2024 SAIL/Cyamus Joint Annual Conference: Program Committee
Conference Planning Committee
Angela Clark-Hughes (SAIL)
Librarian Professor / Director, Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, & Earth Science Library
University of Miami
Miami, FL
John Conover (SAIL)
Associate Director of Library and Information Sciences,
Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium (LUMCON)
Chauvin, LA
John has been employed in Louisiana academic libraries for 29 years, joining LUMCON in the hot and dry summer of 2000. He met his future wife at LUMCON approximately six months later. He attained the rank of full Librarian in 2017, and currently oversees I.T. operations in addition to the library. He like to grow stuff, play music, watch birds and baseball, and play fetch with his dog.
LaGena Fantroy (SAIL)
NOAA Library, Southeast Fisheries Science Center
Pascagoula, MS
LaGena Fantroy is the Librarian working from Pascagoula, MS for the SouthEast Fisheries Science Center with NOAA Fisheries. She has served marine science education for the last 24 years and enjoys supporting the mission of credible research in the world of fishers. She is a mother of 4, a grandmother of 4 and enjoys spending time with family making memories at Disney as much as possible.
Lisa Fererra (SAIL)
Reference Librarian II
NSU Oceanographic Campus Library
Dania Beach, FL
Lisa Ferrara is a Reference & Instruction Librarian at the Oceanographic Campus Library of Nova Southeastern University. She is originally from New Jersey but has lived in Florida since 2016. Lisa supports NSU's students and faculty with reference and research assistance, individual, group, and class instruction, technology help, collection development, and assisting as students format and submit their theses and dissertations to NSU's institutional repository to meet graduation requirements. In her free time, she enjoys anything outside, especially running, walking her mini goldendoodle, and scuba diving.
Ruth Gustafson (Cyamus)
STEM & Music Librarian | Student Services
University of California Davis
Davis, CA
Joyce M. Shaw (Conference Planning Committee Chair--SAIL)
Head Librarian & Professor
Gunter Library, Gulf Coast Research Laboratory
The University of Southern Mississippi
Ocean Springs, MS
Joyce Shaw (MA, MLIS) has served as Head of Gunter Library at the Gulf Coast Research Laboratory (GCRL) since December 1995. In 2008 she was awarded tenure and in 2015 she was promoted to full professor. She has hosted a popular public monthly program “GCRL Science Café” since August 2011. A 27-year member of IAMSIC, she served as the SAIL Representative on the IAMSLIC Board in 2013-2015. Currently she serves as vice-chair of the Mississippi Library Association Special Libraries Section. She is a Faculty Senator, Secretary of the Gulf Coast Faculty Council, and Treasurer of the USM AAUP chapter. She serves the students, faculty, and researchers sited at GCRL and is liaison to the School of Ocean Science and Engineering at Southern Miss. Joyce likes to walk, kayak, and volunteer. This is the 4th time she has hosted a SAIL conference.
Geoff Timms (SAIL)
Librarian for Marine Resources
College of Charleston Libraries/SCDNR/NOAA
Charleston, SC
Geoff Timms is Librarian for Marine Resources at the Marine Resources Library, Charleston, SC where he supports College of Charleston faculty and students of the Grice Marine Lab and researchers at South Carolina Department of Natural Resources, NOAA, and NIST. Geoff is also the subject librarian for the science majors at the main campus. He currently serves IAMSLIC as Treasurer and member of the 2022 conference planning committee. His philosophy both at work and beyond is “make a difference wherever and however you can.” From the computer screen to the stacks and from the ordered library environment to being covered in pluff mud during fieldwork, it’s all about helping marine biology researchers achieve their goals. Outside of work he enjoys gardening (and defending his garden from pillaging macrofauna) and fishing as well as the inevitable cooking that results from both.
Amanda Whitmire (Cyamus)
Head Librarian and Bibliographer, Harold A. Miller Library
Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University
Pacific Grove, CA
Amanda Whitmire is an oceanographer by training and a librarian by chance. While she is responsible for all of the duties associated with managing a marine biology branch library, Amanda most enjoys the data-related aspects of her position. These include supporting faculty and students in research data management, keeping current in the ways and means of open scholarship, and curating both the historical and born-digital data collections of Hopkins Marine Station. Amanda believes in the power of a good readme file. At home, Amanda is an avid gardener, crafter, carpenter, and keeper of chickens.
Amanda has been a member of Cyamus since 2016 and is currently serving as the Cyamus Representative to IAMSLIC.
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The Cyamus regional group encompasses the West Coast of North America and Hawaii, including Alaska, British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, California, Baja California, and Hawaii.

The SAIL regional group encompasses the southeastern U.S. Gulf Coast and the Atlantic Coast of North America–including central and eastern Canada, Bermuda, Bahamas, Caribbean, eastern Mexico, and Panama.

- Last Updated: Aug 2, 2024 3:28 PM
- URL: https://guides.library.stanford.edu/jscac2024
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