Japanese Studies: Journals and Articles
Guidance on finding e-resources for doing research on Japanese history, literature and society
Find Articles - Databases and Citation Indexes
- Zasshi kiji sakuin shūsei database 雑誌記事索引集成データベースZasshi Kiji Sakuin Shūsei Database offers complete coverage for Japanese periodicals from the Meiji era to the present, with links to NACSIS Webcat, WebcatPlus, and the National Diet Library's OPAC.
- CiNii ResearchCiNii covers the journals, books, and dissertations holdings of university and other libraries in Japan with some available in full-text. In addition to retrieving citation information for academic journal articles from Japan, CiNii provides full-text access to over 6,800 journals.
- MagazinePlusIndexes 14,000 periodicals published in Japan after World War II and 6000 volumes of collected works. Periodicals include scholarly titles from the National Diet Library's Zasshi kiji sakuin, 1975- ; popular magazines indexed in Jānaru indekkesu, 1981- ; 1300 Japanese economic and business magazines, 1981-1995; and 60 overseas business magazines, 1984- Areas covered include the humanities, social sciences, and science and technology. The Gakkai nenpō ronbunshū file indexes articles in university annuals in the social sciences and humanities, essays in commemorative works, conference papers, and books published by research organizations, 1945-1992; and annuals, research reports and books published by scholarly associations, 1945-1995.
- Web OYA-bunkoWeb OYA-bunko provides access to Ōya Sōichi Library's comprehensive collection of popular journals. It indexes 400 titles from 1988 to the present. **Be sure to note "Web OYA-bunko" in your ILL request. You may be able to receive a pdf of the article you need rather than having to wait for a hard copy.
- J-StageManaged by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST). Humanities titles are included as well. Currently contains more than 5 million articles.
- IRDB Institutional Repositories Database 学術機関リポジトリデータベースFormerly known as Jairo, this open access database aggregates Japanese academic materials, such as journal articles, dissertations, and departmental bulletins. Searches across 791 Japanese universities can be limited full-text articles.
- Kokubungaku Ronbun Database 国文学論文データベースDatabase of research papers on Japanese literature (Meiji, Taisho, Showa, and Heisei eras). It contains information on articles published in journal bulletins, monographs, and other publications.
E-Journals - English
- Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan FocusOpen-Access, peer-reviewed journal providing critical analysis of the forces shaping the Asia-Pacific and the world. Published monthly, APJJF explores the geopolitics, economics, history, society, culture, international relations and environment of the modern and contemporary Asia-Pacific region.
- Harvard Journal of Asiatic StudiesSemi-annual publication, appearing in June and December since 1936. It focuses on the areas of China, Japan, Korea, and Inner Asia.
- Japanese StudiesAustralian peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal which publishes scholarly articles on various aspects of Japan, as well as book and film reviews. The journal regularly publishes guest-edited thematic issues as well.
- Japan ForumLeading peer-reviewed European journal in the field of Japanese Studies. Publishes research in English on subject areas ranging from archaeology, language, literature, philosophy and culture to history, economics, politics, international relations and law.
- The Journal of Asian StudiesPublished for the Association for Asian Studiessince November 1941. Each issue contains four to five feature articles on topics involving the history, arts, social sciences, philosophy, and contemporary issues of East, South, and Southeast Asia, as well as a large book review section.
- Monumenta NipponicaFounded in 1938 and published semiannually by Sophia University, it is one of the oldest English-language academic journals in the field of Asian studies. It carries original scholarly contributions on premodern and modern history, literature, art history, religion, and thought; translations of important Japanese literary and historical sources; and authoritative reviews of recent books on Japan.
- Social Science Japan JournalPeer-reviewed articles on modern Japan. All social science disciplines (anthropology, economics, history, law, political science, and sociology) are represented, along with studies of Japan's international relations and comparisons with other countries. SSJJ's substantial book review section contains reviews of English and Japanese language monographs.
- Cipango – French Journal of Japanese StudiesBeginning in 2012, it offers a thematic selection of its best French papers, updated and adapted by the authors for an English readership.
- electronic journal of contemporary japanese studies (ejcjs)Peer reviewed journal in the Humanities and Social Sciences that publishes academic research and writing on issues related to contemporary Japanese literature, theatre, cinema, philosophy, society, economy, politics, culture, history, and more.
- Early Modern Japan: An Interdisciplinary JournalPublication of the Early Modern Japan Network (EMJNet), an interdisciplinary, international community of specialists of early modern Japan. It is affiliated with the Northeast Asia Council of the Association for Asian Studies, and publishes scholarly essays, translations, essays on teaching about early modern Japan, academic news, and book reviews.
- New Voices in Japanese StudiesOpen-access, peer-reviewed journal showcasing research by emerging scholars in the humanities and social sciences
- Last Updated: Oct 16, 2024 3:52 PM
- URL: https://guides.library.stanford.edu/JapaneseStudies
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