Earth, Energy and Environmental Sciences: Climate
A guide to resources across a wide variety of disciplines related to the earth sciences.
Data resources
- Cal-Adapt (California Energy Commission)Includes GIS data sets that identify climate change research and risks in specific geographic areas throughout California.
- CDP Climate DataCDP collects self-reported environmental data including: cities/states/regions, corporate, and for investors. In order to access the datasets, you must agree to the Data Use Agreement (found at the link above). Once signing the agreement, you will be sent to the server where the data are held.
- Earthworks climate dataSearch for climate data in Earthworks, the Stanford Libraries' geospatial data portal.
- NASA's Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC)SEDAC focuses on creating and curating datasets focusing on human interactions in the environment. Their mission is to integrate socioeconomic data and earth science data as a way to provide an "information gateway" between earth sciences and social sciences.
- NASA Earth ObservatoryThe NASA Earth Observatory provides data on information such as snow cover, chlorophyll, cloud fraction, water vapor, land surface temperature, sea surface temperature, and more.
- NOAA National Climate Data CenterThe NCDC is one of three submodules of NOAA’s National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service (NESDIS) with a focus on climate data. The NCDC provides access to global and U.S. environmental data from satellites and other sources including climate monitoring data at a range of temporal and spatial scales, records of extreme weather events (including storms and freeze/frost events) and a rainfall frequency atlas. The section ‘climate data online’ on the left of this page links to an online data viewer that can be customized to display/search all the NCDC’s marine datasets.
- UNEP Data ResourcesReal-time data tools and platforms feature data sets, reports, publications, fact sheets, interactives and more from the UN environment programme. Resources include data from the UNEP-World Conservation Monitoring Centre, custom climate security analytics, UNEP Open Data, and the World Environment Situation Room.
- Last Updated: Oct 17, 2024 10:35 AM
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