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On November 19, 2020, Stanford’s Faculty Senate approved an Open Access Policy for the University. Three items were included in this proposal:
The third item states: "Each member of the Academic Council will obtain an Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier (ORCID ID), with assistance provided as necessary by the Stanford Libraries."
For more details, please see Stanford's Open Access policy has been approved (Stanford Libraries Blog, posted 2020-11-23).
In November 2019, Stanford's Academic Computing and Information Systems Commitee (C-ACIS) endorsed three recommendations:
See also: Institutional ORCID Endorsements (ORCID Blog, Submitted by Sheila Rabun on 2020-07-13)
"Representatives from Stanford University and the California State University (CSU) system have formally endorsed ORCID for their respective campuses. This post explores the approaches taken at each institution as well as considerations for institutional ORCID endorsement."
ORCID is being integrated into the workflows for individuals, publishers, funders, institutions, and systems. An increasing number of publishers and grant funders now require an ORCID ID as part of the submission process.