Both Stanford community members and external researchers are welcome to use Special Collections and University Archives materials. Please note that the vast majority of collections are stored off-site. Patrons must request materials two full business days before the planned date of use. In some cases, paging may take up to a week. Due to space constraints we are only able to accommodate 5 new boxes of material per patron, per day. All materials can be paged online through a user’s Aeon account via the Online Archive of California (OAC). Additionally patrons can edit and track their requests through the Aeon portal. Those who are unable to visit in person can request digital copies of files (up to 100 pages). Please contact Special Collections via email with questions or concerns about requesting materials.
Use the “Request via Finding Aid” button to be taken to the collection’s OAC catalog entry.
Fill out the “Request information” section. Note that most fields are not required.
Select “Schedule appointment” under “Request type” the reading room location will be auto selected based on the collection. If you have already scheduled an appointment, use the drop down to select the date that you would like to view materials. For new appointments double click the “New appointment” button.