Language and education: Recent print books
This guide is for those interested in linguistics as applied to education, both research and practice. This includes multilingualism, use of native languages, and language policy. For those interested in second language learning such as ELL and EFL see
Recent print books
Pedagogies for equitable access: reimagining multilingual education for an uncertain world by Lourdes Cardozo-Gaibisso (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024This edited book serves the purpose of focusing the research agendas of K-12 educators, teacher educators, and policymakers on the lessons and insights the field can gain from this crisis as we adapt to the post-pandemic future of language education. As argued over the past three years, the pandemic has exposed multiple structural issues related to accessibility, inequity, and poverty—ubiquitous issues that have existed in our societies for decades. It has also drawn attention to the notion of 'competing priorities,' challenging our ability to determine what can and cannot be done in terms of human, financial, and logistical capacity around the globe.Multilingual nations, monolingual schools: confronting colonial language policies across the Americas by Nicholas Limerick (Ed.); Jamie L. Schissel (Ed.); Mario López-Gopar (Ed.); Vilma Huerta Cordova (Ed.); Ofelia García (Foreword)
Publication Date: 2024The effects of colonialism in education and society have deep and difficult legacies. This book argues that it is necessary to better understand the deep roots of colonialism in order to realize justice and overturn forms of oppression in education policy, in classrooms, or in family and community-based education. Highlighting research from across Abya Yala with examples from various contexts throughout North, Central, and South America, chapter authors explore the ways that colonialism manifests in current educational policy and practice; how this happens through language use and communication; and, by starting locally, what comparisons can be gained from different cases across the continent.Social emotional learning for multilingual learners: essential actions for success by Diane Staehr Fenner; Mindi Teich
Publication Date: 2024In this groundbreaking book, Dr. Diane Staehr Fenner and Mindi Teich break down how each of the five competencies in the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) SEL framework can be implemented with ML success in mind. Staehr Fenner and Teich's practical and engaging guide provides SEL considerations that are unique to MLs, relevant research, easy-to-implement educator actions, and tools to seamlessly integrate SEL practices into content and language instruction.Teaching culturally and linguistically relevant social studies for emergent bilingual and multilingual youth by Ashley Taylor Jaffee (Ed.); Cinthia Salinas (Ed.); Wayne Journell (Series ed.); Noreen Naseem Rodríguez (Foreword)
Publication Date: 2024Through research, storytelling, curriculum development, and pedagogy, this book will help educators engage emergent bilingual and multilingual (EBML) students with social studies and citizenship education. Chapters are written by well-known and new scholars who are enacting teaching and research that center the needs, interests, and experiences of EBML youth. Drawing from multiple, intersecting, and interdisciplinary frameworks that focus on culture and language, chapters highlight social studies in varying disciplinary and nondisciplinary spaces (e.g., community, geography, family, civics, history) both inside and outside the classroom.Dyslexia in many languages: insights, interactions, and interventions by Gad Elbeheri (Ed.); Gavin Reid (Ed.); Angela Fawcett (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2025Dyslexia in Many Languages thoroughly investigates the fascinating relationship between dyslexia and language systems by highlighting research and practice initiatives around the world. Focusing on how dyslexia manifests itself in non-English languages, readers of this text will enhance their understanding and appreciation for the role of language systems and the interplay they have with dyslexia, assessment and intervention. Experienced and expert contributors around the world consider how dyslexia is defined, assessed, and supported in their native country, drawing on the linguistic features of that language and how this affects monolingual, bilingual and multilingual speakers.Equity in multilingual schools and communities: celebrating the contributions of Guadalupe Valdés by Amanda K. Kibler (Ed.); Aída Walqui (Ed.); George C. Bunch (Ed.); Christian J. Faltis (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024This book honors the impactful contributions of Guadalupe Valdés toward equity in multilingual schools and communities. As one of the first language education scholars to examine the vibrant language practices of bilingual users in the US Southwest, her work marked a departure from traditional foreign language approaches and sparked a movement focused on valuing heritage languages and creating more equitable educational systems for young people from linguistically minoritized backgrounds.Overcoming the gentrification of dual language, bilingual and immersion education: solution-oriented research and stakeholder resources for real integration by M. Garrett Delavan (Ed.); Juan A. Freire (Ed.); Kate Menken (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024This volume proposes solutions to the gentrification of dual language, bilingual and immersion education by examining how it operates across diverse school and community contexts. It brings together studies in a number of areas including instruction, curriculum development, classroom interaction, school leadership, parent and community engagement, ideological discourse and language policy.Indigenous language politics in the schoolroom: cultural survival in Mexico and the United States by Mneesha Gellman
Publication Date: 2023In this book, Mneesha Gellman examines how Indigenous high school students resist assimilation and assert their identities through access to Indigenous language classes in public schools. Drawing on ethnographic accounts, qualitative interviews, focus groups, and surveys, Gellman's fieldwork examines and compares the experiences of students in Yurok language courses in Northern California and Zapotec courses in Oaxaca, Mexico.
Advocacy for social and linguistic justice in TESOL : nurturing inclusivity, equity, and social responsibility in English language teaching by Christine E. Poteau; Carter A. Winkle
Publication Date: 2022"Recognizing the need for increased social justice in the fields of TESOL and English Language Teaching (ELT) globally, this volume presents a range of international case studies and empirical research to demonstrate how English language instruction can promote social and linguistic justice through advocacy-oriented pedagogies and curricula."Assessment in multiple languages: a handbook for school and district leaders by Margo Gottlieb
Publication Date: 2022Assessment in Multiple Languages: A Handbook for School and District Leaders shows how superintendents, principals, directors, coaches, and other educational leaders can more accurately portray the academic, language, and social-emotional development of multilingual students. As a companion to Classroom Assessment in Multiple Languages, this book illustrates how the assessment cycle unfolds at school and district levels. Together the two books provide comprehensive guidance for enacting linguistically and culturally sustainable assessment in multiple languages in K-12 settings.Curriculum design and praxis in language teaching: a globally informed approach by edited by Fernanda Carra-Salsberg, Maria Figueredo, and Mihyon Jeon
Publication Date: 2022Curriculum Design and Praxis in Language Teaching presents a variety of methodologies and theoretical perspectives for current and future postsecondary instructors in the areas of linguistics, second-language acquisition, and world literatures. Offering valuable insights for instructors, the materials presented in this book integrate perspectives and resources from various target languages, world regions, and cultures into areas related to teaching and learning within the field of language.Educating young children with diverse languages and cultures by Karen N. Nemeth
Publication Date: 2022This comprehensive textbook prepares early childhood educators to effectively work with and support young children (ages 0-8) with diverse languages, cultures, and learning needs. With a multipurpose, multilevel format, this dynamic resource focuses on the central role of language development and culture in all aspects of learning.English studies reimagined: a new context for linguistics, rhetoric, and composition, creative writing, literature, cultural studies, and English education by Bruce McComiskey (Ed.
Publication Date: 2022Editor Bruce McComiskey and his contributors argue that English studies must shift from a national (petrified, zombified) to a global (cosmopolitan, planetary) orientation in order to remain relevant. While social values outside of academia are changing from nationalism to globalization, much of English studies remains entrenched in nationalist discourses.Linguistic justice on campus: pedagogy and advocacy for multilingual students [paper version] by Brooke R. Schreiber (Ed.); Eunjeong Lee (Ed.); Jennifer T. Johnson (Ed.); Norah Fahim (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022This book supports writing educators on college campuses to work towards linguistic equity and social justice for multilingual students. It demonstrates how recent advances in theories on language, literacy, and race can be translated into pedagogical and administrative practice in a variety of contexts within US higher educational institutions.Living, learning, and languaging across borders: students between the US and Mexico by Tatyana Kleyn ; photography by Tim Porter
Publication Date: 2022Addressing the roles of education, language, and identity in cyclical migration, this book highlights the voices and experiences of transborder students in Mexico who were born or raised in the US. The stories develop a portrait of the lived realities, joys, and challenges that young people face across elementary, secondary, and tertiary levels.Research methods in language teaching and learning: a practical guide by Kate Mastruserio Reynolds (Ed.); Kenan Dikilitas (Ed.); Li Wei (Series ed.)
Publication Date: 2022Research Methods in Language Teaching and Learning provides practical guidance on the primary research methods used in second language teaching, learning, and education. Designed to support researchers and students in language education and learning, this highly accessible book covers a wide range of research methodologies in the context of actual practice to help readers fully understand the process of conducting research.Restoring students' innate power: trauma-responsive strategies for teaching multilingual newcomers by Louise El Yaafouri
Publication Date: 2022This book explores the effects of trauma on newcomer students and presents stress-mitigating strategies that empower these multilingual students as they transition to a new environment. Diverse insights and experiences bring high-powered learning spaces to life. However, the cultural backgrounds of newcomer students and their families can be very different from the dominant norms of the new community, resulting in misalignments that constitute a persistent challenge.Teaching and learning second language pragmatics for intercultural understanding by Troy McConachy; Anthony J. Liddicoat
Publication Date: 2022"This collection argues for the need to promote intercultural understanding as a clear goal for teaching and learning pragmatics in second and foreign language education. The volume sees the learning of pragmatics as a challenging yet enriching process whereby the individual expands their capacity for understanding how meaning making processes influence social relationships and how assumptions about social relationships shape the interpretation and use of language in context."A transdisciplinary lens for bilingual education: bridging cognitive, sociocultural, and sociolinguistic approaches to enhance student learningA Transdisciplinary Lens for Bilingual Education by Eurydice B. Bauer
Publication Date: 2022"Addressing the intersections between cognitive, sociocultural, and sociolinguistic research, this volume explores bilingual development across educational contexts to discuss and uncover the influences and impact of language in school programming and everyday practices. Confronting a standard monolingual lens, this collection highlights the importance of applying cross-disciplinary approaches to examine bilingualism in relation to topics such as language politics, linguistic identities, students experiences at home and in schools, asset-based teaching and curricula, and overall benefits."Transformative translanguaging espacios: Latinx students and their teachers rompiendo fronteras sin miedoTransformative Translanguaging Espacios by Maite T. Sánchez (Ed.); Ofelia García (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022This book contributes to the understanding of the transformative power of incorporating translanguaging, the dynamic language practices of bi/multilingual communities, in the schooling of US Latinx children and youth. It showcases instructional spaces in US education where Latinx children's and youths' translanguaging is at the center of their teaching and learning. By centering racialized Latinx bilingual students, including their knowledge systems and cultural and linguistic practices, it transforms the monolingual-white supremacy ideology of many educational spaces.Transforming world language teaching and teacher education for equity and justice: pushing boundaries in US contexts by Beth Wassell (Ed.); Cassandra Glynn (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022This edited book expands the current scholarship on teaching world languages for social justice and equity in K-12 and postsecondary contexts in the US. Over the past decade, demand has been growing for a more critical approach to teaching languages and cultures in response, this volume brings together a group of scholars whose work bridges the fields of world language education and critical approaches to education.
Approaches to discourse analysis by Diana de Souza Pinto; John Heritage; Susan Ehrlich; Najma Al Zidjaly; Alla V. Tovares; Ruth Wodak; Cynthia Gordon (Ed.); Susan U. Philips; Donal Carbaugh; Eean Grimshaw; Streeck Jurgen; Deborah Tannen; Michal Marmorstein; Branca Telles Ribeiro
Publication Date: 2021Scholars within the field of linguistics and beyond contribute to this volume with discourse analyses in multiple languages, contexts, and modes. These snapshots show the different ways language is used in modern social situations--from email messages between professors and students, to Twitter activism, to political trolling on online news articles, to video-chats between US doctors and patients. Collectively, the chapters highlight the diversity and complexity of the field.Developing and evaluating quality bilingual practices in higher education by Fernando D. Rubio-Alcalá (Ed.); Do Coyle (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2021This book provides an overview and evaluation of the quality of bilingual education found in internationalised higher education institutions. Its authors focus on the multifaceted roles that language(s) play in these growing multilingual spaces and analyse and identify the many factors that account for quality multilingual degree programmes.Early language learning policy in the 21st century: an international perspective by Subhan Zein (Ed.); Maria R. Coady (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2021This volume analyses the policymaking, expectations, implementation, progress, and outcomes of early language learning in various education policy contexts worldwide. The contributors to the volume are international researchers specialising in language policy and early language learning and their contributions aim to advance scholarship on early language learning policies and inform policymaking at the global level.Rethinking the education of multilingual learners: a critical analysis of theoretical concepts by Jim Cummins
Publication Date: 2021Over the past 40 years, Jim Cummins has proposed a number of highly influential theoretical concepts, including the threshold and interdependence hypotheses and the distinction between conversational fluency and academic language proficiency. In this book, he provides a personal account of how these ideas developed and he examines the credibility of critiques they have generated, using the criteria of empirical adequacy, logical coherence, and consequential validity.
Embracing multilingualism across educational contexts by Connie Seals; Vincent Ieni Olsen-Reeder
Publication Date: 2020Embracing Multilingualism Across Educational Contexts brings together researchers, practitioners, and community stakeholders from around the world to present international case studies of multilingualism in education. This book seeks to empower the speakers and teachers of heritage, Indigenous, and minority languages around the world, as translanguaging also seeks to do. It challenges research agendas and pushes our understanding of linguistic terminology, especially in areas of social justice.Language socialization in classrooms: culture, interaction, and language development [paper version] by Matthew J. Burdelski (Ed.); Kathryn M. Howard (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2020The theory of language socialization explores how sociocultural practices in classrooms help to shape language learning and development. This collection is the first of its kind to bring together research on this fascinating concept.Language and literacy development: what educators need to know by James P. Byrnes; Barbara A. Wasik
Publication Date: 2019This established text--now revised and updated--reveals how spoken language skills are acquired and how they affect children's later reading and writing achievement. With a unique focus on the needs of educators, the book examines the foundations of language in the developing brain. It explores the relationship of language processes to core literacy skills and probes the impact of motivational and sociocultural factors on children's learning.
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