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- SpringerLinkProvides online, full-text access to Springer's journal and e-book titles, as well as titles from other publishers. Subjects include: life sciences, chemical sciences, environmental sciences, geosciences, computer science, mathematics, medicine, physics & astronomy, engineering and economics.
- ScienceDirect. BooksCovers the full range of scientific disciplines, including those published by Elsevier, Pergamon, Academic Press, plus Woodhead Publishing, and Gulf Professional Publishing imprints, over 17,000 eBooks, 59,000 Major Reference Works chapters,
- CAB eBooksCAB eBooks provides a unique opportunity to access CABI's prestigious titles in an easy-to use format. Books are indexed and retrievable as chapters. The full front file collection is divided into six core subject collections, constantly updated with the latest titles. The six subject collections comprise: 1. Agriculture; 2. Animal & veterinary sciences; 3. Environmental sciences; 4. Human health, food & nutrition; 5. Leisure & tourism; 6. Plant sciences. As of September 2013, there were over 640 titles.
- Cambridge core"Cambridge Core, a brand new platform for Cambridge University Press's academic content. Our book and journal content has been brought together for the first time on Cambridge Core: a sophisticated, high-performance replacement for Cambridge Journals Online and Cambridge Books Online and a number of additional online products and platforms."
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Amanda Whitmire
120 Ocean View Blvd.
Pacific Grove, CA 93950
Pacific Grove, CA 93950
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- OceanographyFor resources in oceanography, please see our other LibGuide.
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Donald Kohrs
Donald Kohrs
Harold A. Miller Library at Hopkins Marine Station
Stanford University
120 Oceanview Blvd, Pacific Grove, CA 93950
Donald Kohrs
Harold A. Miller Library at Hopkins Marine Station
Stanford University
120 Oceanview Blvd, Pacific Grove, CA 93950
- Last Updated: Dec 19, 2024 4:05 PM
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