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2021 SAIL/CYAMUS Joint Annual Conference: Program Committee

Conference Planning Committee

Beth Fuseler Avery (SAIL)

Profile picture of BethHappily Retired

Beth is twice past president of IAMSLIC (1979 and 1993), past IAMSLIC conference proceedings editor and newsletter editor (yes, we used to have a print/online newsletter), and past member of too many committees to mention.   Now she teaches bread making classes with her husband (, participates in several books clubs because she now has time to read for fun, and enjoys swimming in a saltwater pool at least three times a week.  

John Conover (SAIL)

Associate Director of Library and Information Sciences, 
Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium (LUMCON)
Chauvin, LA 

John has been employed in Louisiana academic libraries for 29 years, joining LUMCON in the hot and dry summer of 2000. He met his future wife at LUMCON approximately six months later.  He attained the rank of full Librarian in 2017, and currently oversees I.T. operations in addition to the library. He like to grow stuff, play music, watch birds and baseball, and play fetch with his dog.

Jaime Fogel (SAIL)

Library & Archives Director
Arthur Vining Davis Library & Archives
Mote Marine Laboratory

Jaime Fogel is the director of the Arthur Vining Davis Library & Archives at Mote Marine Laboratory and has more than 10 years’ experience working with special collections. She has a master’s degree in Library Science and a graduate certificate in Museum Studies and, despite having grown up in the desert, has a longtime love of marine life. Jaime enjoys the National Parks, making ceramics, and playing with her dog. 



Sue Ann Gardner (Cyamus)

Scholarly Communications Librarian / Professor
Media and Repository Services
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Lincoln, NE

Sue is Scholarly Communications Librarian at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Before holding this position, she was a cataloger and metadata librarian at UNL for a long time, and she served as Librarian at LUMCON for a couple of years in the early '90s. She has been a member of IAMSLIC and one or more of the regional groups since 1993.

Ruth Gustafson (Cyamus)

STEM & Music Librarian | Researcher Services & Student Services
University of California Davis
Davis, CA

Ruth is currently librarian subject specialist for animal and ecology areas including: Animal Science; Avian Science; Entomology (including Bee and Pollination Biology) and Nematology; Evolution and Ecology; and Wildlife, Fish and Conservation Biology. And, yes, she has taken on music liaison activities. COVID time has hindered Ruth's two favorite activities: singing and traveling. She has traveled and sung with four different choirs in 12 countries in Europe and North America. Favorite memory: Singing in the soprano trio (middle part) of the Zoltán Kodály Missa Brevis in the very church the composer wrote the music for - Matthias church in Budapest. She looks forward to the next choir adventure: either in New Zealand or Greece!

Katie Lage (Cyamus)

Moss Landing Marine Labs / San José State University / Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute MLML/MBARI Research Library
Moss Landing, CA

Katie Lage is the Librarian for the MLML/MBARI Research Library, the joint library of the Moss Landing Marine Laboratories (MLML) and the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI). The MLML/MBARI Research Library collects broadly in support of research and teaching in the physical and biological marine sciences as well as ocean engineering and technology. Katie teaches and develops programming on library research methods and the changing landscape of scholarly communication and has an interest in open data, data citation, authors’ rights, and in the use of GIS and geospatial data in research.   

Mary Markland (Cyamus)

Director of the Guin Library
Hatfield Marine Science Center
Oregon State University
Newport, OR

Mary came to marine science librarianship after many years being a medical librarian.  This meeting is full circle for her because the first time she saw a marine science library was when her Iowa State Biology Club went on a spring break trip to the Gulf Coast Research Lab in Ocean Springs, MS!  She already knew she wanted to be some kind of science librarian but working at a marine lab seemed like it would be amazing…and it is.  


Anne Moser (SAIL)

Senior Special Librarian and Education Coordinator
UW Madison - Wisconsin Water Library and Wisconsin Sea Grant
Madison, WI

Anne Moser is senior special librarian in the Wisconsin Water Library at UW Madison and education coordinator for Wisconsin Sea Grant since 2008. As librarian, she coordinates the library’s outreach function in support of the Water Resources and Sea Grant Institutes at UW. As education coordinator, she provides hands-on experiences and resources to Wisconsinites to advance Great Lakes and water literacy. She has proudly served as SAIL rep to IAMSLIC since 2019.

Joyce M. Shaw (Conference Planning Committee Chair--SAIL)

Head Librarian & Professor
Gunter Library, Gulf Coast Research Laboratory
The University of Southern Mississippi
Ocean Springs, MS

Since 2011, Joyce has hosted the popular public program GCRL Science Café. In 2013-15, she served as SAIL Rep. She is a Past President and current member of the Ocean Springs Rotary Club and an associate member of the North Bay Civitan Club. Currently she serves as chair of the Mississippi Library Association Special Libraries Section and chair of Atmospheric Science Librarians International. Over the last 25 years at Gunter Library, she has mentored 18 undergraduate students, 7 graduate students, and 2 tenure track librarians. Joyce like to kayak, volunteer, and collect Matchbox, Hot Wheel, and other toy work vehicles especially concrete mixers.  (And over 100 little spoons because if you tell people you collect spoons, you will have many of them very quickly!) This is the 3rd time she has hosted the SAIL conference.

Amanda Whitmire (Cyamus)

Head Librarian and Bibliographer, Harold A. Miller Library
Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University
Pacific Grove, CA

Amanda Whitmire is an oceanographer by training and a librarian by chance. While she is responsible for all of the duties associated with managing a marine biology branch library, Amanda most enjoys the data-related aspects of her position. These include supporting faculty and students in research data management, keeping current in the ways and means of open scholarship, and curating both the historical and born-digital data collections of Hopkins Marine Station. Amanda believes in the power of a good readme file. At home, Amanda is an avid gardener, crafter, carpenter, and keeper of chickens.