International comparative education: Databases
This guide is for those interested in international comparative education, both research and practice.
Databases for more information
- ERIC the educational resources information center"The Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC) is a national information system designed to provide users with ready access to an extensive body of education-related literature. ERIC, established in 1966, is supported by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Research and Improvement, and the National Library of Education" -- FAQ page.
- Education full textProvides comprehensive coverage of an international range of English-language periodicals, monographs and yearbooks. Indexing coverage begins June 1983; abstracts are included beginning spring 1994; full text of some journals is available beginning Jan. 1996. Indexing and abstracting coverage is identical to that of Education index and Education abstracts.
- PsycINFOContains citations and summaries of journal articles, book chapters, books, and technical reports in the field of psychology and psychological aspects of related disciplines including medicine, psychiatry, nursing, sociology, education, pharmacology, physiology, linguistics, anthropology, business and law.
- Sociological abstractsCSA Sociological Abstracts abstracts and indexes the international literature in sociology and related disciplines in the social and behavioral sciences. The database provides abstracts of journal articles and citations to book reviews drawn from over 1,800+ serials publications, and also provides abstracts of books, book chapters, dissertations, and conference papers.
- Access world news the ultimate news archiveAccess World News from NewsBank provides full-text information and perspectives from over 600 U.S. and over 700 international sources, each with its own distinctive focus offering diverse viewpoints on local, regional and world issues. Date coverage varies with individual newspaper. Also includes thousands of broadcast transcripts, newswires, video clips, and news blogs
- AnthropologyPlusAnthropology Plus combines Anthropological Literature from Harvard University and the Anthropological Index, Royal Anthropological Institute from the UK. Anthropology Plus provides worldwide indexing of journal articles, reports, commentaries, edited works, and obituaries in the fields of social, cultural, physical, biological, and linguistic anthropology, ethnology, archaeology, folklore, material culture, and interdisciplinary studies. The index offers coverage of all core periodicals in the field in addition to local and lesser-known journals. Coverage is from the late 19th century to the present.
- Bibliography of Asian studiesProvides citations to western-language periodical articles, chapters in edited volumes, conference proceedings, anthologies, Festschriften, etc. pertaining to east, southeast, and south Asia. Covers 1971 to the present, including full data from the print editions from 1971-1991.
- Ciao : Columbia International Affairs Online"Columbia International Affairs Online (CIAO) is designed to be a comprehensive source for theory and research in international affairs. It publishes a wide range of scholarship from 1991 on that includes working papers from university research institutes, occasional papers series from non- governmental organizations, foundation-funded research projects, and proceedings from conferences. It also has more than 160 links to international affairs centers, institutes, and resources; U.S., international, and foreign government sites; environmental studies Web pages; and news media services"-- From the HOLLIS Plus information screen.
- HAPI, Hispanic American periodicals index"The Hispanic American Periodicals Index (HAPI) provides complete bibliographic citations to the contents of scholarly journals published around the world on Latin America and the Caribbean since 1970. Coverage includes everything from political, economic, and social issues to the arts and humanities. HAPI currently indexes over 380 journals and includes the contents of over 675 journals dating back to the 1970s. About 80% of the currently indexed titles include links to full text sources - and many of those are freely available through open access policies,. The database is a nonprofit project of the Latin American Institute, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)."--About HAPI page.
- IBSS extra the international bibliography of the social sciencesBibliographic database compiled by the British Library of Political and Economic Science of the London School of Economics and Political Science. Contains bibliographic information from an international selection of publications (including over 2600 journals and books, book reviews, and book chapters) in the fields of economics, political science, sociology, and anthropology.
- Index IslamicusA bibliography of books and index of articles in periodicals on Islam and the Muslim world. Also includes reviews.
- Index to Jewish periodicals"Index to Jewish Periodicals is the definitive index on Jewish history, activity and thought. This database provides a comprehensive guide to English-language articles, book reviews, and feature stories in more than 220 journals devoted to Jewish affairs. Index to Jewish Periodicals is intended for students of Jewish thought and others interested in contemporary Jewish and Middle Eastern affairs. Journal coverage dates back as far as 1988."
- OECD iLibraryOECD iLibrary contains all the publications and datasets released by OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development), International Energy Agency (IEA), Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA), OECD Development Centre, PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment), and International Transport Forum (ITF) since 1998 some 390 complete databases, 2.500 working papers, 5.500 books, 14.000 tables and graphs, 21.000 chapters and articles. It replaces SourceOECD.
- PAIS indexPAIS (originally, the Public Affairs Information Service) was established in 1914. There are two databases created from the files: PAIS International and PAIS Archive. PAIS International includes records from the print PAIS Bulletin 1977 and forward; it also includes PAIS print Foreign Language Index published 1972-1990, at which time it merged with the PAIS Bulletin. The PAIS International database contains continually updated records for over half a million journal articles, books, government documents, statistical directories, grey literature, research reports, conference papers, web content, and more. Newspapers and newsletters are not indexed. PAIS International includes publications from over 120 countries throughout the world ... It is updated quarterly with over 17,000 current records added in total each year.--Publisher description.
- Policy commonsThe world's largest database for public policy, with millions of reports, working papers, policy briefs, data sources, and media drawn from a directory of more than 20,000 IGOs, NGOs, think tanks, and research centers. Community tools allow users to upload, share, and discuss their discoveries
- SA ePublicationsSearchable database of full text journals published in South Africa in the areas of social sciences and humanities.
- UNdataStatistical time series for countries from around the world covering a wide range of economic and socio-demographic topics. Descriptions of the international sources and definitions used in compiling the data are included. Includes Indicator databases (Key Global Indicators, Millennium Development Goals, Gender Info, Indicators on Women and Men, The State of the World’s Children 2008, ECE Database), UNESCO UIS Data, ILO Data, Energy Statistics, Greenhouse Gas Inventory, FAO Data, WHO Data, Human Development Report, Industrial Commodity Statistics, ITU Data, Official Country Data, Estimates of Main Aggregates, Demographic Statistics, World Population Prospects, UNHCR Statistical Yearbook, Commodity Trade Statistics, UNWTO Data, with more databases to be added.
- UNESCO documents and publicationsIncludes documents of the General Conference and the Executive Board, main and working series documents, documents of meetings organized by Unesco, field mission reports, documents of Unesco institutes and Regional Offices as well as Unesco publications.
- World Bank. Data & statisticsCollection of data and statistics from official statistical systems organized and financed by national governments
- World Bank Open Knowledge Repository"The World Bank Open Knowledge Repository (OKR) is The World Bank's official open access repository for its research outputs and knowledge products, including annual reports."
- Worldwide political science abstracts"CSA Worldwide Political Science Abstracts is building on the merged backfiles of Political Science Abstracts, published by IFI/Plenum, 1975-2000, and ABC POL SCI, published by ABC-CLIO, 1984-2000. The database provides citations, abstracts, and indexing of the international serials literature in political science and its complementary fields, including international relations, law, and public administration/policy"--Online factsheet.
- Last Updated: Dec 20, 2024 3:54 PM
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