Women in science: Work
This topic guide covers resources and organizations about women in science and engineering
Selected books
Academic motherhood: how faculty manage work and family by Kelly Ward; Lisa Wolf-Wendel
ISBN: 9780813553849Publication Date: 2012"Academic Motherhood tells the story of over one hundred women who are both professors and mothers and examines how they navigated their professional lives at different career stages. The authors base their findings on a longitudinal study that asks how women faculty on the tenure track manage work and family in their early careers when their children are young, and then again in mid-career when their children are older. The women studied work in a range of institutional settings-research universities, comprehensive universities, liberal arts colleges, and community colleges-and in a variety of disciplines, including the sciences, the humanities, and the social sciences." (publisher's description)Addressing gender bias in science & technology by Samina Azad
ISBN: 9780841298903Publication Date: 2020Contents: Roadmap, From Permission to Poise, Understanding Bias in Science, Science behind Bias, Who Belongs in Science: Numbers Are Not Enough, Removing Barriers, Changing Academic Cultures to Respond to Hostile Climates, Matters of Ethics, and Gender Bias and the Law.Advancing diversity in the US industrial science and engineering workforce by Rita S. Guenther (Editor); Catherine J. Didion (Editor); National Academy of Engineering
ISBN: 9780309265058Publication Date: 2014"Thousands of gifted individuals, including women and underrepresented minorities, remain a disproportionally small fraction of those in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) careers. Industry, as the largest employer category of those with STEM backgrounds, stands to benefit considerably from greater inclusion of women and underrepresented minorities in the workforce. However, nothing short of a game-changing environment must be created to harness the talent of those not fully represented in the STEM workforce." (publisher's description). Available in print and online.Beating the odds: winning strategies of women in STEM by Burke, Patty
Publication Date: 2020"Aiming to inspire and empower, Beating the Odds highlights real-life success stories of technical women who made it. This book explores critical turning points that make or break careers and provides tools for putting insight into action - both for women and organizations supporting them." (publisher's description)Becoming leaders: a practical handbook for women in engineering, science, and technology by F. Mary Williams; Carolyn J. Emerson
ISBN: 9780784415238Publication Date: 2019"Co-published by ASCE Press and the Society of Women Engineers, if you think this is just another book about women's issues, think again. This one is different. It is intended for people interested in the advancement of their own careers or in the development of human resources in their organization. This second edition includes new information on implicit bias, other factors affecting leadership success, the impact of social media, management of diversity and inclusion initiatives, and creating respectful workplaces. Professional women in STEM, and managers interested in their progress, will quickly recognize the context of many of the information bytes and see the application in their own workplaces. This handbook provides readers with action plan elements for achieving important goals--both personal and organizational." (Syndetics description)Breaking in: women's accounts of how choices shape STEM careers by Ann Wolverton; Lisa Nagaoka; Mimi Wolverton; Donna J. Dean (Foreword by)
ISBN: 9781579224288Publication Date: 2015Why is it that, while women in the United States have generally made great strides in establishing parity with their male counterparts in educational attainment, they remain substantially underrepresented in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)? Why is it that, in proportion to the PhDs they obtain in STEM, they attain fewer administrative and managerial positions in academia and industry than their numbers warrant and, moreover, are more likely leave the field once started in their careers? In the culture and context of women's advancement and satisfaction with careers in STEM, the data show that many challenges and obstacles remain. By showcasing the stories of eight women scientists who have achieved successful careers in the academy, industry and government, Breaking In offers vivid insights into the challenges and barriers that women face in entering STEM while also describing these women's motivations, the choices they made along their paths, and the intellectual satisfactions and excitement of scientific discovery they derive from their work. Breaking In underscores issues aspiring women scientists will encounter on their journeys and what they can do to forestall potential obstacles, advocate for change, and fulfill their ambitions. And it speaks to the question: What can be done to encourage more women to specialize in science, mathematics, and engineering?Career choices of female engineers by Sara J. Frueh (Editor); Career Outcomes of Female Engineering Bachelor's Degree Recipients Staff; Career Outcomes of Female Engineering Bachelor's Degree Recipients Committee; Policy and Global Affairs; National Research Council; National Academy of Engineering; Women in Science, Engineering, and Medicine Committee
ISBN: 9780309305815Publication Date: 2014"Despite decades of government, university, and employer efforts to close the gender gap in engineering, women make up only 11 percent of practicing engineers in the United States. What factors influence women graduates' decisions to enter the engineering workforce and either to stay in or leave the field as their careers progress? Researchers are both tapping existing data and fielding new surveys to help answer these questions." (publisher's description). This book is available in print and online.Crushing the IT gender bias: thriving as a woman in technology by Kellyn Gorman
ISBN: 1484244141Publication Date: 2019"This Book Is For Women in any area of technology with a desire to make and lead positive change by eliminating conscious and unconscious bias along with strategically confronting the many issues facing women in a field dominated by cultural bias. The book appeals to those just starting a career through to seasoned professionals, and even to those entering the management tier. This book also welcomes men with a desire to grow in their understanding and eliminate bias in the world around them." (Nielsen Book Data)Equity in science: representation, culture, and the dynamics of change in graduate education by Julie R. Posselt
ISBN: 9781503608702Publication Date: 2020"STEM disciplines are believed to be founded on the idea of meritocracy; recognition earned by the value of the data, which is objective. Such disciplinary cultures resist concerns about implicit or structural biases, and yet, year after year, scientists observe persistent gender and racial inequalities in their labs, departments, and programs. In Equity in Science, Julie Posselt makes the case that understanding how field-specific cultures develop is a crucial step for bringing about real change. She does this by examining existing equity, diversity, and inclusion efforts across astronomy, physics, chemistry, geology, and psychology. These ethnographic case studies reveal the subtle ways that exclusion and power operate in scientific organizations and, sometimes, within change efforts themselves. Posselt argues that accelerating the movement for inclusion in science requires more effective collaboration across boundaries that typically separate people and scholars--across the social and natural sciences, across the faculty-student-administrator roles, and across race, gender, and other social identities. Ultimately this book is a call for academia to place equal value on expertise, and on those who do the work of cultural translation. Posselt closes with targeted recommendations for individuals, departments, and disciplinary societies for creating systemic, sustainable change." (Syndetics Book Data)Mom the chemistry professor: personal accounts and advice from chemistry professors who are mothers by Kimberly Woznack (Editor); Amber Charlebois (Editor); Renée Cole (Editor); Cecilia Marzabadi (Editor); Gail Webster (Editor)
ISBN: 9783319789712Publication Date: 2018"When is the 'right' time? How can I meet the demands of a professorship whilst caring for a young family? Choosing to become a mother has a profound effect on the career path of women holding academic positions, especially in the physical sciences. Yet many women successfully manage to do both. In this second edition, which is a project of the Women Chemists Committee (WCC) of the American Chemical Society (ACS), 40 inspirational personal accounts describe the challenges and rewards of combining motherhood with an academic career in chemistry." (publisher's description)Mothers in academia by Mari Castañeda; Kirsten Isgro (Editor)
ISBN: 9780231160049Publication Date: 2013"Featuring forthright testimonials by women who are or have been mothers as undergraduates, graduate students, academic staff, administrators, and professors, Mothers in Academia intimately portrays the experiences of women at various stages of motherhood while theoretically and empirically considering the conditions of working motherhood as academic life has become more laborious." (publisher's description)Pathways, potholes, and the persistence of women in science: reconsidering the pipeline by Edited by Enobong Hannah Branch
ISBN: 9781498516365Publication Date: 2016"Training for and pursuing a career in science can be treacherous for women; many more begin than ultimately complete at every stage. Characterizing this as a pipeline problem, however, leads to a focus on individual women instead of structural conditions. The goal of the book is to offer an alternative model that better articulates the ideas of agency, constraint, and variability along the path to scientific careers for women. The chapters in this volume apply the metaphor of the road to a variety of fields and moments that are characterized as exits, pathways, and potholes. The scholars featured in this volume engaged purposefully in translation of sociological scholarship on gender, work, and organizations. They focus on the themes that emerge from their scholarship that add to or build on our existing knowledge of scientific work, while identifying tools as well as challenges to diversifying science. This book contains a multitude of insights about navigating the road while training for and building a career in science. Collectively, the chapters exemplify the utility of this approach, provide useful tools, and suggest areas of exploration for those aiming to broaden the participation of women and minorities. Although this book focuses on gendered constraints, we are attentive to fact that gender intersects with other identities, such as race/ethnicity and nativity, both of which influence participation in science. Several chapters in the volume speak clearly to the experience of underrepresented minorities in science and others consider the circumstances and integration of non-U.S. born scientists, referred to in this volume as international scientists. Disaggregating gender deepens our understanding and illustrates how identity shapes the contours of the scientific road." (Syndetics Book Data)Sexual harassment of women: climate, culture, and consequences in academic sciences, engineering, and medicine by National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine; Policy and Global Affairs; Committee on Women in Science, Engineering, and Medicine; Committee on the Impacts of Sexual Harrassment in Academic Science, Engineering, and Medicine
ISBN: 9780309470872Publication Date: 2018"Over the last few decades, research, activity, and funding has been devoted to improving the recruitment, retention, and advancement of women in the fields of science, engineering, and medicine. In recent years the diversity of those participating in these fields, particularly the participation of women, has improved and there are significantly more women entering careers and studying science, engineering, and medicine than ever before. However, as women increasingly enter these fields they face biases and barriers and it is not surprising that sexual harassment is one of these barriers." (publisher's description)Strategies for increasing diversity in engineering majors and careers by Monica Gray (Editor); Ken D. Thomas (Editor)
ISBN: 9781522522126Publication Date: 2017"Underrepresentation of minorities is present in the field of engineering, both in education and practice. As in every profession, diversity and inclusion needs to be incorporated in order to provide the same opportunities for all people. This book is an essential reference work for the latest research on the need for diversity and inclusion within the engineering workforce and provides approaches to restructure engineering education to achieve this goal. Featuring expansive coverage on a broad range of topics including minority recruitment, experiential education systems, and study abroad programs, this book is ideally designed for students, professionals, academic advisors, and recruitment officers seeking current research on ways to diversify engineering education and careers." (publisher's description)Success strategies from women in STEM: a portable mentor by Peggy A. Pritchard (Editor); Christine Grant (Editor)
ISBN: 9780123971814Publication Date: 2015"This updated text contains new and essential chapters on leadership and negotiation, important coverage of career management, networking, social media, communication skills, and more. The work is accompanied by a companion website that contains annotated links, a list of print and electronic resources, self-directed learning objects, frequently asked questions, and more. With an increased focus on international relevance, this text contains shared stories and vignettes that will help women pursuing or involved in STEM careers develop the necessary professional and personal skills to overcome obstacles to advancement." (publisher's description)Women in global science: advancing academic careers through international collaboration by Kathrin S. Zippel
ISBN: 9781503600393Publication Date: 2017"Scientific and engineering research is increasingly global, and international collaboration can be essential to academic success. Yet even as administrators and policymakers extol the benefits of global science, few recognize the diversity of international research collaborations and their participants, or take gendered inequalities into account. Women in Global Science is the first book to consider systematically the challenges and opportunities that the globalization of scientific work brings to U.S. academics, especially for women faculty." (publisher's description) Published by Stanford University Press.
Featured website
- The Pregnant Scholar"In early 2015, Professors Mary Ann Mason (University of California, Berkeley) and Joan C. Williams (University of California, Hastings College of the Law), with support from the National Science Foundation, launched this project to boost the support and protections for pregnant and parenting students and postdocs. By providing resources to educate and empower university communities, this project seeks to ensure the effective implementation of Title IX’s protections for pregnant women and parents and help mend the critical leak in the STEM pipeline." (website description)
Diversity in the workplace
edited by Holly Hassel and Kirsti Cole. 2020
Jessica Schomberg, Wendy Highby. 2020
- Last Updated: Mar 4, 2025 1:54 PM
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