Special education and inclusion: Recent print books
This guide is for those interested in special education, both research and practice. This includes programs for those with learning differences and social differences, plus programs to promote inclusion.
Recent print books
The essentials of special education research by Andrew M. Markelz; Benjamin S. Riden
Publication Date: 2024Researchers in special education have been developing a knowledge base of evidence-based practices that improve the outcomes of students with disabilities. Unfortunately, filtering that knowledge into classrooms implemented by special education teachers has been a challenge. In The Essentials of Special Education Research, Andrew M. Markelz and Benjamin S. Riden directly address the persistent research-to-practice gap by systematically presenting the essential components of research that every special education teacher must know.Mad scholars: reclaiming and reimagining the neurodiverse academy by Melanie Jones (Ed.); Shayda Kafai (Ed.); Sav Schlauderaff; Shawna Guenther; Rebecca-Eli Long; Jess L. Wilcox Cowing; Sydney F. Lewis; Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarsinha; Caché Owens; Sarah Cavar; Rua Williams; Kelan Koning; Liz Miller; Samuel Z. Shelton; Pau Abustan; A-M McManaman; Jesse Rice-Evans; Andréa Stella; Sarah Smith; Grace Wedlake; Sarah Arvey Tov; Kimberly Fernandes; Diane R. Wiener); Holly Pearson
Publication Date: 2024As universities rethink their approaches to student and faculty mental health, this volume showcases academics who openly and proudly embrace the identity of "Mad scholar." In twenty-three essays--from contributors working in nearly a dozen disciplines and across three continents--Mad Scholars explores how neurodivergent scholars' work and lived experiences are richer because of their difference, not in spite of it. In doing so, these essays both expose the deep-rooted ableism that undergirds traditional mental health interventions and envision a more rigorous, more inclusive, and more outward-facing future for scholarly community and engagement, within and outside traditional academia.Reaching and teaching students with special needs through art by Beverly Levett Gerber; Doris M. Guay; Jane Burnette
Publication Date: 2025Written for art educators, special educators, and those who value the arts for students with special needs, this second edition now combines over 700 years of the educational experience of arts and special educators who share their art lessons, behavior management strategies, and classroom stories.Embracing the exceptions: meeting the needs of neurodivergent students of color by J. P. B. Gerald
Publication Date: 2025Neurodivergent students of color are often overlooked, as research and teaching strategies predominantly focus on white males in the classroom. How can we help teachers reach all students to honor their full humanity, and to understand how ableism - neuronormativity in particular - and racism intersect on our bodies and brains? JPB Gerald's fascinating book offers a blend of narrative and interviews to show what would help neurodivergent students of color feel more supported and cared for in schools, and to demonstrate how much better their lives could be when they feel that love.Rethinking disability and mathematics: a UDL math classroom guide for grades K-8 by Rachel Lambert
Publication Date: 2024Every child has a right to make sense of math, and to use math to make sense of their worlds. Despite their gifts, students with disabilities are often viewed from a deficit standpoint in mathematics classrooms. These students are often conceptualized as needing to be fixed or remediated. Rethinking Disability and Mathematics argues that mathematics should be a transformative space for these students, a place where they can discover their power and potential and be appreciated for their many strengths.The special educator's guide to behavior management by Paul Mooney; Joseph B. Ryan
Publication Date: 2024This accessible, practitioner-focused textbook details a comprehensive classroom behavior management framework that is easy to understand and implement within a K-12 classroom. Influenced by decades of classroom teaching and special education teacher candidate preparation experiences, the book features effective evidence-based strategies designed to both prevent problem behaviors from occurring in classrooms and address challenging behaviors that presently exist or may arise.Dyslexia in many languages: insights, interactions, and interventions by Gad Elbeheri (Ed.); Gavin Reid (Ed.); Angela Fawcett (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2025Dyslexia in Many Languages thoroughly investigates the fascinating relationship between dyslexia and language systems by highlighting research and practice initiatives around the world. Focusing on how dyslexia manifests itself in non-English languages, readers of this text will enhance their understanding and appreciation for the role of language systems and the interplay they have with dyslexia, assessment and intervention. Experienced and expert contributors around the world consider how dyslexia is defined, assessed, and supported in their native country, drawing on the linguistic features of that language and how this affects monolingual, bilingual and multilingual speakers.Mentoring partnerships: a guidebook for inclusive special education by Tara Mason
Publication Date: 2024Within this handbook, mentoring partnerships will be guided through the first year of a new special education teacher from start to finish. A month-to-month resource for both mentors and mentees, this resource focuses on self-reflection cycles of growth and goal-setting, including self-care strategies. Additionally, the handbook focuses on evidence-based practices in special education tying resources to the High Leverage Teaching Practices (Council for Exceptional Children) providing templates to be adapted to local school districts for K-12 special education program use. The framework of this handbook is to provide evidence-based practices to promote inclusive special education programs where all K-12 students have equity, access, and achievement.Family-school success for children with ADHD: a guide for intervention by Thomas J. Power; Jennifer A. Mautone; Stephen L. Soffer
Publication Date: 2024Distilling decades of research, this practical manual presents an innovative intervention for families of 6- to 10-year-olds (grades 1-5) with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Family-School Success (FSS) focuses on improving children's behavior and academic performance by strengthening parent-child, teacher-student, and family-school relationships.
The civil rights road to deeper learning: five essentials for equity by Linda Darling-Hammond; James A. Banks (Series ed.); Eliza Byard (Foreword); Kia Darling-Hammond
Publication Date: 2022This concise and compelling book outlines the key civil rights conditions that are essential to deeper learning--the skills and knowledge that students need to succeed in 21st-century jobs and life. It describes schools that enable young people, including those traditionally furthest from opportunity, to develop into caring and critical problem solvers, effective communicators, collaborators, and scholars.Discipline disparities among students with disabilities: creating equitable environments by Pamela Fenning (Ed.); Miranda Johnson (Ed.); Alfredo J. Artiles (Series ed.); Kent McIntosh (Foreword)
Publication Date: 2022A team of interdisciplinary scholars, attorneys, and education practitioners focus on how disparities based on disability intersect with race and ethnicity, why such disparities occur, and the impacts these disparities have over time. A DisCrit and research-based perspective frames key issues at the beginning of the book, and the chapters that follow suggest promising practices and approaches to reduce the inequitable use of school discipline and increase the use of evidence-supported alternatives to prevent and respond to behaviors of students with disabilities.DisCrit expanded: reverberations, ruptures, and inquiries by Subini A. Annamma (Ed.); Beth A. Ferri (Ed.); David J. Connor (Ed.); Alfredo J. Artiles (Series ed.)
Publication Date: 2022This sequel to the influential 2016 work DisCrit-Disability Studies and Critical Race Theory in Education explores how DisCrit has both deepened and expanded, providing increasingly nuanced understandings about how racism and ableism circulate across geographic borders, academic disciplines, multiplicative identities, intersecting oppressions, and individual and cultural resistances.The dreamkeepers: successful teachers of African American children by Gloria Ladson-Billings
Publication Date: 2022Discover how to give African American children the education they deserve with this updated new resource In the newly revised Third Edition of The Dreamkeepers: Successful Teachers of African American Children, distinguished professor Dr. Gloria Ladson-Billings delivers an encouraging exploration of the future of education for African American students.Empowering gifted educators as change agents: a playbook for equity-driven professional learning by Katie D. Lewis; Angela M. Novak
Publication Date: 2022Designed for practitioners seeking to increase the rate of identification and retention of underserved gifted populations, this book guides readers through the Four Zones of Equity-Driven Professional Learning Model, a practical set of tools specific to the field of gifted education.Improvised theatre and the autism spectrum: a practical guide to teaching social connection and communication skills by Gary Kramer; Richie Ploesch
Publication Date: 2022"This guide provides educators, professionals, and parents with an easy-to-follow and comprehensive approach to utilizing improvised theatre as a tool to teach social and communication skills to individuals on the autism spectrum."Naturally inclusive: engaging children of all abilities outdoors by Ruth Wilson
Publication Date: 2022In this inspiring book, Dr. Ruth Wilson explores the great potential of connecting young children with special needs to the natural world. Drawing on her knowledge of research and her decades of work with children in nature, she weaves together advice, real-life examples, and testimonies from educators and families on the healing, nurturing power of nature in the lives of young children with diverse abilities.Parenting dual exceptional children: supporting a child who has high learning potential and special educational needs and disabilities by Denise Yates; Paul Pickford (Illustrator); Sal McKeown (Foreword by); Lydia Niomi Christie (Foreword by)
Publication Date: 2022This is the first comprehensive guide for parents of children with Dual and Multiple Exceptionality (DME, sometimes called Twice Exceptionality or 2E). Children with high learning potential may also have conditions such as ASD, ADHD, dyslexia and dyspraxia, having 'flashes of brilliance' in some areas whilst needing additional support in others. As a result, their abilities may not always be recognised in an educational setting.Restoring students' innate power: trauma-responsive strategies for teaching multilingual newcomers by Louise El Yaafouri
Publication Date: 2022This book explores the effects of trauma on newcomer students and presents stress-mitigating strategies that empower these multilingual students as they transition to a new environment. Diverse insights and experiences bring high-powered learning spaces to life. However, the cultural backgrounds of newcomer students and their families can be very different from the dominant norms of the new community, resulting in misalignments that constitute a persistent challenge.Social and dialogic thinking and learning in special education: radical insights from a postcritical ethnography in a special school by Karen A. Erickson; Charna DArdenne; Nitasha M. Clark; David Koppenhaver; George W. Noblit
Publication Date: 2022"Drawing on a three-year post-critical ethnography, this volume counters deficit-based notions of disability to present a new social and dialogic theory of thinking and learning for students with significant support needs. Dismantling ideas around ableism/disableism, Social and Dialogic Thinking and Learning offers a uniquely theoretical and conceptual contribution to special education and capability research. Illustrating how students exhibit varied practical, social, and creative abilities, possess agency and perform identity, chapters present a challenge to the restrictive ways in which disability is constructed through prescriptive forms of teacher-student interaction and instruction."Teacher education for inclusive bilingual contexts : collective reflection to support emergent bilinguals with and without disabilities by Patricia Martínez-Álvarez
Publication Date: 2022"Through analysis of rich qualitative data, Teacher Education for Inclusive Bilingual Contexts shows how group reflection supports pre-service educators to recognize the intersectional challenges faced by students, and understand their identities beyond the confines of disability. This, in turn, engenders reconceptualization of standardized expectations and implicates the educator in developing student agency through individualized use of routine, language, and materials."A world away from IEPs: how disabled students learn in out-of-school spaces by Erin McCloskey; Alfredo J. Artiles (Series ed.)
Publication Date: 2022This authoritative book offers readers alternative ways to think about learning and behavior in special education. Through illustrative case studies and a disability studies lens, author Erin McCloskey uses the voices of people with disabilities to show how these students progress creatively outside the classroom and school building--at the dojo, the riding arena, the theater stage, the music studio, and other community-centered spaces where disabled students can make choices about their learning, their bodies, and their goals.
The dyscalculia toolkit: supporting learning difficulties in maths by Ronit Bird
Publication Date: 2021Designed for all teachers, this book provides a wealth of materials and resources to support the needs of learners, aged 6 to 14 years, who have difficulty with maths and number. Packed full with 220 activities and 55 games, the author provides you with a complete toolkit to enable you to understand dyscalculia and implement practical and innovative strategies to use in the classroom or at home.Dyslexia defused: reading struggles and reading solutions by Nickie Simonetti
Publication Date: 2021For students who struggle with learning to read, time is of the essence. Dyslexia Defused: Reading Struggles and Reading Solutions offers an effective and efficient instructional plan to expedite mastery. Supplementing the strongest elements of research-based programs, the original strategies readily apply to all levels of reading instruction (developmental, corrective, remedial, and adult literacy). The novel and concise techniques address all task components: phonics, decoding, sight vocabulary, oral reading, fluency, contextual analysis, and comprehension.Inclusive learning 365: edtech strategies for every day of the year by Christopher Bugaj
Publication Date: 2021Designed to be read one day - and page - at a time, this book from four inclusive learning experts offers 365 strategies for implementing technology to design inclusive experiences.(M)othering labeled children: bilingualism and disability in the lives of Latinx mothers by María Cioè-Peña
Publication Date: 2021This book takes a distinctive approach to exploring the experiences and identities of minoritized Latinx mothers who are raising a child who is labeled as both an emergent bilingual and dis/abled. It showcases relationships between families and schools and reveals the myriad of ways in which school-based decisions regarding disability, language and academic placement impact family dynamics.Numeracy for all learners: teaching mathematics to students with special needs by Pamela D. Tabor; Dawn Dibley; Amy J. Hackenberg; Anderson Norton
Publication Date: 2021Numeracy for All Learners is a wide-ranging overview of how Math Recovery® theory, pedagogy, and tools can be applied meaningfully to special education to support learners with a wide range of educational needs.Racism by another name: Black students, overrepresentation, and the carceral state of special education by Dorothy E. Hines; Mildred Boveda; Endia J. Lindo
Publication Date: 2021Racism by Another Name: Black Students, Overrepresentation, and the Carceral State of Special Education is a thought-provoking and timely book that provides a landscape for understanding and challenging educational (in)opportunities for Black students who are identified for special education. This book provides a historical and contemporary analysis through the eyes of Black children and their families on how they navigate and push against inequitable schooling, ways they are reframing discourse about race, dis/ability, and gender in schools, how educators, administrators, and school counselors contribute to disproportionality in special education, and ways that parents are collectively organizing to dismantle injustices and the carceral state, or criminalization, of special education.The role of the educational interpreter: perceptions of administrators and teachers by Stephen B. Fitzmaurice
Publication Date: 2021In The Role of the Educational Interpreter, Stephen B. Fitzmaurice takes a new approach using role theory to examine how administrators and teachers perceive the role and work of educational (K-12) interpreters.Undoing whiteness in disability studies: the special education system and British South Asian mothers by Sana Rizvi
Publication Date: 2021This book offers a nuanced way to conceptualise South Asian Muslim families' experiences of disability within the UK. The book adopts an intersectional lens to engage with personal narratives on mothering disabled children, negotiating home-school relationships, and developing familiarity with the complex special education system.
Creating inclusive learning opportunities in higher education: a universal design toolkit by Sheryl E. Burgstahler; Ana Mari Cauce (Foreword by)
Publication Date: 2020In Creating Inclusive Learning Opportunities in Higher Education, Sheryl Burgstahler provides a practical, step-by-step guide for putting the principles of universal design into action. The book offers multiple ways to access, engage with, and transform the higher education environment: making physical spaces welcoming to students of all abilities; creating digital learning and assistive technology programs that meet the needs of all users; developing universal design in higher education (UDHE) syllabi, assessments and teaching practices that minimize the need for academic accommodations; and institutionalizing universal design supports and services.Decoding autism and leading the way to successful inclusion by Barbara Boroson
Publication Date: 2020More students on the autism spectrum are taught in general education settings today than ever before, bringing an array of notable strengths and skills that add intriguing new dimensions to educational programs. But these students also present challenges that are broader, deeper, and more intractable than those of their typically developing peers. Because reaching and teaching students on the autism spectrum in an inclusive environment complicates the work of teachers, school and district administrators must be prepared to provide knowledgeable, mindful leadership.Moral issues in special education: an inquiry into the basic rights, responsibilities, and ideals by Robert F. Ladenson
Publication Date: 2020Each of the moral issues considered in the book figured importantly in one or more of the most significant disputes the author was called upon to adjudicate. Throughout the book he draws upon important concepts in moral, political, legal, and educational philosophy as conceptual resources. He considers these concepts invaluable for analyzing moral issues, especially when a person experiences discomfort caused by a sense that an issue is morally problematic but finds it hard to articulate the crux of the issue.Teaching, learning, and trauma: responsive practices for holding steady in turbulent times, grades 6-12 by Beth Kelley; Brooke O'Drobinak
Publication Date: 2020In Teaching, Learning, and Trauma, the authors guide you through the process of creating a learning environment that combats the negative effects of chronic stress and trauma. They show you how to establish rituals and routines, develop personalization, and implement effective student engagement practices that create a relationship-based culture and effectively improve student achievement.Teaching students with special needs in inclusive classrooms by Diane P. Bryant; Brian R. Bryant; Deborah D. Smith
Publication Date: 2020Teaching Students with Special Needs in Inclusive Classrooms uses the research-validated ADAPT framework (Ask, Determine, Analyze, Propose, Test) to help teachers determine how, when, and with whom to use proven academic and behavioral interventions to obtain the best outcomes for students with disabilities.
- Last Updated: Jan 21, 2025 2:17 PM
- URL: https://guides.library.stanford.edu/special_ed
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