Multicultural education: Recent print books
This guide is for those interested in multicultural education, both research and practice.
Recent print books
Achieving equal educational opportunity for students of color: disrupting structural racism - an American imperative by Richard R. Valencia; James A. Banks (Series ed.)
Publication Date: 2024The book interrogates how society contributes to educational inequality as seen in racialized patterns in income, wealth, housing, and health, and how public schools create significant obstacles for students of color as observed in reduced access to opportunities (e.g., little access to high-status curricula knowledge). Valencia offers suggestions for achieving equal education (e.g., implementing fairness of school funding, improving teacher quality, and providing students of color access to multicultural education) by disrupting structural racism.The magnitude of us: an educator's guide to creating culturally responsive classrooms by Marlee S. Bunch; Joyce A. Ladner (Foreword); Brittany R. Collins (Afterword)
Publication Date: 2024This teaching guidebook will help educators navigate emerging best practices to center historically marginalized voices and perspectives in middle, high school, and postsecondary learning spaces. The author provides an accessible blueprint for utilizing histories, culturally responsive teaching, and community responsive pedagogy to build collaborative and equitable classrooms. Inspired by research steeped in oral histories, Bunch brings forth lessons from educators, merged with voices of students, to share impactful classroom practices.Ancient and Indigenous wisdom traditions in the Americas: towards more balanced curricular representations and classroom practices by Ehaab Abdou (Ed.); Theodore Zervas (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2025This book brings attention to the understudied and often overlooked question of how curricula and classroom practices might inadvertently reproduce exclusionary discourses and narratives that omit or negate particular cultures, histories, and wisdom traditions. With a focus on representations and classroom practices related especially to ancient and Indigenous wisdom traditions and cultures, it includes unique contributions from scholars studying these questions in various contexts.Diversity's promise for higher education: making it work by Daryl G. Smith
Publication Date: 2024In Diversity's Promise for Higher Education, author Daryl G. Smith proposes clear and realistic practices to help institutions identify diversity as a strategic imperative for excellence and pursue diversity efforts that are inclusive of the varied issues on campuses--without losing focus on the critical unfinished business of the past. To become more relevant while remaining true to their core missions, colleges and universities must continue to frame diversity as central to institutional excellence. Smith suggests that seeing diversity as an imperative for an institution's mission, and not just as a value, is the necessary lever for real institutional change.Race in the multiethnic literature classroomsroom by Crystal R. Perez; Kristen Brown; Norell Martinez; Luis Cortés; Emily R. Rutter; Sarah Minsl; Ariel Santos; Kevin Pyon; Shermaine M. Jowones; Marilyn Edelstein; Nancy H. Carranza; Naomi Edwards; Martha J. Cutter; Cristina Stanciu (Ed.); Gary Totten (Ed.); Jennifer Ann Ho; Joanne Lipson Freed; Yadira Gamez; C. A. Snyder; Lauren J. Gantz
Publication Date: 2024The contemporary rethinking and relearning of history and racism has sparked creative approaches for teaching the histories and representations of marginalized communities. Cristina Stanciu and Gary Totten edit a collection that illuminates these ideas for a variety of fields, areas of education, and institutional contexts. The authors draw on their own racial and ethnic backgrounds to examine race and racism in the context of addressing necessary and often difficult classroom conversations about race, histories of exclusion, and racism.Culture wars in American education: past and present struggles over the symbolic order by Michael R. Olneck
Publication Date: 2024Culture Wars in American Education: Past and Present Struggles over the Symbolic Order radically questions norms and values held within US Education, and analyses why and how culture wars in American education are intense, consequential, and recurrent.Critical multicultural education: theory and practice by Christine E. Sleeter; James A. Banks (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024This volume collects Christine Sleeter's core work focusing on critical multicultural education, situating culture and identity within an analysis of power and racism. Multicultural education arose in the context of the Civil Rights Movement and, in its inception, shared with that movement a focus on eradicating both interpersonal and systemic racism. The problem this book takes up is that, over time, many people have come to understand and enact multicultural education in ways that evade grappling directly with racism.Culturally responsive instructional supervision : leadership for equitable and emancipatory outcomes by Ian M. Mette (Ed.); Yanira Oliveras (Ed.); Mark Anthony Gooden (Foreword); Geneva Gay (Afterword); Dwayne Ray Cormier (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024As the United States continues to grapple with policies that promote culturally dominant ideologies, the opportunity gaps continue to widen for minoritized, marginalized, and otherized PK-12 students. This timely book provides a comprehensive developmental framework for implementing Culturally Responsive Instructional Supervision that fosters an educational environment that disrupts the culture of white supremacy, promotes a sense of belonging, and achieves culturally appropriate instructional outcomes for all learners.Cultivating diversity and inclusion: using global and multicultural children's literature in grades K-5 by Paula Saine
Publication Date: 2024Cultivating Diversity and Inclusion: Using Global and Multicultural Children's Literature in Grades K-5, Second Edition shows educators how to assist students in cultivating and appreciating diversity and inclusion in K-5 classrooms. This text offers new children's book titles from across the world in each chapter, advances to grades four and five, engages students with rich cultural language experiences, and provides ways to incorporate apps and social media activities in the classroom.
Bridging marginality through inclusive higher education by Marguerite Bonous-Hammarth (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022This book examines the changing influences of diversity in American higher education. The volume offers evidence and recommendations to positively shape inclusive learning and engagement of students, faculty, staff and community across the complex terrains of urban, suburban, and rural organizations within higher education today.Diversity and inclusion in educational institutions by edited by Fawzia Reza
Publication Date: 2022Today's educational landscape requires practitioners to move from a teacher-centric to a more inclusive and student-centric approach. To address the diverse needs of students, educators must understand the challenges they face, and learn how to address them. This volume highlights the significance of diversity and inclusion practices in educational institutions.Educating young children with diverse languages and cultures by Karen N. Nemeth
Publication Date: 2022This comprehensive textbook prepares early childhood educators to effectively work with and support young children (ages 0-8) with diverse languages, cultures, and learning needs. With a multipurpose, multilevel format, this dynamic resource focuses on the central role of language development and culture in all aspects of learning.Elders' cultural knowledges and the question of Black/African indigeneity in education by George J. Sefa Dei; Wambui Karanja; Grace Erger
Publication Date: 2022This book makes a strong case for the inclusion of Indigenous Elders' cultural knowledge in the delivery of inclusive education for learners who are members of minority communities. It is relevant to curriculum developers, teachers, policy makers and institutions that engage in the education of Black, Indigenous, Latinx and other minority students.Everybody's classroom: differentiating for the shared and unique needs of diverse students by Carol Ann Tomlinson; James H. Borland (Foreword)
Publication Date: 2022Most people are keenly aware that every student is different and that today's classrooms challenge educators to build safe and successful learning communities comprising students whose races, languages, cultures, experiences, assets, and dreams vary greatly. This book offers K-12 teachers both the foundations for differentiating their instruction and the means to maximize learning opportunities by getting to know students beyond the labels and stereotypes that often accompany them into the classroom.Teaching and learning second language pragmatics for intercultural understanding by Troy McConachy; Anthony J. Liddicoat
Publication Date: 2022"This collection argues for the need to promote intercultural understanding as a clear goal for teaching and learning pragmatics in second and foreign language education. The volume sees the learning of pragmatics as a challenging yet enriching process whereby the individual expands their capacity for understanding how meaning making processes influence social relationships and how assumptions about social relationships shape the interpretation and use of language in context."White educators negotiating complicity: roadblocks paved with good intentions by Barbara Applebaum
Publication Date: 2022While there is a proliferation of research studying white educators who teach courses around anti-racism, White Educators Negotiating Complicity: Roadblocks Paved with Good Intentions focuses on white educators who teach about whiteness to a racially diverse group of students and who acknowledge and attempt to negotiate their complicity in systemic injustice.
Culturally relevant pedagogy: asking a different question by Gloria Ladson-Billings
Publication Date: 2021For the first time, this volume provides a definitive collection of Gloria Ladson-Billings' groundbreaking concept of Culturally Relevant Pedagogy (CRP). After repeatedly confronting deficit perspectives that asked, "What's wrong with 'those' kids?", Ladson-Billings decided to ask a different question, one that fundamentally shifted the way we think about teaching and learning. Noting that "those kids" usually meant Black students, she posed a new question: "What is right with Black students and what happens in classrooms where teachers, parents, and students get it right?"Indigenous schooling in the modern world: education, knowledge and liberation for all citizens by Neil Hooley; Oksana Razoumova; Lois Peeler
Publication Date: 2021This book supports the formal education of all Indigenous children who live in different circumstances in different countries. It takes Indigenous philosophy as its starting point, while recognising that in many colonial and post-colonial circumstances, Indigenous knowledge, culture and language may not be valued. For this reason, Indigenous and non-Indigenous theorists and authors are included to demonstrate the recognised links between Indigenous and non-Indigenous understandings and practices of culture, knowledge and learning and therefore common approaches to formal education.Multicultural curriculum transformation in literacy and language arts by Amanda VandeHei-Carter (Ed.); Nayelee Villanueva (Ed.); Christine Clark (Ed.); Jeannette Driscoll Alarcón; Benjamin Francisco; Dara Nix-Stevenson; Laura Shelton; Amy Tondreau; Laurie Rabinowitz; Vicki Sherbert; Eileen Montalvo Wertzberger; Ernestina Wiafe; Merida Lang; Molly Sherman; Rhianna Henry; Alexandra Porrata; Kristen R. Strom; Sharon Chang; Yaojia Qu; Socorro García-Alvarado; Alisun Thompson; Judith A. Scott; Tricia Gallagher-Geurtsen; Melody Andrews; Brittany Goldsby; Christine Beaudry
Publication Date: 2021This book focuses on multicultural curriculum transformation in literacy and language arts subject areas. The discussion of each area outlines critical considerations for multicultural curriculum transformation for the area by grade level and then by eight organizing tools, including content standards, relationships with and among students and their families, and evaluation of student learning and teaching effectiveness.A new canon: designing culturally sustaining humanities curriculum by Evan C. Gutierrez
Publication Date: 2021A New Canon is the first book to provide a framework for designing and utilizing rigorous, standards-aligned curriculum to address the lack of representation for marginalized communities in formal education. Grounded in literature around cultural relevance and responsive teaching practice, the book provides step-by-step guidance for curriculum development that connects students to the intellectual traditions of their communities.Reading and teaching with diverse nonfiction children's books: representations and possibilities by Thomas Crisp (Ed.); Suzanne M. Knezek (Ed.); Roberta Price Gardner (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2021Argues for the importance of including in K-8 classrooms high-quality diverse books that accurately and authentically represent the world students live in and explores the ways in which engaging with diverse nonfiction children's lit provides opportunities to counter constricted curricula and reposition the possibilities of pedagogical policies and mandates through centering the histories, lives, and cultures of historically marginalized and underrepresented people.Resisting barriers to belonging: conceptual critique and critical applications by Beverly S. Faircloth (Ed.); R. Bradley Johnson; Holt Wilson; Lauren Baucom; Emily Hare; Paul Wonsavage; Arren Duggan; Jared Webb; Allison McCulloch; Michelle Stephan; Katherine Mawhinney; Laura M. Gonzalez (Ed.); Catherine Schwartz; Pamela Harris; Kaitlyn Ingram; Marquita Hockaday; Kia Barrett; Jill McClanahan; Tierney B. Hinman; Ye He ; Shameeka Wilson; Adriana Paschal; Katherine Ramos (Ed.); Jennifer Nelson; Amy Vetter; Melody Zoch; Christy Marhatta; Dominique McDaniel; Tierney F. Hinman; Dawn Bagwell; Benjamin Chang; Shynar Baimaganbetova; Mel Hyeri Yang; Elan C. Hope; Iris Man Wai Cheung; Catherine Marie Galang Pun; Benjamin Wai San Yip; Chauncey D. Smith; Charity Brown Griffin; Alexis S. Briggs; Nicholas Antonicci; Louis Killion
Publication Date: 2021Decades of theory, research, and practice have singled out sense of belonging (in its many derivative forms) as a pivotal component of healthy development: psychologically, socially, culturally, academically. The human need for belonging, and therefore its essential nature, have been well established across multiple arenas. Despite growth in this field, answers to the barriers to belonging among marginalized groups and contexts remain especially elusive. For decades, this work was anchored primarily in dominant, whitestream lenses and contexts. Therefore, the authors attempt here to highlight the responsibilities of systems and individual actors to meaningfully adapt and intentionally make space for belonging for all.Rethinking the academy: beyond Eurocentrism in higher education by Augie Fleras
Publication Date: 2021Universities and colleges like to self-idealize as relatively neutral and value-free sites of higher learning. In reality, the idea of the Westernized academy is deeply embedded in a Eurocentric logic that not only excludes alternative forms of knowledge and knowing, but also remains racialized, gendered, and sited in coloniality with respect to governance, scholarship, and entitlements.Start here, start now: a guide to antibias and antiracist work in your school community by Liz Kleinrock
Publication Date: 2021Each chapter in Start Here, Start Now addresses many of the questions and challenges educators have about getting started, using a framework for tackling perceived barriers from a proactive stance.Transforming multicultural education policy and practice: expanding educational opportunity by James A. Banks (Ed.); Margaret Smith Crocco
Publication Date: 2021Together, these selections address how multicultural education should be transformed for a nation and world that are becoming increasingly complex due to virulent racism, pernicious nationalism, mass migrations, interracial mixing, social-class stratification, and a global pandemic.
Cultivating genius: an equity framework for culturally and historically responsive literacy by Gholdy Muhammad
Publication Date: 2020In Cultivating Genius, Dr. Gholdy E. Muhammad presents a four-layered equity framework--one that is grounded in history and restores excellence in literacy education. This framework, which she names, Historically Responsive Literacy, was derived from the study of literacy development within 19th-century Black literacy societies. The framework is essential and universal for all students, especially youth of color, who traditionally have been marginalized in learning standards, school policies, and classroom practices.- In the pursuit of justice: students' rights to read and write in elementary school by Mariana Souto-Manning (Editor)Publication Date: 2020Provides vivid examples of how elementary school teachers make NCTE's position statements on students' rights to read, write, and use their own languages come alive in their diverse classroom settings.
Toward anti-oppressive teaching: designing and using simulated encounters by Elizabeth A. Self; Barbara S. Stengel
Publication Date: 2020Toward Anti-Oppressive Teaching introduces an innovative approach for using live-actor simulations to prepare preservice teachers for diverse classroom settings. Based on the SHIFT Project at Vanderbilt University, the book highlights the promise of these encounters to empower preservice teachers to become more culturally responsive.Unsettling responsibility in science education: indigenous science, deconstruction, and the multicultural science education debate by Marc Higgins
Publication Date: 2020This open access book engages with the response-ability of science education to Indigenous ways-of-living-with-Nature. Higgins deconstructs the ways in which the structures of science education--its concepts, categories, policies, and practices--contribute to the exclusion (or problematic inclusion) of Indigenous science while also shaping its ability respond. Herein, he undertakes an unsettling homework to address the ways in which settler colonial logics linger and lurk within sedimented and stratified knowledge-practices, turning the gaze back onto science education.
- Last Updated: Jan 28, 2025 8:42 AM
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