Early childhood education: Recent print books
This guide is for those interested in early childhood education (preschool), both research and practice.
Recent print books
Addressing stress with self-compassion: a guide for early childhood teachers by David P. Barry; Nancy File (Series ed.); Christopher P. Brown (Series ed.); Kristin Neff (Foreword)
Publication Date: 2024This interactive guide is designed to help preservice early childhood educators use self-compassion to mitigate the stress of teaching. Barry argues that learning healthy stress-management strategies while enrolled in teacher education programs will equip students with the resilience needed to manage stress when they enter their own classrooms.Why play?: how to make play an essential part of early education by Rae Pica
Publication Date: 2024In an age when play is often seen as frivolous or unproductive, this book explains the importance of play in early childhood education. Each chapter focuses on a specific type of play, includes suggestions for putting theory into practice, and offers recommendations for language and information educators can use to help parents understand that play is not separate from learning. Why Play? highlights some of the most popular types of play, such as dramatic, cooperative, construction, and loose-parts play. It also covers those considered controversial, such as rough-and-tumble, war, gun, and superhero play.The daycare myth: what we get wrong about early care and education (and what we should do about it) by Dan Wuori; Dana Suskind (Foreword)
Publication Date: 2024For a century, America's early childhood policy has been premised on a myth. This falsehood--which dictates that child care and education are somehow separate and distinct--not only suboptimizes the most important window into all human development, but costs American taxpayers an untold fortune. It's time to think differently. Written in plain yet provocative language by one of the field's most respected bipartisan policy experts, The Daycare Myth makes the case for why the early years matter; why America's longstanding early childhood policy approach sacrifices the needs of young children in favor of promoting adult employment; and why fixing the problem makes good sense, regardless of your place on the political spectrum.Re-exploring play and playfulness in early childhood teacher education: narratives, reflections, and practices by Melanie K. Felton (Ed.); Diana H. Cortez-Castro (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2025This book explores early childhood teacher educators' lived experiences in designing and implementing intentional play-based approaches in teaching preservice teachers. The chapters cover action research, teaching stories about playful classroom practices, and diverse narratives about developing preservice teachers' positive views toward play.Community-based transformational learning in early childhood settings : integrating experiences of teachers, students, and the community by Christian Winterbottom; Vickie E. Lake; Adrien Malek-Lasater
Publication Date: 2024This comprehensive, research-based resource illuminates the challenges and benefits of integrating community-based transformational learning (CBTL) experiences of teachers, students, and the community in early childhood settings.Teacher well-being in early childhood: a resource for early care and education professionals by Kerrie L. Schnake; Eva Marie Shivers ; Nancy File (Series ed.); Christopher P. Brown (Series ed.); Angela C. Baum
Publication Date: 2024A teacher's well-being has a powerful impact on their work with children, families, and colleagues, and can influence the overall quality of the program in which they are employed. With a specific focus on the unique factors related to the field of early childhood care and education, this book discusses the concept of well-being and how it applies specifically to teachers of young children. The authors provide a rationale and guidance for integrating teacher well-being content into both preservice and inservice professional learning environments.
The A in STEAM: lesson plans and activities for integrating art, ages 0-8 by Jerilou J. Moore and Kerry P. Holmes
Publication Date: 2022Discover new and exciting ways to teach STEM content through the arts in your early childhood program with this innovative and comprehensive guidebook. Chapters feature playful activities divided by age band that bridge early academic learning and social, emotional, physical, and mental development with active engagement in the arts.Alphabetics for emerging learners: building strong reading foundations in PreK by Heidi Anne E. Mesmer with Anna E. Kambach
Publication Date: 2022Discover how to help PreK students develop pre-reading competencies that build capacity for future reading phonological awareness, print concepts, and alphabetics. Research-based and accessible, this essential guidebook helps readers sidestep common errors and create engaging, child-appropriate curriculum that lays a strong foundation for future reading skills. Filled with effective resources, activities, and a simple scope and sequence to guide instruction, this critical toolkit equips educators to set emerging learners up for success.Anti-racist pedagogy in the early childhood classroom by Miriam Tager
Publication Date: 2022In Anti-racist Pedagogy in the Early Childhood Classroom, author Miriam Tager provides detailed descriptions of Anti-Racist lessons and activities in early childhood classrooms. With accounts and examples from educators integrating anti-racist teachings into their classroom, this book explores what Anti-racist Pedagogy can look like and how these early childhood educators effectively utilize Anti-racist Pedagogy to combat racism within schools.Can I go and play now? by Greg Bottrill
Publication Date: 2022The world of education is an amazing and rewarding world to be in, but there is a sense among many that work within it that there is something not quite right, that all is not well. In this book, Greg Bottrill explores how he ensures that, in his Early Years setting, continuous provision enables children.Consent in the childhood classroom: centering student voices across early years and elementary education by Clio Stearns
Publication Date: 2022"Consent in the Childhood Classroom challenges typical premises of social and emotional learning, self-regulation, and putative misbehavior by centering the theme of consent in the experiences of young children and their teachers."Creating a language-rich math class : strategies and activities for building conceptual understanding by Sandra L. Atkins
Publication Date: 2022Sandy Atkins is a popular math consultant who works with schools across the country. Builds mathematical language and provides examples for developing conceptual depth of math key ideas. Emphasis on problem solving, attending to precision, and making and critiquing arguments that supports the Common Core State Standards Mathematical Practices New edition contains applications for digital instruction and new connections for English language learners (ELLs).Developmentally appropriate practice in early childhood programs serving children from birth through age 8 by Barbara Willer; Sue Bredekamp; Susan Friedman; Brian L. Wright (Ed.); Marie L. Masterson (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022Developmentally appropriate practice is the foundation on which quality early learning is built. The fourth edition of this classic, influential text addresses developmentally appropriate practice within the context of the ever-changing and evolving world of early childhood education. With a strong focus on equity and teaching and supporting all children, it underscores the importance of social, cultural, and historical contexts of development.Educating young children with diverse languages and cultures by Karen N. Nemeth
Publication Date: 2022This comprehensive textbook prepares early childhood educators to effectively work with and support young children (ages 0-8) with diverse languages, cultures, and learning needs. With a multipurpose, multilevel format, this dynamic resource focuses on the central role of language development and culture in all aspects of learning.Guidance for supporting gender diversity in early childhood education by Jenny Fererro; Rebecca Bishop
Publication Date: 2022Guidance for Supporting Gender Diversity in Early Childhood Education is a starting point--a primer--for early educators who are interested in learning more about working with and supporting young children who are gender diverse and their families. With a focus on understanding children's gender development, this groundbreaking guide reflects the voices of those you are learning about and connects readers with useful resources to improve teaching and programs.Infants & toddlers at play: choosing the right stuff for learning & development by Mary Benson McMullen; Dylan Brody
Publication Date: 2022As an early childhood educator, you know how important play is for young children. You also know that selecting the right play materials to include in your program matters; there are so many options, and often your budget does not stretch to cover everything. With this book, discover ideas for both familiar and new play materials and how those materials support the cognitive, social and emotional, and physical learning and development of children from birth to age 3.Media literacy for young children: teaching beyond the screen time debates by Faith Rogow
Publication Date: 2022Media literacy is about wonder and imagination, questioning and learning, thinking and reflecting! Media Literacy forYoung Children: Teaching Beyond the Screen Time Debates is about all these things, and more importantly, it is about how early childhood educators and professionals can prepare children for their digital future.Naturally inclusive: engaging children of all abilities outdoors by Ruth Wilson
Publication Date: 2022In this inspiring book, Dr. Ruth Wilson explores the great potential of connecting young children with special needs to the natural world. Drawing on her knowledge of research and her decades of work with children in nature, she weaves together advice, real-life examples, and testimonies from educators and families on the healing, nurturing power of nature in the lives of young children with diverse abilities.On being and well-being in infant/toddler care and education: life stories from baby rooms by Mary Benson McMullen; Nancy File (Foreword, Series ed.); Christopher P. Brown (Series ed.)
Publication Date: 2022The author shares lived experiences of being in four distinctly different baby rooms as a researcher over extended periods of time. She frames each life story around elements of well-being and asks readers to consider whether and how environmental and relational factors supported or hindered the physical, psychological, and emotional well-being of the children and adults.Playful mathematics : for children 3 to 7 by Helen J. Williams
Publication Date: 2022Early years' practitioners often struggle to make mathematics relevant and engaging for their young learners. In their play, children are naturally mathematical yet practitioners are often unsure about how to build on this or how this observed play 'fits' in with the mathematics they teach.Quality early learning: nurturing children's potential by Magdalena Bendini (Ed.); Amanda E. Devercelli (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022The Quality Early Learning volume synthesizes the latest relevant knowledge from multiple disciplines on how young children learn and what skills are most crucial for school-readiness.Social studies for young children: preschool and primary curriculum anchor by Gayle Mindes; Mark Newman
Publication Date: 2022This book anchors the social studies as the central unifying force for young children. Teachers use the inquiry process to foster child development of social skills and citizenship ideals in their first classroom experiences. Curriculum is built starting with children's natural curiosity to foster literacy in all its form-speaking, listening, reading, writing. Along the way, young children acquire knowledge and academic skills in civics, economics, geography and history.Teaching expertise in three countries: Japan, China, and the United States by Akiko Hayashi; Joseph Tobin (Foreword)
Publication Date: 2022A comparison of the development of expertise in preschool teaching in China, Japan, and the United States. In Teaching Expertise in Three Countries, Akiko Hayashi shows how teachers from Japan, China, and the United States think about what it means to be an expert teacher. Based on interviews with teachers conducted over the span of fifteen years and videos taken in their classrooms, Hayashi gives us a valuable portrait of expert teachers in the making.Toward a BlackBoyCrit pedagogy: Black boys, male teachers, and early childhood classroom practices by Nathaniel Bryan
Publication Date: 2022Critical and necessary, this book provides a window into the education and lives of Black boys in early childhood settings. Drawing on Black Critical Theory and Black Male Studies, and applying portraiture methodology, Bryan explores experiences of Black boys and their male teachers in ways that affirm their humanity and acknowledge the consequences of existing in a white supremacist system.Universal design for learning in the early childhood classroom: teaching children of all languages, cultures, and abilities, birth-8 years by Pamela Brillante and Karen Nemeth
Publication Date: 2022Universal Design for Learning in the Early Childhood Classroom, Second Edition focuses on proactively designing PreK through Grade 3 classroom instruction, environments, and assessments that are flexible enough to ensure that teachers can accommodate the needs of all the students in their classrooms.
Book talk: growing into early literacy through read-aloud conversations by Sherry Sanden; Cassandra Mattoon; Sandra L. Osorio; Mariana Souto-Manning (Foreword)
Publication Date: 2021Discover the language and learning possibilities of young children's active engagement with book experiences, in which they talk with one another as they make meaning from literature centered around their lives and interests. Drawing from their backgrounds as teachers and researchers, as well as their many experiences facilitating and observing read-alouds with diverse students, the authors provide a practical guide to conducting book discussions that promote deep engagement and the natural development of literacy skills (PreK-2).From words to wisdom: supporting academic language use in preK-3rd grade by Erica M. Barnes; Jill F. Grifenhagen; David K. Dickinson; Susan B. Neuman (Foreword)
Publication Date: 2021This practical guide shows teachers how to introduce academic language to young children, with an emphasis on appreciating and leveraging linguistic diversity. New educational standards are asking students to master content-area concepts and increasingly complex texts in earlier grades. This practitioner-friendly text provides instructional materials, sample dialogs, and assessment tools to facilitate academic language use in PreK-3 classrooms.Learning and teaching early math: the learning trajectories approach by Douglas H. Clements; Julie Sarama
Publication Date: 2021Using straightforward, practical language, early math experts Douglas Clements and Julie Sarama show how learning trajectories help teachers understand children's level of mathematical understanding and lead to better teaching. By focusing on the inherent delight and curiosity behind young children's mathematical reasoning, learning trajectories ultimately make teaching more joyous: helping teachers understand the varying levels of knowledge exhibited by individual students, it allows them to better meet the learning needs of all children.Literacy beginnings: a prekindergarten handbook, 3rd ed. by Gay Su Pinnell; Irene Fountas
Publication Date: 2021In their latest professional book, Gay Su Pinnell and Irene Fountas show you how to tap into young children's excitement to introduce them to the world of literacy in joyful, engaging ways.The path to early math: what preschool teachers need to know by Ingrid Crowther
Publication Date: 2021Whether you are a teacher looking for ways to strengthen the math learning in your early childhood classroom, an educator in a community of practice who wants to learn more about teaching math in developmentally appropriate ways, or a teacher-educator who wants to offer students an easy-to-use reference and guide for helping young children develop their math competencies and skills, this text will help you make math learning a fun and worthwhile activity in your setting.Precursor math concepts: the wonder of mathematical worlds with infants and toddlers by Mary Hynes-Berry; Jie-Qi Chen; Barbara Abel
Publication Date: 2021This groundbreaking book looks at the development of mathematical thinking in infants and toddlers, with an emphasis on the earliest stage, from zero to three, when mathematical thinking and problem solving first emerge as natural instincts.Resisting the kinder-race: restoring joy to early learning by Christopher P. Brown
Publication Date: 2021Kindergarten has changed. Many believe that it no longer reflects a nurturing environment but, instead, has become a race for children to learn skills so they are ready for the academic achievement tests that they will take continuously throughout their time in school. Resisting the Kinder-Race examines how the race came about, why it must change, and how all stakeholders in the early childhood and elementary school communities must take part in the reform process.The scale-up effect in early childhood and public policy: why interventions lose impact at scale and what we can do about it by edited by John A. List, Dana Suskind and Lauren H. Supplee
Publication Date: 2021Written by leading experts in early childhood, economics, psychology, public health, philanthropy, and more, chapters and commentaries shine light on how to effectively use experimental insights for policy purposes.Story workshop: new possiblities for young writers by Susan Harris MacKay
Publication Date: 2021Story workshop is a structure for early literacy that amplifies the relationship between play, art, and writing. Children develop ideas and stories through choices of art materials.Why play works: big changes start small by Jill Vialet
Publication Date: 2021In Why Play Works, expert educator and author Jill Vialet shares her insights from a career of promoting play. Designed to support schools, education professionals and parents in promoting play as an essential tool for increasing social connection amongst their students, you'll find out why playing is a behavior that's helped children learn to navigate the demands of social interaction for eons, and how we can keep it central to their school experience even as we return from the COVID-19 pandemic.The young child & mathematics by Angela Chan Turrou; Nicholas C. Johnson; Megan L. Franke
Publication Date: 2021Everything a child does has mathematical value--these words are at the heart of this completely revised and updated third edition of The Young Child and Mathematics. Grounded in current research, this classic book focuses on how teachers working with children ages 3 to 6 can find and build on the math inherent in children's ideas in ways that are playful and intentional.
Activity gems for the PK-2 classroom by Peggy House; Sharon Stenglein; Roger P. Day
Publication Date: 2019"Activity Gems for the PK-2 Classroom is a collection of select tasks from the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Navigations series that embody the research-informed, effective teaching practices described in Principles to Actions. The tasks illustrate how the selected activities provide opportunities for students to develop the mathematical understanding and proficiency that we value as goals for all students."
- Last Updated: Feb 4, 2025 4:26 PM
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