Ava DeConcini
First and foremost, Ava would like to thank the hundreds of individuals who shared their stories with her for this project.

Ava is a Design major from Los Angeles in the class of 2025, and is honored to make her artistic debut with Green Library this spring.
She hopes this piece inspires a larger sense of communal empathy on this campus and serves as a reminder to honor our discomfort.
How It Feels was inspired by Know My Name and Chanel Miller’s visit to the class “One in Five,” taught by the brilliant Michele Dauber.
This piece was made possible by those who shamelessly advocate for survivors of sexual assault on college campuses on a daily basis. Ava would like to acknowledge her classmates’ patience, resilience, and determination to create the space for individuals like her to find their voice in the conversation. She is grateful to have found a medium and environment to express her insight on this topic, and recognizes the privilege which has made it possible for her to speak out.
Ava would like to thank everyone who has supported her throughout the process of creating this work, which began long before she got to Stanford. She would also like to specifically thank Green Library, the Textile Makerspace, the d.School, the Roble Dorm Sewing Machine, and Youtube sewing tutorials for making this piece possible.
She hopes this piece inspires a larger sense of communal empathy on this campus and serves as a reminder to honor our discomfort.