The Stanford Libraries currently provide campus-wide subscriptions to: The Atlantic, The New York Times, The Washington Post & The Wall Street Journal. Stanford community members with SUNet IDs can access them free of charge. For access to other major international and U.S. news sources online, please see the News databases section of this guide.
The Atlantic is a magazine covering a broad range of topics including politics, society, the arts, and culture. This subscription contains some articles and reviews originally issued in the print version of Atlantic Monthly, as well as material issued exclusively for the online version. As of July 2023, Stanford Libraries has licensed campus-wide access to The Atlantic. If you follow the link from the SearchWorks catalog you will get access using your SUNet ID sign-on. Then choose the "e-journal subscription" link.
Worldwide coverage of business and financial news.
Campus-wides access to and Bloobmerg: Business News Daily is provided by the Stanford Graduate School of Business Library.
As part of our commitment to keeping you informed and inspired, we've secured exclusive access for Stanford students, faculty, and staff to The New York Times digital version. You do need to sign up with your Stanford email and create an account.
To sign up?
Follow these steps:
Step 1: Navigate to
Step 2: Search for and click the listing for "Stanford University - Stanford, CA"
Step 3: Follow the steps based on whether you are On or Off Campus.
OR watch this getting started video.
Please Note: If you have previously registered your email address on The New York Times site, you will click the "Already have an account?" "Log in here" link (below the "Create Account" button) - Existing Paid New York Times subscribers must cancel their paid subscription before authenticating via the Stanford Libraries' funded program.
Once registered, students will have access until 12/31 of the graduation year they choose and faculty/staff will have 4 years of full account access, after which they must re-authenticate by visiting
The New York times Academic Site License Program includes unique access to education and teaching content. Once you have created your account, you will also have access to The New York Times inEducation website and The Learning Network. ( and
The Wall Street Journal is a daily business-focused newspaper headquartered in New York that includes national and international news. Stanford University access to the Wall Street Journal is provided by the Stanford Graduate School of Business Library.
In order to access this online news site, Stanford folks need to create an account with their Stanford email. Please see the Access FAQ for more information about setting up your free account. If you do not wish to give your personal information to the Wall Street Journal, please use our Factiva database subscription to access recent online WSJ news content.
The Washington Post is a major U.S. daily newspaper published in Washington, D.C.. Stanford Libraries has access to coverage from 1977 up to the latest breaking news. Historical coverage is available through databases and microfilm access points.
To access the online edition of the Washington Post, go to the SearchWorks record, then click on the "E-Journal Subscription" link. You be prompted to enter your SUNet ID.
1. Visit to sign-up with your organization’s email address •
Enter your associated email address, agree to
the Terms of Service and hit Continue • Choose a password and click create an account
2. Click on Your Name in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. Click "My Post".
Once you are in My Post, click "Manage Account" on the right hand side.
3. Make sure your email address is Verified, if not, click “Unverified” to be sent a verification email. • If your email address is already verified, you will not need the prompt
4.Once verified, click over to the Subscription & Billing tab.
5. Click "Activate free digital access"
Instructional PDF, opens in a new window.
NOTE: The Stanford Campus-wide Access is optimized for web browsers ONLY on computers or mobile devices, not via the WaPo mobile application.
For online access to other current news and newspapers, please see the News Database and International News sections of this guide to access to other major national and international newspaper titles and articles.