When you find an item that is relevant to your search, you can use it to find related items in several ways.
Browse related items
If the item has a Library of Congress (LC) or Dewey Classification call number, there will be a Browse related items section at the bottom of the record page. This is a virtual shelf view that shows items with call numbers on either side of the one you selected, across all the Stanford libraries.
Some items have more than one call number (e.g. LC at one library; Dewey at another). You can select the call number to use as a starting point for your browse.
Subject links
Hierarchical subject links allow you to find more items on the same topic, or expand your search to a broader subject area. An item with this subject heading:
- African American women > Southern States > History > 19th century.
...also links to searches for:
- African American women > Southern States > History
- African American women > Southern States
- African American women
Simply click on the section of the heading that you want to search.
Uniform titles
Items with common titles (such as "Poems") or works that occur in many languages (such as Stravinsky's "Firebird") are typically cataloged with a uniform title that provides a way to bring them together. Uniform title links can be found in the upper section of a SearchWorks record under the title header.