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2021 SAIL/CYAMUS Joint Annual Conference: Speakers

Conference Speakers

Kara Gadeken, Doctoral Candidate, Dauphin Island Sea Lab & the University of South Alabama 

Speaker Bio: Kara Gadeken received her bachelor’s degree in Biology and Marine Science from the College of William and Mary. She is currently a doctoral candidate at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab and the University of South Alabama and was the recipient of the 2020 Dr. Robert Shipp Outstanding PhD Student Award. Her doctoral research focuses on how marine sediment ecosystems are affected by low dissolved oxygen, a common occurrence in shallow coastal waters. When she is not doing science, Kara enjoys swimming, hiking, reading, and drinking copious amounts of tea.

Kara will present: Marine Sediments: A Worm's Eye View



Janet Essley, Northwest artist, muralist, art educator, lay naturalist, citizen scientist

Janet Essley is a Northwest artist, muralist and art educator recognized for excellence in all three roles by the Washington State Arts Commission. She has led collaborative murals with youth and community groups for the past 30 years in the US, Mexico and Central America. Her personal work focuses on environmental issues and has been exhibited nationally and abroad. As a lay naturalist and citizen scientist, she has participated as technical support in field studies and education advocacy for a variety of marine biology projects. She is best known in the conservation community for her work on Red Knots: A Cultural Cartography of the Annual Journey of a Migratory Shorebird, an ongoing project that she began in 2012. Find more information about her work :

Janet will present: Rufa and Roselaari: Canutus calidris in North America



2021 SAIL/Cyamus Presenters

Rachel Buissereth

MarSci-LACE Information and Data Coordinator
Mote Marine Laboratory 

Rachel Buissereth is an interdisciplinary scientist and educator with personal focus on diversity and equity in the environmental sciences. After completing her Bachelor of Arts at Rice University in Houston, TX, Rachel conducted research with Indigenous communities during a Fulbright Postgraduate Research Scholarship in Australia. Most recently, Rachel worked as an outdoor educator on Catalina Island and is currently remotely pursuing her Masters in Education at the University of Pennsylvania in Education and Entrepreneurship. In her current role at Mote, Rachel aims to collate and analyze data and information supporting internship and mentoring programs for underrepresented minority students in marine sciences.

Gina Hodson

Student Engagement Manager
Mote Marine Laboratory

Gina Hodsdon is a 2007 Emory graduate and the Student Engagement Manager with Mote Marine Laboratory.  Mote is an independent, nonprofit marine research institution in Sarasota, Florida comprised of marine scientists committed to the conservation and sustainability of our oceans.  Research and education is the primary focus of Mote’s work and central to it’s mission.  Gina manages Mote’s College and High School Internship Programs, and has participated in a number of National Science Foundation funded programs to bring marine science to a variety of audiences.  Currently, Gina is a part of Mote's MarSci-LACE Program, an NSF funded initiative which aims to increase underrepresented, minority participation in marine science through student research experiences.  Before joining Mote Marine Laboratory, Gina held environmental educator positions throughout the country. She enjoys connecting students with hands-on learning opportunities, and appreciates working with the next generation of scientists, educators, and environmental stewards

Kristen Culp

Content Specialist, Historical, Archival & Government Collections, Historical Newspapers, Alexander Street

Kristin Culp is a Content Specialist with ProQuest and an IAMSIC member. Kristin has been a member of both SAIL and Cyamus over the years, depending on where she lives. Currently Kristin lives in Alexandria, VA, with 2 cats and a dog, and a husband (who is a librarian!) Kristin has a B.A. in Biology with a Specialization in Marine Science from Boston University, and has been a volunteer with many marine research organizations. Kristin loves the beach and traveling and can’t wait to get back to both soon.

Justin Easterday

Education and Human Sciences Librarian/ Assistant Professor
Gulf Coast Library, The University of Southern Mississippi

Currently, Justin Easterday is the Education and Human Sciences Librarian at the University of Southern Mississippi’s Gulf Coast Library. In addition to his regular librarian tasks, he has been researching how to create helpful supportive digital resources and tutorials for today’s students. He is the co-author creator of the subject guide Avoiding Plagiarism which includes USM Academic Integrity information. When he isn’t working, Justin enjoys mountain biking, going to the shooting range, and plans to brew cider soon. Easterday’s other interests include World War II, learning and cooking.

Jaime Goldman

Reference Librarian III
NSU Oceanographic Campus Library, Nova Southeastern University

Jaime Goldman is the head librarian (Librarian III) at Nova Southeastern University’s Oceanographic Campus Library at the NSU Halmos College of Arts and Sciences in Dania Beach, Florida.  Jaime has worked with the NSU Libraries for nearly 20 years and enjoys being able to combine her marine and library science education and experience in her work at the NSU OC Library.  She also serves as the IAMSLIC President through October 2021, and has volunteers for many roles in both IAMSLIC and SAIL. Jaime has a B.S. in Marine Science and Biology, with a minor in Chemistry from Coastal Carolina University; a M.S. in Marine Biology and Coastal Zone Management from NSU; and a M.S. in Library and Information Studies, with a concentration in leadership, management, and reference services from Florida State University. 

Jasmin Graham

MarSci-LACE Grant Project Coordinator
Mote Marine Laboratory

Jasmin is a marine biologist specializing in elasmobranch ecology and evolution. Her past research interests include smalltooth sawfish movement ecology and hammerhead shark phylogeny. She is a member of the American Elasmobranch Society and served on their Student Action Committee for two years. Jasmin completed internships with the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center, Fort Johnson Marine Lab and FWC Division of Marine Fisheries Management. She worked as an instructor for the Saturday at the Sea program through the Florida State University Office of STEM Teaching Activities. Jasmin has a passion for science education and making science more accessible for everyone. She is excited to join the MarSci-LACE project and help open doors for more underrepresented minority students to join the exciting field of marine science.

Jessica Kastler

Director of the Marine Education Center (MEC)  
Gulf Coast Research Laboratory (GCRL)
Ocean Springs, MS

Dr. Jessica Kastler is Director of the Marine Education Center (MEC)  which is part of the Gulf Coast Research Laboratory (GCRL)  in Ocean Springs, MS. A New Orleans native, Kastler earned her PhD in Oceanography and Coastal Sciences and BS in Geology from Louisiana State University, and her MS in Environmental Sciences from the University of Virginia.  After completing postdoctoral research considering hypoxia in Gulf of Mexico sediments at Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium, she began her journey to enrich student-active learning in field settings while directing LUMCON’s Marine Education program. She has continued this work at USM’s Marine Education Center since 2007. Kastler took the helm at the MEC first as interim Director in April 2020, then as Director a year later in April 2021.

Mary Markland

Director of the Guin Library
Hatfield Marine Science Center
Oregon State University
Newport, OR

Mary came to marine science librarianship after many years being a medical librarian.  This meeting is full circle for her because the first time she saw a marine science library was when her Iowa State Biology Club went on a spring break trip to the Gulf Coast Research Lab in Ocean Springs, MS!  She already knew she wanted to be some kind of science librarian but working at a marine lab seemed like it would be amazing…and it is.  


Edward McCormack 

Associate Dean / Professor
Gulf Coast Library, The University of Southern Mississippi

Edward McCormack has been with The University of Southern Mississippi Libraries for over 20 years. He is currently the Associate Dean, University of Southern Mississippi-Gulf Coast Libraries. He is also an adjunct Instructor in the History department. He is a book reviewer for Library Journal and has reviewed numerous books, and in particular, encyclopedias on slavery. He has done numerous presentations at Mississippi Library Association (MLA), Southeastern Library Association, (SELA), National Association of African American Studies and Affiliates (NAAAS), etc. etc. Before coming to Mississippi, he worked at Indiana University Library, Bloomington, IN; Newark Public Library, Newark, NJ; Brooklyn Public Library, Brooklyn, NY; and College of New Rochelle Library, New Rochelle, NY. He has travelled to People’s Republic of China, Taiwan, Europe, Africa, the Caribbean and South America. 

Jeanine Scaramozzino

College of Science & Mathematics Librarian | School of Education Librarian
California Polytechnic State University

Jeanine has been a Cal Poly faculty member since 2008 and is a tenured Librarian. She currently serves as the Librarian for the College of Science & Mathematics and School of Education and is responsible for faculty, staff, and student needs in the areas of information literacy, collection development, outreach, research, and scholarship. She has served as the Cal Poly Academic and Scholarly Communications (ASC) Coordinator, Institutional Repository Librarian, Data and GIS Services Librarian and Interim Engineering Librarian. Jeanine was formerly the Physics, Astronomy and Mathematics Librarian for UC Irvine, a reference and instructional librarian for a number of California community colleges, and worked at Stanford University’s Hopkins Marine Station Library. She holds a Bachelors and Master’s degrees in Biology from the University of California Santa Cruz, a MLIS from San Jose State University, and a History MA from Cal Poly.

Charlotte Schiaffo

Staff Librarian
Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council

Charlotte Schiaffo grew up in Georgia. She earned a Bachelor’s Degree from Eckerd College in St. Petersburg and a Master’s in Library Science from the University of South Florida. She joined the Council in 2005. As the office librarian, Charlotte does research for technical staff on various fishery subjects. Charlotte volunteers for the Hillsborough Literacy Council and enjoys being on the water, as well as other outdoor activities.



Joyce M. Shaw

Head & Professor, Gunter Library
Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, The University of Southern Mississippi

Since 2011, Joyce has hosted the popular public program GCRL Science Café. In 2013-15, she served as SAIL Rep. She is a Past President and current member of the Ocean Springs Rotary Club and an associate member of the North Bay Civitan Club. Currently she serves as chair of the Mississippi Library Association Special Libraries Section and chair of Atmospheric Science Librarians International. Over the last 25 years at Gunter Library, she has mentored 18 undergraduate students, 7 graduate students, and 2 tenure track librarians. Joyce like to kayak, volunteer, and collect Matchbox, Hot Wheel, and other toy work vehicles especially concrete mixers.  (And over 100 little spoons because if you tell people you collect spoons, you will have many of them very quickly!) This is the 3rd time she has hosted the SAIL conference.

Jamie Stanfield

Science, Nursing, & Health Librarian / Assistant Professor
Gulf Coast Library, The University of Southern Mississippi

Jamie Stanfield is the Science, Nursing and Health Librarian at the University of Southern Mississippi’s Gulf Park Campus in Long Beach. Jamie holds a Master of Art in History and a Master of Library and Information Science and is a Southern Miss PhD student in history. Jamie is the coordinator for Science Café on the Coast and works with libraries all along the Coast to provide educational events for the community. Her professional interests include developing a graphic novel collection in her library, with a specific focus on a newer genre, known as Graphic Medicine. In 2021, Jamie and two university colleagues received the Will Eisner Graphic Novel Innovation Grant from the American Library Association and the Will Eisner Foundation. The University of Southern Miss Libraries is the first university library system to receive this award in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. In her minuscule spare time, she enjoys reading comics, playing World of Warcraft, watching old horror movies or anything starring Cary Grant or Gregory Peck.

Geoff Timms

Librarian for Marine Resources
College of Charleston Libraries/SCDNR/NOAA

Geoff Timms is Librarian for Marine Resources at the Marine Resources Library, Charleston, SC where he supports College of Charleston faculty and students of the Grice Marine Lab and researchers at South Carolina Department of Natural Resources, NOAA, and NIST. Geoff also serves as subject librarian for the science majors at the main campus. He currently serves IAMSLIC as Treasurer and member of the 2021 conference planning committee. His philosophy both at work and beyond is “make a difference wherever and however you can.” From the computer screen to the stacks and from the ordered library environment to being covered in pluff mud during fieldwork, it’s all about helping marine biology researchers achieve their goals. Outside of work he enjoys gardening (and defending his garden from pillaging macrofauna) and fishing as well as the inevitable cooking that results from both.

Denise A. Wetzel

STEM Research & Learning Librarian
Florida State University 

Denise A. Wetzel joined Florida State University Libraries in January 2018. She holds a B.H. in Interdisciplinary Studies from the Pennsylvania State University, a Masters in Library and Information Studies from the University of Alabaman, and a Masters in Environmental Science with Florida State University.She is a member of the American Meteorological Society (AMS), the American Society of Engineering Education/Engineering Libraries Division (ELD) and American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). Before joining FSU, Denise worked for Mississippi State University Libraries, the Alabama Public Library Service, and as an ESL teacher. Her research interests include undergraduate information literacy, patent searching in STEM, terminology usage disparities by researchers across STEM disciplines, and engineering standards access.

Amanda Whitmire

Head Librarian & Bibliographer, Harold A. Miller Library
Hopkins Marine Station, Stanford University

Amanda Whitmire is an oceanographer by training and a librarian by chance. She earned her BS degree in Aquatic Biology from the University of California Santa Barbara and a PhD in Oceanography from Oregon State University. While she is responsible for all of the duties associated with managing a marine biology branch library, Amanda most enjoys the data-related aspects of her position. These include supporting faculty and students in research data management, keeping current in the ways and means of open scholarship, and curating both the historical and born-digital data collections of Hopkins Marine Station. Amanda believes in the power of a good readme file.