To register for an ORCID ID, go to:
You will be asked to enter:
Accidentally register two ORCID IDs? Remove the duplicate.
Has your name changed? Watch How to edit your name on how to add other names that you are also known by in your ORCID record.
Additional email: The most common Help request to ORCID is from users who are unable to access their record because they have left an institution and their primary email address is no longer valid. So including an additional email address is recommended. See: Add an alternate sign-in account with Google, Facebook, or your institution.
For visiblity settings
How to register for an ORCID ID from ORCID on Vimeo.
After you have registered and signed in, in the upper right corner under your name is your Inbox, Developer Tools, and Sign Out. Be sure to review and select your Account Settings (see list below).
Your account settings also display your lists of
To authorize Stanford University as a trusted organization to read your information with visibility set to Trusted Parties.
Linking your ORCID ID with your American Chemical Society (ACS) Publications
Linking your ORCID ID with your American Chemical Society (ACS) ID