Japanese Studies: E-Journals by Subject
Guidance on finding e-resources for doing research on Japanese history, literature and society
E-Journals and Magazines - General
- JapanKnowledgeJapanKnowledge includes full text for Fūzoku gahō 風俗畫報, Bungei Kurabu 文芸倶楽部, Taiyo 太陽, Kokushi Taikei 国史大系, and Nihon koten bungaku zenshu 日本古典文学全集, Gunsho ruiju 群書類従 as well as numerous dictionaries and encyclopedias.
- Kyoto University E-Journals 京都大学発行電子ジャーナルPortal for full-text journals published through Kyoto University
- FactivaProvides full text Japanese coverage of the journal, President / プレジデント from 2011 as well as local and regional newspapers, trade and IT publications, business newswires, investment analyst reports, market research reports, country and regional profiles, company profiles, historical market data.
Literary Magazines - Historical
- Taiyo 太陽The Japanese magazine, Taiyō, was published from 1895 to 1928 and is especially known for its literary criticism, Japanese literature, and translations of Western authors.
- Bungei kurabu 文芸俱楽部Bungei kurabu was a leading literary magazine between 1895 and 1933. The issues published during the Meiji period are available through JapanKnowledge.
- Bungei shunju 文藝春秋, 1923-1950The general interest magazine, Bungei shunju, was launched by Kikuchi Kan in 1923. Years 1923-1950 are available and full-text searchable.
- Mita bungaku 三田文学The long-established literature magazine which celebrated 100th anniversary in 2010. This magazine took important place in Japanese modern literature history. Major modern Japanese writers published in this magazine. It also had translations and introductions of European literature and streams of thought. It's possible to search by an article's name, a writer's name, the age and the genre. It's also possible to search for a sponsor by an advertising claim, the age and the business category about advertisement.
Popular and Socio-Cultural Magazines - Historical
- Fūzoku gahō 風俗畫報The first issue of Fuzoku Gaho was published in 1889 and it sold for 27 years until 1916. It was the first graphic magazine produced in Japan. Contains a total of 518 issues covering social and cultural trends and conditions during Edo, Meiji and Taisho periods; customs, history, literature, things/objects and affairs, geography (regional and world), war and disasters.
- Collection of Magazines on Japanese Mass Entertainment and Sexual Customs (1950s-70s) 性風俗稀少雑誌コレクションRare collection of twenty-seven magazines related to gender, sexuality, modern history, modern literature published between 1950s-1970s available in full color. Database allows for cross search and downloading articles.
- Nihon shinrei 日本心靈Bulletin of Spirit Society of Japan (1915 – 1939). From the late Meiji era, a succession of psychotherapy organizations sprung up around Japan. The Nihon Shinrei Gakkai (Japan Spiritualist Association) established in 1908 is known as the largest of these spiritualist groups, performing faith healing (psychotherapy) at a network of temples around the country. Articles in Nihon Shinrei covered a range of topics, including the worlds of medicine, religion, and literature. The journal also included an arts column, photographs, and treatment reports and letters from members in different locations, including overseas.
- The International Graphic 国際写真情報Published from 1922-1968. The magazine covers a wide range of fields including international relations, politics, the Imperial Family, industry, social issues, education, architecture, art, medicine, religion, travel, traditional culture, traditional crafts, sports, science, fashion, entertainment, and daily life. Many bilingual articles in English (bilingual articles in Chinese from 1938-1945) are also available.
- Mainichi Gurafu 每日グラフIn 1948, during the postwar rush to launch graphic magazines, the Mainichi Newspapers launched this comprehensive photo news magazine. It includes extensive coverage of everything from political and economic "hard news" to public affairs and customs, as well as the world of entertainment, including movies, theater, music, and sports.
- Manga 漫画Launched in 1940 as the official magazine of the New Japan Cartoonists' Association and Hidazo Kondo. The magazine ran until 1968, and throughout its publication emphasized the importance of lifestyle manga, its four-panel manga, and manga with political content.
- Kodomo Manga Shinbun 週刊子供マンガ新聞A weekly tabloid children's newspaper published from 1946 to 1953 by Kodomo Manga Shinbunsha. It was the only newspaper in Japan to receive a postwar ration of newsprint from the government, and its pages were filled with the message of "good manga for children. Editions from 1948 are in color, and at one point reached a circulation of 150,000 copies.
- Last Updated: Oct 16, 2024 3:52 PM
- URL: https://guides.library.stanford.edu/JapaneseStudies
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