Early childhood education: Recent e-books
This guide is for those interested in early childhood education (preschool), both research and practice.
Recent e-books
New approaches in mobile learning for early childhood education by Stamatios Papadakis (Ed.); Michail Kalogiannakis (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024New Approaches in Mobile Learning for Early Childhood Education explores the advantages inherent in mobile learning, highlighting various forms of ICT as technically appropriate tools that cater to the developmental needs of children. The book underscores the distinctive benefits of mobile learning, such as heightened user motivation, intuitive usability, and high accessibility and reliability. It positions ICT as an indispensable asset, overshadowing conventional teaching approaches, and emphasizes the principal benefit of these advancements: the facilitation of accelerated and more effective learning in education.Supporting young children of immigrants and refugees: the promise and practices of early care and learning by Maura Sellars; Scott Imig; Douglas R. Imig
Publication Date: 2024This text offers a comprehensive portfolio of approaches to support young children with refugee backgrounds. It covers trauma informed pedagogies, transitioning to school, authentic inclusion, play, social and emotional learning, and intergenerational trauma.Seven crucial conversations in early childhood education: where have we been and why does it matter? by Nancy File (Ed.); Nancy E. Barbour (Ed.); Andrew J. Stremmel (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Designed to spark an interchange of ideas, this book presents early childhood education as a nuanced, shifting, and complex field. Readers will bear witness to several decades of the lived experiences of influential leaders engaged in conversation about seven major topics: systems of early care and education, diversity and children's rights, developmentally appropriate practice, perspectives on play, curriculum and pedagogy, the care of infants and toddlers, and families and family engagement.Gender expression and inclusivity in early childhood: a teachers' guide to queering the classroom by Samuel Broaden
Publication Date: 2024This important and engaging guide details best practices for supporting the exploration and expression of gender in early years contexts. It explains how to use self-reflection, community collaboration, and action plans to create supportive environments and equitable opportunities for queer children and teachers in early years classrooms and schools.Engaging young engineers: teaching problem-solving skills through STEM by Angela Stone-MacDonald; Kristen Wendell; Anne Douglass; Mary Lu Love; Amanda Wiehe Lopes
Publication Date: 2024Boost young children's problem-solving skills and set them up for long-term success with the second edition of this practical guidebook! Enhanced with new lessons and timely topics--including equity and the use of makerspaces--this book will help you get all children ready for kindergarten by teaching them basic practices of engineering design and critical thinking skills.Modern early childhood teacher education: theories and practice by Mihaela Badea (Ed.); Mihaela Suditu (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2024Modern Early Childhood Teacher Education: Theories and Practice delves into the multifaceted tapestry of early school education, dissecting its historical underpinnings while navigating the complexities of contemporary educational paradigms. The book unfurls a comprehensive exploration of diverse global early schooling systems, dissecting their historical trajectories and contemporary challenges.Everyday STEAM for the early childhood classroom: integrating the arts into STEM teaching by Margaret Loring Merrill
Publication Date: 2024Everyday STEAM for the Early Childhood Classroom offers a rich, rewarding pathway for early childhood educators integrating the arts into STEM instruction across ages 0-8.Coaching with powerful interactions : a guide for partnering with early childhood teachers by Judy Jablon; Amy Laura Dombro; Shaun Johnsen
Publication Date: 2024Taking the three-step Powerful Interactions framework--originally created to enhance the interactions between children and their teachers--this resource applies it to the interactions between teachers and coaches.
Contemporary perspectives on research on immigration in early childhood education by Olivia N. Saracho
Publication Date: 2023The purpose of this volume is to offer a complete representation of the way immigrant children and families respond and develop in the US and Europe.The decommodification of early childhood education and care: resisting neoliberalism by Michel Vandenbroeck; Joanne Lehrer; Linda Mitchell
Publication Date: 2023The Decommodification of Early Childhood Education and Care: Resisting Neoliberalism explores how processes of marketisation and privatisation of ECEC have impacted understandings of children, childcare, parents, and the workforce, providing concrete examples of resistance to commodification from diverse contexts.Emotionally responsive teaching: expanding trauma-informed practice with young children by Travis Wright; Nancy File (Series ed.); Christopher P. Brown (Series ed.); Mary Benson McMullen (Foreword)
Publication Date: 2023Learn how to navigate the challenging terrain of connecting with a child who is deeply afraid, angry, and/or sad. Framing this work as emotionally responsive teaching (ERT), this book expands current conceptualizations of trauma-informed practice to encompass more broadly the relational demands of supporting young children with challenging life circumstances.Guided drawing with multilingual preschoolers: developing language, vocabulary, and content knowledge by Christina M. Cassano; Kathleen A. Paciga
Publication Date: 2023Drawing provides opportunities for children to communicate their thoughts even when they do not have the vocabulary or the English proficiency to fully explain their ideas. This practical guide presents foundational information on the role of drawing in vocabulary development. The authors describe a research-based intervention designed to support and expand young multilingual learners' experiences with content area vocabulary.Investigating ramps and pathways with young children (ages 3-8) by Beth Dykstra Van Meeteren (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2023This volume in the STEM for Our Youngest Learners Series uses Ramps and Pathways as a context to provide children ages 3-8 with opportunities to engage in STEM every day. Ramps and Pathways is a meaningful and fun way for children to develop engineering habits of mind as they explore concepts in force and motion, properties of objects, and how an object's properties affect its movement.Investigating water with young children (ages 3-8) by Beth Dykstra Van Meeteren (Ed.); Allison Barness; Shelly L. Counsell; Judith M. Finkelstein; Linda May Fitzgerald; Sherri Peterson; Jill Uhlenberg
Publication Date: 2023Water is a meaningful context for children to engage in inquiry, and to acquire and use science and engineering practices, such as developing spatial thinking and early concepts of water dynamics. This book shows teachers how to provide children with opportunities to engineer water movement through pouring and filling containers of various kinds and shapes, observing how water interacts with surfaces in large and small amounts, exploring how water can be moved, and using water to move objects.Leading anti-bias early childhood programs: a guide to change, for change by Louise Derman-Sparks; Debbie LeeKeenan; John Nimmo; Nancy File (Series ed.); Christopher P. Brown (Series ed.); Iheoma U. Iruka (Foreword)
Publication Date: 2023This popular book focuses on the leader's role in initiating and sustaining anti-bias education in programs for young children and their families. This second edition emphasizes how the journey requires thoughtful, strategic, long-term planning that addresses all components of an early childhood care and education program.Little brains matter : a practical guide to brain development and neuroscience in early childhood by Debbie Garvey
Publication Date: 2023This accessible guide introduces neuroscience, demystifying terminology and language and increasing the knowledge, skills and, importantly, confidence of anyone interested in brain development in early childhood. Practical and reflective chapters highlight the multi-faceted role of adults as 'brain builders' and encourage the reader to consider how the environment, play and interactions are crucially interlinked.The new leader's guide to early childhood settings: making an impact in PreK-3 by Elaine Margarita Mendez; Kenneth Kunz
Publication Date: 2023The New Leader's Guide to Early Childhood Settings explores how to empower educators and caregivers, advocate for early intervention, promote culturally responsive teaching, and confront common fears and hurdles. Packed with helpful resources and strategies, chapters feature key tips about effective communication, leveraging technology, and questions for reflection.Playful education: using play therapy strategies to elevate your classroom by Dee C. Ray
Publication Date: 2023Based on Virginia Axline and Garry Landreth's play therapy, this book is an operational and practical guide on using play therapy to strengthen your holistic learning development and relationships with students. Chapters offer practical responsive interventions for children with behavioral and academic challenges and preventative practices.Reimagining diversity, equity, and justice in early childhood by Haeny S. Yoon; A. Lin Goodwin; Celia Genishi
Publication Date: 2023Situated against a backdrop of multiple global pandemics--COVID-19, racial injustice and violence, inequitable resource distribution, political insurrections and unrest--this timely and critical volume argues for a divestment in white privilege and an investment in anti-racist pedagogies and practice across early childhood contexts of research, policy, and teaching and learning. Featuring established scholar-practitioners alongside emerging voices, chapters explore key issues around equitable and inclusive practices for young children, covering topics such as multilingualism and multicultural practices of immigrant communities, language varieties, and dialects across the Black diaspora, queer pedagogies, and play at the intersection of race, gender, disability, and language.Rooted in belonging: critical place-based learning in early childhood and elementary teacher education by Christopher P. Brown (Foreword, Series ed.); Nancy File (Series ed.); Melissa Sherfinski; Sharon Hayes
Publication Date: 2023This book offers a counternarrative to neoliberal standardized preservice teacher development and assessment processes. The author examines how a cohort of teacher educators worked alongside their preservice teachers--both groups predominately White and female--to redesign their teacher education program.Social and emotional learning for advanced children in early childhood: birth to 8 by Bronwyn MacFarlane and Ellen Honeck
Publication Date: 2023This book illuminates the complexities of social and emotional learning (SEL) during early childhood and provides readers with supportive tools to enhance and advance social and emotional skills among young children within their homes and classrooms.Theories of early childhood education : developmental, behaviorist, and critical by Lynn E. Cohen; Sandra Waite-Stupiansky
Publication Date: 2023"Theories of Early Childhood Education continues to provide a comprehensive overview of the various theoretical perspectives in early childhood education from developmental psychology to critical studies, Piaget to Freire."Transforming early years policy in the U.S.: a call to action by Mark K. Nagasawa (Ed.); Mariana Souto-Manning (Foreword; Lacey Peters (Ed.); Marianne N. Bloch (Ed.); Beth Blue Swadener (Ed.); Nancy File (Series ed.); Christopher P. Brown (Series ed.)
Publication Date: 2023This timely collection provides an accessible discussion and analysis of some of the most urgent policy issues facing early childhood care and education in the United States: fragmented policy systems; broad disregard for early years professionals exemplified by low pay; standards that fail to increase equity; and overlooking the role community contexts plays in producing or ameliorating social inequalities among children.Trauma-informed practices for early childhood educators: relationship-based approaches that reduce stress, build resilience and support healing in young children by Julie Nicholson; Linda Perez; Julie Kurtz; Shawn Bryant; Drew Giles
Publication Date: 2023This second edition of Trauma-Informed Practices for Early Childhood Educators continues to guide childcare providers and early educators working with infants, toddlers, preschoolers and early elementary-aged children to understand trauma as well as its impact on young children's brains, behavior, learning and development. The book covers a range of trauma-responsive teaching strategies that readers can use to create strength-based environments that support children's health, healing and resiliency.We are the change we seek: advancing racial justice in early care and education by Christopher P. Brown (Series ed.); Iheoma U. Iruka; Tonia R. Durden; Kerry-Ann Escayg; Stephanie M. Curenton; Nancy File (Series ed.)
Publication Date: 2023This timely book will help early care and education teachers, leaders, administrators, coaches, and staff deliver on the promise of high-quality education for all children. The authors provide inspiration, practical tools, and resources through the culturally responsive, anti-bias, anti-racist (CRABAR) framework.Young investigators: the project approach in the early years by Judy Harris Helm; Lilian G. Katz; Rebecca Wilson
Publication Date: 2023Young Investigators has been expanded to guide today's teachers through the process of conducting meaningful investigations with young children. This fourth edition of the bestseller begins with a new chapter, "How Children Really Learn," which summarizes insights from mind-brain education research, showing how experiences firmly rooted in children's curiosity and interest build intellectual capacity.
Child care justice: transforming the system of care for young children by Maurice Sykes (Ed.); Kyra Ostendorf (Ed.); Barbara T. Bowman (Foreword); William. Ayers (Series ed.); Therese Quinn (Series ed.)
Publication Date: 2022This volume disrupts mental models regarding where the work of early care and education began--with enslaved African women--and how the stigma of that beginning relegates present-day child care workers to a low-status, low-wage field of practice. Expert authors contribute their wisdom, experience, research, and practical knowledge on issues related to equity and social justice.Culturally sustaining language and literacy practices for pre-K-3 classrooms: the children come full by Kindel Turner Nash
Publication Date: 2022Literacy educators are often unequipped to help young children contend with the world we inhabit, where linguistic, literate, and cultural pluralism are not always valued or sustained. In fact, educators are routinely bombarded by programs that position literacy as a simple, one-size-fits-all practice. This resource will help pre-K-3 teachers create and interpret literacy teaching processes, practices, and spaces that honor and extend children's fullness.Digital tools for learning, creating, & thinking: developmentally appropriate strategies for early childhood educators by Victoria B. Fantozzi
Publication Date: 2022Children are growing up with technologies as part of their daily lives at home and in school. For educators, it is important to understand how to use technologies to promote learning in developmentally appropriate ways. This book helps you make thoughtful, informed decisions that will enhance what you are already doing to support children's learning.Embracing alternatives to homework in early childhood: research and pedagogies by Angela Eckhoff
Publication Date: 2022Providing readers with a robust, practical understanding of how young children build knowledge, this book offers a critical examination of the ways traditional homework fails young children, and how alternatives can better build collaborative engagement with families while supporting learning across all content areas.Finnish early childhood education and care: a multi-theoretical perspective on research and practice by Heidi Harju-Luukkainen (Ed.); Jonna Kangas (Ed.); Susanne Garvis (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022This book highlights contemporary questions around Early Childhood Education in Finland. It explores a range of issues relating to policies and practices in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC). The book features many aspects of the so-called Nordic model that is evident in different practices and policies of the Finnish ECEC system. Among others topics, it discusses playful learning, storycrafting, scientific literacy, pedagogical leadership, family-related variables, and Sami language learning.Global citizenship education for young children: practice in the preschool classroom by Robin Elizabeth Hancock
Publication Date: 2022Designed to assist educators of young children in building awareness of their roles as members of a global community in an increasingly divided world, this essential guide is an illuminating resource which answers the question: Is it possible to teach global citizenship in the first five years of life? Global Citizenship Education for Young Children takes a close look at the practice of two preschools with vastly different histories, curricula and demographics and introduces readers to the range of possibilities that exist within early childhood global citizenship education.Handbook of research on adapting remote learning practices for early childhood and elementary school classrooms by Ashley Courtney-Dattola (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022The Handbook of Research on Adapting Remote Learning Practices for Early Childhood and Elementary School Classrooms is a critical resource to assist teachers as they develop online teaching practices and work to cater to young students so that they can receive the strongest benefits from their education. Through coverage of topics such as hybrid learning and parental involvement, paired with sample lesson plans, course formats, concepts, ideas, and additional components to further the body of research pertaining to remote learning, this book is tremendously beneficial to administrators, researchers, academicians, practitioners, instructors, and students.The impact of COVID-19 on early childhood education and care: international perspectives, challenges, and responses by Jyotsna Pattnaik (Ed.); Mary Renck Jalongo (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022This collection brings together a diverse group of scholars from throughout the world who have grappled with and investigated the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the lives of young children. Profound changes have occurred in all facets of early childhood education and care (ECEC). Young children and their families, college students enrolled in teacher preparation programs, inservice teachers/caregivers, and postsecondary faculty have endured prolonged periods of quarantine, disruption, stress, and grief precipitated by the pandemic.Investigating STEM with infants and toddlers (birth-3) by Beth Dykstra Van Meeteren (Ed.); Sherri Peterson (Ed.); Rosemary Geiken; Jill Uhlenberg; Sonia Yoshizawa
Publication Date: 2022The premiere book in the STEM for Our Youngest Learners Series introduces the Infant Toddler Inquiry Learning Model, a new way to think about how young children (birth-age 3) explore, think, and learn STEM concepts. The book also demonstrates how the Inquiry Teaching Model can guide teachers in implementing STEM experiences for this age group.Piaget and Vygotsky in XXI century: discourse in early childhood education by Nikolay Veraksa (Ed.); Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022The book provides a comprehensive analyses of Vygotsky's and Piaget's theories implementation in modern preschool education. It analyzes the problem of the relationship between the natural and the cultural in the context of Vygotsky and Jean Piaget theories.Play and STEM education in the early years: international policies and practices by Sue Dale Tunnicliffe (Ed.); Teresa Kennedy (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022This edited book provides an overview of unstructured and structured play scenarios crucial to developing young children's awareness, interest, and ability to learn Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) in informal and formal education environments. The key elements for developing future STEM capital, enabling children to use their intuitive critical thinking and problem-solving abilities, and promoting active citizenship and a scientifically literate workforce, begins in the early years as children learn through play, employing trial and error, and often investigating on their own.Provision of psychosocial support and education of vulnerable children by Simon George Taukeni (Ed.); Joyce Mathwasa (Ed.); Zoleka Ntshuntshe (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2022Provision of Psychosocial Support and Education of Vulnerable Children highlights the plight of children and explores a transdisciplinary and multisectoral approach in providing sustainable psychosocial support to have quality education that is inclusive of 21st century skills. Childhood is an inimitable experience that is common to every individual child in the world irrespective of their ethnicity, culture, or any other arbitrary extractor we choose to apply. Covering topics such as life skills education, psychosocial support, and holistic integration...Sing & sign for young children: a guide for early childhood professionals by Anne Meeker Watson; Becky Bailey (Foreword)
Publication Date: 2022Research shows that teaching sign language to all young children has a wide range of benefits, from enhancing social-emotional and preliteracy skills to supporting positive parent-child relationships. With Sing & Sign for Young Children, early childhood professionals will have a fun, easy, and highly effective way to teach and practice key ASL sign vocabulary through music and play during everyday classroom routines.STEM education in the early years by Kevin Larkin; Thomas Lowrie
Publication Date: 2022This book analyses and synthesises past and current approaches to STEM Education in the Early Years, particularly the role of digital technologies and play based pedagogies, and provides a look forward to a new way of conceiving STEM Education.Technology and critical literacy in early childhood by Vivian Maria Vasquez; Carol Branigan Felderman; Bryan Woods
Publication Date: 2022Now in its second edition, this popular text explores classrooms where technology and critical literacies are woven into childhood curricula and teaching. Using real-world stories, it addresses what ICTs afford critical literacy with young children, and how new technologies can be positioned to engage in meaningful and authentic learning.
Embedding STEAM in early childhood education and care by Caroline Cohrssen (Ed.); Susanne Garvis (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2021This book approaches STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics) in early childhood education from multiple angles. It focuses on the teaching and learning of children from two years of age to the early years of school. Proponents of STEAM describe how it can create opportunities for children to learn creatively, and various chapter authors make strong connections between discipline areas within the context of an informal curriculum.Emotionally responsive practice: a path for schools that heal, infancy-grade 6 by Lesley Koplow
Publication Date: 2021In her new book, Lesley Koplow explores the Emotionally Responsive Practice (ERP) approach designed to support children and teachers' emotional well-being in the public-school setting. ERP encourages school staff to look at children through the lens of child development, as well as through the lens of their life experiences, in order to help them resolve foundational social and emotional milestones. Unlike many SEL programs, ERP asks adults to consider the ways that educational philosophy and school climate impact emotional, social, and cognitive outcomes for young children.Handbook of research on empowering early childhood educators with technology by Jade Burris (Ed.); Dina Rosen (Ed.); Donna Karno (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2021The Handbook of Research on Empowering Early Childhood Educators With Technology examines best practices that focus specifically on those that facilitate the development of competencies in teaching young children (birth to age 8) and technology integration. The chapters include information on the foundations of technology in early childhood education, content-specific technology applications, developmentally appropriate practices (DAP) for learners using technology, and how to meet diverse learner needs with technology.Handbook of research on innovative approaches to early childhood development and school readiness by Anastasia Lynn Betts (Ed.); Khanh-Phuong Thai (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2021The Handbook of Research on Innovative Approaches to Early Childhood Development and School Readiness assembles the most current research and thought-leadership on the ways in which innovative education stakeholders are working together to impact the most critical years in a child's life--the years leading up to and including kindergarten. Covering topics such as change agency, experience quality, and social-emotional development...The inclusive classroom: creating a cherished experience through Montessori by Ginger Kelley McKenzie; Victoria S. Zascavage; Vanessa M. Rigaud; Crystal Dahlmeier; My Le N. Vo
Publication Date: 2021The Inclusive Classroom: Creating a Cherished Experience through Montessori brings together experts in Montessori Education and Special Education for the 3- to 6-year-old child in Montessori school.Mastering math manipulatives, grades K-3: hands-on and virtual activities for building and connecting mathematical ideas by Sara Delano Moore; Kimberly Ann Rimbey
Publication Date: 2021Put math manipulatives to work in your classroom and make teaching and learning math both meaningful and productive. Whether physical or virtual, commercial or home-made, manipulatives are a powerful learning tool to help students discover and represent mathematical concepts.Mindset mathematics : visualizing and investigating big ideas. Grade 1 by Jo Boaler; Jen Munson; Cathy Williams
Publication Date: 2021Engage students in mathematics using growth mindset techniques The most challenging parts of teaching mathematics are engaging students and helping them understand the connections between mathematics concepts. In this volume, you'll find a collection of low floor, high ceiling tasks that will help you do just that, by looking at the big ideas at the first-grade level through visualization, play, and investigation.Physical education initiatives for early childhood learners by Pedro Gil-Madrona
Publication Date: 2021Physical Education Initiatives for Early Childhood Learners offers globalized educational practices, didactic approaches, and proposals for intervention around motor development in the children ages 0-6 years. The book specifically explores laterality, coordination, relaxation, rhythm, etc. and how these are achieved through games, music, and motor stories.Tackling anxiety in schools: lessons for children aged 3-13 by Chris Calland; Nicky Hutchinson
Publication Date: 2021"Anxiety is the biggest mental health problem in children, and research tells us it's on the rise. Modern life creates many challenges and pressures for them and the Covid-19 pandemic has only added to this growing problem. Tackling Anxiety in Schools supports all children to get into good habits of recognising their feelings of anxiety, and equips them with a repertoire of coping strategies they can use in their day to day lives."
(Re)defining success in language learning: positioning, participation and young emergent bilinguals at school by Katie A. Bernstein
Publication Date: 2020This book follows four emergent bilingual students in an English-medium pre-kindergarten in the US as they navigate the social and linguistic demands of school. It illustrates how students' differing classroom social positions shaped their participation in interaction and, in turn, their English language learning across a school year. With a unique focus on both processes and outcomes, the book highlights language strategies that are overlooked if the focus is solely on one language or on group participation, and it emphasizes the importance of assessment choice in shaping which learners appear to be successful.Creating an Anti-Racist Culture in the Early Years by Sandra Smidt
Publication Date: 2020At a time of growing evidence of racism across many countries and cultures, Creating an Anti-Racist Culture in the Early Years will help those working with young children recognise racism, name it for what it is and help their young pupils understand that difference is nothing to be feared.Early childhood education and the student empowerment program by Mario C. Barbiere and Jane C. Wiatr
Publication Date: 2020This book spotlights The Student Empowerment Program(c) and is the foundation for a positive climate and culture in the early childhood classroom. The program is detailed chapter by chapter and addresses the nature of the learner from play and exploration to technology, to rubrics and assessments.Embracing math: cultivating a mindset for exploring and learning by Deanna Pecaski McLennan
Publication Date: 2020Discover what math teaching and learning looks like in the playful, emergent environment of the early childhood classroom. Every day, children explore math concepts in their conversations and interactions. You can build on that natural curiosity by engaging children in meaningful, complex math learning opportunities that are grounded in their observations and questions.International perspectives on modern developments in early childhood education by Cristina A. Huertas-Abril; M. Elena Gómez-Parra
Publication Date: 2020International Perspectives on Modern Developments in Early Childhood Education identifies ways of intertwining key areas of early childhood education, including international approaches, intercultural education, bilingual/plurilingual education, and the role of play and toys as means for meaningful intercultural and multilingual learning.Planting the Seeds of Equity by Ruchi Agarwal-Rangnath; Patrick Camangian (Foreword by)
Publication Date: 2020Bringing together an inspirational group of educators, this book provides key insights into what it means to implement social justice ideals with young children.Professional and ethical consideration for early childhood leaders by Denise D. Cunningham (Ed.)
Publication Date: 2020Professional and Ethical Consideration for Early Childhood Leaders crafts an overall understanding of the importance of early childhood leadership in today's schools. The book employs strategies to improve support for children in early childhood years, examines the different roles of early childhood leadership, analyzes best practices for implementation in early childhood contexts, and explores improvements for leadership preparation for schools with pre-k through third-grade children.What if we taught the way children learn?: more straight talk about bettering education and children's lives by Rae Pica
Publication Date: 2020To help students experience joy and discovery, while also preparing them for future schooling, we need to understand the connection between how they develop and how they learn. Pica brings decades of experience in education to advocate for this change.
- Last Updated: Feb 4, 2025 4:26 PM
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