Japanese Studies: Library and Union Catalogs
Guidance on finding e-resources for doing research on Japanese history, literature and society
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- SearchWorksStanford's online library catalog.
- WorldCatWorldCat is a worldwide union catalog created and maintained collectively by more than 9,000 member institutions. With millions of online records built from the bibliographic and ownership information of contributing libraries, it is the largest and most comprehensive database of its kind.
- FirstSearch (WorldCat and More)Includes WorldCat and links to abstracts, articles, indexes, reviews, and full text of works such as dissertations, journals, reports, and conference proceedings and papers. Links to some OCLC databases
- National Diet Library Search 国立国会図書館サーチNational Diet Library Search covers holdings of the National Diet Library, Japanese public libraries, NDL’s digital archives, and the NDL periodicals index.
- CiNii ResearchCiNii covers the journals, books, and dissertations holdings of university and other libraries in Japan with some available in full-text. In addition to retrieving citation information for academic journal articles from Japan, CiNii provides full-text access to over 6,800 journals.
- Union Catalogue Database of Japanese Texts 国書データベースLargest digital reference of pre-modern Japanese materials. It contains close to 1 million bibliographic records, and represents the merger of previous databases into a single platform
- Zenkoku Kanseki Database 全国漢籍データベースUnion Catalog containing bibliographic information on "Chinese classics" held by major public and university libraries in Japan
- Database of Books and Magazines on Modern Korea 近代朝鮮関係書籍データベースThis Database is a bibliography for Japanese-language materials published between 1868-1945 relating to Korea. It is available through Research & Information Center for Asian Studies 東洋学研究情報センター at the University of Tokyo.
- Last Updated: Oct 16, 2024 3:52 PM
- URL: https://guides.library.stanford.edu/JapaneseStudies
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