Buddhism and Asian religions: Indo-Tibetan canonical collections
This guide is intended to help students, faculty, and researchers locate and access sources and reference tools for the study of Buddhism and other Asian religions.
Indo-Tibetan canonical collections
Kanjur (bka' 'gyur)
- Comparative Kanjur (bka' 'gyur dpe bsdur ma)Comparative edition of the Tibetan canon, based on the Derge edition, with references to variants in the Chone, Lhasa, Lithang, Narthang, Peking and Urga editions.
- Phugdrak Kanjur (phug brag bka' 'gyur)Microfiche set based on a microfilm made by the Library of Tibetan Works and Archives in Dharamsala from their manuscript written some time between 1696 and 1706.
- Peking Kanjur (bka' 'gyur pe cin par ma)The Peking edition of the Kangyur is held in the National Library of Mongolia is printed with red ink. Included in this complete digital version are 103 volumes from the National Library of Mongolia and 4 volumes (002 rgyud ka, 018 rgyud tsa, 048 sher phyin mi, 066 mdo sna tshogs ngu) from the Harvard-Yenching Library.
- Tempangma Kanjur (bka' 'gyur rgyal rtseʹi them spang ma)The Tempangma manuscript of the Kangyur held at the National Library of Mongolia is written on Tibetan paper with black ink. Included in this digital edition are 111 out of 114 volumes, with 3 volumes missing (040 rgyad_stong ka, 041 shes_phyin sna_tshogs, and 056 mdo_sde ga). Also included is an incomplete catalog (dkar chags) that was written much later than the original text.
- Dege Kanjur (sde dge bka' 'gyur) - CD-ROMFacsimile edition of the 18th century redaction of Si-tu Chos-kyi-ʼbyuṅ-gnas prepared under the direction of H.H the 16th Rgyal-dbaṅ Karma-pa
- Dege Kanjur & Tanjur - printThis collection contains the reprinted editions of the Dege Kanjur and Tanjur known as the "Red Letter editions" (mtshal par). It also contains the entire rNyingma rGyud bum and bKaʼma.
- Dege Kanjur & Tanjur - printThe 18th century redaction of Si-tu Paṇ-chen Chos-kyi-ʼbyuṅ-gnas.
Consists of the two collections: Bkaʼ-ʼgyur (Kanjur) (bundles DK1-DK99), and Bstan-ʼgyur (Tanjur) (bundles DT1-DT116).
Printed from the wooden blocks made at the Derge Monastery in Tibet ca. 1729-1733. Detailed study of text required for more exact date of manufacture, but probably printed in the early 20th century.
Kanjur catalogs
- A catalogue of the Comparative KangyurPaul Hackett's catalog of the Comparative Kanjur.
- Location list to the texts in the microfiche edition of the Śel dkar (London) Manuscript bKaʼ ʼgyur (Or. 6724)Published by the British Library.
- The early Mustang Kanjur catalogueA structured edition of the Mdo sṅags bkaʼ ʼgyur dkar chag and of Ṅor chen Kun dgaʼ bzaṅ po's bKaʼ ʼgyur ro cog gi dkar chag bstan pa gsal baʼi sgron me
- The brief catalogues to the Narthang and the Lhasa KanjursA synoptic edition of the bKaʼ-ʼgyur-rin-po-cheʼi-mtshan-tho and the rGyal-baʼi-bkaʼ-ʼgyur-rin-po-cheʼi-chos-tshan-so-s oʼi-mtshan-byaṅ-dkar-chag-bsdus pa
- Ui Hakuju's Kanjur & Tanjur catalogChibetto Daizōkyō sōmokuroku 西藏大藏經總目錄
- Otani catalog of Peking KanjurŌtani Daigaku Toshokan zō : sōmokuroku tsuketari sakuin 影印北京版西藏大藏經 : 大谷大學圖書館藏 : 總目錄附索引
Tanjur (bstan 'gyur)
- Comparative Tanjur (bstan 'gyur dpe bsdur ma)Comparative edition of the Tanjur.
- Dege Tanjur (sde dge bstan 'gyur) - CD-ROM editionReproduced from editions of the individual sections published in Delhi at the Delhi Karmapae Chodhey, Gyalwae Sungrab Partun Khang, itself a reproduction from a clear set of prints from the 18th century Sde-dge blocks.
- Dege Kanjur & Tanjur - printThis collection contains the reprinted editions of the Dege Kanjur and Tanjur known as the "Red Letter editions" (mtshal par). It also contains the entire rNyingma rGyud bum and bKaʼma.
- Dege Kanjur & Tanjur - printThe 18th century redaction of Si-tu Paṇ-chen Chos-kyi-ʼbyuṅ-gnas.
Consists of the two collections: Bkaʼ-ʼgyur (Kanjur) (bundles DK1-DK99), and Bstan-ʼgyur (Tanjur) (bundles DT1-DT116).
Printed from the wooden blocks made at the Derge Monastery in Tibet ca. 1729-1733. Detailed study of text required for more exact date of manufacture, but probably printed in the early 20th century. - Cone Tanjur (bstan 'gyur co ne par ma)Microfiche edition printed from wood-blocks carved during the 18th cent. at the Tibetan monastery at Cone, Kansu, western China.
- Répertoire du Tanǰur d'après le catalogue de P. CordierPublished by the Bibliotheque Nationale
Other canonical collections
- Nyingma gyubum (rnying ma rgyud 'bum, snga 'gyur rgyud 'bum)A compilation of the tantras of the Nyingmapa School of Tibetan Buddhism, based on the Sde-dge edition, together with the Mtshams-brag, Gting-skyed, and ʼBrug Sgaṅ-steṅ editions.
- Nyingma texts (Ning ma pai dian ji 宁玛派典籍)Texts on Nyingma school of Tibetan buddhism. Compiled by Institute of the collection and preservation of ancient Tibetan of Sichuan Province.
- Kagyu texts (Ga ju pai dian ji 噶举派典籍)Texts on Kagyu school of Tibetan Buddhism. Compiled by Institute of the collection and preservation of ancient Tibetan of Sichuan Province.
- Jonang texts (Jue nang pai dian ji 觉囊派典籍)Texts on Jonang school of Tibetan Buddhism. Compiled by Institute of the collection and preservation of ancient Tibetan of Sichuan Province.
- Sakya texts (Sa jia pai dian ji 萨迦派典籍)Texts on Sakya school of Tibetan buddhism. Compiled by Institute of the collection and preservation of ancient Tibetan of Sichuan Province.
- Treasury of Sakya teaching (Sa skya'i chos mdzod chen mo)Collection of texts from the Sakya school.
Tibetan texts from Dunhuang
- Tibetan documents from Dunhuang - Gansu collection (Gansu cang Dunhuang Zang wen wen xian 甘肃藏敦煌藏文文献)Tibetan documents from Dunhuang in Gansu.
- Tibetan documents from Dunhuang - BNF collection (Faguo guo jia tu shu guan cang Dunhuang Zang wen wen xian 法國國家圖書館藏敦煌藏文文獻)Tibetan documents from Dunhuang in the Bibliothèque nationale de France.
- Tibetan documents from Dunhuang - British Library collection (Yingguo guo jia tu shu guan cang Dunhuang Xiyu Zang wen wen xian 英國國家圖書館藏敦煌西域藏文文獻)Tibetan documents from Dunhuang and other Central Asian regions in the British Library.
- Last Updated: Oct 16, 2024 2:22 PM
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