Spanish and Spanish/English children's books: Earlier books
This guide lists children's books and young adult literature in Cubberley Education Library written in Spanish or both Spanish and English.
The adventures of El Cipitío = Las adventuras del Cipitío by Randy Jurado Ertll
Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » PS3605 .R75 A38 2018El Cipitío leaves El Salvador, his home country. El Cipitío is a mythical, ten-year old kid who is three feet tall. He wears a big hat and has a small belly. His feet are backwards, he can teleport, and he has eternal life. He sacrifices to do well in school and he eventually runs for mayor and president of the United States.- Ahed Tamimi : y la lucha del pueblo palestino by relato de Vanesa Jalil y Hugo Montero ; ilustraciones de Julio IbarraCall Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » HQ1728.5 .Z75 T36 2018
- Antiprincesas de Plaza de Mayo : para chicas y chicos by Nadia Fink ; [ilustraciones de] Pitu Saá ; Viqui Veronesi y Diego Abu ArabCall Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » HV6322.3 .A7 F56 2018
Cuando amamos cantamos = When we love someone we sing to them by Ernesto Javier Martinez; Maya Christina Gonzalez (Ill.); Jorge Gabriel Martinez Feliciano (Translator)
Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » PS3613 .A786428 C83 2018Ages 9-12; Gr.2-5.
A reclamation of the Mexican serenata tradition: follow the story of a young boy who asks his father if there is a song for a boy who loves a boy.El Chupacabras by Adam Rubin; Crash McCreery (Illustrator)
Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » PS3621 .U25 C48 2018Lexile measure AD530L; Ages 5-7; K-Gr.3.
Farmer Hector and his daughter Carla seek help from the monstrous chupacabra when their goats become giants and threaten the town.- Evo Morales : el presidente que se hizo de abajo by relato de Vanesa Jalil ; ilustraciones de Julio IbarraCall Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » F3327 .M67 J35 2018
- Feminismo : para chic@s by ilustraciones y relatos de Ro FerrerCall Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » HQ1155 .F4463 2018
Galapagos girl = Galapagueña by Marsha Diane Arnold; Angela Dominguez (Illustrator)
Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » PS3551 .R54 G35 2018PrK-Gr.3
Galapagos girl Valentina Cruz spends her days observing the natural world around her. She greets the sea lions splashing on the shore, scampers over lava rocks with Sallylightfoot crabs, and swims with manta rays. But Valentina also understands the fragility of this wondrous world, and she makes a solemn promise to protect the islands and her animal friends. Based on a true story.- Kevin de Zavaleta para chic@s by relato de Vanesa Jalil ; ilustraciones de Julio IbarraCall Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » HQ792 .A7 J35 2018
La Frontera: el viaje con papá = My journey with papa by Alfredo Alva; Deborah Mills; Claudia Navarro (Illustrator)
Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » E184 .M5 M54956 2018Lexile measure 730; Ages 8-10; Gr.2-5.
Join a young boy and his father on a daring journey from Mexico to Texas to find a new life. They'll need all the resilience and courage they can muster to safely cross the border - la frontera - and to make a home for themselves in a new land.- Los judíos sefardíes by texto, Esther Bendahan ; ilustraciones, Zuzanna Celej.Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » PQ6702 .E66 J84 2018
- Mujeres anarquistas para chic@s by relato de Vanesa Jalil ; ilustraciones de Julio IbarraCall Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » HX867.7 .R68 J35 2018
- A Tony le gusta jugar con las visitas by Marisol Leal AcostaCall Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » PQ8180.422 .E37 A62 2018
- Alejandra Pizarnik para chic@s : la ardiente enamorada del viento by Vanesa Jalil ; ilustraciones de Julio Ibarra ; diseño de Repo BandiniCall Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » PQ7797 .P576 Z69 2017
- Alfonsina Storni para chicas y chicos by Nadia Fink, Pitu SaáCall Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » PQ7797 .S74 Z634 2017
- Azul by Marcela Paz Peña (Illustrator), José Andrés MurilloPublication Date: 2017
Cartas en el bosque by Susanna Isern; Daniel Montero Galan (Ill.)
Publication Date: 2017Ages 6-8; Gr.1-3.
Cartas en el bosque es una entrañable y sorprendente historia que va a emocionar a pequeños y mayores, porque muchas veces lo más maravilloso se encuentra donde menos imaginamos.- Ceacheí : oficios de la cultura popular chilena by Paulina Loyola Muńoz, Nathaly Pizarro Vidal, Claudia Yáñez ElguetaCall Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » PQ8098.422 .O96 C43 2017
- Citlalli tiene tres abuelas by Silvia Susana Jácome ; ilustraciones de MedusczkaCall Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » PQ6710 .A333 C58 2017
Deseo para ti by Tom Lichtenheld
Publication Date: 2017Lexile measure 150; Ages 3-5; PrK-K.
Un hijo, una amiga, un padre o una madre, cualquiera puede ser el objeto de este libro en que se dicen cosas tan entrañables como "deseo para ti más burbujas que bañeras" o "más tesoros que bolsillos.El animal perfecto by Raquel Diaz Reguera (Illustrator)
Publication Date: 2017Ages 4-8; Gr.k_3.
Valentina's class at school is having a party, and everyone is dressing up as their favorite animal. So Valentina starts imagining herself as a bear, a wolf, and even an octopus! They all have something wonderful about them, but what is the perfect animal?- El hada acaramelada by Gloria Fuertes ; ilustraciones, Rocío MartínezPublication Date: 2017
- Evita : para chicas y chicos by [por] Nadia Fink ; [ilustraciones de] Pitu SaáCall Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » F2849 .P37 F56 2017
Family poems for every day of the week = Poemas familiares para cada día de la semana by Francisco X. Alarcón; Maya Christina Gonzalez (Illustrator)
Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » PS3551 .L22 A585 2017Ages 4-8; Gr.3-4.
A bilingual collection of poetry by the late Francisco X. Alarcón, acclaimed Chicano poet celebrating the days of the week and everyday childhood experiences.- Gauchito Gil : para chicas y chicos by por Nadia Fink ; dibujos: Pitu Saá.Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » F2847 .F55 2017
Hombre Perro by Dav Pilkey
Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » PS3566 .I51118 D6418 2017Lexile measure GN350L; Ages 7-11; Gr.1-4.
George and Harold create a new comic book hero in Dog Man, a crimefighter with the head of a police dog and the body of a policeman, who faces off against his arch nemesis Petey the cat.I'll Wait, Mr. Panda / Yo Voy a Esperar, Sr. Panda by Steve Antony (Illustrator)
Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » PR6101 .N86 I45 2017Ages 3-6; PrK-K; Guided reading E
Mr. Panda shows that good things come to those who wait! This time, Mr. Panda's black-and-white animal friends are curious what he's making, but only one has the patience to stick around.Joe quiere jugar by Peggy Perry Anderson
Publication Date: 2017Ages 4-6; PrK-Gr.2; Spanish
It's the Frog family reunion, and all of Joe's relatives are together. Everyone's having fun except Joe. With so many cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents around, you'd think somebody would play with Joe, but everyone says he's too big, too small, too fast, or too slow.La niñera dijo, "Es hora de ir a la cama" by Peggy Perry Anderson
Publication Date: 2017Ages 4-6; PrK-Gr.2; Spanish.
El joven Joe el Sapo hace todo lo posible para evitar la hora de ir a la cama en esta divertida edición en español de una edición popular de Colección Luz Verde nivel 1 que le resuena a los lectores principiantes . . . y a sus soñolientos niñeros y padres.Little Skeletons : countdown to midnight = Esqueletitos : un libro para contar en el Día de los Muertos by Susie Jaramillo
Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » PS3610 .A736 L58 2017PrK-K.
Little Skeletons/Esqueletitos: Countdown to Midnight is the 5th book from the Canticos collection. 2018 International Latino Book Awards winner for Best Latino Picture Book. This book is based on the song "Los Esqueletos Salen de la Tumba" (The Skeletons Come Out of the Tomb) .- Mujeres zapatistas para chic@s by relato de Vanesa Jalil ; ilustraciones de Julio Ibarra ; diseño de Repo Bandini.Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Stacks » HQ1236.5 .M6 J37 2017
- Norita Cortiñas : una hormiguita viajera y solidaria by relato de Vanesa Jalil ; ilustraciones de Julio IbarraCall Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » HV6322.3 .A7 J35 2017
- Osvaldo Bayer : para chic@s by relato de Marcelo Valko ; ilustraciones de Julio IbarraCall Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » F2829.6 .B388 V35 2017
- Pachamama : para chic@s by relato de Marcelo Valko ; ilustraciones de Dolores MendietaCall Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » F2230.1 .A3 V35 2017
- Pakal : el gran rey maya de Palenque by texto, Luis Barbeytia ; ilustraciones, Mauricio Gómez Morin.Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » F1435.1 .P2 B37 2017
- Paulo Freire para chic@s by relato de Vanesa Jalil ; ilustraciones de Julio IbarraCall Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » LB880 .F732 J356 2017
Refugiada by Tessa Julià Dinarès
Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » PQ6710 .U392 R44 2017 FThis very powerful picture book shows the plight of refugees through a child's eyes. The little girl in this story does not understand why she has to leave her home, where she is going or why everyone is afraid. The dark illustrations will help readers feel the same sense of loss.Sigilosos de la Noche by Linda Stanek
Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » QL755.5 .S7318 2017Ages 8-12
Este texto breve y sencillo es la historia perfecta para antes de la siesta o antes de irse a dormir. Los animales nocturnos y sus comportamientos son presentados a los jvenes lectores. Lectores mayores aprenden ms acerca de cada animal a travs de la infromacin en las columnas laterales.Tafiti y el viaje al fin del mundo by Julia Boehme
Publication Date: 2017Ages 6-8; Gr.2-4.
Little Tafiti wants to discover what is behind the mysterious hill in the distance. Is it true that there is nothing beyond, as told by his grandfather? He wants to see for himself! So he runs from home and embarks on a long journey to encounter dangers but also a true friend.- Yõkai by Carmen Chica, Manuel Marsol (Illustrator)Publication Date: 2017
¡el Gallo Que No Se Callaba! / the Rooster Who Would Not Be Quiet! by Carmen Agra Deedy; Eugene Yelchin (Illustrator)
Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » PS3554 .E3552 R66 2017BPrK-gr.3; Ages 4-8.
La Paz is a happy, but noisy village. A little peace and quiet would make it just right. So the villagers elect the bossy Don Pepe as their mayor. Before long, singing of any kind is outlawed. Even the teakettle is afraid to whistle! But there is one noisy rooster who doesn't give two mangos about this mayor's silly rules.- ¿De qué color es la sonrisa de Mencía? by Marta García del CastilloPublication Date: 2017
- ¿Qué le pasa a Nicolás? by Juana Cortés Amunarriz ; ilustraciones de Raquel Díaz RegueraCall Number: PQ6703 .O7823 Q4 2017
- ¿Qué le pasa a Uma? by Raquel Díaz RegueraCall Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » PQ6704 .I2884 Q84 2017
- Antigua palabra : contado a los grandes niños by Carlos Armando Morales Bermúdez ; ilustraciones, Antún KojtomCall Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » F1221 .C57 M66 2016
A Charmed Life / una Vida con Suerte by Gladys Barbieri; Lisa Field (Illustrator)
Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » PS3602 .A76497 C49 2016Ages 4-8; K-Gr.2.
Felicia always feels very small when she and her mom walk by the huge homes and beautiful gardens to the house where her mother works as a cleaning lady. "I need you to behave," her mother says, reminding her of all the things she should and shouldn't do.But Felicia gets bored, and in spite of her mother's warnings, begins to explore.- Che Guevara : para chicas y chicos by Nadia Fink, Pitu SaáCall Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » F2849.22 .G85 F56 2016Based on the life of Che Guevara.
- Julio Cortázar : para chicas y chicos by Nadia Fink, Pitu Saá.Publication Date: 2016
La Madre Goose: nursery rhymes for los niños by Susan Middleton Elya; Juana Martinez-Neal (Illustrator)
Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » PS3555 .L9485 M33 2016Lexile measure AD490L; Ages 5-8.
Classic favorites get a modern Latino twist. The itsy aranita, climbed up the water spout. Down came la lluvia, and washed la arana out.- Largo viaje by Diego Muñoz Valenzuela, ilustraciones de Virginia Herrera BangerterCall Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » PQ8098.23 .U66 L37 2016
- Liga de antiprincesas : el origen by Nadia Fink y Pitu SaáPublication Date: 2016
Los vestidos de mamá by Mónica Carretero
Publication Date: 2016Lexile Level: 640L.
Cada vestido de mamá es único, como única es la aventura que inspira cada uno de ellos. Cada vestido de mamá es un espejo de sus emociones que nos invita a crear y volar con la imaginación. Los vestidos de mamá celebra el amor entre madre e hija.Mamá the Alien by René Colato Laínez; Laura Lacámara (Illustrator)
Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » PS3603 .O4125 M36 2016Lexile measure AD560L; Ages 5-7; K-Gr.3; Americas Award for Children’s and Young Adult Literature, Commended Title, 2017.
Bilingual English/Spanish. In this lighthearted bilingual immigration story, a young girl sees the word alien on her mother's Resident Alien card and concludes that her mother is from another planet until the girl finds out that the word has more than one meaning.Marisol McDonald and the monster = Marisol McDonald y el monstruo by Monica Brown; Sara Palacios (Illustrator)
Publication Date: 2016Ages 5-8; PrK-Gr.2.
Bilingual English/Spanish. Free-spirited Marisol confronts her fear of monsters and unfamiliar nighttime noises.- Ni una menos para chic@s by relato de Silvina Morvillo y Camila Abusabbah Valladares ; illustraciones de Julio Ibarra ; diseño de Repo BandiniCall Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » HV6250.4 .W65 M67 2016
One of a kind like me = Único como yo by Laurin Mayeno; Robert Liu-Trujillo (Illustrator); Teresa Mlawer (Translator)
Publication Date: 2016Danny knows exactly what he wants to be for tomorrow's parade, but will he find the princess costume of his dreams in time? A uniquely bully-free book about creative gender expression.- Ratones de ciudad by Carlos Edson González Vilchis ; ilustraciones, Flori GugaPublication Date: 2016
- Si el rosa es de las niñas, el azul es del mar by una historia de Óscar Espirita ; ilustrada por Sanz i VilaCall Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » PQ6705 .S67 S5 2016
- Sol del trópico by Gabriela Mistral ; ilustrado por Mario MuruaCall Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » PQ8097 .G6 S58 2016 F"Este libro nace del encuentro de dos fuerzas ancestrales: la poesía de Gabriela Mistral y la pintura de Mario Murua. Ambos relatan a su modo un viaje íntimo en busca del sol americano, presencia tutelar y sagrada, y ambos concurren en un objetivo común: llegar a las niñas y niños del mundo y poner a disposición de su espíritu fresco la belleza de las obras humanas."
Somos Como las Nubes / We Are Like the Clouds by Jorge Argueta; Alfonso Ruano (Illustrator); Elisa Amado (Translator)
Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » PQ7539.2 .A67 S64 2016Ages 7-12; Gr.3-7.
Why are young people leaving their country to walk to the United States to seek a new, safe home? Over 100,000 such children have left Central America. This book of poetry helps us to understand why and what it is like to be them.Trenfugiados by José Campanari; José Campanari; Evelyn Daviddi (Illustrator)
Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » PQ6703 .A463 T74 2016 FAges in 11-17.
Wars, terrorism and natural disasters trigger massive migratory movements. Hundreds of thousands of people are forced to flee their countries in search of a better life and, unfortunately, this still occurs today. How do children see this phenomenon? What do they know about it? What do they think?¡Olinguito, de la A a la Z!: Descubriendo el Bosque Nublado by Lulu Delacre (Illustrator)
Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » QL737 .C26 D45 2016Gr.1-4; NCTE Orbis Pictus Honor Book, 2017.
With lyrical text in both Spanish and English, we travel to the magical world of a cloud forest in the Andes of Ecuador. We discover the bounty of plants, animals, and other organisms that live there as we help a zoologist look for the elusive olinguito, the first new mammal species identified in the Americas since 1978.
- Abir : una estrella en el bolsillo by texto e ilustración, Alejandra Rodríquez Montenegro.Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » PQ8098.428 .O378 A35 2015 F
- El achú y sus peligros by Yuritza Areli Medellín SánchezPublication Date: 2015
- Cazadora de estrellas by Hémera Angélica Vargas BarragánPublication Date: 2015
- El día que las máquinas volvieron locas by Alexander Estrada RamírezPublication Date: 2015
Dragones y tacos by Adam Rubin; Daniel Salmieri (Illustrator)
Publication Date: 2015Lexile measure AD620L; Ages 3-7; PrK-K.
Si quieres ser amigo con un dragón, los tacos son la clave. Todo el mundo sabe que solo hay una cosa que a los dragones les gusta más que las fiestas y los tacos y es una fiesta de tacos. Pero hay algunos detalles que hay que tener en cuenta si das una fiesta de tacos: a los dragones les encantan los tacos de pollo, los de carne, los tacos gigantes y los pequeñitos. Para decidir cuántos tacos vas a necesitar para la fiesta, llena un barco de tacos y esa será la cantidad adecuada.Flutter and Hum / Aleteo y Zumbido by Julie Paschkis (Illustrator)
Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » PS3566 .A77284 F58 2015Ages 4-8; Gr.3-6
All sorts of animals flutter and hum, dance and stretch, and slither and leap their way through this joyful collection of poems in English and Spanish. Julie Paschkis's poems and art sing in both languages, bringing out the beauty and playfulness of the animal world.- Historias del Panchatantra by versión de Iván Franko ; adaptación de Sofía Guerrero y Juan Francisco Bascuñán ; ilustraciones de Illia ParpautsCall Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » GR305 .F73 2015
I am Sausal Creek = Soy el Arroyo Sausal by Melissa Reyes; Robert Trujillo (Illustrator); Cinthya Jeannette Muñoz Ramos (Translator)
Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » GB1227 .S28 R49 2015A bilingual children's book about the environmental and cultural history of Oakland told through the voice of a local waterway, Sausal Creek.- Isabella en el país de las hadas = Isabella in the land of fairies by Karina FloresPublication Date: 2015
- José María Morelos : el rayo de los libres by texto de Laura Emilia Pacheco ; ilustraciones de Juan José ColsaCall Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » F1232 .M842 P23 2015
Little Chanclas by José Lozano
Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » PS3612 .O96 L58 2015Ages 5-8; Gr.K-2.
A bilingual tale about Little Lilly Lujan who loves her chanclas (flip-flops) going slippety-slappety and flippity-flop. In fact, Lilly refuses any footwear except her favorite pair of flip-flops.- Lucía y Valentín aprenden a no hacer bullying by Mireia Augé, Lídia Oliveras ; ilustraciones de Àngel Sauret.Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » PQ6701 .U38 L83 2015
- Luna creciente by Carlos Armando Morales Bermúdez ; ilus. Antun KojtomCall Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » PQ7298.423 .O728 L86 2015
Maya's Blanket = La manta de Maya by Monica Brown; David Diaz (Illustrator); Adriana Domínguez
Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » PS3602 .R722355 M39 2015Lexile measure AD1010L; Ages 4-8; Gr.K-2.
Bilingual English/Spanish. Based on a Yiddish folk song, a young girl's cherished baby blanket becomes old and worn over time and she finds new ways to use it as she grows up.- El mensajero by Hémera Angélica Vargas BarragánPublication Date: 2015
My Tata's Remedies - Los Remedios de Mi Tata by Roni Capin Rivera-Ashford; Antonio Castro L. (Illustrator)
Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » PS3618 .I854 M9 2015Ages 4-9; Gr.1-3; Pura Belpre Illustrator honor, 2016.
"This charming little book will introduce young readers to safe and effective natural remedies from the native traditions of the American Southwest. A good way to learn about the healing power of plants."El perro con sombrero : a bilingual doggy tale by Jed Henry (Illustrator); Derek Taylor Kent
Publication Date: 2015Ages 4-7; PrK-Gr.2.
¡Perro! ¡Sombrero! ¡El perro con sombrero! Meet Pepe! Before he got a sombrero, he was a lonely dog living in the streets. Now he is a movie star, loved by everyone! Well, everyone except... ¡El Gato en Zapatos! El Gato is one sneaky, jealous kitty. Watch out, Pepe!The Place Where You Live / el Lugar Donde Vives by James Luna; Thelma Muraida (Illustrator); Gabriela Baeza Ventura
Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » PZ74.3 .L85 2015Ages 4-6; Gr.K-2.
Young children will delight in reading this simple rhyming text with a recurring refrain that describes a loving home and neighborhood.Los pollitos = Little chickies by Susie Jaramillo
Publication Date: 2015PrK-K
Little Chickies/Los Pollitos is the 1st book in the bilingual (English & Spanish) nursery rhyme collection from Canticos. This book is based on "Los Pollitos Dicen", one of the most popular songs in the Spanish speaking world.- Ramiro y el chigüiro by [textos de] Luz Helena Oviedo ; ilustraciones de Jessica PortilloCall Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » PQ8180.425 .V543 R36 2015
The Remembering Day / el Día de Los Muertos by Pat Mora; Robert Casilla (Ill.); Gabriela Baeza Ventura
Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » PZ73 .M63836 2015Ages 5-8.
Long ago in what would come to be called Mexico, as Mama Alma and her granddaughter, Bella, recall happy times while walking in the garden they have tended together since Bella was a baby, Mama Alma asks that after she is gone her family remember her on one special day each year.- Somos igualitos by Juan Carlos Restrepo Rivas ; ilustración, Manueal Correa UpeguiPublication Date: 2015
Abuelo by Arthur Dorros; Raúl Colón (Ill.)
Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » PS3554 .O6954 A63 2014Ages 4-8; PrK-Gr.3.
Together, a young boy and his abuelo (grandfather) go camping, ride horses, and even confront a mountain lion. Soon, the boy's family moves to the city from the country, away from Abuelo, and it is the boy's memories that help him adjust to his new life.Arriba, abajo y alrededor by Katherine Ayres; Nadine Bernard Westcott (Illustrator)
Publication Date: 2014Ages 2-5; PrK-Gr.2.
From seeds dropping into soil to corn bursting from its stalks, from children chasing butterflies to ants burrowing underground, everything in this vibrant Spanish language picture book pulses with life- in all directions!Call me tree = Llámame árbol by Maya Christina Gonzalez; Dana Goldberg
Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » PS3607 .O5623 C35 2014Gr.4-7.
In this spare, lyrically written story, we join a child on a journey of self-discovery. Finding a way to grow from the inside out, just like a tree, the child develops as an individual comfortable in the natural world and in relationships with others.Dalia's Wondrous Hair / el Maravilloso Cabello de Dalia by Laura Lacamara (Ill.); Gabriela Baeza Ventura (Translator)
Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » PZ73 .L2 2014Ages 3-6; Gr.K-2.
One night, while Dalia slept safely wrapped in her mother's cool silken sheets, her hair grew and grew. By the time the rooster crowed, her hair had "grown straight up to the sky, tall and thick as a Cuban royal palm tree."- Farmworker comix : a history of farm labor struggle in California by written by Bill Morgan ; illustrated by Spain RodriguezCall Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » HD6515 .A292 U5459 2014Text in English and Spanish, bound back to back and inverted.
Little Roja Riding Hood by Susan Middleton Elya; Susan Guevara (Illustrator)
Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » PS3555 .L9485 L57 2014Ages 5-9; Gr.k-3. Story told in a mixture of Spanish and English.
A smart, snappy, bilingual retelling of Little Red Riding Hood Winner of a Pura Belpre Honor for Illustration While Roja picks flowers on the way to her grandma's, a mean wolf sneaks away with her cape to surprise Abuelita.- El pasado de Ana by versión literaria de Paola Morán ; ilustraciones de Enrique TorralbaPublication Date: 2014
- Rabble rousers : fearless fighters for social justice = Agitadores : luchadores valientes por la justicia by by Lily Eskelsen Garcia ; portraits by Alberto Garcia ; foreward by Dolores Huerta.Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » JC578 .G37 2014Ages 12 and up.
The book spotlights social justice advocates Mother Jones, José Martí, Emmeline Pankhurst, Francis Townsend, Mohandas Gandhi, Francisco I. Madero, Nelson Mandela, Cesar Chavez, Martin Luther King, Jr., Harvey Milk, Frieda Zames, Václav Havel, Aung San Suu Kyi, Rigoberta Menchú, Marina Rikhvanova, Dalia Ziada and Gabby Pacheco. There's a Name for This Feeling / Hay un Nombre para lo Que Siento by Diane Gonzales Bertrand; Gabriela Baeza Ventura (Translator)
Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Stacks » PZ73 .B4457 2014Lexile measure 750; Ages 10-13; gr.5-8.
A bilingual collection of ten contemporary stories of mixed-up emotions, humorous mistakes, misguided actions, and unspeakable sorrows. Includes discussion questions and ideas for writing.'Twas Nochebuena by Roseanne Greenfield Thong; Sara Palacios (Illustrator)
Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » PS3620 .H747 T84 2014Lexile measure AD950L; Ages 5-8; Gr.K-2.
'Twas Nochebuena and all through our casa, every creature was kneading tamale masa... It's Christmas Eve, and you're invited to a Nochebuena celebration! Follow a family as they prepare to host a night filled with laughter, love, and Latino tradition.Viva Frida by Yuyi Morales (Ill.); Tim O'Meara (Ill.)
Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » ND259 .K33 M66 2014Ages 4-8; gr.2-5; 2015 Caldecott Honor Book; 2015 Pura Belpré (Illustrator) Award.
Frida Kahlo, one of the world's most famous and unusual artists is revered around the world. Her life was filled with laughter, love, and tragedy, all of which influenced what she painted on her canvases.Water rolls, water rises/El Agua Rueda, el Agua Sube by Pat Mora; Meilo So (Illustrator); Adriana Domínguez
Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » PS3563 .O73 W37 2014Ages 4-8; PrK-gr.2.
Here is a poetic ode to the beauty of the natural world as expressed by the movement and moods of water on Earth. With every evocative verse, we visit one of fourteen different water landscapes and cultural areas around the world...
El camioncito azul by Alice Schertle; Jill McElmurry (Illustrator)
Publication Date: 2013Ages 4-8; K-Gr.2; board book.
El camioncito Azul is a joyful cacophony of animal and truck sounds in verse that will have youngsters beeping and quacking--and begging for one more go-round! Along the way, readers see that it pays to be kind to others.The Cucuy Stole My Cascarones / el Coco Me Robó Los Cascarones by Spelile Rivas; Valeria Cervantes (Ill.); Gabriela Baeza Ventura (Trans.)
Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Stacks » PZ73 .R52415 2013Ages 5-8; Gr. PrK-3.
Roberto and his mother made thirty dozen confetti-filled eggs, or cascarones, for his birthday party. Roberto can't wait to crack the hollowed, painted and confetti-stuffed eggs over his friends' heads. But, when he goes to the kitchen to get the cascarones, they're gone!From the bellybutton of the moon and other summer poems = Del ombligo de la luna y otros poemas de verano by Francisco X. Alarcón; Maya Christina Gonzalez (Illustrator)
Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » PS3551 .L22 F76 2013Book level 3.5; Ages 7-10; K-gr.4.
Bilingual English/Spanish. From the Bellybutton of the Moon is renowned poet Francisco X. Alarcón's collection of 22 poems inspired by his touching recollections of childhood summers in Mexico.Grandma's Santo on Its Head / el Santo Patas Arriba de Mi Abuelita by Nasario García; Nasario García
Publication Date: 2013Children and adults alike will enjoy Nasario's brilliant telling of the events that were part of his growing up. As I read the stories I heard Nasario's voice and I could see clearly the people and places he describes. I was reminded that the stories our grandparents told not only entertained us, they taught us valuable lessons.Lupita's First Dance / el Primer Baile de Lupita by Lupe Ruiz-Flores; Gabhor Utomo (Illustrator); Gabriela Baeza Ventura (Translator)
Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » PZ73 .R8297 2013Gr.K-3.
Lupita is excited about dancing la raspa, a Mexican folk dance, with her first-grade class at a celebration of Children's Day. But she's devastated when she learns right before the show that her partner Ernesto sprained his right ankle. She had been practicing for weeks. And now her family won't get to see her, swishing and swaying in her beautiful dress full of colorful ribbons. Lupita sadly watches the other dancers from backstage behind the blue velvet curtain. But suddenly, she finds herself on stage, in the spot where she and Ernesto should have been.Maria had a little llama/María Tenía una Llamita by Angela Dominguez
Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » PS3604 .O459 M37 2013Ages 3-6; prk-gr.2.
Everyone knows about Mary and her little lamb. But do you know Maria? With gorgeous, Peruvian-inspired illustrations and English and Spanish retellings, Angela Dominguez's Maria Had a Little Llama / María Tenía Una Llamita gives a fresh new twist to the classic rhyme.- Mi abuelo el luchador by máscara, Antonio Ramos Revillas ; contra cabellera, Rosana Mesa Zamudio.Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » PQ7298.428 .A468 M5 2013It would seem that a grandfather who has fought all kinds of characters has always been invincible. But Grandpa Ignacio wasn't always so strong. Discover his greatest challenge and why he opted to become a professional wrestler.
Mi papá es mágico by Celso Roman; Alekos (Illustrator)
Publication Date: 2013Ages 6-9; Gr.1-4.
Every dad has a magical side that makes them the best playmates. They can tame the fiercest beasts, turn into towers and bridges, but above all, they can become their child's best friend. This magical interaction between father and child, filled with mischief and love, is presented here through hilarious illustrations and playful and simple language.Tamalitos : un poema para cocinar = Tamalitos : a cooking poem by Jorge Argueta; Carlos Domi (Illustrator); Elisa Amado (Translator)
Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » PQ7539.2 .A67 T36 2013Ages 4-8; Gr. K-2.
In his fourth cooking poem for young children, Jorge Argueta encourages more creativity and fun in the kitchen as he describes how to make tamalitos from corn masa and cheese, wrapped in cornhusks.Tito Puente, Mambo King = Tito Puente, Rey del Mambo by Monica Brown; Rafael López (Ill.)
Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » ML3930 .P83 B76 2013Lexile Measure AD740L; Ages 4-8; Gr.k-3.
A vibrant bilingual picture-book biography that portrays the musical and cultural phenomenon of Tito Puente, Mambo King.
The land of lost things = El país de las cosas perdidas by Dina Bursztyn
Publication Date: 2011"I was going to draw, but my blue pencil was missing. It was lost! Where do all the lost things go?" A young boys search for his misplaced pencil leads him to wonder where all the lost things go. When he looks inside his pencil box he sees a slim ray of light, and his imagination sends him through the opening and into an unknown world in search of his pencil.- Mission labor : a short history = El trabajo en las misiónes : una historia corta by by Bill Morgan ; illustrated by Jos SancesCall Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » HD4875 .C2 M67 2011
- Nawel : el hijo de los animales = Pu kulliñ ñi yall : relato basado en un cuento tradicional mapuche by contado por Sofía Guerrero & Juan Francisco BascuñánCall Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » F3126 .G834 2011
- La princesa que ayudó a conquistar un imperio : historia de la Malinche by exto, Luis Barbeytia ; ilustraciones, Pablo SerranoCall Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » F1230 .B37 2011
Ten Little Puppies/Diez Perritos by Alma Flor Ada; Ulises Wensell (Illustrator); F. Isabel Campoy
Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » PS3551 .D22 T46 2011Ages 5-7.
Oh, I had ten little puppies, Ten little puppies had I . . . Count along in Spanish and English as each one of the ten adorable puppies disappears from the pages.
Arroz Con Leche/Rice pudding by Jorge Argueta; Fernando Vilela (Illustrator)
Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » PQ7539.2 .A67 A77 2010Book level 2.8: Ages 4-8; Prk-Gr.3.
Kirkus 2010 Best Children's Books selection The cuisines of many different cultures all over the world include rice and rice pudding. In this title in the Cooking Poems series, Jorge Argueta gives us a bilingual recipe for the classic Latin American version.The Day of the Dead (El Día de los Muerto) by Bob Barner (Illustrator); Teresa Mlawer (Translator)
Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » GT4995 .A4 B37 2010Lexile measure AD530;L PrK-2; Guided reading M
Follow two children as they celebrate their ancestors in this bilingual introduction to el Día de los Muertos-- the Day of the Dead!Fonchito y la luna by Mario Vargas Llosa; Marta Chicote Juiz (Illustrator)
Publication Date: 2010En 'Mi primer Mario Vargas Llosa' podrás vivir con el pequeño Fonchito las emociones del primer amor y descubrir que no hay nada que uno no pueda hacer por un ser querido, ¡incluso si éste te pida la Luna!From North to South/Del Norte Al Sur by René Colato Laínez; Joe Cepeda (Illustrator)
Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » PS3603 .O4125 F76 2010Lexile measure 640; Ages 5-8; K-Gr.3.
Jose loves helping Mama in the garden outside their home in California. But when Mama is sent back to Mexico for not having citizenship papers, Jose and his Papa face an uncertain future.- Los murales de Cacaxtla by María del Carmen Delgado OrnelasCall Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » F1219.1 .C32 D44 2010
¡Muu, moo! : rimas de animales = Animal nursery rhymes by Alma Flor Ada; Viví Escrivá (Ill.); F. Isabel Campoy
Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » PN6109.97 .M88 2010Ages 2-6, gr. PreK-2.
A collection of animal-themed nursery rhymes in Spanish, from Spain and Latin America, with English translations.The runaway piggy = El cochinito fugitivo by James Luna; Laura Lacámara (Illustrator); Carolina Villarroel
Publication Date: 2010Ages 4-7; PrK-gr.2.
The sun shines through the windows of Martha's Panadería onto the shelves of freshly baked treats. The bakery holds tray after tray of hot Mexican sweet bread -- conchas, orejas, cuernitos, empanadas, and cochinitos -- all ready for hungry customers.
- Animales en México : ¡conócelos de cerca! by Rebeca Orozco y [ilustraciones?] Lucho RodríguezCall Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » QL605.3 .O769 2009
Book fiesta! : celebrate Children's Day/Book Day = Celebremos El día de los niños/El día de los libros by Pat Mora; Rafael López (Ill.)
Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » PS3563 .O73 B6618 2009Ages 2-7; bedtime stories, gr. PreK-2.
This Pura Belpré Award-winning picture book is a bilingual ride through the joyous history of Children's Day/El día de los niños. Children's Day/Book Day; El día de los niños/El día de los libros has been observed on April 30th for over twelve years.Coraline by Neil Gaiman
Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » PN6790 .U63 R8718 2008Lexile measure 740; Ages 10-14; Grade level 5.2; Horror & supernatural; Fantasy, gr. 4-7.
Looking for excitement, Coraline ventures through a mysterious door into a world that is similar, yet disturbingly different from her own, where she must challenge a gruesome entity in order to save herself, her parents, and the souls of three others.- "De pinta" y pega en Teotihuacan by texto: Krystyna M. LiburaCall Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » F1219.1 .T27 L48 2009
I know the river loves me/Yo sé que el río me ama by Maya Christina Gonzalez
Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » PS3607 .O5623 I2 2009Lexile measure AD580L; Reading level 2.3, Ages 5-8; PrK-Gr.2.
Whenever Maya visits the river, the river jumps up to greet her. It cools her when the summer sun is too hot and holds her up when she dives in. It keeps her company in the quiet of winter.Sonia Sotomayor: a judge grows in the Bronx = Sonia Sotomayor : la juez que creció en el Bronx by Jonah Winter; Edel Rodriguez (Illustrator); Argentina Palacios Ziegler (Translator)
Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » KF8745 .S67 W566 2009Lexile measure NC840L; Ages 4-8; K-Gr.3.
The inspiring and timely story of Sonia Sotomayor, who rose up from a childhood of poverty and prejudice to become the first Latino to be nominated to the US Supreme Court. Before Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor took her seat in our nation's highest court, she was just a little girl in the South Bronx.What Can You Do with a Rebozo? (¿Qué Puedes Hacer Con un Rebozo?) by Carmen Tafolla; Amy Córdova (Illustrator); Amy Cordova (Illustrator)
Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » PS3570 .A255 W43 2009Ages 4-6; K-Gr.1.
A cradle for baby, a superhero's cape, a warm blanket on a cool night--there are so many things you can do with a rebozo. Through the eyes of a young girl, readers are introduced to the traditional shawl found in many Mexican and Mexican-American households.
Animal Poems of the Iguazú/Animalario del Iguazú : poemas by Francisco X. Alarcón; Maya Christina Gonzalez (Illustrator)
Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » PS3551 .L22 A85 2008Book level 4.9; Ages 7-12, gr. 3-6.
Presented in both English and Spanish, this lively poetry collection features the endangered flora and fauna of the Iguaz rain forest in Argentina, and addresses environmental issues in a fun, engaging way.La bamba : canción popular mexicana by ilustraciones, Fabricio Vanden Broeck.
Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » ML3570.8 .V47 B36 2008La cucaracha by versión libre, Mónica Bergna ; ilustraciones, Fabricio Vanden Broeck.
Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » ML3570.6 .B47 2008Get that pest!/Agarren a ese! by Erin Douglas; Wong Herbert Yee (Illustrator); F. Isabel Campoy (Translator); Alma Flor Ada (Translator)
Publication Date: 2008Age 5-7; Gr.1-2; Spanish and English
At first Mom and Pop Nash have ten eggs, then five--and soon they have none! Mom and Pop want to surprise that tricky wolf who's stealing their eggs, but he surprises them first.Quinito, day and night = Quinito, día y noche by Ina Cumpiano; Jose Ramirez
Publication Date: 2008Told in both English and Spanish, this story introduces young readers to the concept of opposites as it follows young Quinito, whose daily life is just full of opposites.The storyteller's candle = La velita de los cuentos by Lucia M. Gonzalez; Lulu Delacre
Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » PS3557 .O46883 S76 2008Lexile measure 730; Ages 5-9; Gr.1-4; Pura Belpre Illustrator Honor, 2009; Americas Award for Children's and Young Adult Literature Honorable mention, 2009.
During the early days of the Great Depression, New York City's first Puerto Rican librarian, Pura Belpré, introduces the public library to immigrants living in El Barrio and hosts the neighborhood's first Three Kings' Day fiesta.That's Not Fair! - ¡No es Justo! by Carmen Tafolla; Sharyll Teneyuca; Terry Ybáñez (Illustrator)
Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » HD6509 .T46 T34 2008Lexile measure 650; Ages 5-7; Gr.K-2.
A vivid depiction of the early injustices encountered by a young Mexican-American girl in San Antonio in the 1920's, this book tells the true story of Emma Tenayuca.
Emigrantes by Shaun Tan
Publication Date: 2007In this wordless graphic novel, a man leaves his homeland and sets off for a new country, where he must build a new life for himself and try to support his family back home. His new country is full of strange arquitectural wonders, fantastic animals and other immigrants with stories of why they left home.A movie in my pillow : poems = Una película en mi almohada : poemas by Jorge Argueta; Elizabeth Gomez (Illustrator); Elizabeth Gómez (Illustrator)
Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » PQ7539.2 .A67 A23 2007Ages 7-10; Gr.3-8.
Bilingual English/Spanish. Young Jorgito has come to live in the Mission District of San Francisco, but he hasn't forgotten the unique beauty of El Salvador.My colors, my world = Mis colores, mi mundo by Maya Christina Gonzalez
Publication Date: 2007English and Spanish on facing pages.
Little Maya longs to find brilliant, beautiful, inspiring color in her world....but Maya's world, the Mojave Desert, seems to be filled with nothing but sand. With the help of a feathered friend, she searches everywhere to discover color in her world.My Name Is Gabito/Me Llamo Gabito by Monica Brown; Raúl Colón (Illustrator)
Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » PQ8180.17 .A73 Z613 2007BLexile measure 910; book level 5.1; biography, gr. 2-4.
Can you imagine a shipwrecked sailor living on air and seaweed for eight days? Can you imagine a trail of yellow butterflies fluttering their wings to songs of love? Once, there was a little boy named Gabito who could.King Kong by Anthony Browne; Francisco Segovia (Translator)
Publication Date: 2006"King Kong es un gorila gigante, un mono enorme que vive en una isla remota. Su fascinante historia tiene batallas con dinosaurios, rescates audaces y escapes increíbles; emociones sin fin que culminan en ¡uno de los finales más famosos del cine!"Ramona la chinche by Beverly Cleary; Jacqueline Rogers (Illustrator)
Publication Date: 2006Lexile measure 850; Ages 8-10; Gr.4-6.
Ramona Quimby está emocionada por empezar Kindergarten. Ahora no tiene que ver a su hermana mayor, Beezus, montarse en el autobús a la escuela con todos los niños grandes. ¡Ella finalmente es suficiente mayor para hacerlo también! Después ella se mete en problemas por hallar el pelo rizado de su compañero de clase durante el recreo.
Mi mamá by Anthony Browne (Illustrator); Andrea Fuentes Silva (Translator)
Publication Date: 2005Las palabras de este hermoso libro van acompañadas de ilustraciones y de un juego tipográfico que les imprime mayor emotividad. En escenarios diferentes, el autor nos habla de distintos tipos de mamás: estrellas de cine, astronautas, cocineras, malabaristas, pintoras, bailarinas; madres que pueden ser suaves o enérgicas, que pueden cantar como un ángel o rugir como un león; jardineras mágicas porque son capaces de hacer que cualquier cosa crezca y hadas buenas por hacer feliz a quien esté triste.Moony Luna/Luna, Lunita Lunera by Jorge Argueta; Cecilia Concepcion Alvarez; Elizabeth Gomez (Illustrator)
Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » PQ7539.2 .A67 M66 2005K-Gr.1.
Luna isn't at all sure she wants to go to school. But when her parents assure her that she'll have a great time, she agrees to give it a try. An understanding teacher and a great group of kids make Luna glad she made the right decision. Written in English and Spanish.Quinito's Neighborhood (El Vecindario de Quinito) by Ina Cumpiano; Jose Ramirez (Illustrator)
Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » PS3553 .U459 Q56 2005Lexile measure 490; ages 5-8; PreK-Gr.2; Guided reading M
Quinito's family and friends all have important jobs in the neighborhood -- jobs that help make the community a happy place where people know each other and work together.Strega nona : un cuento tradicional by Tomie dePaola
Publication Date: 2005In his Caldecott Honor book, dePaolo tells the story of Strega Nona, who is the source for potions, cures, magic, and comfort in her Calabrian town. When Strega Nona leaves him alone with her magic pasta pot, Big Anthony is determined to show the townspeople how it works.La telaraña de Carlota by E. B. White; Garth Williams (Illustrator)
Publication Date: 2005Lexile measure 650; Ages 8-10; Gr.3-6.
Un cerdito. Humilde. Radiante. Estas son las palabras en La telaraña de Carlota, en lo alto del establo Zuckerman. Charlotte narra sus sentimientos por un cerdito llamado Wilbur, que simplemente quiere un amigo. Asimismo, expresa el amor de una niña llamada Fern, que salvó la vida de Wilbur cuando nació.Arrorro Mi Nino by Lulu Delacre (Illustrator, Compiled by)
Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » PN6110 .C4 A77 2004Ages 3-7; poetry and rhymes, PreK-Kindergarten,
Arrorró, mi niño - Hush-a-bye, my child It's time to go to bed, and what better way to lull your child to sleep than with a tender song or gentle game? In this beautiful collection of classic Latino lullabies and games, mothers and children happily embrace and treasure their traditions while sharing the universal joy of the special bond between parent and child.En el bosque by Anthony Browne
Publication Date: 2004Una ma ana, pap no estaba. Le pregunt a mam cuando iba a regresar, pero no ten a cara de saberlo. Al d a siguiente, me pidi que le llevara un pastel a la abuela que se sent a mal. Hay dos caminos Para ir a su casa: el largo, que es muy tardado, o el atajo a trav s del bosque. "No vayas por el bosque, -dijo mam - vete por el camino largo". Pero yo quer a estar en casa por si pap regresaba.De cómo tía Lola vino de visita a quedarse by Julia Alvarez
Publication Date: 2004Lexile measure 780; Ages 9-14.
De cómo tía Lola vino de visita a quedarse, una novela juvenil de Julia Alvarez, cuenta la deliciosa historia de una familia dominicana, instalada en Vermont, que recibe la visita de una pariente muy especial. La irresistible, incontrolable e incluso mágica tía Lola transforma la vida de su familia.El juego de las formas by Anthony Browne
Publication Date: 2004Utilizando los recursos de la galer a Tate Britain, Anthony Browne trabaj con un millar de ni os de escuelas de zonas marginales Para ense arlos a leer y escribir, y de paso hacer un libro basado en sus reacciones a las obras de arte de las colecciones de la galer a. a los ni os de todas esas escuelas, que "jugaron el juego de las formas maravillosamente (como todos los ni os)", se debe en parte este libro.My name is Celia : the life of Celia Cruz = Me llamo Celia : la vida de Celia Cruz by Monica Brown; Rafael López (Illustrator)
Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » ML3930 .C96 B76 2004Guided Reading Level: L; Lexile measure 850; ages 8-12; book level 4.1
This bilingual book allows young readers to enter Celia Cruz's life as she becomes a well-known singer in her homeland of Cuba, then moves to New York City and Miami where she and others create a new type of music called salsa.
De la cabeza a los pies by Eric Carle
Publication Date: 2003Las risas no dejaraán de oirse mientras los niños (¡y los adultos!) participan en el juego. Ahora, además de escuchar, imaginar, descubrir, sentir y pensar, los niños pueden ser parte de la acción. Es como si Eric Carle dijera a su manera, 'Ven a jugar conmigo'"".- La democracia y un perro blanco con manchitas negras by Morelos Torres AguilarPublication Date: 2003
- Los cuentos del silencio by texto, Zoraida Vásquez ; ilustración, Emilio WatanabePublication Date: 2003
- Tina, la sobrina by texto: Nuria Gómez ; illustración: Emilio Watanabe.Publication Date: 2003
Ve, perro. ¡Ve! : libro de cosas que van by P. D. Eastman; Adolfo Perez Perdomo (Translator)
Publication Date: 2003Ages 4-8; K-Gr.2; board book
Motley mutts ride bikes, trikes, skates, skis--you name it--to attend a party in a tree.¿el Canguro Tiene Mamá? by Eric Carle
Publication Date: 2002¿Los animales tienen mama? ¡Por supuesto que si! Los animales tienen mamá, como tú y como yo, ¡igual! Conoce al bebé canguro que viaja dentro de una bolsa en la barriga de su mamá. Mira cómo el polluelo del cisne navega en el lomo de su mamá. A través de sus coloridos collages, Eric Carle ofrece a los pequeños lectores no sólo un maravilloso panorama visual, sino también la seguridad que les transmiten las imágenes que muestran cómo las crias son protegidas y queridas por sus mamás.La feria de los animales by Anthony Browne
Publication Date: 2002En la feria hay un carrusel con ni os y rinocerontes, una casa de los sustos con brujas, mandriles y fantasmas, y muchos, muchos animales por descubrir.Mi Papá by Anthony Browne
Publication Date: 2002Mi pap es fuerte, feliz y puede saltar sobre la luna. No hay que saber leer Para disfrutar al maravilloso pap de las ilustraciones de este libro, que es igual a todos los pap s. Con bata y pantuflas, canta al lado de Pavarotti y juega futbol; "yo quiero a mi pap . y saben qu ? l me quiere a m !My diary from here to there = Mi diario de aquí hasta allá by Amada Irma Pérez; Maya Christina Gonzalez (Illustrator)
Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » PS3616 .E743 M9 2002Lexile measure 720; Reading level 3.4; Ages 8-12; Gr.3-6; Pura Belpre Award, 2004.
One night, young Amada overhears her parents whisper of moving from Mexico to the other side of the border--to Los Angeles, where greater opportunity awaits. As she and her family make their journey north, Amada records her fears, hopes, and dreams for their lives in the United States in her diary.- Ciencia ficción : antología by selección y prólogo de Ricardo BernalPublication Date: 2001
- Sapo y Sepo son amigos by Arnold LobelPublication Date: 2001Five tales recounting the adventures of two best friends - Frog and Toad.
Baby Coyote and the Old Lady (El Coyotito y la Viejita) by Carmen Tafolla; Matt Novak (Illustrator)
Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Stacks » PZ7 .T116 B33 2000Book level 3.9
Told in both Spanish and English, this story tells of a young coyote who teaches an old woman to recycle when her trash heap begins to clutter his desert.Las Pinturas de Willy by Anthony Browne
Publication Date: 2000Las pinturas de Willy parecen grandes obras de arte, pero no lo son en realidad, pues Willy ha incluido su imagen y la de sus amigos en pinturas famosas de Leonardo da Vinci, Rafael, Picasso, Magritte, Frida Kahlo y muchos m s. Como Willy sabe, cada cuadro cuenta una historia.The Upside Down Boy/El nino de cabeza by Juan Felipe Herrera; Elizabeth Gomez (Illustrator); Alfredo Schifini; Deborah J. Short; Josefina Villamil Tinajero
Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » PS3558 .E74 Z474 2000Lexile measure AD450L; Gr.2-5.
Juan Felipe Herrera's playful language and the colorful, magical art of Elizabeth Gomez capture the universal experience of entering a new school and feeling like a stranger in a world that seems upside down.
The Upside Down Boy/El nino de cabezaYo y mi gato? by Satoshi Kitamura
Publication Date: 2000Cierta noche una anciana con un sombrero puntiagudo entra por la ventana de la rec mara de Nicol s, agita su escoba, escupe algunas palabras y se va tan intempestivamente como lleg . En el momento es perturbador, pero no tanto como lo que sucede al d a siguiente.
Earlier years
Little Red Riding Hood/Caperucita Roja by James Surges (Translator); Pau Estrada (Illustrator); Caperucita Roja
Publication Date: 1999K-Gr.2.
Striking art accompanies this classic fairy tale that is now available in a Spanish/English dual-language edition.Magic Windows (Ventanas Magicas) by Carmen Lomas Garza (Illustrator)
Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » E184 .M5 L59 1999Guided Reading Level P; Lexile measure 710; ages 9-12, book level 5
Through the magic windows of her cut-paper art, Carmen shows us her family, her life as an artist, and the legends of her Aztec past.Voces en el parque by Anthony Browne
Publication Date: 1999Varias personas se encuentran en el parque. Carlos va con su mam y con Victoria, su perro labrador. Smudge va con su pap y su perro. Todos son diferentes y ven las cosas de distinta forma. te imaginas qu pasar a si pudieras saber c mo cada personaje ve el mundo y a los dem s?Buenos días, buenas noches by Michael Grejniec; Alis Alejandro (Translator)
Publication Date: 1997Ages 5-6.
Two children in a day of play experience such opposites as inside and outside, hiding and seeking, and low and high.Hairs = Pelitos by Sandra Cisneros; Terry Ybanez (Illustrator)
Publication Date: 1997This jewel-like vignette from Sandra A girl describes how each person in the family has hair that looks and acts different, Papa's like a broom, Kiki's like fur, and Mama's with the sweet smell of bread before it's baked.Laughing tomatoes and other spring poems = Jitomates risueños y otros poemas de primavera by Francisco X. Alarcón; Maya Christina Gonzalez (Illustrator)
Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » PS3551 .L22 L38 1997Gr.1-4.
In this whimsical and touching collection of 20 poems in English and Spanish, readers will find tomatoes that laugh, chiles that explode, and tortillas that applaud the sun.- Tras las huellas de Moctezuma by texto, Krystyna Libura ; ilustraciones, Gabriela G. Luque y ___.Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » F1230 .L53 1997
Willy el soñador by Anthony Browne
Publication Date: 1997A Willy le encanta sonar. Suena que es una estrella de cine, un pintor, un bailarin de ballet... Suena con monstruos feroces y superheroes. La tierra de los suenos de Willy es una galeria de imagenes magicas y sorprendentes. Entra y mira.In My Family / En Mi Familia by Carmen Lomas Garza; David Schecter (Editor); Harriet Rohmer (Editor); Francisco X. Alarcón (Translator)
Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » E184 .S75 L67 1996Lexile measure 680; ages 5-10; book level 4.7, gr. 1-5.
In both English and Spanish, the author shares special moments and traditions from her childhood growing up in Kingsville, Texas, near the border of Mexico.La mariquita malhumorada by Eric Carle (Illustrator); Simon S. L'Hoeste (Translator)
Publication Date: 1996Por veinte años, La mariquita malhumorada ha deleitado a los pequeños lectores y oyentes. Sus dibujos audaces y su texto humorístico nos relatan la historia de una diminuta mariquita, como no hay otra. La mariquita malhumorada no acostumbraba a decir ""por favor"" ni ""gracias""; no le gustaba compartir nada; pensaba que era más grande y más importante que los demás; y siempre estaba lista a provocar una pelea. De acción continua y con atractivas páginas troqueladas, esta historia invita a los niños a explorar los conceptos de tiempo, tamaños, formas y buenos modales. Aprenderán, a la vez que se divertirán, con el cuento de cómo esta malhumorada fanfarrona se encuentra con ""la horma de su zapato"" y se convierte en un insecto bueno y educado. Reimpreso, utilizando las ilustraciones originales, La mariquita malhumorada, más atractiva que nunca, continúa siendo uno de los libros preferidos de los niños por su originalidad y su belleza.Calling the Doves (El Canto de las Palomas) by Juan Felipe Herrera; Elly Simmons (Ill.)
Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » PS3558 .E74 C35 1995Lexile measure AD910L; Reading level 4.1; Gr.2-3
Poet Juan Felipe Herrera's bilingual memoir paints a vivid picture of his migrant farmworker childhood. His rich, evocative prose re-creates the joy of eating under the open sky, celebrating at a fiesta with other farm families, and listening to his mother singing Mexican songs and his father calling the doves.- ¿Cómo he crecido? by escrito por Mary Reid ; ilustrado por John SpeirsPublication Date: 1995
Mis Cinco Sentidos by Daniel Santacruz (Translator)
Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » QP434 .A4318 1995Gr. K-2.
Through simple text and attractive drawings, Aliki captures the excitement that accompanies a child's discovery of the world through the five senses.Salí de Paseo by Sue Williams; Julie Vivas (Illustrator); Alma Flor Ada (Translator)
Publication Date: 1995Ages 2-4; PrK-K.
Un niño sale de paseo y descubre un colorido desfile de animales en el camino. The Spanish-language edition of I Went Walking.The bossy gallito = El gallo de bodas : a traditional Cuban folktale by Lucía M. González; Lulu Delacre (Illustrator)
Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » PS3557 .O46883 B67 1994Lexile measure 670; Book level 3.4; Ages 4-7; Prk-K; Guided reading M
A bilingual retelling of the popular Cuban folktale about a bossy little rooster.My day : a book in two languages = Mi día : un libro en dos lenguas by Rebecca Emberley (Illustrator)
Publication Date: 1993Ages 5-10; Book level 1.
"In simple phrases and bold, colorful images, Rebecca Emberley invites the youngest readers to learn basic words in both Spanish and English.Using brilliantly colored paper cutouts, she has created settings filled with familiar objects, each clearly labeled with both its Spanish and English names.Vejigante = Masquerader by Lulu Delacre
Call Number: Education Library (Cubberley) » Curriculum Collection » PS3554 .E43337 V45 1993Lexile measure 550; Ages 6-9; Gr.2-6; Americas Award for Children's and Young Adult Literature, 1993, Winner Picture Book.
In Puerto Rico, Ramon is looking forward to being a masquerader in the carnival.- A volar jugaba sola by texto de Marta Romo ; ilustraciones de María FigueroaPublication Date: 1992Pictures and brief text show there are many ways to play using imagination and everyday objects.
El libro del osito by Anthony Browne; Carmen Esteva (Translator)
Publication Date: 1992Osito pasea por el bosque lleno de criaturas acechantes, armando con su pequeño lápiz. Y con tan prodigiosa arma, no hay peligro que no resuelva.Un día de nieve by Ezra Jack Keats
Publication Date: 1991Ages 5-7; PrK-Gr.2; Also available in English as The snowy day
Es un día de nieve y Peter va a descubrirla. Sale abrigado a la calle para pasear entre montones de nieve apilada y para ver a los niños grandes jugar a tirarse bolas gigantes.
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