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Learn how to create and maintain an ORCID record and ways it can be used to support your research activities and career.

Tools for your ORCID record

  • Display your ORCID ID on other sites - Get HTML code that you can use to display your ORCID ID on other sites.
  • Public record print view - Open a version of your ORCID record formatted for printing.  Only data that is visible to everyone will be printed.
  • Get a QR Code for your ORCID ID - Get a QR Code that links your ORCID ID - a perfect addition to posters and other presentations.

Add directory information to your ORCID record

  • Also known as
  • Country
  • Keywords
  • Websites & Social links
  • Other IDs
  • Emails

Add professional accomplishments to your ORCID record

Context-sensitive help is available for each category.  While most information is often entered manually, information for Funding, Works, and Peer Review can be added using automated methods. 

  • Biography
  • Employment
  • Education and qualifications
  • Invited positions and distinctions
  • Membership and service
  • Funding (1)
  • Works (2)
  • Peer review (3) 



(1) Auto-import grant funding information: After making Dimensions a trusted organization, use the DimensionsWizard to import grant funding information. Dimensions integrated, continuously-updated data includes grants from funding organizations worldwide such as the NIH and NSF in the United States, the Wellcome Trust in the UK, and over fifty others. Add your grants to your ORCID record with a few simple clicks from the DimensionsWizard for ORCID and simplify your data life.

(2) Works are your research outputs, including publications, data sets, conference presentations, and more. Please see page in this guide on how to "Add works (publications)” for details.

(3) Peer review is for information about your individual peer review contributions.   Peer reviews can only be added by trusted organizations, after getting your explicit permission.  You cannot manually enter them yourself.

How to connect your ORCID ID with research systems