Environmental education: Recent e-books
This guide is for those interested in environmental education, both research and practice.
Recent e-books
Cases on collaborative experiential ecological literacy for education by Lizoon Nahar (Ed.); Nada Tayem (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Cases on Collaborative Experiential Ecological Literacy for K-12 Education is a groundbreaking book, a beacon of hope, and a comprehensive solution to the pressing environmental education gap. It uniquely reports on experiential projects that have successfully empowered teachers and students across all academic levels worldwide. The book's compelling narratives, reflections, and empirical research serve as a roadmap, illustrating how direct experiences can profoundly influence environmental literacy. By providing insights into effective classroom strategies, national policies, and global collaborative initiatives, this book provides educators and students with the tools to not only understand environmental issues but actively contribute to solutions.Inclusivity and indigeneity in education for sustainable development by Santosh Kumar Behera (Ed.); Atyaf Hasan Ibrahim (Ed.); Faten Romdhani (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024A major issue globally revolves around the urgent need to reshape our education system, aligning it with the ambitious Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set to transform the world by 2030. These goals, comprising 17 distinct objectives and 169 targets, form an ambitious agenda that seeks to recalibrate the global landscape across social, economic, and environmental dimensions. Inclusivity and Indigeneity in Education for Sustainable Development stands as a catalyst for fostering dialogue on the interconnected realms of education, indigeneity, and sustainable development. It explores the relationships between these pillars and offers a comprehensive understanding of their transformative potential.The existential toolkit for climate justice educators: how to teach in a burning world by Jennifer Atkinson; Sarah Jaquette Ray
Publication Date: 2024An easy-to-use field guide for teaching on climate injustice and building resilience in your students--and yourself--in an age of crisis. As feelings of eco-grief and climate anxiety grow, educators are grappling with how to help students learn about the violent systems causing climate change while simultaneously navigating the emotions this knowledge elicits. This book provides resources for developing emotional and existential tenacity in college classrooms so that students can stay engaged.Youth created media on the climate crisis: hear our voices by Richard Beach; Blaine E. Smith
Publication Date: 2023This timely book provides effective methods and authentic examples of teaching about climate change through digital and multimodal media production in the English Language Arts classroom. The chapters in this edited volume demonstrate the benefits of addressing climate change in the classroom through innovative media production and cover a range of different types of media, including video/digital storytelling, social media, art, music, and writing, with rich resources for instruction in every chapter.Habitats local and far away, grade 1: STEM road map for elementary school by Carla C. Johnson; Janet B. Walton; Erin E. Peters-Burton
Publication Date: 2024This interdisciplinary, four-lesson module uses project- and problem-based learning to help students act as explorers of climates, plants, and animals locally and around the world, to develop an action plan that encourages preservation of an endangered species.Teaching climate change to children: literacy pedagogy that cultivates sustainable futures by Rebecca Woodard; Kristine M. Schutz; Carla Shalaby (Foreword)
Publication Date: 2024Teaching Climate Change to Children describes the journey of two literacy researchers to learn about climate change and support relevant literacy pedagogy for young children (pre-K-6). The authors argue that climate change and social justice are inextricable from each other; that children in the younger grades are capable of learning about climate change; and that reading, writing, and language study is well-suited to this work.Teaching climate science in the elementary classroom: a place-based, hope-filled approach to understanding earth's systems by Stephanie Sisk-Hilton
Publication Date: 2024Discover new ways to help elementary students engage with and understand the world around them by incorporating climate-informed learning into the classroom. This book features foundational climate concepts, easily implementable activity plans, and inspiring examples of student engagement.Balance screen time with green time: connecting students with nature by Emily Morgan
Publication Date: 2024Written by bestselling author and science educator Emily Morgan, Balance Screen Time With Green Time gives teachers and school leaders practical, evidence-based strategies that seamlessly incorporate the restorative power of nature into the school day.Encountering education through existential challenges and community: re-connection and renewal for an ecologically based future by Giles Barrow
Publication Date: 2024Directly inspired by Indian British activist Satish Kumar's 2013 seminal work 'Soil, Soul and Society', this book rethinks education in line with thoughts around the current climate crisis, the purpose of education in a post-pandemic world, and the mental health of children, teachers and youth across societies. Acknowledging the realities of a world battling with the after effects of COVID-19, the author envisions a future for education that realises real-world solutions to contemporary existential, ecological and societal challenges that might otherwise be limited to an imaginary or idealist space.
(Re)storying human/Earth relationships in environmental education: becoming (partially) posthumanist by Kathryn Riley
Publication Date: 2023Exploring the affects emerging within, and between, an assemblage comprising Researcher/Teacher/Environmental Education Worldings, this book seeks to understand how the researcher makes sense of herself with/in the broader ecologies of the world; collaborative processes with an elementary-school teacher in Saskatchewan, Canada, as actualised through four co-created and co-implemented multisensory researcher/teacher enactments (Mindful Walking, Mapping Worlds, Eco-art Installation, and Photographic Encounters); and how the researcher/teacher organises themselves with Land-based pedagogies, environmental education curriculum policy, and wider discourses of Western education.99 eco-activities for your primary school: engaging ideas that promote environmental awareness by Sarah Watkins
Publication Date: 2023This book is packed with bright ideas and practical projects for children aged 4-11 to raise environmental awareness and prompt discussion about climate change. Encouraging children to take charge, right from the start, the activities range from creating recycled kites, windsocks, and garden decorations, to upcycling old t-shirts, building mini beast hotels, and designing campaigns to eliminate single use plastics from school.Climate change education: knowing, doing and being by Chang Chew Hung
Publication Date: 2023Climate change is complex and there is a need to educate our future generations so that they are able to deal with the plethora of information and views that they come into contact with in their lives. This book inquires into what it means to teach and learn about climate change.Climate change education: reimagining the future with alternative forms of storytelling by Rebecca L. Young (Ed.); Alexandra Lakind; Tatiana Konrad ; Alexandra Laing; Helen Liu; Alyssa Racco; Vandana Singh; Suhasini Vincent; Beverly B. Bachelder; Robert S. Bachelder; Karen Ball; Mary-Alice Corliss; Elke de Vries; Carley Petersen Durden; Jared Durden; Erden El
Publication Date: 2023This collection offers innovative approaches to using popular forms of storytelling as a lens for teaching about climate change. Contributors share their classroom experiences and guidance about how to engage students in productive conversations about the future with empathy and agency.Ecopedagogies: practical approaches to experiential learning by Ellen Bayer (Ed.); Judson Byrd Finley (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2023Ecopedagogies showcases a range of creative approaches that educators across multiple disciplines use to empower students to access and engage with nature, an increasingly important consideration in a post-COVID world in environmental crisis. The volume includes chapters written by scholars from the environmental arts and humanities, literature, writing studies, rhetoric, music, religious studies, environmental studies and sustainability, sociology and anthropology, physical education, and outdoor education.Field environmental philosophy: education for biocultural conservation by Ricardo Rozzi (Ed.); Alejandra Tauro (Ed.); Noa Avriel-Avni (Editor); T. Wright (Ed.); Roy H. May Jr. (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2023-In Field Environmental Philosophy (FEP), the authors undertake two complementary tasks. First, they address a problematic facet of education as an indirect driver of a global change and biocultural homogenization. Second, they contribute to solve the former problems by introducing the FEP method as well as other educational approaches from around the world that value and foster conservation of biological and cultural diversity. A particular emphasis is therefore on the integration of sciences, arts, humanities, and ethics into educational practices that involve the participation of local communities with their diverse forms of ecological knowledge and practices.Learning to confront ecological precarity: engaging with more-than-human worlds by Scott Jukes
Publication Date: 2023This volume presents innovative approaches for confronting environmental issues and socio-ecological inequality within Outdoor Environmental Education (OEE). Through experimentation with alternative pedagogical possibilities, it explores what OEE can do in response to ecological precarity.Science education towards social and ecological justice: provocations and conversations by Matthew Weinstein; Chantal Pouliot; Isabel Martins; Ralph Levinson; Lyn Carter; Larry Bencze; Ajay Sharma
Publication Date: 2023This book consists of stories of struggles in science education presented by a network of science educators working in Australia, Brazil, Canada, Britain, and the United States. The common goal of these educators is to produce more socially/ecologically just models and practices of science education. The book considers and reworks the key-terms of current social justice: agency, realism, justice, and power.Teach for climate justice: a vision for transforming education by Tom Roderick
Publication Date: 2023In Teach for Climate Justice, accomplished educator and social and emotional learning expert Tom Roderick proposes a visionary interdisciplinary and intersectional approach to PreK-12 climate education. He argues that meaningful instruction on this urgent issue of our time must focus on climate justice--the convergence of climate change and social justice--in a way that is emotionally safe, developmentally appropriate, and ultimately empowering.Teaching climate change: fostering understanding, resilience, and a commitment to justice by Mark Windschitl
Publication Date: 2023Teaching Climate Change lays out a comprehensive, NGSS-aligned approach to climate change education that builds in-depth knowledge of the subject, empowers students, and promotes a social justice mindset. In this fortifying and inspiring work, Mark Windschitl guides classroom teachers and educational leaders through an ambitious multilevel, multidisciplinary framing of climate change education as an integral element of school curricula. Exuding hope for the future, Windschitl emphasizes the big picture of research-informed teaching about climate change.Teaching environmental justice: practices to engage students and build community by Jessie Dubreuil (Ed.); Samara S. Foster (Ed.); Jody Greene (Ed.); Sikina Jinnah (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2023This ground-breaking book presents interdisciplinary educators with classroom tools and strategies to integrate environmental justice into their courses. Providing accessible, flexible, and evidence-based pedagogical approaches designed by a multidisciplinary team of scholars, it centers equity and justice in student learning and course design.
Our changing environment. Grade K: STEM road map for elementary school by Carla C. Johnson; Janet B. Walton; Erin E. Peters-Burton
Publication Date: 2022Our Changing Environment outlines a journey that will steer your students toward authentic problem solving while grounding them in integrated STEM disciplines. Like the other volumes in the series, this book is designed to meet the growing need to infuse real-world learning into K-12 classrooms.Rebuilding the natural environment, grade 10: STEM road map for high school by Carla C. Johnson; Janet B. Walton; Erin E. Peters-Burton
Publication Date: 2022This interdisciplinary, four-lesson module uses project- and problem-based learning to help students connect their existing knowledge about energy production and its effects on the natural environment to create innovations in renewable sources of energy based on research evidence. Working in teams, students will design an innovative way to meet society's energy needs and develop a pitch to market their innovation, focusing on how the innovation will optimize human experiences while being mindful of the natural environment.Rethinking education for sustainable development: research, policy and practice by [edited by] Radhika Iyengar and Ozge Karadag
Publication Date: 2022"This book explores how education can be used as a tool to promote sustainability practices as the world faces huge challenges related to climate change and public health. The chapters consider all types of literacy approaches that fall under the umbrella of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). These approaches include scientific literacy, ecological literacy, health literacy, education on climate change and climate resilience, environmental education and others linking education, global health, and the environment more broadly."Teaching towards green schools: transforming K-12 education through sustainable practices by Linda H. Plevyak
Publication Date: 2022This engaging and timely book showcases practical ways that PreK-12 teachers and school leaders can create and implement sustainability-focused projects and practices in their classrooms and schools, helping promote a healthy, sustainable environment and curriculum for students and leading the way towards becoming a green school.Transformative STEAM education for sustainable development: international perspectives and practices by Elisabeth (Lily) Taylor (Vol. Ed.); Peter Charles Taylor (Vol. Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022We are currently experiencing an unprecedented era in the history of the planet. Our addiction to fossil fuels and powerful technologies is dangerously altering the Earth's natural systems, giving rise to well-documented global crises of climate change, plastic pollution of the oceans, and tragic loss of biocultural diversity.These crises have created a unique challenge for STEM educators, given that STEM disciplinary knowledge and skills are often viewed as the panacea to the world's economic and environmental problems. This popular view tends to focus narrowly, however, on students learning scientific, technological, engineering and mathematical concepts about the world out there, thereby ignoring the crucial role education must play in shaping students' attitudes and values - their inner worlds - that drive moral agency to live and work in sustainable ways. It is moral agency that empowers socially and environmentally responsible citizens to tackle global crises.
Ecojustice Education by Rebecca A. Martusewicz; Jeff Edmundson; John Lupinacci
Publication Date: 2021The third edition of this groundbreaking text offers a powerful model for cultural ecological analysis and a pedagogy of responsibility. Authors Martusewicz, Edmundson, and Lupinacci provide teachers, teacher educators and educational scholars with the theory and classroom practices they need to help develop citizens who are prepared to support and achieve diverse, democratic, and sustainable societies in an increasingly globalized world.Teaching climate change for grades 6-12: empowering science teachers to take on the climate crisis through NGSS by Kelley Le
Publication Date: 2021"This timely and insightful book supports and enables secondary science teachers to develop effective curricula ready to meet the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) by grounding their instruction on the climate crisis. Nearly one-third of the secondary science standards relate directly to climate science, but teachers need design and implementation support to create empowering learning experiences centered around the climate crisis. Science educator and instructional coach Kelley Le offers this support, providing an overview of the teaching shifts needed for NGSS and to support climate literacy for students via urgent topics in climate science and environmental justice-from the COVID-19 pandemic to global warming, rising sea temperatures, deforestation, and mass extinction."
Building STEM skills through environmental education by Stephen T. Schroth; Janese Daniels
Publication Date: 2020Building STEM Skills Through Environmental Education addresses gaps in the understanding of green education and offers educators meaningful and comprehensive examples of environmental and sustainability education in the Pre-K through secondary grade levels. The book offers a unique combination of foundational understanding of green education and chapters that illustrate the principles and impact of green education across grade levels, content areas, assessment systems, instructional strategies, technology, and other related topics.Examining a new paradigm of heritage with philosophy, economy, and education by António dos Santos Queirós (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2020Examining a New Paradigm of Heritage With Philosophy, Economy, and Education provides comprehensive research on the sustainability of identity and cultural heritage. The book establishes uniform and consistent conceptual criteria to identify and distinguish the different typological categories of heritage and discusses the concept of "cultural landscape" and environmental ethics. Moreover, connections between cultural heritage and natural heritage and the economy of heritage are explored. Finally, the book discusses cultural landscape as an educational resource with reading and interpretation of the cultural landscape as a basis for learning with a methodology of experimental science and its first metamorphosis of value, featuring a range of topics such as curriculum design, ethics, and environmental tourism.To know the world: a new vision for environmental learning by Mitchell Thomashow
Publication Date: 2020Why environmental learning is crucial for understanding the connected challenges of climate justice, tribalism, inequity, democracy, and human flourishing. How can we respond to the current planetary ecological emergency? In To Know the World, Mitchell Thomashow proposes that we revitalize, revisit, and reinvigorate how we think about our residency on Earth.
- Last Updated: Feb 6, 2025 10:23 AM
- URL: https://guides.library.stanford.edu/environmental_education
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