Teaching and teacher education: Recent e-books
This guide is for those interested in teaching and teacher education, both research and practice, including artificial intelligence.
Recent e-books
Who am I as a teacher?: migrant teachers' redefined professional identity by Annika Käck
Publication Date: 2024"Who am I as a teacher in a new country?" migrant teachers ask themselves. To understand oneself as a teacher, one must identify and coordinate the past and present with a future direction, which causes migrant teachers to talk about a transformed professional identity with additional skills.Transforming teacher preparation through identity, development, and effective technologies by Denise LaVoie Sargent (Ed.); Kristin M. Murphy (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024This compilation responds to the pressing need for a paradigm shift in teacher preparation, offering insights, recommendations, and diverse perspectives from experts worldwide to address the current crisis and shape the future of education. Teacher shortages and diminishing enrollment rates, coupled with the departure of educators, pose a significant threat to the quality of education globally. Urban areas, in particular, witness a disproportionate exodus of educators, creating disparities that impact the most vulnerable students. The COVID-19 pandemic has further emphasized the need for innovative, technology-driven solutions in teacher preparation. As schools deal with these issues, the imperative is to not only reflect on the current state of teacher preparation but also to set forth recommendations that will transform the field, ensuring a robust and resilient education system for the years to come.Rethinking teacher supervision and evaluation: how to shift the conversation to coaching, continuous improvement, and student learning by Kim Marshall
Publication Date: 2024In the third edition of this longtime bestseller, nationally recognized education leader Kim Marshall offers a framework for supervisors who want to motivate and inspire their colleagues and bring more good teaching to more classrooms more of the time. Rethinking Teacher Supervision and Evaluation shows you how to break away from outdated evaluation approaches, describing an innovative approach that enlists teachers and teacher teams in improving the performance of all students.Self-studies of teacher education practice online: theorizing the emotional work in times of crisis by Mary F. Rice (Ed.); Ramona Maile Cutri (Ed.); Juanjo Mena (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024This edited volume explores the emotional work of being an online teacher educator. The chapter authors discuss the intense work involved in planning, teaching, and navigating intuitional contexts in order to build a relationship between online teaching and the Self-Study of Teacher Educator Practice (S-STEP) methodology.Beyond worksheets by Amy Minter Mayer
Publication Date: 2024Beyond Worksheets helps K-12 teachers make learning fun, engaging, and relevant using the latest research, actionable classroom strategies, and the ed tech software and systems they already have. Used correctly, these tools let you deepen learning, student engagement, and student participation.AI-enhanced teaching methods by Zeinab E. Ahmed (Ed.); Aisha A. Hassan (Ed.); Rashid A. Saeed (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024AI-Enhanced Teaching Methods recognizes the urgency of the ongoing technological shift and delves into an exploration of how AI can be effectively harnessed to redefine the learning experience. The book serves as a guide for educators, offering insights into navigating between conventional teaching methodologies and the possibilities presented by AI. It provides an understanding of AI's role in education, covering topics from machine learning to natural language processing. Ethical considerations, including privacy and bias, are thoroughly addressed with thoughtful solutions as well.Encouraging transnational learning through virtual exchange in global teacher education by Alina Slapac (Ed.); Cristina A. Huertas-Abril (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Encouraging Transnational Learning Through Telecollaboration in Global Teacher Education aims to provide resources and recommendations for global teacher educators, practitioners, researchers, and pre-service and in-service teachers on developing international virtual exchange programs in teacher education. The book aims to showcase effective online pedagogies, provide practical values of online collaborative teaching and learning, and connect theory to practice in critical global citizenship and teacher development.Improving schools: simple approaches and understandings to realize growth by Kevin Popadines
Publication Date: 2024Schools are the bridge to the future. Their success is vital for the success of communities and the country. There are opportunities and avenues to improvement that are unfortunately overlooked and underutilized. The path to improving schools, districts and education overall is not a singular one, but there are common areas that should be explored. Improving Schools: Simple Approaches and Understandings to Realize Growth is an exploration of those common areas that if given the correct attention and focus could serve to improve schools.Trauma-informed practices for early childhood educators: relationship-based approaches that reduce stress, build resilience and support healing in young children by Julie Nicholson; Linda Perez; Julie Kurtz; Shawn Bryant; Drew Giles
Publication Date: 2023This second edition of Trauma-Informed Practices for Early Childhood Educators continues to guide childcare providers and early educators working with infants, toddlers, preschoolers and early elementary-aged children to understand trauma as well as its impact on young children's brains, behavior, learning and development. The book covers a range of trauma-responsive teaching strategies that readers can use to create strength-based environments that support children's health, healing and resiliency.Coaching in communities: pursuing justice, teacher learning, and transformation by Melissa Mosley Wetzel; Erica Holyoke; Kerry H. Alexander; Heather Dunham; Claire Collins
Publication Date: 2023The authors "argue that to coach for transformation, teachers need to redefine coaching as something done in community to learn together and focus on addressing inequities in school."Core practices in teacher education: a global perspective by Pam Grossman (Ed.); Urban Fraefel (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024In Core Practices in Teacher Education, Pam Grossman and Urban Fraefel bring together international voices in a global showcase of practice-based approaches to teacher education. This generous volume presents the work of teacher educators and researchers from Australia, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, and Switzerland, among others, highlighting various methods for teacher preparation and instruction rooted in core practices. The contributors describe real-world implementation of methods that give preservice and novice teachers opportunities to enact practices during professional training.Real talk about classroom management: 57 best practices that work and show you believe in your students by Serena Pariser
Publication Date: 2024When we think of classroom management, we traditionally think of ways to keep students quiet, well behaved, and on task. Since the first edition of this book was written in 2018, the world has changed - a lot. This second edition walks teachers through how to keep and even stay one step ahead of our ever changing world.Antiracist research on K-12 education and teacher preparation: policy making, pedagogy, curriculum, and practices by Molly Zhou (Ed.); Terrell Brown (Ed.); James Thompson (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Antiracist Research on K-12 Education and Teacher Preparation: Policy Making, Pedagogy, Curriculum, and Practices provides current research on anti-racist education in teacher education and K-12 education. This book intends to engage teachers and educators in general to discuss diversity topics such as racism and how to react in the larger picture of teaching in K-12 and in higher education with a focus on teacher preparation.Co-teaching in teacher education: centering equity by Christina M. Tschida (Ed.); Elizabeth A. Fogarty (Ed.); Joy N. Stapleton (Ed.); Kristen Cuthrell (Ed.); Diana B. Lys (Ed.); Ann Bullock (Ed.); Teresa Washut Heck (Foreword)
Publication Date: 2024This volume examines teacher preparation programs that have successfully used a co-teaching model to improve the clinical experience for teacher candidates and to instill a disposition for equitable practice. Blending research and practitioner voices, this book presents co-teaching as a viable and valuable framework that provides support for teacher candidates, allowing them to grow and learn through reciprocal relationships.Lesson study with mathematics and science preservice teachers: finding the form by edited by Sharon Dotger, Gabriel Matney, Jennifer Heckathorn, Kelly Chandler-Olcott, and Miranda Fox.
Publication Date: 2024The number of teacher educators using lesson study with preservice teachers is small but growing. This book is aimed at teacher educators who may want to try lesson study in university contexts without the challenge of translating the practice from the K-12 context on their own. In this volume, lesson study is broadly overviewed, attention is given to its constituent steps, and examples of lesson study in preservice contexts are shared. Given the broad array of teacher education program designs, numerous contingencies guide teacher educators in their implementation of lesson study, given their contextual affordances and limitations.Freedom teaching: overcoming racism in education to create classrooms where all students succeed by Matthew Kincaid
Publication Date: 2024In Freedom Teaching, educator and distinguished anti-racism practitioner Matthew Kincaid delivers a one-stop resource for educators and educational leaders seeking to improve equity and increase the cultural responsiveness of their school. In this book, you'll discover the meaning and fundamentals of anti-racist education and find a roadmap to reducing the impact of systemic racism in your classroom.Storytelling with purpose: digital projects to ignite student curiosity by Michael Hernandez
Publication Date: 2024Storytelling enables us to make sense of the world and bring order to our thinking. Now more than ever, students are hungry for authentic learning experiences that offer opportunities to make an impact beyond the classroom. With practical advice and examples of how to plan, create, publish and assess student stories, this book offers a fresh approach to digital storytelling.
Awakening to educational supervision: a mindfulness-based approach to coaching and supporting teachers by Steve Haberlin; Stephen P. Gordon (Foreword)
Publication Date: 2024This book introduces mindfulness as an approach for enhancing the supervision of teachers and teacher candidates. Drawing on empirical research and the welcoming of mindfulness in public school classrooms, the author makes the case for embracing mindfulness methods as a way to become more conscious of supervisory practices and "less reactive" and to enhance regularly enacted tasks, such as classroom observations, conference, and foster relationships and developing collegiality.Fostering pedagogical innovation through effective instructional design by Mohamed Khaldi (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Fostering Pedagogical Innovation Through Effective Instructional Design is an expansive research book that delves deep into the intricate art of teaching, emphasizing that pedagogy is not a one-size-fits-all endeavor. This scholarly work asserts that effective teaching is rooted in understanding context and a relentless commitment to refining one's instructional practices. This book explores the intricate web of pedagogical decisions that shape modern education. The book introduces an array of critical parameters that educators must consider, including content selection, learner needs, and the ever-evolving realm of information and communication technologies.Grading for equity: what it is, why it matters, and how it can transform schools and classrooms by Joe Feldman
Publication Date: 2024In this newly updated edition of the best-selling Grading for Equity, Joe Feldman provides a valuable resource for anyone invested in grading and its impact on students' education, mental health, and future opportunities. Offering a research-based alternative to the status quo, this practitioner-friendly guide provides Extensive revisions that reflect how the pandemic and the Black Lives Matter movement shifted traditional grading systems New data from both academic research and classrooms that demonstrate the benefits of equitable grading for all students Clear approaches to implement equitable grading practices Updated information on several equitable grading practices, including proficiency scales A new concluding chapter that explores implementing equitable grading system-wideOptimizing education through micro-lessons : engaging and adaptive learning strategies by Peter Ilic (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024This meticulously curated volume provides a transformative solution to the problems plaguing contemporary education. Micro-lessons, concise learning units spanning just 1 to 10 minutes, and accessible across multiple devices, hold the key to unlocking superior learning outcomes and bolstering retention rates. In this book, academic scholars, educators, and policymakers will find a comprehensive guide that not only explores the theory behind micro-lessons but also offers practical strategies for their effective implementation.Project based learning+: enhancing academic, social, and emotional learning. Grades 6-12 by Jorge Valenzuela
Publication Date: 2024"The PBL+ Framework supplied resources and effective strategies to support every educator in adopting effective equitable practices for the success of all learners."Start with radical love : antiracist pedagogy for social justice educators by Crystal Belle
Publication Date: 2024In this groundbreaking book, educator, poet, and activist Dr. Crystal Belle challenges traditional educational practices and offers a new approach to teaching rooted in radical love and social justice. Combining research with personal experiences and interviews, Dr. Belle explores the roots and practical application of a social justice education framework grounded in Critical Race Theory (CRT), heart healing, educator beliefs, and a deep understanding of the structural inequities in education.Working the room: choreographing continuous improvement in K-12 classrooms by Ron Nash
Publication Date: 2024Having coached and observed in hundreds of K-12 classrooms over three decades, Nash has met some incredible teachers whose students truly don't want to miss anything. You'll meet teachers like that in this book as you discover ways to work the room in a collaborative, engaging, and joyful environment.
Accelerating learning recovery for all students: core principles for getting literacy growth back on track by Margaret Vaughn; Seth A. Parsons
Publication Date: 2023Meeting a tremendous need for K-8 schools and educators, this timely book outlines core principles for counteracting the disruptions of the pandemic and recovering from learning loss. The authors present a holistic approach to responsive literacy instruction to support all students' academic and social-emotional growth, now and in the years to come.Active learning: 40 teaching methods to engage students in every class and every subject, grades 6-12 by Barry Gilmore; Gravity Goldberg
Publication Date: 2023Active Learning: 40 Teaching Methods To Engage Students In Every Class and Every Subject is the actionable tool every new and veteran teacher needs to construct dynamic learning experiences for students. This hands-on, easy-to-use guide features 40 carefully curated, high-impact teaching strategies that target learning tools, collaboration structures, reading and writing routines, assessment opportunities and more.Brilliant teaching: using culture and artful thinking to close equity gaps by Adeyemi Stembridge
Publication Date: 2023Teaching for equity means creating student-centered opportunities that match the social, political, and economic context of the learning environment. Informed by both theory and extensive collaboration with K-12 teachers, Brilliant Teaching will help you develop a deep understanding of culture, one that you can leverage in order to be responsive to students.- Classroom design for student agency: create spaces to empower young readers and writers by Lynsey Burkins; Franki Sibberson; Carla Shalaby (Foreword); Detra Price-Dennis (Afterword)Publication Date: 2023Classrooms should be spaces where every child feels safe to bring their whole self to school. This book shows how to set up preK-grade 6 classrooms that support student agency, independence, and choice.
Classroom management: authentic experiences in classroom teaching by Jacqueline G. Van Schooneveld; Michael Ryan
Publication Date: 2023Classroom Management provides a foundation of classroom management and engages teacher candidates in activities to have them construct their own philosophy for establishing a learning community. Through this book, teacher candidates will start to become professionals who intellectualize teaching rather than just try to master a practice.Cultivating critical discourse in the classroom by Stacie Lynn Finley (Ed.); Pamela Correll (Ed.); Cathy Pearman (Ed.); Stephanie Huffman (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2023Empowering and Engaging Students Through Academic Discourse shares the benefits of empowering and engaging students at all levels of education through the use of academic discourse. The book also provides insights for educators to become more knowledgeable, and therefore better equipped, to create spaces through discourse where cultural competence is cultivated.Dispositional development and assessment in teacher preparation programs by Sara Clemm von Hohenberg (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2023Dispositional Development and Assessment in Teacher Preparation Programs addresses dispositional development for teachers including the definition, instruction, practical application, and assessment of dispositional traits. It includes research involving teacher development and preparation for the enhancement of instructional practices and teacher retention. Covering topics such as culturally relevant pedagogy, social emotional learning, and teaching philosophy...Disrupting the teacher opportunity gap: aligning 12 processes for high-expertise teaching by Jon Saphier
Publication Date: 2024The missing element in 70 years of school reform is a surround-sound focus on High-Expertise Teaching. We could have it in any district, regardless of zip code, if we reengineered the twelve processes that impact teachers' knowledge and skill.The educator's guide to designing games and creative active-learning exercises: the allure of play by Joe Bisz; Victoria L. Mondelli; Mark C. Carnes (Foreword)
Publication Date: 2023Every educator's imaginative instincts will be guided by this book's practical design method, which harnesses the power of play for student learning. Teachers from all disciplines and levels can create a full spectrum of engaging exercises through the authors' six accessible ALLURE steps: Ask where to apply the play. List the mental moves. Link the mental moves to the play. Understand how the learning principles operate. Run the activity-game. Evaluate the learner experience.The enduring classroom: teaching then and now by Larry Cuban
Publication Date: 2023In The Enduring Classroom, veteran teacher and scholar of education Larry Cuban explores different questions, ones that just might be more important: How have teachers actually taught? How do they teach now? And what can we learn from both? Examining both past and present is crucial, Cuban explains. If reformers want teachers to adopt new techniques, they need to understand what teachers are currently doing if they want to have any hope of having their innovations implemented. Cuban takes us into classrooms then and now, using observations from contemporary research as well as a rich historical archive of classroom accounts, along the way asking larger questions about teacher training and the individual motivations of people in the classroom.Feedback for continuous improvement in the classroom: new perspectives, practices, and possibilities by Brent Duckor; Carrie Holmberg
Publication Date: 2023Feedback for Continuous Improvement in the Classroom shows how to plan, enact, and reflect on feedback practices within lessons and across units using a new accessible, comprehensive, and innovative framework.For the love of teaching : how minority serving institutions are diversifying and transforming the professionFor the Love of Teaching by Alice Ginsberg; Marybeth Gasman; Andrés Castro Samayoa
Publication Date: 2023The authors detail how Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs)--nearly 800 colleges and universities across the nation that educate nearly 45% of all students of color--are preparing culturally proficient teachers using new methods centered on integrating culturally relevant pedagogy, creating a culture of belonging through faculty engagement and cohort models, enriching student teaching and clinical practice through residencies and school-university partnerships, and working closely with families and communities.The hip-hop mindset: success strategies for educators and other professionals by Toby S. Jenkins; Walter Kimbrough (Foreword); James A. Banks (Series ed.)
Publication Date: 2023This book presents The Hip-Hop Mindset Framework--a perspective that gives us the permission to show up in life as our full authentic selves and to shine in our own culturally unique ways. Centered primarily in the field of education, this book introduces the hip-hop mindset as a professional practice that holds relevance for students, educators, and ambitious leaders in any profession.Leading and managing a differentiated classroom by Carol Ann Tomlinson; Marcia B. Imbeau
Publication Date: 2023Updated with new research and insights, the second edition of this foundational guide to the how of differentiation provides the thoughtful strategies teachers need to create and maintain classrooms where each student is recognized and respected and every student thrives. One of the most powerful lessons a teacher must learn is that classroom management is not about control; it's about delivering the support and facilitating the routines that will make the classroom work for each student, and thus, set all students free to be successful learners.Never stop asking: teaching students to be better critical thinkers by Nathan D. Lang-Raad
Publication Date: 2023In Never Stop Asking, author Dr. Nathan Lang-Raad shows K-12 teachers how human brains like to take mental shortcuts, known as heuristics, that allow the brain to save energy and perform more efficiently. These heuristics, however, can lead to illogical thinking, cognitive biases, and fallacies that can hinder critical thinking. Never Stop Asking: Teaching Students to be Better Critical Thinkers is the armor we need to defend ourselves and our students against the all-too-tempting shortcuts that the digital age has to offer, employing strategies to consistently and explicitly support teaching critical thinking and weaving it into the everyday landscape of your classroom.The new classroom instruction that works: the best research-based strategies for increasing student achievement by Bryan Goodwin; Kristin Rouleau; Cheryl Abla; Karen Baptiste; Tonia Gibson; Michele Kimball
Publication Date: 2023Built on a more rigorous research base and updated to emphasize student diversity, equity, and inclusion, The New Classroom Instruction That Works offers a streamlined focus on the 14 instructional strategies proven to promote deep, meaningful, and lasting learning.The next education workforce: how team-based staffing models can support equity and improve learning outcomes by Carole G. Basile; Brent W. Maddin; R. Lennon Audrain
Publication Date: 2023In The Next Education Workforce: How Team-Based Staffing Models Can Support Equity and Improve Learning Outcomes, Carole G. Basile, Brent W. Maddin, and R. Lennon Audrain argue that we need to redesign how schools organize educators and learners. The authors highlight how the normative one-teacher, one-classroom model underserves both learners and educators. They then make the case that, to achieve more equitable learning outcomes for students and better working conditions for teachers, schools should create teams of educators with distributed expertise that can deliver deeper and more personalized learning experiences for students.Powerful student care: honoring each learner as distinctive and irreplaceable by Grant A. Chandler; Kathleen M. Budge
Publication Date: 2023If we want to really understand our students so that we can optimize instruction for them, we must think of each individual student as distinctive and irreplaceable. From this core principle springs the radically humane framework for meaningful teaching that is the subject of this book: Powerful Student Care (PSC).Pursuing social justice in ELA: a framework for negotiating the challenges of teaching by Danielle Lillge
Publication Date: 2023Challenges arise when teachers seek to enact socially just instruction while navigating social, classroom, and school dynamics. This research-based, field-tested text offers an accessible process for successfully negotiating these dynamics to identify consequential inroads for making positive educational change. With a focus on ELA instruction, but applicable to other content areas, Lillge's clear framework offers a language for naming, and practical tools for navigating, those spaces where different frameworks for teaching and learning challenge teachers' ability to act on their commitments to teach for justice.Quality instruction and intervention: strategies for secondary educators by Brittany L. Hott (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2023Quality Instruction and Intervention Strategies for Secondary Educators offers a summary of evidence-based instruction followed by the most up-to-date empirically validated interventions for students with and at risk for disabilities in grades 6-12. Featuring key questions, case studies, essential vocabulary, and tools that can be used in the classroom, this practical text is ideal for pre- and in-service teachers.Reconstructing care in teacher education after COVID-19: caring enough to change by Melanie Shoffner
Publication Date: 2023This collection explores the changing meaning and enactments of care in teacher education in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, from preservice teachers and teacher candidates to in-service teachers and education faculty.Research on teacher stress: implications for the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond by edited by Christopher J. McCarthy, Richard G. Lambert
Publication Date: 2023This volume informs our understanding of how educational settings can respond to the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. Teaching has always been a challenging profession but the pandemic has added unprecedented levels of demands. Much of what we know about stress and trauma in education predates the COVID-19 pandemic. As the pandemic recedes, it seems likely that recruiting and retaining teachers, always a challenge, will become even more difficult.Rooted in belonging: critical place-based learning in early childhood and elementary teacher education by Christopher P. Brown (Foreword, Series ed.); Nancy File (Series ed.); Melissa Sherfinski; Sharon Hayes
Publication Date: 2023This book offers a counternarrative to neoliberal standardized preservice teacher development and assessment processes. The author examines how a cohort of teacher educators worked alongside their preservice teachers--both groups predominately White and female--to redesign their teacher education program.Rooted in joy: creating a classroom culture of equity, belonging, and care by Deonna Smith
Publication Date: 2023In Rooted in Joy: Creating a Classroom Culture of Equity, Belonging, and Care, educational justice advocate and educator Deonna Smith delivers a unique blend of theory, academic frameworks, narrative, and digestible advice on impacting deeply rooted school culture challenges and managing the day-to-day classroom.Small teaching K-8: igniting the teaching spark with the science of learning by Sarah Connell Sanders; James M. Lang
Publication Date: 2023In Small Teaching K-8, a team of veteran educators bridges the gap between cognitive theory and the K-8 classroom environment, applying the same foundational research found in author James Lang's bestselling Small Teaching: Everyday Lessons from the Science of Learning to the elementary and middle school setting.The student motivation handbook: fifty ways to boost an intrinsic desire to learn by Larry Ferlazzo
Publication Date: 2023Even with the highest-quality content, students who don't have an intrinsic motivation to learn may never perform to their full potential. So how can we create the classroom conditions where that motivation can flourish? Renowned educator Larry Ferlazzo has the answers in this comprehensive new resource. Designed as a practical handbook you can easily refer to again and again for ideas, the book offers 50 teaching practices divided into four main sections: autonomy, competency, relatedness, and relevance.Teach for authentic engagement by Lauren Porosoff
Publication Date: 2023In Teach for Authentic Engagement, Lauren Porosoff shows how to design instruction that lets students with diverse interests, strengths, needs, identities, and values connect to their learning. Included are strategies, tools, and classroom anecdotes that help students Engage with the content so it becomes a source of meaning in their lives. Engage with their work so it becomes a source of vitality. Engage with each other so the class becomes a source of community.Teach happier this school year: 40 weeks of inspiration and reflection by Suzanne Dailey
Publication Date: 2023In this inventive new book-part professional development resource, part personal journal-educator, author, and podcaster Suzanne Dailey contends that small shifts bring big gifts: that is, small positive changes, practiced over time, will help you feel more balanced, content, and aligned. To help you on this path, Dailey provides 40 readings and reflections, aligned to the weeks of the school year and designed to ensure that you glean joy and insight from every moment inside and outside the classroom.Teaching realistic optimism: how to approach teaching and learning with hope by Ginna Guiang Myers
Publication Date: 2023Teaching Realistic Optimism: How to Approach Teaching and Learning with Hope is about inspiring hope and optimism in a service-oriented life. When an individual is expected to give so much life can be exhausting, and consequently it becomes even more difficult to find inspiration to focus on positive events.Teaching resilience and mental health across the curriculum: a guide for high school and college teachers by Linda Yaron Weston
Publication Date: 2023Blending theory, research, and practice for a comprehensive program for teachers to incorporate well-being tools into the classroom, each of the book's five foundations includes engaging information, strategies, real-world examples, interactive reflection questions, and activities that can be directly applied to teaching and life. Practical guidance in designing real-world curriculum is offered alongside accessible strategies for engagement, investment, and active learning in student-centered classrooms.Teaching to prepare advocates by edited by Mike Yough, Lynley H. Anderman
Publication Date: 2023This book is the fourth volume in the six-part series Theory to Practice: Educational Psychology for Teachers and Teaching. This volume is a strong compliment to others in the series as it prepares readers to be better positioned to advocate for principles of psychology in their programs and departments, and to prepare preservice teachers to do likewise in the K-12 classrooms they will soon guide.Understanding your instructional power: curriculum and language decisions to support each student by Tanji Reed Marshall
Publication Date: 2023Countering the notion that teachers are powerless in the classroom, Marshall introduces the Power Principle to help teachers unpack how they understand and use the power associated with their authority and responsibility as an educator. Drawing from her own experience as a classroom teacher and coach, Reed Marshall explains how the Power Principle reveals itself through various elements, including language use (by both students and teachers), "hidden curriculum," and classroom culture. She identifies four levels of curricular autonomy that teachers have (Unfettered, Calibrated, Restricted, and Minimal) and four dimensions of instructional power that characterize their classroom environment (Empowering, Agentive, Protective, and Disenfranchising).
Antiracist teacher education. Volume 2: counternarratives and storytelling by Gilda Martínez-Alba (Ed.); Luis Javier Penton Herrera (Ed.); Afra Ahmed Hersi (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022In this edited book sponsored by the ATE Diversity Committee, we invited teacher educators to provide their stories from the field of education, related to antiracist instruction in teacher education. The stories took the form of narratives and counternarratives. The engaging ideas, activities, and suggestions throughout provide readers with much content to reflect on and apply in their teacher education classrooms and programs.Betraying teachers, betraying students : higher education's malpractice in teacher preparation by Rich Waters
Publication Date: 2022The book argues that the current approach to preparing teachers as independent agents via on campus classes is not only ineffective, but deprives teachers of extensive development opportunities. The proper location of teacher induction and development is in local schools that are derived of a learning community culture where teachers have a full career of professional development.Collaborative models and frameworks for inclusive educator preparation programs by Beverly Sande; Charles W. Kemp
Publication Date: 2022Collaborative Models and Frameworks for Inclusive Educator Preparation Programs provides relevant theoretical frameworks and the latest empirical research findings in collaborative strategies in educator preparation programs and addresses the impact on accreditation and changes in policies as a result of large-scale collaborative models. Covering topics such as education reforms, social justice, teacher education, and literacy instruction...Cultivating curiosity: teaching and learning reimagined [print & e-book versions] by Doreen Gehry Nelson
Publication Date: 2022In Cultivating Curiosity: Teaching and Learning Reimagined, distinguished educator and author Doreen Gehry Nelson inspires anyone yearning to break away from formulaic teaching. Told from dozens of powerful and personal perspectives, the effectiveness and versatility of the Doreen Nelson Method of Design-Based Learning described in the book is backed by years of quantitative and qualitative data.Design and measurement strategies for meaningful learning by José Luis Gómez (Ed.); Isabel María Gómez-Barreto (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022Design and Measurement Strategies for Meaningful Learning considers the best practices, challenges, and opportunities of instructional design as well as the theory and impact of meaningful learning. It provides educators with an essential text instructing them on how to successfully design and measure the content they teach.Developing trauma informed teachers: creating classrooms that foster equity, resiliency, and asset-based approaches : reflections on curricula and program implementation by edited by Philip E. Bernhardt, Ofelia Castro Schepers, Megan Brennan
Publication Date: 2022This text addresses the gap in the literature in embedding trauma-informed practices into pre-service teacher education. This text provides examples of the various ways educator preparation faculty are developing and implementing trauma-informed practices across their programs, instituting broader curricular shifts to incorporate trauma-informed practices, shifting pedagogical practices to include trauma-informed practices and collaborating across disciplines in order to ensure that teacher candidates are thoughtfully prepared to address students' needs and create classroom environments that are equitable, safe and sustainable for students and teachers.Enhancing teaching and learning with Socratic educational strategies: emerging research and opportunities by Frank G. Giuseffi (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022Enhancing Teaching and Learning With Socratic Educational Strategies: Emerging Research and Opportunities presents scholarly work, philosophical investigations, educational claims, and the latest empirical research on the process and outcome of the Socratic Method in educational contexts. It delves deeply into the instructional strategy uncovering its practical impact in educational contexts and its philosophical and societal consequences in the modern world.An evidence-based guide to college and university teaching: developing the model teacher by Aaron S. Richmond; Guy A. Boysen; Regan A. R. Gurung
Publication Date: 2022An Evidence-based Guide to College and University Teaching outlines a definition of model teaching based on research evidence and accepted best practices in high education. Teachers at all levels of skill and experience can benefit from clear, objective guidelines for defining and measuring quality teaching.Handbook of research on reconceptualizing preservice teacher preparation in literacy education by Juan J. Araujo (Ed.); Dawn L. Araujo (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022The Handbook of Research on Reconceptualizing Preservice Teacher Preparation in Literacy Education stimulates the professional development of preservice and inservice literacy educators and researchers. This book also promotes the excellence in preservice and inservice literacy both nationally and internationally. Discussing topics such as virtual classrooms, critical literacy, and teacher preparation...Handbook of research on the educator continuum and development of teachers by Bryan S. Zugelder (Ed.); Mark L'Esperance (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022The Handbook of Research on the Educator Continuum and Development of Teachers expands on the body of research related to the educator continuum with a holistic view of teacher development. This book combines theory, concepts, and research studies that pinpoint facets of the educator continuum, providing researchers with scholarly contributions that advance the profession. Covering topics such as instructional coaching, special educator career development, and teacher retention...Helping students take control of their own learning: 279 learner-centered social-emotional strategies for teachers by Don Mesibov; Dan Drmacich
Publication Date: 2022Chapters address topics such as positioning students at the center of the lesson and teachers as coaches, making tasks relevant and engaging, incorporating the affective domain and social-emotional learning, assessing learning, and more.Impact of digital transformation in teacher training models by Ana Afonso (Ed.); Lina Morgado (Ed.); Licínio Roque (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022Impact of Digital Transformation in Teacher Training Models conducts a critical discussion on teacher preparedness in the digital transformation of teaching practices. It promotes practitioner reflections on the role of institutional policies, teacher digital literacy, the digital divide, and how the ongoing digital transformation of society will induce the need for a paradigm shift in teacher training models.Implementing a virtual coaching model for teacher professional development by Suzanne Myers; Amber Rowland; Martha D. Elford
Publication Date: 2022Implementing a Virtual Coaching Model for Teacher Professional Development addresses how to effectively implement virtual coaching in the field of education and discusses how technology can provide more equitable access to job-embedded and personalized professional learning (through virtual coaching) across all educational institutions.Innovative curricular and pedagogical designs in bilingual teacher education: bridging the distance with school contexts by Cristian R. Aquino-Sterling; Mileidis Gort; Belinda Bustos Flores
Publication Date: 2022"Although bilingual teachers have been tireless advocates for children and teacher educators have advanced important theoretical frameworks, the bilingual education field has been challenged by unsystematic curricular innovations and few important pedagogical advances (García, 2010). Conversely, research on curricular and pedagogical innovations in bilingual teacher education and its impact on P-12 bilingual curriculum and instruction is still nascent. This edited volume extends our field of studies by highlighting novel 21st century curricular designs and pedagogical practices in the preparation of future bilingual teachers and their relevance for advancing curriculum, instruction, and educational achievement across P-12 bilingual school contexts."Learner choice, learner voice: a teacher's guide to promoting agency in the classroom by Ryan L. Schaaf; Becky Zayas; Ian Jukes
Publication Date: 2022Learner Choice, Learner Voice offers fresh, forward-thinking supports for teachers creating an empowered, student-centered classroom. Showcasing authentic activities and classrooms, this book is full of diverse instructional experiences that will motivate your students to take an agile, adaptable role in their own learning.Mending the Education Divide: Getting Strong Teachers to the Schools That Need Them Most by Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Research shows that children taught by different teachers often experience very different educational outcomes. This begs the questions: how are teachers assigned to schools in different countries? And to what extent do students from different backgrounds have access to good teachers? Building on literature identifying the characteristics and practices of teaching that boost student achievement, this report shows how teachers with different characteristics and practices tend to concentrate in different schools, and how much access students with different socio-economic backgrounds have to good teachers. It points out the aspects of different educational systems that influence how teachers are allocated to schools.The power of teacher leaders: their roles, influence, and impact by Nathan Bond
Publication Date: 2022The Power of Teacher Leaders serves as a resource for understanding the varied ways that teacher leaders foster positive change in their schools, profession, and communities. By definition, teacher leaders are teachers who stay in the classroom, maintaining their commitment to teaching students while assuming informal and formal leadership positions beyond the classroom.Preparing pre-service teachers to integrate technology in K-12 classrooms: standards and best practices by C. Lorraine Webb (Ed.); Amanda L. Lindner (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022Preparing Pre-Service Teachers to Integrate Technology in K-12 Classrooms: Standards and Best Practices focuses on preparing future teachers to integrate technology into their everyday teaching by providing a compilation of current research surrounding the inclusion and utilization of technology as an educational tool. Covering key topics such as digital assessment, flipped classrooms, technology integration, and artificial intelligence...Purposeful teaching and learning in diverse contexts: implications for access, equity, and achievement by Darrell C. Hucks (Ed.); Yolanda Sealey-Ruiz (Editor); Victoria Showunmi (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022What are the obstacles and challenges teachers and students face in their respective school settings and how do they grapple with and overcome them? Finally, what do these teachers and students know that motivates and informs their work? The scholars in this volume will take up these questions and share the findings of their research in the field of leadership, teacher education, and achievement.Race resilience: achieving equity through self and systems transformation by Victoria E. Romero; Amber N. Warner; Justin Hendrickson
Publication Date: 2022Race Resilience offers guidance to educators who are ready to rethink, review, and redesign their support systems and foster the building blocks of resiliency for staff.Reconceptualizing social justice in teacher education: moving to anti-racist pedagogy by Susan Browne (Ed.); Gaëtane Jean-Marie (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022This edited volume explores and extends themes in contemporary educational research on teacher preparation and the evolution in social justice education to antiracist pedagogy.Redefining instructional leadership: the skills and energy required of an instructional leader by John R. Jones; Misty Henry
Publication Date: 2022Redefining Instructional Leadership: The Skills and Energy Required of an Instructional Leader focuses on how principals must be instructional leaders by first making building relationships a priority. Then, with those relationships that are built, the leader will earn trust from their teachers, which will give them the influence they need to lead them to better levels of performance--and better performance leads to greater depths of student achievement.Redefining teacher education and teacher preparation programs in the post-Covid-19 era by Prince Hycy Bull (Ed.); Gerrelyn Chunn Patterson (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022Redefining Teacher Education and Teacher Preparation Programs in the Post-COVID-19 Era provides relevant, innovative practices implemented across teacher education programs and P-20 settings, including delivery models; training procedures; theoretical frameworks; district policies and guidelines; state, national, and international standards; digital design and delivery of content; and the latest empirical research findings on the state of teacher education preparation. The book showcases best practices used to shape and redefine teacher education through the COVID-19 pandemic.Rethinking perception and centering the voices of unique individuals: reframing autism inclusion in praxis by Jessica Block Nerren (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022Rethinking Perception and Centering the Voices of Unique Individuals: Reframing Autism Inclusion in Praxis introduces a new model of reframing autism spectrum disorder inclusion for professors of preliminary teacher candidates and provides meaningful understanding and support for professors who prepare preliminary teacher candidates, covering key topics such as equity, mental disorders, inclusive education, and educational reform.Self-studies in urban teacher education: preparing U.S. teachers to advance equity and social justice by Adrian D. Martin (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022This book critically explores pedagogical activities, policies, and coursework that teacher education programs can provide to more fully prepare teacher candidates and in-service educators for professional practice in urban schools. It illustrates how teacher educators from across the United States are supporting teacher candidates and in-service teachers to possess the knowledge, skills, and dispositions for equity-oriented instructional practices and advocacy for professional engagement in the urban context.Social emotional wellbeing for educators by Michelle L. Trujillo
Publication Date: 2022This book's unique and compelling framework empowers you to practice self-care through thoughts and actions that are within your control, enhancing your well-being without taking on extraneous responsibilities.Sparks into fire: revitalizing teacher practice through collective learningSparks into Fire by Young Whan Choi; Ericka Huggins (Foreword)
Publication Date: 2022Sparks Into Fire offers design principles for facilitating effective professional learning in which teachers are active learners engaging in experiential learning, discussing problems, analyzing student work, and sharing their expertise with one another.Storying a reflexive praxis for pedagogy: concept, method, and practices by Ambika Gopal Raj (Ed.); Sharon H. Ulanoff (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022This volume conceptualizes and distinguishes storying from narrative and storytelling to establish itself as a method. It theorizes that storying pertains to ones' identity, to the unique positions of who one is, how they came to be, and why they came to be (Raj, 2019). Building upon foundational work from Freire, Greene, and Clandinin & Connelly, this book elucidates storying through a new concept "emotional truth"--a deeply personal and authentic experience that builds a tangible connection from teller to listener.Teacher education in Russia: past, present, and future by Ian Menter (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022This book examines the history, recent developments, and direction of travel of Russian teacher education. It draws on scholarly expertise and professional experience in Russia and locates the policies and practices that are discussed within the context of the continuing global reform of teacher education. Providing a rich description of the trajectory of teacher education in Russia, the book analyses the processes of change between the history, current practice, and future directions for Russian teacher education.Teacher evaluation around the world: experiences, dilemmas and future challenges by Jorge Manzi (Ed.); Yulan Sun (Ed.); María Rosa García (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022This book presents some of the leading technical, professional, and political challenges associated with the development and implementation of teacher evaluation systems, along with characterizing some of these systems in different countries around the world. The book promotes a broader comprehension of the complexities associated with this kind of initiatives, which have gained relevance in the last two decades, especially in the context of policies aimed at improving the quality of education.The teacher leader toolkit: a collection of high-performance strategies by Matthew J. Jennings
Publication Date: 2022Teacher leadership is a challenge. Frequently, those selected to serve as teacher leaders have no formal training and are provided with limited guidance. Yet, teachers expect teacher leaders to have an extensive "toolbox" containing strategies that can be used to improve educator effectiveness. This book is intended to provide teacher leaders with a repertoire of high-quality "tools" they can immediately and effectively use to complete their job responsibilities.Teaching in the game-based classroom: practical strategies for grades 6-12 by David D. Seelow
Publication Date: 2022Teaching in the Game-Based Classroom is a hands-on guide to leveraging students' embrace of video games toward successful school performance. Evidence tells us that game-based learning can help teachers design classes, develop transformative learning tools, and assess progress on multiple levels not dependent on one-size-fits-all bubble sheets. Authored by game-savvy teachers in partnership with classroom-experienced academics, the highly varied chapters of this book are concise yet filled with sound pedagogical approaches.
"School is life, not a preparation for life"-John Dewey: democratic practices in middle grades education by Kathleen Roney; Richard P. Lipka
Publication Date: 2021Teacher-pupil planning means teachers and students working in a partnership to articulate a problem/concern, develop objectives, locate materials/resources, and evaluate progress.About centering possibility in Black education by Chezare A. Warren; William Ayers (Series ed.)
Publication Date: 2021Improving education outcomes for Black students begins with resisting racist characterizations of blackness. Chezare A. Warren, a nationally recognized scholar of race and education equity, emphasizes the imperative that possibility drive efforts aimed at transforming education for Black learners. Inspired by the "freedom dreaming" of activists in the Black radical tradition, the book is comprised of nine principles that clarify how centering possibility actively refuses limitations for what Black people can create, accomplish, and achieve.Advancing racial literacies in teacher education: activism for equity in digital spaces by Detra Price-Dennis; Yolanda Sealey-Ruiz; Jabari Mahiri (Foreword by); Rebecca Rogers (Afterword by)
Publication Date: 2021Today's students use their digital expertise and the power of their voice to respond to issues of inequity in society. It is essential that teacher educators develop their own racial literacies and those of their preservice and classroom teachers to support student digital activism. From talking about race and racism to resisting the harmful narratives that circulate online but impact face-to-face interactions in the classroom, teacher educators must navigate sociotechnical spaces with a critical lens and develop strategies to help their preservice teachers do the same.Aligning social-emotional and 21st century learning in the classroom: emerging research and opportunities by Linda B. Pincham; Becky McTague
Publication Date: 2021Aligning Social-Emotional and 21st Century Learning in the Classroom: Emerging Research and Opportunities shows teachers practical ways to combine the skills that young adolescents need (social-emotional) and the 21st century skills that they learn to create a culture of success in their middle school classrooms. This book also provides examples of education technologies that teachers can use to promote 21st century learning in their classroom. Highlighting a wide range of topics such as communication skills, critical thinking, social media, and emotional intelligence...The brain-based classroom: accessing every child's potential through educational neuroscience by Kieran O'Mahony
Publication Date: 2021"The Brain-Based Classroom translates findings from educational neuroscience into a new paradigm of practices suitable for any teacher. The human brain is a site of spectacular capacity for joy, motivation, and personal satisfaction, but how can educators harness its potential to help children reach truly fulfilling goals? Using this innovative collection of brain-centric strategies, teachers can transform their classrooms into deep learning spaces that support their students through self-regulation and mindset shifts."Building teacher quality in India: examining policy frameworks and implementation outcomes by Alexander W. Wiseman (Ed.); Preeti Kumar (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2021In an era of educational globalization, teacher quality is heralded as a key factor to improve education quality worldwide. Since the 1980s, global, national, and local education policies and reforms have consistently focused on improving teacher quality in order to improve student learning outcomes. In India, which has one of the largest student populations and fastest growing economies in the world, the quality of teaching is blamed for the poor performance by Indian students on internationally-comparative assessments. As a result, Indian national policy documents and curriculum frameworks have repeatedly called for drastic improvements in teacher preparation and performance, but with few widespread results.The courageous classroom: creating a culture of safety for students to learn and thrive by Janet Taylor; Jed Dearybury
Publication Date: 2021In The Courageous Classroom: Creating a Culture of Safety for Students to Learn and Thrive, community psychiatrist Dr. Janet Taylor and nationally acclaimed educator, Jed Dearybury deliver a concise and insightful take on the culture of fear in schools around the country. You'll learn about the various ways fear is present in students and educators, practical tools and strategies for educators to cope with fear and anxiety in the classroom, the reality of racism, homophobia and microaggressions and their impact on learning, and how to create a landscape of calm in your classroom.Creating a home in schools: sustaining identities for black, indigenous, and teachers of color by Francisco Rios; A. Longoria; James A. Banks (Series ed.)
Publication Date: 2021The authors of this book provide caring advice to Black, Indigenous, and Teachers of Color (BITOC) to help sustain them into and through the teaching profession. Through an examination of BITOC in the education workforce, the assets that these educators bring to the teaching profession are identified, as are some of the most critical challenges they face in today's schools.Decolonizing the classroom: confronting white supremacy in teacher education by Jessica S. Krim; Jennifer M. Hernandez
Publication Date: 2021Sixty-seven years after Brown V. Board of Education, public education is more segregated and entrenched in white supremacy than in the Jim Crow Era of this nation. The authors argue that an equitable education begins when we remove white supremacy from our teacher preparation programs. This book analyzes the multiple ways in which educator preparation programs continue to center whiteness and white supremacy.Distance learning for elementary STEM: creative projects for teachers and families by Amanda Thomas
Publication Date: 2021This practical guide outlines a vision for online and distance STEM learning at the elementary level, with creative activities based on eight STEM themes.Drawing conclusions: using visual thinking to understand complex concepts in the classroom by Patricia A. Dunn
Publication Date: 2021Drawing Conclusions explores the use of juxtaposed visual representations (JVRs) to help preservice teachers grapple with abstract concepts, theories, or complex controversies in education. Acting as both a learning tool and an intellectual spark, JVRs are two simple contrasted sketches that students produce on a divided sheet of paper.Evaluation of principles and best practices in personalized learning by Susan R. Tenon; Pam Epler
Publication Date: 2021Evaluation of Principles and Best Practices in Personalized Learning explores the modern push for schools to implement PL environments and the continuing research to understand the best strategies and implementation methods for personalizing education. It seeks to begin creating a standardized language and standardized approach to the PL initiative and to investigate the implications it has on the educational system.Flip the system US : how teachers can transform education and save democracy by Michael Soskil
Publication Date: 2021"This powerful and honest book uncovers how we can flip the system, building a more democratic, equitable, and cohesive society where teacher expertise drives solutions to education challenges. Editor Michael Soskil brings together a team of diverse voices to highlight solutions, spark positive change, and show us the path forward towards a more civil and more peaceful America."Global perspectives on teacher performance improvement by Osama Al-Mahdi (Ed.); Ted Purinton (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2021Global Perspectives on Teacher Performance Improvement examines the implementation of proven, high quality teacher professional development practices in unique environments around the world. It further explains the power of a globally connected community of teacher quality improvement.Going gradeless, grades 6-12: shifting the focus to student learning by Elise Burns; David Frangiosa
Publication Date: 2021Great things happen when students are able to focus on their learning instead of their scores. However, assessment reform, including standards-based grading, remains a hotly debated issue in education. Going Gradeless shows that it is possible to teach and assess without the stress of traditional grading practices.Great teaching by design: from intention to implementation in the visible learning classroom by John Hettie; Vince Bustamante; John Almarode; Douglas Fisher; Nancy Frey
Publication Date: 2021This book will ensure that teachers new to the Visible Learning research are well-versed in what works best to impact student learning. The role of teacher expectations, teacher credibility, collective efficacy, and developing assessment-capable visible learners will serve as a platform for making an impact in their future schools and classrooms.Handbook of research on the global empowerment of educators and student learning through action research by Alina Slapac (Ed.); Phyllis Balcerzak (Ed.); Kathryn O'Brien (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2021The Handbook of Research on the Global Empowerment of Educators and Student Learning Through Action Research explores successful teaching and learning skills through the method of action research and intersects it with online learning in order to uncover best teaching practices in online platforms. This book showcases educational professionals' action research for solutions in advancing teaching and learning, the practical benefits of action research, recommendations for improving online teaching and learning, and a focus on professional growth as well as social justice advocacy. It highlights important topics including student learning, teacher collaboration, authentic learning, advocacy, and action research in both K-12 and higher education settings.Improving student learning one teacher at a time by Jane E. Pollock; Laura J. Tolone
Publication Date: 2021In this second edition of Improving Student Learning One Teacher at a Time, Jane E. Pollock and Laura J. Tolone combine updated research and real-world stories to demonstrate how it takes only one teacher to make a difference in student performance. Their approach expands the classic three-part curriculum-instruction-assessment framework by adding one key ingredient: feedback.Listen wise: teach students to be better listeners by Monica Brady-Myerov
Publication Date: 2021Listening skills form part of the foundation of any successful student's repertoire of abilities. Crucial to academic performance and success throughout life, attentive listening can transform students' ability to absorb and understand information quickly and efficiently. In Listen Wise: Teach Students to Be Better Listeners, journalist, entrepreneur, and author Monica Brady-Myerov delivers an insightful and practical examination of how to build powerful listening skills in K-12 students.Lost and found: unlocking collaboration and compassion to help our most vulnerable, misunderstood students (and all the rest) by Ross W. Greene
Publication Date: 2021In the newly revised Second Edition of Lost and Found, distinguished child psychologist Dr. Ross W. Greene delivers an insightful and effective framework for educators struggling with students with concerning behaviors. The author's Collaborative & Proactive Solutions (CPS) approach focuses on the problems that are causing concerning behaviors and helps school staff partner with students to solve those problems rather than simply modifying the behavior.The nexus of teaching and demographics: context and connections from colonial times to today by Boyd L. Bradbury
Publication Date: 2021"This book provides an overview of the evolution of education in the United States within the context of teacher preparation and demographics. The author argues that the key to equitable education for all, including marginalized and underserved populations, is the nexus of teaching and demographics"The power of community-engaged teacher preparation: voices and visions of hope and healing by Patricia Clark (Ed.); Eva Zygmunt (Ed.); Susan Tancock (Ed.); Kristin Cipollone (Ed.); Tyrone C. Howard (Foreword)
Publication Date: 2021Discover how and why community-engaged teacher preparation is a powerful and vital approach to address an educational system that is historically deficient, discriminatory, and decidedly inequitable. Articulating a clear definition of community-engaged teacher preparation, they focus on national and international initiatives that have been sustained over time and are having a direct impact on student learning.Promoting positive learning experiences in middle school education by Cherie B. Gaines; Kristy M. Hutson
Publication Date: 2021Promoting Positive Learning Experiences in Middle School Education focuses on the ideal conditions for maximizing student success and engagement in middle school education. The chapters take a deeper look into the modern tools, technologies, methods, and theories driving current research on middle school students, their teachers, their classroom environment, and their learning.Reading, writing, and racism: disrupting whiteness in teacher education and in the classroom by Bree Picower
Publication Date: 2021Educator Bree Picower examines modern examples of racist curricula that have gone viral to demonstrate how whiteness is entrenched in schools and teacher education programs. When racist curriculum "goes viral" on social media it is typically dismissed as an isolated incident from a bad teacher. Picower, however, holds that racist curriculum isn't an anomaly. It's a systemic problem that reflects how whiteness is embedded and reproduced in education.Restorative literacies: creating a community of care in schools by Deborah L. Wolter; H. Richard Milner IV (Foreword)
Publication Date: 2021Through eight compelling stories of restorative literacies, Wolter explores the complex relationships among cognition, metacognition, identity, behavior in schools, and literacies. Based on the principles of restorative justice, restorative literacies are designed to help educators repair harm, restore relationships, and expand the concept of literacy for some of our most disenfranchised and disengaged students.Schools reimagined: unifying the science of learning with the art of teaching by Jacqueline Grennon Brooks; Martin G. Brooks; Michael Fullan (Foreword by)
Publication Date: 2021In this book the authors make the case that now is a timely moment to reimagine schools and put the intellectual and social-emotional health of students and teachers at the center of the educational process. They offer practical classroom examples across disciplines and grade levels based on constructivist pedagogy, neuroscience research, psychological theory, and design thinking, as well as on their own experiences in observing and advancing instructional practice that fosters human development.Small teaching : everyday lessons from the science of learning by James M. Lang
Publication Date: 2021Small Teaching fills the gap in higher education literature between the primary research in cognitive theory and the classroom environment. In this book, James Lang presents a strategy for improving student learning with a series of small but powerful changes that make a big difference--many of which can be put into practice in a single class period.Student learning communities: a springboard for academic and social-emotional development by Douglas Fisher; Nancy Frey; John Almarode
Publication Date: 2021Student learning communities (SLCs) are more than just a different way of doing group work. Like the professional learning communities they resemble, SLCs provide students with a structured way to solve problems, share insight, and help one another continually develop new skills and expertise.With the right planning and support, dynamic collaborative learning can thrive everywhere.The sustainability mindset principles: a guide to develop a mindset for a better world by Isabel Rimanoczy
Publication Date: 2021This book introduces 12 principles for a sustainability mindset, presenting educators with a framework that makes it easy to include them into teaching plans and lessons of any discipline.The thoughtful teacher: making connections with a diverse student population by James D. Kirylo
Publication Date: 2021A thoughtful teacher is one who works to foster an inspiring classroom environment where students fall in love with learning. Indeed, it is incumbent on the teacher to understand self, to be prepared, to possess command of subject matter, to teach in a developmentally appropriate manner, to mindfully incorporate culturally relevant practices, and to illuminate a sense of connection with a diverse student population.Thriving as an online K-12 educator: essential practices from the field by Green, Jody Peerless, ed.
Publication Date: 2021We know, now more than ever, that teachers have not been equally or systematically trained and resourced to make a sudden transition to online or blended instruction. This concise, accessible book collects time-tested strategies and fresh perspectives from experienced educators to help you smooth out even the most abrupt shift to technology-enhanced teaching and learning. With these insights into institutional supports, effective digital tools, equitable practice, social-emotional considerations, and beyond, you will be better prepared than ever to help your students thrive in online and blended learning environments.Using data to improve teacher education: moving evidence into action by Charles A. Peck (Ed.); Kristen Cuthrell (Ed.); Désirée H. Pointer Mace (Ed.); Tine Sloan (Ed.); Diana B. Lys (Ed.); G. Williamson McDiarmid (Foreword)
Publication Date: 2021This book offers concrete examples of how data can be used by faculty, staff, and program leaders to improve their collective work as teacher educators. Strong external accountability mandates often lead to tensions that undermine local morale and motivation. This volume focuses on the practical work of navigating these tensions so that valuable programmatic change can happen.
All the classroom's a stage: applying theater principles to teaching techniques by Michael Flanagan; Rose Burnett Bonczek
Publication Date: 2020All the Classroom's a Stage reveals how teachers can apply theater skills to the craft of teaching and enhance their ability to engage and motivate students, cultivate collaborative learning, and become stronger and more dynamic 'performers' in the classroom. This book illustrates how to use theater techniques to invigorate the craft of teaching in college classrooms across multiple disciplines.The Art of Reflective Teaching by Carol R. Rodgers
Publication Date: 2020The Art of Reflective Teaching examines what it means to be present in one's teaching. The book begins with an in-depth definition of presence from several different angles.Avoiding burnout: how exemplary teachers find fuel and cultivate success by Betsy B. Nordell
Publication Date: 2020Given the challenges facing educators today, it is vitally important to understand the workings of teacher excellence. Which teachers exceed state standards for performance and continue to exhibit passion and resilience in the classroom? Beyond subject knowledge and teaching techniques, what do exemplary educators know and do that could be adapted for use by others?Exploring these questions serves as the basis for Avoiding Burnout: How Exemplary Teachers Find Fuel and Cultivate Success.Becoming a metacognitive teacher: a guide for early and preservice teachers by Roya Q. Scales; Thomas DeVere Wolsey; Seth A. Parsons; Gerald G. Duffy (Foreword by)
Publication Date: 2020This clearly written, research-based guide shows how to successfully navigate coursework, build relationships with mentors, and negotiate fieldwork and student teaching while developing metacognitive thinking skills. These are skills that allow teachers to continuously reflect on instructional practices and adapt them to fit their own teaching context and their students' diverse needs.Brain-based learning : teaching the way students really learn by Eric P. Jensen; Liesl McConchie
Publication Date: 2020This innovative, new edition of the bestselling Brain-Based Learning by Eric Jensen and master teacher Liesl McConchie provides an up-to-date, evidence-based approach that reveals how the brain learns best. Based on neuroscience, biology and psychology research, it includes: Insights about the impact of relationships, senses, movement, and emotions on learning; Strategies for creating high-quality learning environments; Tools for motivating struggling students.Building pedagogues: white practicing teachers and the struggle for antiracist work in schools by Zachary A. Casey; Shannon K. McManimon
Publication Date: 2020An in-depth account and model of antiracist professional development for white practicing teachers.Cases on emotionally responsive teaching and mentoring by Ann M. Ellsworth
Publication Date: 2020Cases on Emotionally Responsive Teaching and Mentoring provides a collection of case studies from former classroom teachers who now work with pre-service teachers to provide an understanding of the expectations and outcomes of teaching through actual K-12 teaching experiences, featuring coverage on a broad range of topics such as cultural identity, teacher development, and learner diversity.Connect and involve : how to connect with students and involve them in learning by Robert J. Martin
Publication Date: 2020Connect and Involve: How to Connect with Students and Involve Them in Learning is a practical handbook of strategies and procedures for teaching at all grade levels-elementary, middle, and high school. The secret to increasing teaching effectiveness is to make small changes in what teachers think and do-and to get their students to make small changes in what they think and do.The craft of college teaching by Robert DiYanni; Anton Borst
Publication Date: 2020Robert DiYanni and Anton Borst provide an accessible, hands-on guide to the craft of college teaching, giving instructors the practical tools they need to help students achieve not only academic success but also meaningful learning to last a lifetime.Critical thinking and reasoning: theory, development, instruction, and assessment by Daniel Fasko (Ed.); Frank Fair (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2020The demand for critical thinkers will increase in the future to meet the demands of world-wide problems. Educators need to show students how to eliminate errors, such as biases in their reasoning, and to be effective decision makers. To do this, teachers and leaders in schools and businesses need to provide an atmosphere conducive to developing critical thinking skills and dispositions.Cross-disciplinary, cross-institutional collaboration in teacher education: cases of learning and leading by edited by Cheryl J. Craig, Laura Turchi, Denise M. McDonald
Publication Date: 2020"The book is organized into three sections: the historical roots and reflections of the Faculty Academy; the importance of finding a leadership stance in the academy; and learning through practice and
research."Designing culturally competent programming for PK-20 classrooms by Katherine Sprott (Ed.); Johnny R. O'Connor Jr. (Ed.); Clementine Msengi (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2020Designing Culturally Competent Programming for PK-20 Classrooms is a comprehensive research publication that explores strategies and best practices for designing culturally competent curricula and serves as a courier for stakeholders fostering inclusive and forward-thinking opportunities in PK-20 classrooms, highlighting a wide range of topics such as ethics, leadership, and organizational development.Developing growth mindsets: principles and practices for maximizing students' potential by Donna Wilson; Marcus Conyers
Publication Date: 2020Human beings have tremendous potential to acquire new knowledge, develop new skills, and improve their brains throughout life. By explicitly teaching learners about brain plasticity and malleable intelligence (the idea that they can become functionally smarter through effort) and by modeling and teaching specific learning strategies, teachers can help students experience higher levels of success as they develop a growth mindset.Effective practices in online teacher preparation for literacy educators by Rachel Karchmer-Klein (Editor); Kristine E. Pytash (Editor)
Publication Date: 2020Effective Practices in Online Teacher Preparation for Literacy Educators is shares innovative ideas for translating face-to-face reading/literacy specialist preparation into effective online instruction for courses in literacy education.Enhancing teaching and leadership initiatives with teacherpreneurs: emerging research and opportunities by Pam Epler
Publication Date: 2020There are three types of teacherpreneurs: classroom, business, and consultant teacherpreneurs. Classroom teacherpreneurs inspire and motivate students to be the best they can be using outside resources, business teacherpreneurs teach students to become entrepreneurs, and consultant teacherpreneurs are usually former teachers who own a consulting business and go into schools to assist with improving academics.Five Big Ideas for Effective Teaching by Donna Wilson; Marcus Conyers; Robert Calfee (Foreword by)
Publication Date: 2020This is the second edition of the seminal text designed to empower educators with an innovative and inspiring conceptual framework for effective teaching. This bestseller is grounded in the synergy of five big ideas for connecting mind, brain, and education research to classroom practice: neuroplasticity, potential, malleable intelligence, the Body-Brain System, and metacognition.Flash feedback: responding to student writing better and faster - without burning out by Matthew Johnson
Publication Date: 2020For ELA teachers, the danger of burnout is all too real. Inundated with seemingly insurmountable piles of papers to read, respond to, and grade, many teachers often find themselves struggling to balance differentiated, individualized feedback with the one resource they are already overextended on, time. Matthew Johnson offers classroom-tested solutions that not only alleviate the feedback-burnout cycle, but also lead to significant growth for students.From behaving to belonging: the inclusive art of supporting students who challenge us by Julie Causton; Kate MacLeod
Publication Date: 2020In From Behaving to Belonging, Julie Causton and Kate MacLeod detail how teachers can shift from a "behavior management" mindset (that punishes students for "bad" behavior or rewards students for "good" or "compliant" behavior) to an approach that supports all students-even the most challenging ones-with kindness, creativity, acceptance, and love.The future of schools and teacher education: how far ahead is Finland? by Eduardo Andere
Publication Date: 2020In 100 years as a nation-state, Finland has become the world's benchmark for quality in school education. Despite the fact that Finland is consistently top ranked by international performance measures, the country continues to rapidly change their curriculum and educational policies. This book documents these main curricula changes, telling the story of the future of school education in Finland as it begins to develop in 2016, 2017, and 2018 onwards.Improving online teacher education: digital tools and evidence-based practices by Rachel Karchmer-Klein; Douglas Fisher (Foreword by)
Publication Date: 2020Use this practical guide to develop collaborative and interactive online experiences for teacher candidates. The author examines methods for integrating evidence-based practices into online teaching environments, including think alouds, case-based instruction, peer feedback, and field experience.Inclusive Theory and Practice in Special Education by Henriette van Rensburg (Editor); Shirley O'Neill (Editor)
Publication Date: 2020Inclusive Theory and Practice in Special Education examines current shifts in the field within the overarching philosophy of inclusion and inclusive education.The instructional playbook: the missing link for translating research into practice by Jim Knight; Ann Hoffman; Michelle Harris; Sharon Thomas
Publication Date: 2020"Jim Knight and coauthors show instructional coaches how to develop their own playbooks full of teaching strategies and educational tools that effectively maximize teacher learning"Integrating social justice education in teacher preparation programs by Courtney K. Clausen (Ed.); Stephanie R. Logan (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2020Handbook of Research on Integrating Social Justice Education in Teacher Preparation Programs iexplores the preparation and teaching methods of educators for including social justice curriculum, highlighting a wide range of topics such as ethics, language-based learning, and feminism.Leadership for learning: how to bring out the best in every teacher by Carl Glickman; Rebecca West Burns
Publication Date: 2020In this revised edition, Carl Glickman and coauthor Rebecca West Burns synthesize their decades of experience in teacher education and supervision into a comprehensive guide to supporting teacher growth and student learning. Embedded in every page are the essential knowledge, skills, approaches, and methods that leaders need to drive instructional improvement.Multicultural literature in the content areas: transforming K-12 classrooms into engaging, inviting, and socially conscious spaces by edited by Lakia M. Scott, Barbara Purdum-Cassidy
Publication Date: 2020This book provides educational stakeholders with culturally relevant and affirming techniques for utilizing multicultural literature as a pedagogical tool in social studies, mathematics, science, and reading.Overcoming current challenges in the P-12 teaching profession by Penelope D. Keough (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2020Overcoming Current Challenges in the P-12 Teaching Profession provides insight, strategies, and solutions to overcome current challenges experienced by P-12 teachers in general and special education, featuring coverage on a broad range of topics such as global education, professional development, and responsive teaching.Participatory literacy practices for P-12 classrooms in the digital age by Jessica S. Mitchell; Erin N. Vaughn
Publication Date: 2020Participatory Literacy Practices for P-12 Classrooms in the Digital Age is a collection of innovative research on the methods and applications of integrating digital content into a learning environment to support inclusive classroom designs, while highlighting topics such as game-based learning, coding education, and multimodal narratives.Playing with Teaching by Antero Garcia (Volume Editor); Jennifer S Dail (Volume Editor); Shelbie Witte (Volume Editor)
Publication Date: 2020Playing with Teaching serves as a hands-on resource for teachers and teacher educators. Particularly focused on how games - both digital and non-digital - can shape unique learning and literacy experiences for young people today, this book's chapters look at numerous examples that educators can bring into their classrooms today.Preparing 21st century teachers for Teach Less, Learn More (TLLM) pedagogies by Pradeep Kumar (Ed.); Michael James Keppell (Ed.); Chee Leong Lim (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2020Preparing 21st Century Teachers for Teach Less, Learn More (TLLM) Pedagogies provides vital research on the application of practice-based learning techniques in higher education institutions. This publication establishes a platform for academics to share their best practices to promote teach less, learn more pedagogies and learn reciprocally from the community of practice.Reconceptualizing teacher education: a Canadian contribution to a global challenge by edited by Anne M. Phelan, William F. Pinar, Nicholas Ng-A-Fook, and Ruth Kane
Publication Date: 2020"In this collection, Canadian scholars articulate a response to their collective concerns about the impact of global policy on teacher education, provoking a far-reaching dialogue about teacher education in and for our times."Sparking student motivation: the power of teachers to rekindle a love for learning by Eric M. Anderman
Publication Date: 2020Be the change that lights the learning fire. Discover how you, as a classroom teacher, can generate enthusiasm, confidence, and joy in your students that will affect their learning and lives. Delve into the what, and why of motivation and how it affects learning.Teaching in the online classroom: surviving and thriving in the new normal by Doug Lemov
Publication Date: 2020Teaching expert Doug Lemov and his colleagues spent weeks studying videos of online teaching and they now provide educators in the midst of this transition with a clear guide to engaging and educating their students online. This guide explores the challenges involved in online teaching and guides educators and administrators to identify and understand best practices.Teaching students to become self-determined learners by Michael Wehmeyer; Yong Zhao
Publication Date: 2020In Teaching Students to Become Self-Determined Learners, Michael Wehmeyer and Yong Zhao explore the how and why of self-determined learning-which emphasizes autonomy and choice, turning over ownership for learning to students by supporting them in engaging in activities that are of personal value to them, thus enabling them to act volitionally.With great power comes great pedagogy: teaching, learning, and comics by Susan E. Kirtley (Ed.); Antero Garcia (Ed.); Peter E. Carlson (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2020More and more educators are using comics in the classroom. As such, this edited volume sets out the stakes, definitions, and exemplars of recent comics pedagogy, from K-12 contexts to higher education instruction to ongoing communities of scholars working outside of the academy.
- Last Updated: Feb 6, 2025 8:45 AM
- URL: https://guides.library.stanford.edu/teaching
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