Geochemistry: Find review series & books
This guide contains key geochemistry resources for students and researchers at Stanford.
Review series
- Advances in Isotope Geochemistry"Advances in Isotope Geochemistry, seeks to provide in-depth reviews of isotopic systems, methods and applications to a degree which is not possible within journal articles. Methods are described in detail, from sample collection and preparation to the fine tuning and subtleties of the mass spectrometric methods, data reduction and interpretation. The AIG series is the first stop when establishing new methods and an excellent reference for every isotope laboratory, serving as textbooks in university courses as well as a source of information for professionals." (publisher's description)
- Reviews in mineralogy & geochemistry (RiMG)"RiMG is a series of multi-authored, soft-bound volumes containing concise reviews of the literature and advances in theoretical and/or applied mineralogy, crystallography, petrology, and geochemistry. The content of each volume consists of fully developed text which can be used for self-study, research, or as a text-book for graduate-level courses. RiMG volumes are typically produced in conjunction with a short course but can also be published without a short course. The series is jointly published by the Mineralogical Society of America (MSA) and the Geochemical Society." (publisher's description)
Foundational texts
Essentials of Geochemistry by John V. Walther
ISBN: 0763759228Publication Date: 2008"The Second Edition of Essentials of Geochemistry provides students with a solid understanding of the fundamentals of and approaches to modern geochemical analysis. The text uses a concepts of chemical equilibrium approach, which considers the reactions that occur as a result of changes in heat production and pressure within the Earth to introduce students to the basic geochemical principles. This text is for those who want a quantitative treatment that integrates the principles of thermodynamics, solution chemistry, and kinetics into the study of earth processes.This timely text contains numerous examples and problems sets which use SUPCRT92 to allow students to test their understanding of thermodynamic theory and maximize their comprehension of this prominent field.New sections introduce current "hot" topics such as global geochemical change with the short and long term carbon cycle, carbon isotopes and the Permo-Triassic extinction event, kinetics and the origin of life and the use of boron and nitrogen isotopes." (publisher's description)Frontiers in Geochemistry by Russell Harmon; Andrew Parker
ISBN: 9781405193382Publication Date: 2011"This book is a contribution to the International Year of Planet Earth arising from the 33rd International Geological Congress, held in Oslo, Norway during August 2008. The first section of the book considers aspects of geochemical processes which led to the development of the solid Earth as it is today. The second portion of the book shows how the rapidly-evolving analytical tools and approaches presently used by geochemists may be used to solve emerging environmental and other societal problems. This unique collection of reviews, with contributions from a range of internationally distinguished scientists, will be invaluable reading for advanced students and others interested in the central role geochemistry in the earth sciences." (publisher's description)Geochemistry by Francis Albarède
ISBN: 9780521880794Publication Date: 2009"Introducing the essentials of modern geochemistry for students across the Earth and environmental sciences, this new edition emphasises the general principles of this central discipline. Focusing on inorganic chemistry, Francis Albarède's refreshing approach is brought to topics that range from measuring geological time to the understanding of climate change. The author leads the student through the necessary mathematics to understand the quantitative aspects of the subject in an easily understandable manner. The early chapters cover the principles and methods of physics and chemistry that underlie geochemistry, to build the students' understanding of concepts such as isotopes, fractionation, and mixing. These are then applied across many of the environments on Earth, including the solid Earth, rivers, and climate, and then extended to processes on other planets. Three new chapters have been added - on stable isotopes, biogeochemistry, and environmental geochemistry. End-of-chapter student exercises, with solutions available online, are also included." (publisher's description)Geochemistry, Groundwater and Pollution by C. A. J. Appelo (Editor); Dieke Postma (Editor)
ISBN: 0415364213Publication Date: 2005"The second edition of Geochemistry, Groundwater and Pollution offers a quantitative approach to the study of groundwater quality and the interaction of water, minerals, gases, pollutants and microbes, this book shows how physical and chemical theory can be applied to explain observed water qualities and variations over space and time. Integral to the presentation, geochemical modelling using PHREEQC code is demonstrated, with step-by-step instructions for calculating and simulating field and laboratory data. Numerous figures and tables illustrate the theory, while worked examples including calculations and theoretical explanations assist the reader in gaining a deeper understanding of the concepts involved." (publisher's description)Groundwater Geochemistry and Isotopes by Ian Clark
ISBN: 9781466591738Publication Date: 2015"The integration of environmental isotopes with geochemical studies is now recognized as a routine approach to solving problems of natural and contaminated groundwater quality. Advanced sampling and analytical methods are readily accessible and affordable, providing abundant geochemical and isotope data for high spatial resolution and high frequency time series. Groundwater Geochemistry and Isotopes provides the theoretical understanding and interpretive methods and contains a useful chapter presenting the basics of sampling and analysis.” (publisher’s description)Inorganic Chemistry for Geochemistry and Environmental Sciences by George W. Luther; George W. Luther
ISBN: 9781118851418Publication Date: 2016"Inorganic Chemistry for Geochemistry and Environmental Sciences: Fundamentals and Applications discusses the structure, bonding and reactivity of molecules and solids of environmental interest, bringing the reactivity of non-metals and metals to inorganic chemists, geochemists and environmental chemists from diverse fields. Understanding the principles of inorganic chemistry including chemical bonding, frontier molecular orbital theory, electron transfer processes, formation of (nano) particles, transition metal-ligand complexes, metal catalysis and more are essential to describe earth processes over time scales ranging from 1 nanosec to 1 Gigayr. Throughout the book, fundamental chemical principles are illustrated with relevant examples from geochemistry, environmental and marine chemistry, allowing students to better understand environmental and geochemical processes at the molecular level." (publisher's description)An Introduction to Organic Geochemistry by Stephen D. Killops; Vanessa J. Killops
ISBN: 0632065044Publication Date: 2005"An Introduction to Organic Geochemistry explores the fate of organic matter of all types, biogenic and man-made, in the Earth System. investigates the variety of pathways and biogeochemical transformations that carbon compounds can experience over a range of time scales and in different environments scope widened to provide a broad and up-to-date background - structured to accommodate readers with varied scientific backgrounds essential terminology is defined fully and boxes are used to explain concepts introduced from other disciplines further study aided by the incorporation of carefully selected literature references It investigates the variety of pathways and biogeochemical transformations that carbon compounds can experience over a range of time scales and in different environments." (publisher's description)Isotope Geochemistry by William M. White
ISBN: 9780470656709Publication Date: 2015"This book provides a comprehensive introduction to radiogenic and stable isotope geochemistry. Beginning with a brief overview of nuclear physics and nuclear origins, it then reviews radioactive decay schemes and their use in geochronology. A following chapter covers the closely related techniques such as fission-track and carbon-14 dating. Subsequent chapters cover nucleosynthetic anomalies in meteorites and early solar system chronology and the use of radiogenic isotopes in understanding the evolution of the Earth's mantle, crust, and oceans. Attention then turns to stable isotopes and after reviewing the basic principles involved, the book explores their use in topics as diverse as mantle evolution, archeology and paleontology, ore formation, and, particularly, paleoclimatology. A following chapter explores recent developments including unconventional stable isotopes, mass-independent fractionation, and isotopic 'clumping'. The final chapter reviews the isotopic variation in the noble gases, which result from both radioactive decay and chemical fractionations." (publisher's description)Isotopes and the Natural Environment by Paul Alexandre
ISBN: 9783030336516Publication Date: 2020"This book provides straightforward and practical information on isotopes applied to a variety of natural sciences. It covers the basics of isotopes and includes detailed examples from a range of natural sciences: ecology, biology, human health, environment and climate, geography, and geology, highlighting their applicability in these fields. It is a must-read for all advanced-undergraduate and graduate students working with isotopes, regardless of the area, and is a very useful one-stop resource for scientists starting in isotope research." (publisher's description)Marine Geochemistry: Ocean Circulation, Carbon Cycle and Climate Change by Matthieu Roy-Barman and Catherine Jeandel
Publication Date: 2016"Marine geochemistry uses chemical elements and their isotopes to study how the ocean works. It brings quantitative answers to questions such as: What is the deep ocean mixing rate? How much atmospheric CO2 is pumped by the ocean? How fast are pollutants removed from the ocean? How do ecosystems react to the anthropogenic pressure? The book provides a simple introduction to the concepts (environmental chemistry, isotopes), the methods (field approach, remote sensing, modeling) and the applications (ocean circulation, carbon cycle, climate change) of marine geochemistry with a particular emphasis on isotopic tracers." (publisher's description)Quantitative Geochemistry by Haibo Zou
ISBN: 9781860946462Publication Date: 2007"Modern geochemistry possesses not only the vigor of geology and chemistry but also the rigor of mathematics. This book presents quantitative treatments of a wide range of fundamental problems related to geochemistry and geology. It shows that trace elements, isotopes, and equations are integrative tools in modern geochemistry for studying various Earth processes. In many chapters, simple models are presented first, and more parameters are gradually added so that the sophisticated models can be perceived as natural outgrowths of simple ones. The book will help scientists and graduate students in Earth Sciences improve their capacity to understand, apply, criticize, and appreciate the available models and possibly to develop their own models. This understanding will provide penetrating insights into fundamental principles in geochemistry, geology, analytical chemistry, and mass spectrometry as well as any other fields in the natural sciences." (publisher's description)Stable Isotope Geochemistry by Jochen Hoefs
ISBN: 9783319197166Publication Date: 2015"Stable Isotope Geochemistry is an introduction to the use of stable isotopes in the geosciences. For students and scientists alike the book will be a primary source of information with regard to how and where stable isotopes can be used to solve geological problems. It is subdivided into three parts: i) theoretical and experimental principles, ii) fractionation processes of light and heavy elements, iii) the natural variations of geologically important reservoirs. In the last decade, major advances in multicollector-ICP-mass-spectrometry enable the precise determination of a wide range of transition and heavy elements. Progress in analysing the rare isotopes of certain elements allows the distinction between mass-dependent and mass-independent fractionations. These major advances in analytical techniques make an extended new edition necessary. Special emphasis has been given to the growing field of _non-traditional_ isotope systems. Many new references have been added, which will enable quick access to recent literature." (publisher's description)
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