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LGBTQIA+ community at Stanford University: Get Help

After using this guide, Stanford Libraries users will be able to identify and access primary and secondary sources about the history of the LGBTQIA+ community at Stanford University.

Additional resources

In addition to the Stanford Archives, many other units and groups on campus directly support teaching, learning, and research by and about the LGBTQIA+ community at Stanford, and may serve as resources for your project.

Queer Student Resources, or QSR, is a community center located on the second floor of the Firetruck House in a space they call “QSpot.” QSR is a community center for students that are celebrating, questioning, investigating and/or struggling with sexual orientation and/or gender identity.

In addition to their three directors, QSR is staffed by an incredibly large and diverse team of students. Together, they foster belonging and offer services and community to queer students via events and programs

The Program in Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies provides students with the background and skills to investigate the significance of gender and sexuality in all areas of human life. 

Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies examines how societies structure gender roles, relations, and identities, and how these intersect with other hierarchies of power such as class, race, nationality, ethnicity, sexuality, disability, and age.  The program coordinates courses offered across the University into a curriculum of feminist and gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and queer studies.  Students learn and employ critical gender and sexuality studies methodologies to analyze the assumptions about gender and sexuality that inform the study of individuals, cultures, social institutions, policy, and other areas of scholarly inquiry. 

The program offers an undergraduate major, secondary major, minor, and an interdisciplinary honors program that is open to undergraduates in all majors. Additionally, the program offers a PhD minor that is open to all students currently enrolled in a doctoral program at Stanford.

There are multiple student organizations for queer-identified students. 

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