need in the future and then rely on those stored recordings to know what happened in the past. Search engines have taken over not only traditional reference materials but also the knowledge base that used to be encoded in our own brains. Google remembers, so we don't have to. And when we don't have to, we no longer can. Or can we? Remembering and Forgetting in the Age of Technology offers concise, nontechnical explanations of major principles of memory and attention-concepts that all teachers should know and that can inform how technology is used in their classes.Teaching matters: a guide for graduate students by Aeron Haynie; Stephanie Spong
Publication Date: 2022In a book written directly for graduate students that includes graduate student voices and experiences, Aeron Haynie and Stephanie Spong establish why good teaching matters and offer a guide to helping instructors-in-training create inclusive and welcoming classrooms. Teaching Matters is informed by recent research while being grounded in the personal perspectives of current and past graduate students in many disciplines.Trauma-informed pedagogies: a guide for responding to crisis and inequality in higher education by Phyllis Thompson (Ed.); Janice Carello (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022This book centers equity in the approach to trauma-informed practice and provides the first evidence-based guide to trauma-informed teaching and learning in higher education.Unraveling faculty burnout: pathways to reckoning and renewal by Rebecca Pope-Ruark
Publication Date: 2022Burnout, a mental health syndrome caused by chronic workplace stress, is endemic to higher education in a patriarchal, productivity-obsessed culture. In this unique book for women in higher education, Rebecca Pope-Ruark, PhD, draws from her own burnout experience, as well as collected stories of faculty in various roles and career stages, interviews with coaches and educational developers, and extensive secondary research to address and mitigate burnout.What teaching looks like by Cassandra Volpe Horii; Martin Springborg
Publication Date: 2022What Teaching Looks Like delves into higher education--the challenges faced by students, faculty, staff, and administrators alike from all variety of institution types and across campus sectors--in a way that has not been done before. By weaving together a unique collection of documentary photographs of modern teaching and learning at US colleges and universities with research-based discussion of the state of engaged learning, the book teaches readers to think through and with photographs in new ways, offering insights and perspectives with the potential to change teaching, administrative, and support practices for the better.The Wiley handbook of collaborative online learning and global engagement by Deirdre Johnston (Ed.); Irene López (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022The Wiley Handbook of Collaborative Online Learning and Global Engagement is designed to help educators develop and conduct high-impact, globally-connected courses across the humanities, the fine arts, and the social and natural sciences. This comprehensive guide covers collaborative practices, course design variables, student learning approaches, logistical planning, and more. An international team of contributors from diverse geographic, cultural, and academic backgrounds offer insight into enhancing pedagogical practice, coordinating study abroad experiences, and promoting both students' and faculty's global competencies.Writing beyond the university by Julia Bleakney (Ed.); Jessie L. Moore (Ed.); Paula Rosinski (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022Writing Beyond the University: Preparing Lifelong Learners for Lifewide Writing extends the burgeoning scholarly conversation regarding the role of writing in lifelong and lifewide learning. The collection introduces higher education faculty, staff, and administrators to research on how all members of a campus community can prepare learners to be effective writers beyond the university, in personal, professional, and civic contexts. The collection also discusses how to teach writing and teach with writing across the academic disciplines and in a variety of co-curricular spaces, such as student life, student employment, and career services, and in internship, co-ops, and work-integrated learning opportunities.
Evidence-based faculty development through the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) by Rachel C. Plews (Ed.); Michelle L. Amos (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2020Evidence-Based Faculty Development Through the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) is a critical scholarly publication that examines SoTL research as a method of professional development for educational developers and higher education faculty members. Highlighting topics such as professional development, research ethics, and faculty engagement, this book is ideal for deans, professors, department chairs, academicians, administrators, educational developers, curriculum designers, researchers, and students.Minding bodies: how physical space, sensation, and movement affect learning by Susan Hrach
Publication Date: 2021What happens to teaching when you consider the whole body (and not just "brains on sticks")? Starting from new research on the body--aptly summarized as "sitting is the new smoking"--Minding Bodies aims to help instructors improve their students' knowledge and skills through physical movement, attention to the spatial environment, and sensitivity to humans as more than "brains on sticks." It shifts the focus of adult learning from an exclusively mental effort toward an embodied, sensory-rich experience, offering new strategies to maximize the effectiveness of time spent learning together on campus as well as remotely.Power of partnership by Lucy Mercer-Mapstone (Ed.); Sophia Abbot (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2020"The Power of Partnership celebrates the nuance and depth of student-faculty partnerships in higher education and illustrates the many ways that partnership—the equitable collaboration among students, staff, and faculty in support of teaching and learning—has the potential to transform lives and institutions."Promoting equity and justice through pedagogical partnership by Alise de Bie; Elizabeth Marquis; Alison Cook-Sather; Leslie Luqueño; Alexis Giron
Publication Date: 2021Faculty and staff in higher education are looking for ways to address the deep inequity and systemic racism that pervade our colleges and universities. Pedagogical partnership can be a powerful tool to enhance equity, inclusion, and justice in our classrooms and curricula. These partnerships create opportunities for students from underrepresented and equity-seeking groups to collaborate with faculty and staff to revise and reinvent pedagogies, assessments, and course designs, positioning equity and justice as core educational aims.Radical Hope by Kevin M. Gannon
Publication Date: 2020Radical Hope is at once political and practical--the work of an activist, teacher, and public intellectual grappling with some of the most pressing topics at the intersection of higher education and social justice.Relationship-rich education: how human connections drive success in college by Peter Felten; Leo M. Lambert
Publication Date: 2020What single factor makes for an excellent college education? As it turns out, it's pretty simple: human relationships. Decades of research demonstrate the transformative potential and the lasting legacies of a relationship-rich college experience. Critics suggest that to build connections with peers, faculty, staff, and other mentors is expensive and only an option at elite institutions where instructors have the luxury of time with students. But in this revelatory book brimming with the voices of students, faculty, and staff from across the country, Peter Felten and Leo M. Lambert argue that relationship-rich environments can and should exist for all students at all types of institutions.Skim, dive, surface: teaching digital reading by Jenae Cohn
Publication Date: 2021Smartphones, laptops, tablets: college students are reading on-screen all the time, and digital devices shape students' understanding of and experiences with reading. In higher education, however, teachers rarely consider how digital reading experiences may have an impact on learning abilities, unless they're lamenting students' attention spans or the distractions available to students when they're learning online. Skim, Dive, Surface offers a corrective to these conversations-an invitation to focus not on losses to student learning but on the spectrum of affordances available within digital learning environments.Ungrading: why rating students undermines learning (and what to do instead) by Susan D. Blum (Ed.); Alfie Kohn (Foreword)
Publication Date: 2020The moment is right for critical reflection on what has been assumed to be a core part of schooling. In Ungrading, fifteen educators write about their diverse experiences going gradeless. Based on rigorous and replicated research, this is the first book to show why and how faculty who wish to focus on learning, rather than sorting or judging, might proceed. It includes honest reflection on what makes ungrading challenging, and testimonials about what makes it transformative.- A view from physics: discipline-based education research by Lillian C. McDermottPublication Date: 2021A View From Physics: Discipline-Based Education Research presents the author's account as one of the founders of the field of physics education research, the scientific study of the teaching and learning of physics. The hallmark of this relatively new field is the use of rigorous analytical and quantitative study to develop more effective curriculum and validate its efficacy.
Writing about learning and teaching in higher education by Mick Healey; Kelly E. Matthews; Alison Cook-Sather
Publication Date: 2020"Writing about Learning and Teaching in Higher Education offers detailed guidance to scholars at all stages—experienced and new academics, graduate students, and undergraduates—regarding how to write about learning and teaching in higher education. It evokes established practices, recommends new ones, and challenges readers to expand notions of scholarship by describing reasons for publishing across a range of genres, from the traditional empirical research article to modes such as stories and social media that are newly recognized in scholarly arenas. The book provides practical guidance for scholars in writing each genre—and in getting them published."Your first year teaching computer science: a practical guide to success for new computer science teachers by Chris Gregg
Publication Date: 2021Your First Year Teaching Computer Science is a comprehensive guide to teaching computer science geared to new instructors in the field. It can be used as a guide and a reference, and it provides multiple examples of how to construct teaching materials, how to prepare lectures, how to write assignments, how to train TAs, and how to advise students, among many other topics. It is both motivational and instructive, and it provides a foundation on which to become a great CS instructor.
- Last Updated: Feb 6, 2025 8:52 AM
- URL: https://guides.library.stanford.edu/higher_education_teaching
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