Technology and education: Background information
This is for those interested in the application of technology to education, both research and practice.
Background information
The Routledge handbook of education technology by Santoshi Halder; Sanju Saha
Publication Date: 2023This handbook offers a comprehensive understanding of the use of technology in education. With a focus on the development of Education Technology in India, it explores innovative strategies as well as challenges in incorporating technology to support learning.The Routledge handbook of media education futures post-pandemic by edited by Yonty Friesem, Usha Raman, Igor Kanižaj and Grace Y. Choi
Publication Date: 2023Given how educators have come to rely on online modes of teaching and learning over the past two years, this handbook is a timely and much-needed exploration of how media educators are coping with changes in an online learning environment It showcases how educators and practitioners around the world adapted their routine media pedagogies to meet the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, which often led to significant social, economic, and cultural hardships.The Routledge handbook of second language acquisition and technology by Nicole Ziegler; Marta González-Lloret
Publication Date: 2022"Technology-mediated language learning has matured over the past few decades, with various tools and contexts now widely used in language education for all ages and levels. Many of today's language learners have experienced technology as an ever-present feature both within and beyond the classroom, highlighting how the role of technology has expanded into many daily activities, and underscoring how research in Second Language Acquisition (SLA) can inform and support the use of established and emerging technologies."The Cambridge handbook of multimedia learning by Richard E. Mayer (Ed.); Logan Fiorella (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022The Cambridge Handbook of Multimedia Learning examines cutting-edge research to guide creative teaching methods in online classrooms and training. Recognized as the field's major reference work, this research-based handbook helps define and shape this area of study. This third edition provides the latest progress report from the world's leading multimedia researchers, with forty-six chapters on how to help people learn from words and pictures, particularly in computer-based environments.Handbook of research in educational communications and technology: learning design by M. J. Bishop (Ed.); Elizabeth Boling (Ed.); Jan Elen (Ed.); Vanessa Svihla (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2020The 5th edition of the prestigious AECT Handbook continues previous efforts to reach outside the traditional instructional design and technology community to the learning sciences and computer information systems communities toward developing a conceptualization of the field. However, given the pervasive and increasingly complex role technology now plays in education since the 1st edition of the Handbook in 1996, the editors have reorganized the research chapters in this edition to focus on the learning problems we are trying to solve with educational technologies, rather than to focus on the things we are using to solve those problems.Encyclopedia of education and information technologies by Arthur Tatnall (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2020This encyclopedia aims to offer researchers an indication of the breadth and importance of information systems in education, including the way IT is being used, and could be used to enable learning and teaching. The encyclopedia covers all aspects of the interaction between education and information technologies, including IT in kindergartens, primary and secondary schools, universities, training colleges, industry training, distance education and further education.Handbook of research on online discussion-based teaching methods by Lesley Wilton (Ed.); Clare Brett (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2020The Handbook of Research on Online Discussion-Based Teaching Methods seeks to identify promising designs, pedagogical and assessment strategies, conceptual models, and theoretical frameworks that support discussion-based learning in online and blended learning environments. This book provides a better understanding of the effects and both commonalities and differences of new tools that support interaction, such as video, audio, and real-time interaction in discussion-based learning.
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