Wayfinders for our collections, tools, and services
Map collections and resources: Teaching with maps
This library guide will introduce you to Stanford Libraries map collections, services, and related resources.
Teaching with maps
There are many resources available that will get you started in teaching with maps (and more), or engaging learners with maps (and more). We will share these resources below, and please let us know if you know of others that should be added!
Colorado School of Mines, Christopher Thiry
This crash course (tutorial) will teach you a basic understanding of how to use and interpret historical aerial photographs (air photos).
National Geographic
What's the best way to prepare your students for the GeoBee? Here are some activities and lessons from National Geographic Education that can help your students learn more about topic areas that frequently appear in GeoBee questions.
Jay Foreman and Mark Cooper-Jones
Two men with a passion for geography have joined forces to make a YouTube series all about the world's weirdest and funniest maps.
University of Minnesota
Discover assignment prompts, guidelines for instructors or students, exemplary student work, and other materials to leverage StoryMaps and ArcGIS as a teaching tool.